I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 350: meet acquaintances

Chapter 351 Meeting an Acquaintance

The blood moon hangs high, and the wind howls.

The world after 1500 belongs to domain creatures, full of killing and cruelty.

Time has changed, and time has diluted everything. Only the decayed building remains can prove that there were traces of human existence on this land.

At this time, on the wreckage in the north corner of the building, the small botanical garden that was originally dense was swept away under the crazy slaughter of Fengqi and Sucker.

The battle ended, and Feng Qi's blood source form faded away.

The flesh and blood on the surface of the body turned into a blood-colored mist and drifted away with the wind, revealing the ferocious skeleton under the flesh and blood, and the beating soul fire in his head made him even more evil.

Calling up the attribute panel, Feng Qi looked at the harvest this time with anticipation.

The field plants in the small botanical garden have many types of the same type, and he can only obtain the natural ability once for the same type of creature, so the natural ability harvested this time is not many.

In addition to the [Moon Harmony] and [Blood Spike Assault] that he obtained initially, he also obtained three natural abilities.

They are:

[Deadly Pollen (Active Ability)]:

Ability introduction: Convert the blood in the body into deadly pollen, and release it through the mouth, ears, nose and other parts. Enemies who come into contact with the deadly pollen will continue to be poisoned and have a slight hypnotic effect. The specific effect depends on the physical strength of the enemy. .

[Burst Fruit (Active Ability)]:

Ability introduction: Transform the energy and blood in the body into bursting fruits, spit towards the target, and cause explosive damage to the target. The scattered fruits of the bursting will grow rapidly after touching the ground, and generate new small bursting fruits to attack the enemy (can be used mentally manipulation).

These two natural abilities can't be said to be useless, it can only be said to be useless.

Regarding the innate abilities provided by monsters in the plant field, Feng Qi was too lazy to complain.

This type of ability is more like a summoning ability. While controlling the field, he constantly summons various plants to fight, which is completely inconsistent with his fighting style.

[Kill more plants in the field, maybe you can have a plant vs. zombies, you just need to summon a small botanical garden, stand there, lie down and let the plants help you hunt the monsters in the field, and you will become stronger... Of course, this The efficiency of lying down and becoming stronger is bound to be very low, and you will still die when Xiao Hei arrives. 】

Ignoring the narration's complaints, Feng Qi focused his attention on the fifth talent ability.

This innate ability was obtained after he killed the ancient tree.

The ancient tree's ability was extremely strong, if it wasn't for the suction cup, it would have taken a lot of effort for him to kill it.

[Dragon Tree Blood (Passive Innate Ability)]:

Content introduction: The blood has the effect of dragon sap, which has a strong healing effect and a weak effect of destroying evil. The specific effect depends on the strength of the blood.

The fifth natural ability seems to Feng Qi to be quite good.

And it's his favorite passive ability.

As for the other four innate abilities, they are worthless in his opinion. After returning to reality, they will be devoured and disassembled by the three tails, and the obtained innate evolution points will continue to be used to improve the "blood source".

At this time, the voice of the narrator sounded in his mind:

[Hey, your blood is more valuable for research, and it has healing effects after drinking it. Next time, let the old woman draw more... Forget it, just drain it, anyway, you won’t die if you drain it. 】

Ignoring the narration's complaints, Feng Qi turned his head to look at the sucker not far away.

I saw the sucker lying in front of the broken ancient tree, lowering its head and gulping the juice from the trunk of the ancient tree.

The small sucker in the feeding state is like a water pump, the juice stored in the trunk of the ancient tree drops at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sucker who is not satisfied simply jumps into the trunk of the ancient tree to drink.

The jade-colored streamer flowed on the surface of the sucker, and the scarlet rune spar on the arm shone even brighter, as if it was helping the sucker digest the energy pouring into the body and transform it into scarlet energy.

[I understand why the old woman put the sucker into a deep sleep. How can this thing be kept in the secret base? It is already very poor, but you still need to feed your brain. If you raise this little glutton, it is estimated that all members of Scarlet You can't eat or drink... Maybe the little sucker is so hungry that he can eat your brain. 】

Feng Qi: ...

After a short wait, the sucker jumped up from the trunk of the ancient tree with a mass of milky white bamboo shoots in his arms, and landed in front of him.

In Fengqi's surprised expression, the little sucker turned milky white bamboo shoots towards his hands:

ω) Ah Qi, eat!"

Looking down at his leaky body, Feng Qi regretfully shook his head:

"You eat, I'm not hungry."

When the sucker heard this, a puzzled expression appeared on his face, but he didn't ask any further questions. He opened his mouth and stuffed the milky white bamboo shoots that were about the size of his body into his mouth, chewed and swallowed them.

