I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 398: double the happiness

Three years later.

11 o'clock at night.

The figures of Fengqi and the Lord of Mist appeared in an alley in the northern part of the old city.

Then he walked out of the alley.

As the first month approached, the sky was drizzled with ice-cold rain, and the air spit out turned into white mist and spread.

Walking out of the dark alley, the ground has been wet by raindrops, reflecting the light of street lights.

The shops along the road have all changed their decorations, and even the street lamps on the street have been hung with lanterns. The festive red decorations continue to extend along the line of sight, sweeping the whole city.

Pedestrians on the road were smiling, with anticipation and joy for the New Year in their eyes.

This scene made Feng Qi, who hadn't returned to reality for a long time, feel emotional.

Counting the time, he and the Mist Lord haven't left the special space for three years.

In the past three years, they have been going back and forth between the special space and training space of the Psionic Race, and spent all their time on improving their strength.

The Lord of the Mist has a strong sense of the crisis in the future, and he never dares to stop becoming stronger.

In this way, he trained with the Mist Lord for three years.

Although the function of the training space is very strong, it also has obvious growth restrictions.

Today, the resources provided by Hei Xuan are no longer enough to meet his growth consumption.

Only Hei Xuan, the master of the mist who has special treatment, can always satisfy his resource consumption and let him continue to grow and become stronger.

Beyond that, there is a downside to exercising in a training space.

Rapid growth will make him unable to adapt to the strength of his body.

At the end of each training session, he needs to spend some time getting used to his body after increasing the intensity.

How strong he is now, I don't know.

Maybe it's no weaker than the main timeline.

Just today, they finally received the first mission issued by Hei Xuan, to **** a batch of resources.

Hei Xuan didn't say who the object of the snatching was, but Feng Qi and the Lord of the Mist realized in their hearts that there was no one but the resources of the psionic clan.

They don't know where these resources come from, they just know that these resources will be sent outside the old city.

Their mission goal is to loot this batch of resources when they arrive.

Walk along the street to the north gate of the old city.

When passing by a square in the North District, the frontline news played on the big screen attracted the attention of Feng Qi and the Mist Lord.

On the screen, the hostess in formal attire reported the selection of this year's top ten gods of war with a smile on her face.

Pedestrians who stopped along the way looked at the screen with smiles on their faces and couldn't help cheering.

The Lord of Mist stopped at this moment, he turned his head to look at Feng Qi:

"Aqi, you have lived in human society for so many years, what do you think of the human race?"

Facing the questioning, Feng Qi was alert, but he still opened his mouth and said:

"The potential of the human race is unlimited, but they just lack the time to grow."

This sentence is exactly what the Lord of Mist said about the human race when he was in the villain's line.

Hearing this answer, the Mist Lord couldn't help but nodded:

"The human race already has the potential to become a strong race. They are diligent and studious, and have launched research and exploration in various fields. They want to find out a growth path that suits them. Among them are pioneers who are willing to sacrifice for the race, and there are countless ordinary people who assist the pioneers. To expand the road, but only lack of time."

Looking at the big screen in the distance, the Mist Lord suddenly sighed:

"Aqi, do you know which dynasty I admire most when looking at human history?"

Facing the question, Feng Si thought for a moment and gave an affirmative answer:

"Ming Dynasty."

"Why?" The Mist Lord looked very surprised.

"In the Tang Dynasty, peace was the main means of dealing with powerful enemies. In the Song Dynasty, the means of dealing with foreign enemies was to pay tribute. Only when Ming did not make peace, did not pay tribute, the emperor guarded the gate of the country, and the king died, did not cede land or pay tribute. It fits your character."

A smile appeared on the face of the Mist Lord who heard these words, then nodded and said:

"According to what you said, didn't the Ming Dynasty also lose a lot of land in the middle and late stages?"

"Lost land is unavoidable, but at least every inch of lost land has a group of soldiers who died fighting to protect the territory. The key is not to retreat."

"Good point." The Mist Lord couldn't help but smiled and nodded.

"Let's go, Manzi is still waiting for us outside the city."

After a brief episode, Feng Qi and the Lord of the Mist continued to walk towards the north city gate.

Finally at 2 o'clock in the morning, they arrived at the North City Gate.

