I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 396: training space

Chapter 397 Training Space (seeking a monthly pass)

Knowing the internal situation of the psionic clan, Feng Qi was very confused.

According to the existing information, the psionic tribe of the clan faction is very strong, and it seems unrealistic for Heixuan to train them to fight against the psionic clan of the clan faction.

After all, they are growing, and so are the psionics of the Clan faction.

In terms of resources, the psionic tribe of the clan faction is obviously better.

The members of the psionic tribe of the black and mysterious faction did not want to show that he understood, but training them to fight against the faction of the tribe was undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg.

Unless... Hei Xuan and the others have mastered a method that can make them grow and become stronger quickly.

"Heixuan, I'm very confused. Since you don't want to use us to test the strength of the faction of the clan, what is the purpose of training us?" The Misty Lord asked Feng Qi's doubts at this time.

"What I want is not a temptation. It is for you to check and balance the clan factions on our side, and not expose your relationship with us. During the period, I will provide you with the action plan of the clan factions. All you have to do is to grab the benefits, or It is to destroy the interests that may be obtained by them."

"Do you think we have that strength?" The Mist Lord said with a helpless expression.

"We have naturally considered this aspect, so I already have a detailed plan for improving your strength, and you only need to become stronger according to my plan."

As he spoke, Hei Xuan stretched out his finger and pointed to the large golden ball of light in front of him.

"This is a miraculous object that my family obtained by accident. Next, I will connect your consciousness with this miraculous item, and then I will cut off your connection with the Holy Spirit's consciousness pool. After all, you exist in the Holy Spirit's consciousness pool. It is very likely to be discovered by the clan faction, and there is a potential risk of exposing our plan."

At this moment, Hei Xuan floated in front of the golden light ball, and reached out to touch the golden light ball.

Immediately, the golden light sphere turned into a rotating black hole, and a strong suction came from it, as if it wanted to devour the soul.

"Don't resist the suction, then your consciousness will enter the inner space of this miraculous object, and there will be a secret that can guarantee you to become stronger!"

They have already entered the pit, Feng Qi and the Lord of Mist are naturally not afraid of traps inside.

Under the strong suction, their vision began to blur.

When the sight was clear again, they found that they had entered a spacious hall in the form of consciousness.

There are many strange props in the hall.

For example, stone piers with the same shape but different sizes, a wooden formation composed of a large number of wooden figures, and a huge cauldron like an alchemy furnace... At the end of the line of sight, there is a row of futons that look like they are used for meditation in temples.

The edge of the hall seemed to be torn apart by some kind of force, and it was uneven, showing a chaotic state like fog.

Looking up to one side, I saw the consciousness of the purple-haired youth looking at the inner space of this miraculous object curiously, as if analyzing the purpose of this space.

"Next, I will help you establish a connection with this miraculous item. In the future, you can go back and forth to this space at any time and train here."

"How to train?" Feng Qi asked Hei Xuan curiously.

Hei Xuan stretched out his fingers to the various props in front of him, and said with a smile:

"Those are training equipment. You can regard this place as a gym in the human world. These props are all fitness equipment, which can be used for exercise and growth."

Feng Qi: ...

Lord of the Mist: …

Feng Qi thought that the Psionic Race would give them a lot of resources needed for growth, or use special means to help them become stronger.

But never expected that they would be allowed to exercise here.

But since it is a miracle item, it must have the magical ability to ignore certain rules.

With curiosity, Feng Qi took a few steps forward to stand in front of the rows of stone piers, and decided to test the magical effect of the exercise here.

There are 32 stone piers, arranged in order from small to large, and the material seems to be no different from ordinary stones.

Feng Qi picked the stone pier in the middle and tried to lift it up.

With the violent muscle veins, he began to exert strength gradually.

"I can't hold it!"

After a short attempt, Feng Qi decisively vented his strength and heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Hei Xuan smiled and said:

"Try other blocks, and try to keep lifting as you train."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi simply came to stand in front of the smallest stone pier, then squatted down and started exerting strength.

There was no accident this time, and Shi Dun was easily picked up by him.

According to the method described by Hei Xuan, Feng Qi began to lift and lower the stone pier.

After lifting several times in succession, Feng Qi was puzzled because he didn't feel any changes in his body.