On the feeding sucker, Feng Qi saw Mu Qing's shadow.

When he first met Mu Qing, he was in the cafeteria of Star City Academy. The table was full of food debris and Mu Qing was eating gluttonously, which was particularly fresh in his memory.

The suction cup that finished eating shook its body at this time, and the viscous liquid attached to the body surface immediately scattered and splashed, and the jade-colored streamer swept across, and the sap stained on the body was washed and slid off.


With the sound of cheers, Feng Qi only felt his chest sink.

Looking down at the small suction cup that was tightly attached, Feng Qi couldn't laugh or cry.

The name Sucker is the name given by the narrator during the first few future dream trips.

The reason was that the suction cup was very sticky to him, like a suction cup was always firmly attached to his chest.

That name has now become what Sucker really is.

In other timelines, Sucker originally had other names.

For example, the residents of Star City in other timelines enshrined Sucker as the patron saint of Star City after the Silvermoon Clan invasion ended.

After the sucker battle at that time, he was seriously injured, and the scarlet color in his eyes faded and turned into white pupils, so he was named "White Pupils" by the people of Star City.

But that's not really the name of the sucker.

Wei Wei in other timelines refers to Sucker as "Little Mu Qing", or good daughter.

Now under his influence, Wei Wei will also call the breathing disk a suction cup, and has never changed other names.

So in the future timeline, the name of the sucker has basically been decided.

Stretching out his hand to pinch Succulent Fendudu's little head, Feng Qi walked towards the east.

At this moment, a deafening roar came from a distance, followed by a howling wind, and the wreckage of buildings all over the ground was blown up by the wind, flying across the sight.

Feng Qi turned his head and looked towards the north where the voice came from.

I saw a giant creature with a height of more than 100 meters roaring in his direction. It was shaped like an orangutan, with red hair on its body and a tuft of black hair between its eyebrows.

What is certain is that the target of this domain creature is not him, and his eyes are not focused on him.

At this time, it seemed very restless, continuously roaring in his direction, setting off gusts of wind, and a look of fear appeared in its eyes.

[Why are you shouting so loudly, you can't sleep because of the noise, Ah Qi is killing it! 】

"Can I beat it?"

Hearing the narration's words, Feng Qi was eager to try.

Compared with plant-type domain creatures, he prefers to hunt and kill such flesh-and-blood domain creatures. Maybe he can obtain an excellent ability that suits his fighting style.

[You are definitely not an opponent, how many catties do you have? But you have suckers, and the current suckers are far stronger than any of your previous timelines... This type of domain monster is really strong, and it is estimated that they can support the suckers. 】

After confirming that he could hunt and kill, Feng Qi suddenly had an idea.

But just when he was about to go north with the suction cup to hunt the orangutan, he saw a black spot appearing in front of the orangutan, and quickly spread into a circle of black holes.

A terrifying giant hand larger than the orangutan protruded from the black hole.

Dense spatial cracks appeared as the giant hand moved forward, and the strong wind swept across. Feng Qi, who was standing extremely far away, needed hard support to stabilize his figure.

In Fengqi's unbelievable expression, the giant hand grabbed the red-haired orangutan.

The red-haired orangutan screamed fiercely, and then howled continuously towards the black hole in space, as if begging for mercy.

But the mysterious giant hand ignored the orangutan's resistance. At this moment, the giant hand withdrew and dragged the orangutan into the black space channel.

Then there was a clear chewing sound coming from within.

The black hole in space slowly dissipated, and the terrifying coercion also disappeared.

Feng Qi: ...

This scene is really abrupt, but full of visual shock.

Looking at the direction where the giant hand disappeared, Feng Qi fell into deep thought.

Today, 1500 years later, he doesn't know much about what the world pattern has become.

Compared with the constantly updated information on the sacrifice line, in the future dream, he always wandered around the ruins of the Star City, and never went further.

Little is known about this futuristic world.

It is only occasionally that some terrifying creatures have been spotted at a glance.

For example, in the west direction, in the cloud and mist accompanied by lightning and thunder, the stalwart figure occasionally appeared, standing there like a **** who opened up the world, even if he was separated from a long distance, he could still feel the coercion from it.

Another example is the sky behemoth that often flies over the ruins of the Star City. Its spread wings are like dark clouds covering the sky and the sun. Every time it **** its wings, it can bring a storm to the earth.

There's also the Chimera Demon Egg lying across the road heading north.

There is also the last future dream, traveling through space to find his dark god.