Faced with the request of the city defenders to check their identity, Feng Qi and the Lord of the Mist did not refuse.

Before the mission started, Hei Xuan had obviously settled their identities.

This is very easy for Hei Xuan who secretly controls the old city.

As they expected, they were quickly let go after facial scans and authentication with identity verification equipment.

After walking more than a hundred meters along the passage of the city gate, they walked out of the north gate.

What appeared in front of us was a waning moon hanging high in the sky. Under the bright moonlight, the trees on both sides of the main road swayed with the wind, and the leaves of the trees fell in the wind with the drizzle.

Looking at the distance, the green plants are connected into one piece, and ripples spread round after round in the wind.

Compared with the prosperity of the city in the old days, the breath of nature came out of the city.

After walking along the main road for a while, Feng Qi and the Lord of Mist stopped and turned to look at the tall trees not far away.

At this time, a figure jumped up from the tree, and then landed directly in front of them.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The figure that suddenly appeared looked up at this moment, it was the potential warrior "Hunting Blade" recruited and trained by Hei Xuan.

"Manzi, where's the whirlwind?" Feng Qi looked at Lie Ren and asked.

"I am here!"

As the voice rang in his ears, Feng Qi turned his head and looked to the right.

I saw a tornado formed beside me out of thin air, and when the tornado dissipated, a pale man with three cracks tattooed on his forehead emerged.

He looked very weak, as if he would collapse at any moment.

But Feng Qi knows that his strength is extremely strong, and he can control the wind of nature at will, which can be called a walking natural disaster.

"Everything is here, let's go." Manzi grinned and took out the coordinate positioning device.

Everyone nodded immediately and followed the hunting blade in the direction of positioning.

After leaving the main road, head west. The road along the way has become very muddy due to no construction maintenance and light rain in the sky. Looking into the distance, you can clearly see the hazy water mist spreading in the forest.

After continuing to walk for a while, the whirlwind suddenly made a sound:

"What do you think Hei Xuan's purpose is this time?"

"The purpose? Of course it is to **** the resources of the psionic clan, what else can you do?" Lie Ren immediately responded.

"I'm asking about Heixuan's purpose behind doing this." Cyclone couldn't help rolling his eyes, seeming a little speechless to Lie Ren's answer.

"Weaken the power of the faction of the clan and land, and at the same time increase your own resource inventory?" Hunting Blade tentatively gave the answer again.

"That's not the point, the point is where to send these resources." The Mist Lord said with a smile at this moment.

"Where is it sent? Of course it is sent to the old city. Didn't you hear the mission clearly?"

Ignoring Hunting Blade's answer, the Mist Lord turned to look at Feng Qi:

"Aqi, can you see Hei Xuan's purpose?"

Faced with further inquiries from the Mist Lord, Feng Qi had a look of doubt in his eyes.

Thinking of where the Misty Lord mentioned the resources to be sent to, he thought for a while and a flash of light came to his mind:

"Old City... huh? These resources should be the resources given to the Psionics of the Black Mysterious faction by the Psionics of the Clan Land?"

"That's right." The Mist Lord nodded in relief.

"So what Heixuan wants to rob is the resources given to him by the faction of the clan...to rob himself? What is he doing this for?"

"It's very simple, he wants double the happiness, grab one and ask for another."

"Damn, this old Yin coin!" Knowing the reason behind the mission, Lie Ren couldn't help cursing.

"Don't scold so loudly, be careful not to be heard by Hei Xuan, maybe this guy is very vengeful." Feng Qi immediately reminded.

"Long live Master Heixuan, I will always be loyal to you."

Feng Qi: ...

Lord of the Mists: …


Realizing that behind this mission was Heixuan's desire to **** the resources given to him by the clan's faction, Feng Qi suddenly realized why the old Yinbi did this.

If you let your own clansmen take action, the risk of exposure is extremely high.

After all, the clan land psionic clan has a lot of methods.

Among them, what he learned is the ability to go back in time within a certain range. It is not difficult to use this ability to find the target of robbing resources.

But their shots are different.

Even if they are discovered, it will not have any impact on Hei Xuan, and they can separate the relationship from it.