But just when he was about to ask Hei Xuan what was going on, he suddenly felt a warm current pouring into his body, and then a line of text flashed before his eyes.

Strength level 1 training thirty times, gain strength +0.1.

Seeing the text message passing by, Feng Qi's eyes widened.

With such a simple lift thirty times, the strength has improved?

What a cheat!

Putting down the stone pier in his hand, he glanced at other various objects in the square, and suddenly understood the function of this miraculous item.

All the equipment here can directly improve the physical fitness of the trainee regardless of the training efficiency.

The strength of 0.1 seems to be very little, but he only chose the lowest level stone pier here, and he simply lifted it thirty times.

The most important thing is that he entered this miraculous space consciously, and his physical body was still outside.

Seemingly seeing the shock in Feng Qi's heart, Hei Xuan explained with a smile at this time:

"All the training equipment here has a fixed strength increase value. As long as you complete a set of training, you can get the corresponding strength increase. There is no strength limit or bottleneck."

After hearing Hei Xuan's explanation, the Misty Lord at the side obviously couldn't calm down anymore:

"Where did you get this miraculous artifact?"

"You don't need to worry about it, you just need to train here and complete the task according to my requirements."

After the words fell, Hei Xuan stretched out his hand and pointed at the foreheads of Feng Qi and the Master of Mist.

Immediately, the brand of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Bank on their foreheads gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a light blue mark appeared on their foreheads.

At this time, Feng Qi could clearly sense the connection between himself and this miraculous item, and mastered the method of leaving and entering here with consciousness at any time.

Now there is still a doubt lingering in Feng Qi's heart.

Thinking of this, he looked up at Hei Xuan and asked:

"Since you have mastered this miraculous fetish that ignores the rules and can take shortcuts to become stronger, why don't you use it for your clansmen, but let us use it. Could it be that the power gained from training here will have side effects?"

When Hei Xuan heard this, he immediately shook his head:

"The training equipment here can only improve the physical strength, but the body of our psionic race is no longer a physical body, nor is it a pure elemental body. The training effect here has no effect on us."

Hearing Hei Xuan's explanation, Feng Qi was stunned.

It's no wonder that with such a terrifying group of miraculous items, the psionic clan of the black and mysterious faction still need to find foreign aid.

The truth is that this miracle item is not compatible with modified psionics.

Please don't fight, this miracle item will rot and be useless in the hands of psionic people.

"Next, you continue to stay here and explore. I will take your body out of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Vault. In the future, you will not need to enter the Holy Spirit Consciousness Vault. Your appearance may be discovered by the clan faction. In the future, only You need to directly enter this space through the miracle mark."

"What's the name of this miraculous item?" Feng Qi asked immediately.

"You could call it a training space."

After the voice fell, Hei Xuan's figure slowly faded away in the training space.

After Hei Xuan completely disappeared, the Lord of the Mist stepped up to the stone pier, picked up the No. 3 stone pier and began to lift it.

Soon, surprise appeared in his eyes:

"If this training space is obtained by a racial force whose core is physical growth, the future of that race will be limitless."

Feng Qi came to the side of the Mist Lord at this moment:

"Old fan, don't you think it's weird?"

"What's weird?"

"Thinking in another way, since I am a faction of the Psionic Clan, and I want to annex the faction that Heixuan belongs to, I will inevitably send forces to test the strength of the Heixuan faction, and I will not accept the faction sent by the Heixuan faction in the name of exchange. What on earth is the clan faction of the Psionic Race thinking?"

Feng Qi didn't mention Sombra here.

After all, he shouldn't know the information related to Sombra in this timeline.

But the logical problems within the psionic race are very strange.

The mutual cooperation on the surface is understandable, but why did the clan faction accept the various demands put forward by the Heixuan faction, which eventually led to Mo's escape and the loss of miracle materials.

In the end, Heixuan's faction convicted Sombra in the name of a "traitor", and the clan faction actually believed it.

Look at it from an outsider's point of view.

He believes that the faction of the tribe must be held accountable, after all, the other faction has bullied it to the head.

Even if a war is not launched, it is very necessary to take the initiative to test the bottom strength.

But it feels to him that the powerful tribe faction seems to be completely passive.

