I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 354: Protect Aqi

Chapter 355 Protect Aqi

Facing the questioning from the Lord of Mist, Feng Qi felt embarrassed.

He really couldn't answer this question.

Naturally, he would not have any misunderstandings about the Mist Lord's strength. His intention was very simple, he wanted this brother to go up and stab him in the ribs.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Feng Qi immediately turned his head to look, and saw a familiar figure jumping out of the bottomless tiankeng.

I saw the jade-colored electric arc around the sucker, broke free from the shackles of the black mist, and punched Xiao Hei fiercely.

Seeing that the sucker was fine, Feng Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

While swinging his fist, the scarlet light in the sucker's eyes exploded.

Faced with the sucker's violent punch, Xiao Hei waved his hand and took the sucker's attack in an unbelievably easy way.

This impact did not produce a shock wave, and it appeared extremely calm.

As the black mist surged, it seemed that all the kinetic energy was absorbed and digested by the black mist, without any energy tilting outward.

I saw Xiao Hei waved his hand a little, and the suction cup immediately floated up in the air and floated in front of it. Reaching out and flicking the suction cup's forehead, a crack appeared on the suction cup's forehead, and his expression became extremely painful.

The sucker clenched his fists, glared at Xiao Hei, and said in a childish voice:

"Protect... Aqi!"

The sucker's emotions fell to the brink of collapse again.

The scarlet rune spar then bloomed brightly, dazzling like the sun, and the blurred figure of the stalwart slowly descended on the top of the sucker, and the terrifying coercion radiated in all directions.

The sucker's body also moved slowly at this time, breaking free from the shackles of the black mist little by little, scarlet light seemed to overflow from his eyes, and two scarlet streamers were pulled out while his figure was shaking.

At this moment, Xiao Hei raised his head and looked at the mysterious phantom.

As they looked at each other, Xiaohei's body surface appeared a series of sacred scripts, as if he was resisting the extreme spiritual oppression brought by the mysterious beast.

When Xiao Hei and Fuzzy Phantom stared at each other, a scene that surprised Feng Qi happened.

I saw that the jumping frequency of the divine script on the small black body surface was getting faster and faster, and countless mysterious symbols appeared every second, as if analyzing information related to the fuzzy phantom.

Numerous symbols make different sounds while jumping, as if pieced together into a mysterious song.

Countless murmurs sounded in my ears out of thin air, as if they were telling a story imprinted on the source of the long river of history, and a heavy sense of historical mottled came to my face.

Feng Qi couldn't understand what the story was about.

Among the countless murmurs, each voice seems to tell a completely different story. Countless voices interweave to compose an ancient ballad imprinted with the stories of the ancient times.

While listening, I seem to see many pictures, but these pictures cannot be understood at all.

Even the Lord of the Mist standing beside Fengqi fell into the heavy sense of history brought by the ancient ballad at this time, unable to extricate himself, his eyes gradually blurred.

After an unknown amount of time, the divine script on Xiao Hei's body suddenly stopped beating.

Looking at the mysterious phantom hovering over the suction cup's head, Xiao Hei slowly raised his right hand and pressed it on the suction cup's forehead, ignoring the strong sense of oppression brought by the mysterious phantom, trying to attack the suction cup again.

Fortunately, the sucker broke free at this time, and threw a fist to meet it.

The moment the black mist hand came into contact with the jade-colored arcing fist, it did not disperse the black mist, let alone set off the energy aftermath that should have occurred during the collision.

The power of this punch seemed to have dissipated out of thin air the moment it came into contact with the black mist.

Facing the almost helpless Xiao Hei, the sucker did not give in, and once again punched him with his left hand.

Scarlet red appeared in the jade-colored electric arc lingering around his body in an instant, and countless fist shadows enveloped the entire sky, falling on Xiao Hei like raindrops.

But no matter how the suckers attack, they still can't break Xiao Hei's body surface defense.

In the physical state, Xiao Hei is like an indelible eternal creature. Spreading ripples appeared on the hit position on the body surface, but did not cause any damage to it.

I saw Xiao Hei raised his hand towards the sucker again.

Suddenly a circle of ripples appeared in front of the sucker, the scarlet light in the sucker's eyes dimmed instantly, the figure suddenly flew upside down, plowed a distance back after landing, and pulled out a long dust dragon.

Seeing the sucker falling into a disadvantage, Feng Qi felt distressed and wanted to rush up several times.

But he held back.

He knew he couldn't help the sucker with his hand.

He can't intervene in this level of battle at all, and will only be instantly killed by Xiao Hei.

[Brother, don't look, Xiao Hei is obviously serious this time, the sucker is obviously still unable to detect the upper limit of Xiao Hei's combat power, take advantage of the sucker can still hold Xiao Hei and leave quickly, explore the future world more, and hunt more at the same time Kill some creatures in the field to improve their strength. 】

Hearing the narration's reminder, Feng Qi felt ruthless, ready to leave immediately.