More importantly, after the successful snatching of resources, perhaps Hei Xuan can find another batch of supporting resources from the factions of the clan.

This task made Feng Qi realize that the old fan's original analysis was undoubtedly correct.

The faction of the tribe has always believed that the psionic clan of the Heixuan faction is a family, and has no intention of annexing the other party at all, and even supports the growth of the psionic clan of the Heixuan faction.

In contrast, Hei Xuan, an old Yinbi, thinks of "double happiness", which can be described as ambitious.

Far away from the main road, the road ahead was extremely muddy in the rain, making it increasingly difficult to walk.

So the Master of Mist turned into gray mist, picked up Fengqi and chose to fly forward.

Whirlwind also turned into a tornado and flew forward at this time. Only Hunting Blade could only run. During this period, he kept showing his favor to the Mist Lord, hoping to take the flight with him.

But the Mist Lord obviously had no intention of agreeing, and decisively chose to ignore it.

Sitting on top of the mist, Feng Qi lowered his head and looked down.

I saw red light flashing in Hunting Blade's eyes, his body was wrapped in red airflow, and his running speed was not slower than the flying of the Mist Lord. He didn't even bother to dodge the trees and big rocks that blocked his way forward, and rushed all the way like a reckless man .

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi understood why Hei Xuan wanted to recruit this stubborn guy.

As a descendant of a demigod, Lie Ren's brain may not be very good, but his strength and growth potential are beyond doubt.

Half a day later, they came to the coordinates provided by Hei Xuan.

Further forward is the coordinates of a space node sent by the psionic clan of the clan faction.

They decided to wait here for the arrival of the psionic clan.

Before the looting begins, one thing is certain, the clan faction members who came this time will not be very strong.

In this regard, Hei Xuan obviously received the news in advance, otherwise he would not have sent them to **** it.

There is a high probability that newcomers from the clan faction will come to transport resources.

This is obviously one of Hei Xuan's main purposes for training them.

Use them to rob and destroy the interests of ethnic factions.

As for when the clan and land faction members will arrive, they did not get the exact time.

In the next few days, the psionic tribe of the clan faction never appeared.

But Feng Qi and the others were very patient and chose to continue waiting.

Through communication during this period, everyone brought up the topic of demigod descendants again.

However, it is impossible to deduce whether Hei Xuan has any hidden means from the fact that he is a descendant of the demigod.

After all, cultivating the descendants of the demigods may really be valuing the growth potential of the descendants of the demigods.

Feng Qi has a guess about this.

He suspected that what Hei Xuan valued might also be the miraculous items that might be hidden in the descendants of the demigods, such as the miraculous will in the main body of the mist.

As for the specific answer, it is obviously impossible to analyze the existing intelligence.

eight days later.

Feng Qi was chatting with the Mist Lord, Hunting Blade, and Whirlwind in the forest.

Beside them, there was a metal ball that was beeping quietly.

This metal ball is a mission prop provided by Hei Xuan. Its function is to cover the breath of life within a radius of 50 meters, and it can be used for hiding.

During the chat, Hunting Blade and Whirlwind talked about their thoughts on the future.

Like the Mist Lords, they only want to obtain the resources provided by Heixuan, but they don't want to be loyal to the Psionic Race of Heixuan faction forever.

But they all seemed a little confused about how to get out of Hei Xuan's control.

They all turn to Heixuan for the future of the race, but this shortcut to growth is like a gamble. While obtaining a lot of support resources, they also bet on the future of the whole family.

In the future, it may be possible to break away from Hei Xuan's control and rely on the resources provided by Hei Xuan to grow rapidly.

But it is also possible that he will never be able to get rid of Hei Xuan's control and become an eternal subordinate slave.

Regarding the thoughts of Hunting Blade and Heixuan, the Mist Lord obviously felt the same way.

But he didn't say anything clearly, and his expression remained indifferent.

Feng Qi understands what the Misty Lord thinks in his heart, this guy will be strong all his life, and his weak side will never be shown in front of outsiders.

He saw the Mist Lord break down emotionally, only once.

At that time, the Mist Lord took him away from the execution ground and landed on a hillside outside the old city. When he was on the verge of death, the Mist Lord had tears in his eyes and told him that he hoped that he could carry his dream and continue to climb to the top.