The Heixuan faction sent people to exchange, and the clan faction accepted it. Sombra, who was sent to exchange, stole Miracle and released Mo, and gave the reason for the traitor. The clan faction accepted again, and then began to trace Sombra.

Hearing Feng Qi's doubts, the Mist Lord couldn't help shaking his head:

"Don't believe everything Hei Xuan says, the logic behind this matter is actually very clear."

"very clearly?"

"Yes, let's look at this issue from another angle. Heixuan said that both of their factions want to annex each other and obtain all the permissions of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library. Assuming the truth is that the Heixuan faction wants to annex each other, but the clan faction has always firmly trusted The Heixuan faction believes that they are always their own clansmen, and then you look at the questions you just asked from this angle, and you will find different answers."

After thinking briefly about the explanation given by the Mist Lord, the doubts in Feng Qi's heart suddenly cleared up.

If we look at this problem from the perspective that the Mist Lord said, then all problems will be solved.

Therefore, Heixuan has no so-called secret weapon at all, which makes the faction of the clan feel very afraid and dare not make a move.

And the clan faction didn't have the idea of ​​testing the details of the Heixuan faction.

After all, the faction of the clan has always firmly trusted the branched clansmen like Heixuan.

Therefore, when the Heixuan faction proposed to send a few clansmen for technical exchanges, the clan faction would agree without any hesitation.

In the end, when Sombra defected, the clan faction obviously believed the members of the Heixuan faction again, thinking that Sombra defected and had nothing to do with the members of the Heixuan faction.

So they did not hold the Heixuan faction accountable.

The real villains from the beginning to the end are the members of the psionic clan of the Heixuan faction. Their ambitions are growing day by day, and they are unwilling to return to the clan, let alone hand over the authority of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library.

As for the clan and land faction, stick to your heart and always be willing to give all aspects of support to the Heixuan faction.

Feng Qi looked up at the Mist Lord at this moment.

When communicating with Heixuan, the Lord of the Mist once expressed his opinion, thinking that the Heixuan faction is ambitious, so don't make yourself so innocent.

Now it seems that old fans have already seen the logical contradiction behind the psionic race.

"Aqi, I taught you to look at problems from different angles, at least not to be led by others." The Mist Lord smiled and patted Fengqi on the shoulder.

"Understood." Feng Qi nodded humbly.

With the growth of multiple sacrifice lines, he can always learn a lot from his old fans.

"Go, try other training equipment."

Saying that, Feng Qi walked towards the wooden puppet formation not far away.

Standing still in the wooden puppet formation, Feng Qi began to think about how to start training.

These wooden figurines are made of unknown material, with a soft luster on the surface. Just as Feng Qi was thinking about how to use them, the surrounding wooden figurines suddenly began to move slowly.

Suddenly, one of the wooden figures punched him.

Under conditioned reflex, Feng Qi immediately threw his fist to meet him.


Fist and fist collided, Feng Qi was not repelled, but intense pain swept through his body.

He couldn't help grinning in pain.

I saw a line of text flashing in front of my eyes:

[Avoid training failures and punish training violations! 】

"Avoid training?"

Consciousness This wooden man formation trains the ability to dodge, when the wooden man punches again, Feng Qi dodges resolutely, and is no longer reckless.

After dodging more than ten times in a row, a line of text flashed in front of my eyes:

[Dodge fifteen times in a row, agility +0.1, start level 2 dodge training! 】

When the words dissipated, the wooden man's attack frequency and speed increased significantly, and after another fifteen dodges, the words resurfaced.

[Level 2 dodge fifteen times in a row, gain agility +0.2, start level 3 dodge training! 】

As time went by, the wooden man attacked faster and faster.

From the ease at the beginning, the pressure of Feng Qi gradually increased, and finally the wooden man punched him out of the wooden man's formation.

In less than ten minutes of training, his agility increased by 3.5 points.

This shocked Feng Qi.

If you continue to train, as the strength of the wooden puppet rises, you will get more and more agility blessings.

The functionality of this miracle item simply doesn't make sense.

It allows the trainer to maintain a high-speed growth state at all times, and each stage has a corresponding increase effect.

On the other side, the old fan walked out of the red furnace.

I saw that his eyes were tired, and he seemed a little over-consumed.

"How is it?" Feng Qi asked immediately.