Looking at the sucker who turned over and jumped up in the distance, a touch of distress appeared in his heart again.

The sucker was also looking at him at this time, the pain on her face was immediately covered up, she smiled and stretched out her hand to wipe off the dust on her face, and shouted happily:

o▽)oAqi...the sucker is not injured!"

Hearing these words, Feng Qi felt a pain in his heart.

He can be sure that the sucker has been injured, and even the surface of the scarlet rune spar inlaid on his body has cracks.

The sucker said this, obviously not wanting to worry him.

▽`) Ah Qi goes first, the sucker will soon follow!"

The cry of the sucker came from a distance again, and when I looked up, I saw the sucker waving, signaling him to leave first:

"Oh shit!"

While clenching his fists, the soul fire in Feng Qi's head throbbed violently.

[Calm down, it's time to go, this is the fate of the sucker, if you want to change her fate, you have to become stronger. 】

Feng Qi knew that what the narrator said was correct.

This is Wei Wei's fate for the sucker, and the end of the sucker has been doomed since the day he was born.

The initial ideal of Mu Qing, the clone of Scarlet Research Institute, was to create a super soldier.

This is an important part of the Scarlet Research Institute's concept of saving the world.

The Scarlet Research Institute sent a large number of biochemical transformation fighters to the domain world, trying to cut off the connection between the human world and the domain world in this way, in exchange for the future stability of the human world.

But every soldier who was sent away has never returned, and there has been no news of it.

The original intention of the super soldier project was to create a super soldier comparable to Mu Qing, and let her go to the domain world to walk the road of salvation again.

At the beginning of its birth, the sucker shouldered the mission of saving the world, and it is the future in the eyes of the Scarlet Research Institute.

It's just that the plan changed after contacting him.

The Scarlet Research Institute realized that all efforts were futile, and later gradually realized that their imagined plan of sending fighters to the domain world to cut off space nodes was impossible to realize.

If it is possible to cut off the space connection node, Tongtian Warrior has already done so.

For this reason, the Scarlet Research Institute poured all its hopes on him, and wanted to accompany him through every sacrifice line, overcome all difficulties and dangers together, until reaching the ideal shore.

The clone Mu Qing's plan has also changed from creating a savior to creating a super soldier to assist him.

The Scarlet Research Institute's definition of a sucker has thus changed.

Especially this line of war.

From the moment the sucker was cloned, he had already shouldered the fate of fighting Xiao Hei to the death.

It's also the task that's been drilled into the sucker's mind.

Protect Ah Qi.

These four words are very heavy.

1500 years of long sleep, just to wake up to face an invincible enemy.

If the ideal future is realized, the sucker will have no meaning of existence.

The premise of her existence is Mu Qing's sacrifice.

But if one day the perfect ideal future can be achieved, Mu Qing will not die, and the sucker will not be born.

At this moment, Feng Qi felt sorry for the sucker.

Regardless of whether the ending is perfect or broken, it seems that Sucker is destined to be a tragedy.

At this moment, the voice of the narrator sounded in his mind.

[Brother, don’t panic, I believe that you in the future will be able to reshape a perfect sucker. Even without the blessing of scarlet runes, you can replace it with other energy cores, or even copy a scarlet rune spar...but only if you want There is bound to be a long way to go to reach that state, even far higher than the peak that old fans say. 】

The words of the narration swept away a lot of haze in Feng Qi's heart.

In addition to the improvement of his own strength mentioned by the narration, he also thought of miracle items with various magical functions. Perhaps there is a miracle item that can achieve the perfect creation mentioned by the narration.

Thinking of this, he had no idea of ​​continuing to watch the battle.

The current sucker is like sacrificing every fellow in the line, and the sacrifice is just to make him move forward better.

And his best reward is to make the sacrifices of the victims worthwhile.

"Old fan, let's go."

After the words fell, Feng Qi turned around and walked away.

At this time, the Lord of the Mist followed him and said curiously:

"What about that little sucker? Are you going to give it up?"

Facing the inquiry from the Mist Lord, Feng Qi shook his head and said:

"Without giving up, she will come back to me."

It's just that it won't be on this future line... At the end, Feng Qi added another sentence in his heart.

The Mist Lord who heard these words was very puzzled, and then continued to ask:

"And what is the life in the form of black mist just now, and why it suffered continuous heavy blows without the slightest damage."

"It's called Xiao Hei, and I don't know the exact origin, anyway, it's chasing me now."

"Why did you hunt you down? What did you do?"

"I stole the tribute in front of its ancestor's tombstone!" Feng Qi said angrily, and then started to run.

The Lord of the Mist was stunned when he heard these words, obviously unable to understand the meaning behind these words.