In a trance, the picture in memory came to mind.

At this time, the Mist Lord who was sitting on the side suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, and said in a deep voice:


Feng Qi, whose thoughts were interrupted, immediately looked into the distance following the line of sight of the Mist Lord.

The distant scene keeps getting closer in the eyes.

I saw a circle of space black holes tearing apart in the distant sky. Through the black holes, we could clearly see that a translucent barrier made of some kind of material was continuously built forward from the end, forming a channel to resist space backflow.

Three figures came quickly from the other end of the space passage.

When they left the space passage, the space passage behind them slowly closed.

"It's finally here!" Hunting Blade stood up at this moment, stretched out his hand, and immediately the crimson short-handled battle ax on his back automatically disengaged, flew to his right hand, and was firmly grasped.

I saw a red light rising from the eyes of the hunting blade, and then the body surface was covered by the red streamer, and a hot wave suddenly swept across.

At this time, the whirlwind also turned into a half-meter-high spinning tornado.

"Pay attention to the quick decision of this battle, and it must not be delayed for a long time, otherwise we will not even think about surviving when the support arrives!"

After the Master of the Mist finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab the metal ball and took it into his hand. After that, his figure suddenly disintegrated into a sea of ​​gray mist and spread.

Hearing the reminder from the Mist Lord, Feng Qi resolutely activated the blood source form.

Now is the time for him to show his strength.

Since you want to make a move, then do your best to let Hei Xuan see his value.

Only by gaining Hei Xuan's trust and attention can he understand more secrets in Hei Xuan's hands.

Perhaps apart from Mo, Hei Xuan also knows about Xiao Hei's secret.

Hiding his strength at this time is undoubtedly reducing his value in Mo Yan. Even if his future growth resources are not reduced, it is difficult to improve.

As the beating speed of his heart suddenly accelerated, his figure quickly rose to a height of nearly six meters.

These years of training have greatly improved his strength, including the strength of his blood.

His talent is limited, but the blood source can increase his talent several times.

The strength and other training in the training space is essentially to increase the blood strength.

The role of talent is to make better use of the strength of the blood.

For example, his talent is 1, the effect obtained from training is 1, and the strength he displays is also 1, but the master of the mist obtains 1, but he can display the effect of 2.

What the blood source form brought him was the effect of turning the 1 gained in training into 2.

After the qi and blood on his body were completely transformed into flesh and blood in the form of blood source, his qi and blood did not increase in essence, but his strength increased explosively.

This is one of the differences in blood potential.

In addition to his height in this blood transformation, Feng Qi also had a dark god's horn growing on his forehead, and a circle of black mist wrapped around it, making him look even more hideous and terrifying.

In the distance, the three members of the psionic tribe obviously noticed that something was wrong.

But before they could react, the running Hunting Blade took the lead and threw the red hatchet in his hand at the leader of the Psionic Race.

I saw the hatchet spinning in the air, turning into a red streamer and flying horizontally out of the arc of the moon, bullying the headed members of the Psionic Race at an extremely fast speed.


A golden light curtain suddenly formed and collided with the red axe.

Immediately, golden light spots scattered all over the sky, and the red ax was inserted into the golden light curtain.

As the hunting blade beckoned, the red ax trembled, and suddenly broke away from the golden light curtain, spun in the air and flew back to the hunting blade, and then was thrown out again by the hunting blade.


After the second attack, dense cracks appeared on the golden light curtain.

The three members of the psionic tribe who came back to their senses also launched a counterattack at this time.

Countless golden light spots appeared on the foreheads of the leading members of the Psionic Race, which were outlined in the air and turned into a cage to imprison the red axe. No matter how the hunting blade summoned it, it could not be recalled.

The psychics behind him raised their hands and outlined several golden formations at the same time, rubbing them on the body surface.

Immediately, aura of light gathered in the sky towards him.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into an eight-meter-tall golden elemental giant, and suddenly swung his fist at the hunting blade not far away.

The golden light gathered in the air and formed a torrent of rivers, crashing into the hunting blade.

Hunting Blade, who had a premonition of danger, immediately raised his hands to try to resist, and his figure kept retreating under the sweep of golden energy.