Through these terrifying lives, Feng Qi understands that the pattern of this world is far more cruel than the Cold War 1500 years ago.

At this time, it should have entered the final competition before the general trend.

A large number of domain forces and domain monsters that did not appear 1500 years ago have appeared one after another.

In the cruel battle for survival resources, only the strongest ethnic forces can stand up to now, and the weak have already been eliminated.

And among the top ethnic groups who have plundered a lot of resources, there is bound to be a **** offensive.

This world is like a Gu farm.

With his current strength, he was indeed almost invincible in the ruins of Star City, an abandoned land without any resources, beating everything violently.

But if you want to challenge the top ethnic group standing on the top of the world, your strength is still far behind.

Thinking of this, the soul fire in Fengqi's head jumped.

Looking at the direction where the giant hand disappeared, wild hope was ignited in his heart.

He longs for one day to come to the future world 1500 years later, where he can gather with the peak human race and challenge the top race in the domain world together.

In the human race at that time, everyone was like a dragon, not weaker than any top-level power in the field.

He will win the battle for hegemony among all races with the people of the future, and face the final situation.

At this time, the voice of the narrator sounded in his mind, interrupting his thoughts.

[Little brother, I'm going to jump out and interrupt you at this time. As the saying goes, a journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step. You didn't go far, and you wanted to fly to the end? Hurry up and become stronger, Xiao Hei warns for the first time! 】

Ignoring the narration's warning, Feng Qi continued eastward with his suction cup in his arms.

Along the way, his eyes scanned the surrounding environment.

At this time, he really hoped that some domain monsters would come to attack on their own initiative.

It allows him to harvest his innate abilities, as well as his bloodline evolution points, and take a small step towards a new evolution.

There are dilapidated scenes everywhere along the way.

The exposed steel bars of the building wreckage have been rusted by time, and they will break with a slight step. The road along the way is full of cracks and uneven, and lush plants have grown in many bulging places.

Traces belonging to humans are about to be completely erased.

Feng Qi, who was not satisfied with the walking speed, chose to run at this time. He planned to continue to travel east to explore more secrets of the future world.

Understand the power distribution pattern of this world as much as possible.

During this period, you may be able to learn a lot of useful intelligence information.

At this time, the voice of the narrator sounded in my mind:

[If you want to understand the future world structure, I think you can follow the old woman's suggestion and go to the old school to study domain studies. The most important thing is to learn more domain languages... After all, apart from the domain forces lurking in human society Well, the forces in the outside domain don't know how to speak human language, so if communication is difficult, don't even think about obtaining information. 】

Feng Qi agrees with the narration's reminder.

On the previous battle line, he suffered a disadvantage because he did not have a deep understanding of domain science, and he knew nothing about the text of the domain world, which led to missing many opportunities to obtain information.

Coupled with the fact that in the future, human beings will inevitably face the cruel scene of tens of thousands of races competing for hegemony, learning domain science will indeed help him obtain information and understand the habits of forces in various domains.

He decided to add the proposal of going to the old school to study field studies into the future line planning.

Maybe at that time, there will be a chance to contact the Psionic Race and learn more useful information.

As for whether to leave for the next timeline, he plans to wait until he returns to reality before making a long-term plan.

During the fast running, the sucker stood on his right shoulder, held his head with his left hand, leaned over and raised his right hand high, posing a posture facing the strong wind.

After running wildly for a while, a domain creature blocking the way appeared in his sight.

The appearance of this domain creature is very strange.

It has a humanoid body shape, about two meters tall, and wears a broken metal plate on its face, through which the mouth sewn with silk thread can be seen.

Its right hand holds a large hammer with a strange shape, and the end of the hammer can be seen wriggling with flesh and blood.

This domain monster is like a stitched monster, very ugly.

Feng Qi didn't stop. After running to bully the monster, a fierce knee bump hit the stitched creature's neck.


This fierce knee knocked the monster's head off.

The moment his feet hit the ground, Feng Qi grabbed the stitched creature's arm and threw it over his shoulder~lightnovelpub.net~click! "

There was a crisp sound of metal breaking, and the stitched monster fell heavily to the ground, its body split apart.

At this time, he was surprised to find that there was a boy with purple hair hidden in the body of the sewing monster.

The young man stood up slowly, looking at him with killing intent in his eyes.

For some reason, Feng Qi found this purple-haired boy very familiar.

After looking carefully, he suddenly exclaimed:

"Eh? Old fan?!"

Thanks to Indigo Forest Fenxue for the 5,000 starting coins.

Thank you for the 1,000 starting coins that can be rewarded by Zhen Wuming.

Today's update is over, everyone go to bed early~