Half an hour later, Feng Qi and the Mist Lord arrived at the edge of the city ruins.

This area has been completely occupied by lush plants, only occasionally the remains of buildings buried in the soil can be seen.

Thinking of the sucker, Feng Qi feels distressed.

He doesn't know how long the sucker can last this time, and all he has to do is to use the time the sucker buys him to become stronger.

During the rush, superimposed negative emotions have been affecting him.

This also caused the hostility in his heart to continue to increase, and he urgently needed to vent.

After continuing to advance for a certain distance, a group of domain creatures appeared in the sight of Feng Qi and the Mist Lord.

Their appearance is somewhat similar to the Tyrannosaurus rex in science fiction movies. They stand on two thick hind legs, and their forelimbs are thin and thin like sickles, shining coldly under the blood moon.

There are more than a dozen of these domain creatures, and half of their bodies are hidden in the dense twisted plants. They stare at them with eyes that are flickering with faint green light, as if they are judging whether they can become prey.

At this time, the leading creature suddenly jumped out of the grass, tentatively roared hoarsely at them, and suddenly attacked them.

However, after advancing a few steps ferociously, seeing that neither Feng Qi nor the Mist Lord responded, the dinosaur-like domain creature suddenly jumped back swiftly.

Obviously, the feint attack just now was just to test the prey's reaction, so as to judge the prey's strength.

"It's pretty smart, but it's a pity that I'm going to eat it!" A bloodthirsty surface appeared on the lazy face of the Mist Lord, and he was about to make a move.

The Mist Lord's method of judging the strength of his prey is very simple.

He was born with a strong sense of qi and blood, and the strength of qi and blood on the prey was clearly visible like the combat power value.

This method of judging the strength of the enemy and the enemy is not effective for elemental life, but it is very effective for blood life.

Having ascertained the strength of the qi and blood in the prey, the Mist Lord appeared very calm.

But just when the Mist Lord was about to turn into a mist and go forward, Feng Qi reached out to stop him, and took the lead to walk towards the prey that looked like a dinosaur:

"let me!"

At this time, the negative emotions in Fengqi's heart have accumulated to the limit, and there is an urgent need to vent.

Glancing at Feng Qi whose soul fire was soaring in his head, the Mist Lord didn't speak, and watched Feng Qi approaching his prey.

At this time, Feng Qi's blood was exhausted, and he could no longer transform into a blood source form.

But even so, Feng Qi still has confidence in his own strength.

He is indeed not an opponent of those domain races and terrifying lives that will stand at the pinnacle of the future world, but he has no pressure in his heart when facing the weak domain creatures in the ruined area of ​​the city.

After approaching the leading domain creature, his figure suddenly quickened his pace, and his right arm made a sound of breaking the wind as he waved like a war blade.

The sudden explosion of Feng Qi caught this domain creature off guard, and its body leaped backwards like a spring.

But the speed of sealing chess is still faster.

After being bullied, the sharp hand bones suddenly pierced into the chest cavity of the creature in the domain, bringing up a handful of crimson red.

Seeing that the leader was injured, other creatures in the domain jumped out of the twisted vegetation, quickly approached, and opened their sharp teeth to bite Fengqi.

Facing the siege, Feng Qi didn't retreat, his right arm continued to advance through the flesh and blood barrier, grabbed the still beating heart, and crushed it without hesitation.

As the blood mist emerged from the leader's domain organism and was absorbed by his bones, Feng Qi's shriveled heart suddenly swelled slowly and began to beat.

At the same time, the besieging domain creatures opened their mouths and bit his shoulders, arms, and calves.

But this level of bite force can't do him any harm at all.

The density and hardness of his bones far surpassed the hardness of the teeth of creatures in these realms. The sharp teeth could only leave scratches on the surface of his bones, but they couldn't cause further damage.

Feng Qi made a move at this moment.

In the skeleton form, every part of his body can be the deadliest weapon, and every attack has its own sharpness.

In the blink of an eye, the eight domain creatures around him fell down~lightnovelpub.net~ The rest of the domain creatures failed to escape Feng Qi's pursuit during their escape, and fell into a pool of blood one after another.

After the battle, Feng Qi's depleted blood was replenished.

But just when he was about to open the attribute panel to check the newly acquired innate ability, he saw a cloud of gray fog floating in the distance, condensing into the form of the fog lord in front of him.

The Lord of the Mist looked at him helplessly and said:

"I now believe that you are my brother, but your absorption of energy and blood is obviously stronger than mine. I didn't absorb any energy and blood from the prey you killed along the way."

Feng Qi was about to respond, but a narration sounded in his mind:

[Perhaps the excrement of the old fan has a little bit of weak energy and blood, and your special constitution may be more efficient at absorbing energy and blood than that of the old fan! 】

Feng Qi: ...

Sorry for the late update today~