At this time the whirlwind shot.

A tornado formed instantly and enveloped the three members of the Psionic Race.

The storm cut their bodies like a sharp blade, and all the trees affected along the way were uprooted, and then smashed into sawdust by the storm blade in the air.

But the three members of the psionic tribe seemed very calm.

The third member made a move at this moment.

A dazzling golden light erupted from his forehead, and the surrounding elements suddenly became chaotic. The continuous power of the wind element gathered towards the forehead of this Psionic Race member and was quickly absorbed.

The storm decreases at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just as Feng Qi thought, the members of the Psionic Clan in the Clan Land are all extremely strong.

Although they don't carry miracle items, the Clan faction is characterized by valor and combat prowess.

After all, they are not like the Heixuan faction that has always been lurking in human society. The clan faction that grew up in the form of domain expansion has been fighting in all directions all year round, which is far beyond the reach of the black and mysterious faction.

This is also one of the main reasons why the resource inventory of the tribe faction is much larger than that of the black and mysterious faction.

In order to make a quick decision, Feng Qi resolutely selected the members of the psionic clan who had turned into elements to launch an attack.

The moment he exerted force under his feet, the ground suddenly sank and sank, and his figure rose from the ground and rushed towards the golden elemental giant.

The golden elemental giant also looked at him at this moment, and then shook his fist to meet him.


Fist and fist collided, and the golden mist and the **** mist intertwined and crushed each other.

After a brief confrontation, Feng Qi's figure began to fall. At this moment, he grabbed the golden elemental giant's right leg and brought him down together.

While falling, the Mist Master brushed past him, and the gray mist instantly enveloped the leader of the Psionic Race.

At this moment, the hunting blade that broke free from the **** rushed towards the last member of the psionic clan.

The moment his figure landed heavily, Feng Qi's huge fist slammed into the head of the golden elemental giant.


The golden light overflowed, and at the same time as the head of the golden elemental giant was thrown back, a fierce knee bump hit Fengqi's abdomen hard.

The two figures retreated at the same time, separating the distance.

"What's the origin?" The golden element stood up and said in a deep voice at this moment.

Feng Qi, who didn't want to say much, exerted force with his feet, and his figure suddenly bullied the golden elemental giant, and he punched like a cannonball.

The golden elemental giant also punched at this moment.

Fist and fist collided, and the blood-colored airflow intertwined with the golden airflow, spinning around them rapidly.

A deep roar surged in Fengqi's throat, and his fist pushed forward little by little, suppressing the golden giant to retreat.

"Elemental resistance!"

Finding that the purple lines wandering on the surface of Fengqi's body were constantly counteracting his elemental power, the golden giant was surprised at this moment.

But Feng Qi ignored it.

Taking advantage of his strength to suppress, he fiercely hit the golden giant's face with his left hand.


The golden giant was beaten back one after another by this punch, and then sat down on the ground.

Just when Feng Qi was about to pursue the victory, he heard a loud noise from above, and saw the golden ocean and the gray mist intertwined, the two energies swallowed each other, and the terrifying energy fluctuations swept all directions, and the fight was extremely fierce.

But Feng Qi could tell at a glance that it was obvious that the Lord of the Mist had the upper hand.

Ignoring it any more, he looked down at the golden elemental giant, only to see a golden fist gradually enlarged in front of his eyes.

Before he could react, his face was hit hard and he flew upside down.

After falling to the ground, he moved back more than ten meters, grabbed two ditches on the ground with both hands, and Feng Qi stabilized his figure.

Standing up again, Feng Qi found that the golden elemental giant's hands turned into afterimages intertwined, and then four arms grew out from behind, and each arm had a different color.

The blue arms exhaled bursts of cold air, condensing the falling drizzle into ice.

The red arms dissipated heat waves, twisting the air.

Electric arcs lingered on the blue arms, and the last khaki arm looked unusually thick and strong.

Behind the golden phantom, a faintly ferocious Shura phantom emerged.

This time, the golden elemental giant waved at him, clearly provocative.

Realizing that this guy didn't use his full strength just now, Feng Qi cursed inwardly.

He didn't know which level the guy in front of him was in the tribe's faction, but he was definitely not the strongest.