"It's like an oven inside, constantly scorching my body with high temperature. After staying in it for a while just now, my resistance to fire has increased by 13 points."

"I really want to **** this miraculous item from the Psionic Race." Looking across the various equipment in the square, Feng Qi's eyes showed a hint of desire.

The Mist Lord also nodded at this time:

"With this miraculous item, the rise of a race will become very easy."

Next, the two continued to train.

Perceptual training that can improve conditioned reflexes, anti-strike training that can improve physical defense, futon meditation training that can enhance physical recovery efficiency... every training equipment in the miracle space can bring corresponding physical enhancement effects.

During training, Feng Qi also discovered that there was a line of black text printed on the top of the square.

This line of writing is similar to the writing on the ancient scroll.

Through the knowledge instilled by Hei Xuan, Feng Qi has been able to understand the meaning behind this line of words.

[Forging training ground. 】

Feng Qi looked at the edge of the training hall being torn.

Looking forward, there is a chaotic area surging like mist. There are many cracks in the area where the square connects with the mist. It seems that the entire square is a divided and torn area.

As soon as he entered here, Feng Qi felt that this training space seemed incomplete, and some equipment in the edge area was only half, and the other half disappeared.

After reading the text above the square, he couldn't help guessing that there might be a spiritual training ground, or even an elemental training ground, and so on.

It's just that Heixuan's Psionic faction only got the incomplete and miraculous part of the training ground.

Thinking of this, a flame rose in Feng Qi's heart.

If human beings can obtain this miraculous item, they can achieve unimaginable growth without even practicing exercises.

But at the same time, another doubt arose in his heart.

Why is the setting of this miracle item so similar to the training function in the game?

Is this another coincidence? Is it just that some kind of regular power formed after the evolution of the Pillar God inadvertently created this training field?

Besides that, there is another problem.

Many of the miracle objects he saw were broken parts.

What kind of force destroys these almost indestructible miracle items?

A guess given by Hei Xuan appeared in his mind.

Hei Xuan said that the pillar gods in ancient times may have experienced the coming of the general situation, and finally sank and died in the coming of the general situation.

If this guess is true, could it be that the general situation has caused the damage to these miracle items?

Feng Qi, who couldn't think of a reason, couldn't help shaking his head.

The origin of the miracle items has always been a mystery, he just knew that the Miracle of the Misty Lord came from the ancestors who absorbed the blood of the Pillar God.

As for other information, he had nowhere to look.

No longer thinking about these issues, he decided to train hard and cooperate with the big villain Hei Xuan to fight against the psionic clan of the clan and find information from them.

Standing still in front of the anti-strike training equipment, suddenly dense sticks hit the head and face.

Feng Qi immediately stood firm, tensed his body, and let the wooden stick hit various parts of his body continuously.

With the passage of time, the intensity of the beating gradually increased, which brought about the improvement of physical fitness, and at the same time, Feng Qi grinned his teeth in pain, and finally his horse gait was unsteady and he was swept away on the spot.

Standing up, Feng Qi decisively came to the futon.

After relaxing his body, he sat cross-legged on the futon, starting the cycle of physical recovery efficiency +1.

After continuous high-intensity training, both Feng Qi and the Mist Lord felt a strong sense of mental exhaustion.

In order to prevent further training from causing damage to consciousness, they chose to exit the training space.

The moment he opened his eyes, Feng Qi found that he was already in the special space of the Psionic Race, and the big golden tree in the distance was very eye-catching.

Before Hei Xuan asked, Feng Qi suddenly found that his body was already sweating and his clothes were soaked.

"Not good." At this moment, the Mist Lord suddenly said.

Before Feng Qi understood what was going on, he saw the muscles on his body swell up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then quickly became shriveled.

Soreness, swelling, pain, all kinds of negative states hit at the same time, followed by intense pain.

He clearly felt that the blood in his body was over-consumed and seriously deficient, and his eye sockets were sunken, and he was in a state of malnutrition.

At this time, Hei Xuan's laughter sounded in his ear:

"I forgot to tell you, your training in the training space will bless your physical body when your consciousness returns. Now your body has been strengthened, but due to the excessive consumption of strengthening, you urgently need nutritional supplements..."

Hearing this, Feng Qi, who was already skinny and skinny, raised his hand tremblingly, and pointed his **** at Hei Xuan.

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