After all, it appeared in the strongest battle line.

They possessed several miraculous items, and once put Mu Qing into a state where her five senses were blocked, and she couldn't escape for a short time.

It's no wonder that Heixuan needs to recruit strong people with great potential.

Because the members of the psionic tribe of the clan faction are all monsters.

He didn't know where Heixuan's self-confidence came from, and he wanted to seize the authority of the other half of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library of the Clan Land faction, and become the only person in power of the Psionic Clan.

This idea is as crazy as a snake swallowing an elephant.

But no matter this sacrifice line, he still has to stand beside Hei Xuan, and get more information through Hei Xuan.

Facing the provocation of the golden elemental giant, Feng Qi had a ferocious smile on his face.

He slowly closed his fists.

While exhaling, he lowered his head and leaned forward, and then he took the initiative to attack like a vicious tiger.

The flames of the punches burned in the chest, and the heart instantly entered a state of high-load operation, beating crazily like a beating drum.

The moment he approached the elemental giant, he swung his fists back and forth.

In an instant, countless shadows of fists appeared around Fengqi, raining down on the golden elemental giant.

The golden elemental giant also waved six arms at this moment.

During the fierce collision, their bodies moved back at the same time, and the bodies of golden elements splashed like iron flowers under Feng Qi's continuous heavy punches, gradually shrinking in the collision.

Feng Qi was also uncomfortable.

Blue, purple, red, and khaki four fist prints appeared on the body surface.

Although there are purple soul patterns to reduce elemental damage, they can only reduce it, and cannot achieve complete immunity.

The pain aroused the fierceness in Fengqi's heart.

He decisively raised the load on his body to a higher level, and the speed of blood consumption suddenly accelerated.

While the blood source maintenance time is reduced, the strength has also been significantly improved.

He walked forward step by step with the afterimage of his golden arm on his back, and then swung a powerful punch.

The cracked elemental giant's body shattered under this punch, and Feng Qi reached out and grabbed the Psionic Race member who was originally wrapped in elemental power.

"Melee combat is a battlefield for flesh and blood, so don't play melee combat in your next life."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qi's right arm swelled nearly double, and the sudden burst of power crushed this unbelievable member of the Psionic Race in an instant.

After finishing all this, Feng Qi looked up at the sky.

The battle in the sky was also coming to an end. Facing the sea of ​​mist of the Mist Lord, the golden ocean resisted extremely hard. Finally, with the cooperation of the whirlwind, the Mist Lord completely devoured the member of the Psionic Race.

Turning his head and looking to the other side, he saw that Lie Ren was covered in blood and was holding the head of a member of the Psionic Race with one hand, holding the red ax high in his right hand, and the wild and sturdy aura on his body reached the extreme.

At this time, the Lord of Mist condensed his figure and came down to his side.

"Old fan, where are the resources?"

"it's here."

The Mist Lord spread out his right hand, and saw a lavender round gem lying quietly in his palm.

"This is an extremely rare space gem. I checked it with my consciousness, and the resources are all inside."

Confirming that the resources have been seized, Feng Qi immediately nodded:

"In that case, let's withdraw immediately."

At this moment, the Mist Lord turned into a mist, lifted his body, and flew towards the old city.

The whirlwind also turned into a small tornado at this time, and flew towards the old city.

"Damn, can you bring the wounded?"

Looking at the figure going away, Lie Ren, who was standing there, couldn't help cursing. Turning his head to look at the position where the space passage of the Psionic Race emerged, he also took a decisive step.

hours later.

Hei Xuan's figure appeared.

His eyes swept across the dilapidated scene, and a smile appeared on his face.

Golden tentacles emerged from the top of his head, pierced into the void, and sent a message to the other side of the void.

After a short wait, the space above his head twisted rapidly, tearing out the space channel.

A figure with a lot of golden spots appeared on his body.

"Elder Heixuan, what's going on?"

Facing the incoming Psionic Race members, Hei Xuan's attitude was neither overbearing nor humble, frowning and said:

"It was already like this when I came here. Have you been targeted by a nearby force recently?"

Facing the inquiry, the figure covered with golden spots scanned the battlefield, and then a dazzling light burst from his forehead and swept across the battlefield. All the elemental particles of the dead Psionics members were gathered and buried in the golden leaf on his forehead.

"I checked the terrain damage, and it has nothing to do with the family that is fighting us."

"Maybe it has something to do with that traitor?" Hei Xuan asked again, guiding the topic.

"It's possible. At that time, I will ask Heisha to come and investigate. The time travel in his hand will definitely find out, and then we will know who is intercepting and killing members of our clan."

After the words fell, he looked at Hei Xuan and said in a deep voice:

"Elder Heixuan, I will rearrange a batch of the resources you want and send them to you. If you have any needs, you can contact me."

"Thank you."

"We are family."

"Yes, we are family." A smile appeared on Hei Xuan's face.

In a special space built with a golden tree as the central core.

Piles of spiritual materials were taken out of the space crystal by the Mist Lord, and in the blink of an eye, they filled an area of ​​more than a hundred square meters.

Looking at the resources such as spiritual plants and spiritual stones piled up into hills, Feng Qi is very calm, but the eyes of Hunting Blade and Whirlwind are full of greed.

"These are top-quality resources. It would be great if I could bring them back to the clan." Lie Ren said with emotion at this time.

"Here, if you want to take away whatever you want, I will never stop you."

The Mist Lord threw the empty space crystal to Hunting Blade.

Reaching out to take the space crystal, Lie Ren shook his head in embarrassment:

"I'm joking, don't take it seriously."

The Mist Lord ignored the hunting blade, turned his head to look at Feng Qi who had turned back into a skeleton form due to excessive energy and blood consumption, and then put his palm on Feng Qi's shoulder.

Immediately, strong energy and blood seeped into Feng Qi's bones.

Feng Qi didn't hide from the Mist Lord about the fact that he would turn into a skeleton form due to excessive energy and blood consumption.

After all, the more you hide it, the harder it is to explain it when you expose it.

It's better to be straightforward and honest.

Facts have proved that the frankness is right. In the future, there may still be many situations where the blood source needs to be turned on, and it is necessary to often change into the skeleton form.

With the old fans around, he is equivalent to having a mobile energy and blood charging pile.

Save the troublesome process of using blood-gas gloves.

When the qi and blood injected into his body by the Misty Lord reached enough to condense the flesh and blood body, Feng Qi's thoughts instantly formed flesh and blood tissue on the body surface.

Soon, he changed back to his human form.

Seeing this scene, the whirlwind with a pale face on the side looked very curious:

"Why are you still alive when you run out of energy and blood? Could it be that the skeleton form is your body?"

"I don't know either, I lost a piece of memory." Feng Qi decisively used amnesia as an excuse to avoid questioning.

While continuing to chat and wait, Hei Xuan's figure appeared in a special space.

Seeing Hei Xuan's return, everyone immediately stopped chatting and turned their attention to Hei Xuan.

Seeing the smile on Hei Xuan's face who came back, Feng Qi couldn't help suspecting that this guy had experienced the "double happiness" that the old fan called.

"Very good, I am very satisfied with your first cooperation mission."

While speaking, Hei Xuan cast his eyes on the resources piled up into a hill, and then on the space crystal in Hunting Blade's hand.

Seeing this, Hunting Blade immediately threw the space crystal in his hand to Hei Xuan.

After receiving the space crystal and scanning the internal space with his consciousness, Heixuan stretched out his hand and waved towards the resource hill not far away, and immediately the resource hill disappeared by half.

"You share the rest of the resources. The Misty Patriarch will get 40%, and Whirlwind, Hunting Blade, and Fengqi will each get 20%."

Hearing these words, Hunting Blade and Whirlwind looked indifferent, without any dissatisfaction.

Maybe there is dissatisfaction in the heart, but it doesn't show on the surface.

As for the distribution of benefits, no matter how much they say, it is useless. This aspect is completely decided by Hei Xuan.

If you want to share more, you can only let Hei Xuan see your own value.

Feng Qi was a little surprised at this time.

Usually he gets the least amount of resources, but he didn't expect that this time the treatment has been upgraded to the level of Hunting Blade and Whirlwind.

This obviously has something to do with his solo killing a member of the Psionic Race.

Sure enough, if you want to improve your treatment here at Hei Xuan, the only way is to let him see your own value.

"Continue to train. There won't be too many cooperative tasks between you in the future. I hope that you can all grow into independent strongmen. If possible, I hope that the ethnic group behind you can also grow and rise rapidly with you... As for you I will gradually increase your resources as your strength improves."

As the voice fell, Hei Xuan's figure gradually faded until it disappeared.

After Hei Xuan left completely, Feng Qi looked at the Mist Lord:

"Old fan, what are your plans for the future?"

"Continue to train, continue to become stronger, and wait for his next mission." The Mist Lord said calmly.

"You like missions so much? Which mission is not risking your life? Every mission is a last resort for me." Lie Ren couldn't help but sigh.

Facing Hunting Blade's complaints, the Mist Lord shook his head:

"Without missions, we have no value in Heixuan's eyes, and missions can also bring us benefits. If you want to break free from Heixuan's control, you should grow up as soon as possible while you are still valuable in Heixuan's eyes."

With that said, the Mist Lord turned his attention to the resources piled up not far away into a hill:

"Divide the spoils."

For the next three months, nothing happened.

Feng Qi and the Lord of the Mist continued to stay in the training space, improving their strength through continuous training.

With this line of sacrifice, Feng Qi felt that he could safely live past a hundred years.

After all, they are all mixed with the Psionic Race, so there is a high probability that there is no external risk.

There is obviously a shielding device in the special space, and even the blue-skinned people have never appeared. Except for the risk when going out on missions, it can be said to be very safe.

The risk of going out of the mission is still within the controllable range.

Hei Xuan spends a lot of resources to train them, obviously he won't let them go to die.

Except for Hunting Blade and Whirlwind who have been on several missions, he and the Mist Lord have only been on one mission in the past three years.

Obviously, Hei Xuan intends to focus on cultivating them. As for how to use them, it may take decades, or even more than a hundred years.

After all, the stronger the strength, the greater the value.

Against the psionic clan, their current strength is still too weak, so they can only sneak attack the new generation members of the psionic clan occasionally.

It takes time to accumulate strength if you want to confront head-on.

Thinking that the lifespan of this sacrificial line might break the record, Feng Qi felt emotional.

Every sacrifice line, from the moment he was determined to become a sacrifice line, he didn't plan to live for a long time.

After all, he would die young in every sacrifice line, without exception.

Longevity, a lifespan that can be easily achieved by ordinary people in the post-catastrophe era, is like a dream in his body. It seems to be within reach, but he can never really touch it.

But with this line of sacrifice, Feng Qi has confidence in his own lifespan.

From any angle, he felt that he was stable.

With an old fan by his side and the big villain boss Hei Xuan on top, he couldn't figure out what external force could put him to death.

Unless it is to live until the moment Xiao Hei is activated.

It is possible to die.

But according to time, Xiao Hei was over 100 years old when he was fully activated.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi, who was training with Shidun, had a smile on his face.

At this moment, the space not far away fluctuated, and then Hei Xuan's figure appeared.

Feng Qi immediately stopped training and turned to look at Hei Xuan.

The Lord of Mist also stopped meditating on the futon at this time, and floated to Hei Xuan, waiting for his order.

Seeing Feng Qi and the Lord of Mist approaching, Hei Xuan said in a deep voice:

"Recently, an incomplete miraculous artifact appeared in the supply area of ​​the old east. Hunting Blade and Whirlwind are performing other tasks, and most members of the clan have also been sent out by me. This time, you will go there. Bring back an incomplete miraculous artifact."

"What miraculous object?" Hearing that there was a miraculous object, the Mist Lord's expression changed immediately.

"Incomplete blood stone." Hei Xuan said at this moment.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi's heart trembled.

He is very familiar with the scene of snatching the bloodstone, and many forces will come to fight for it.

None of this matters to him.

After all, those who come to **** it are generally domain forces lurking in human society, far less powerful than the Psionic Race, and it is not a big threat to him now.

The problem is that he clearly remembers the giant black hand that appeared during the bloodstone snatching.

That guy is not something he can compete with~lightnovelpub.net~ In the normal timeline, Mu Qing fights against the giant hand, but in the timeline without Mu Qing, he relies on practicing "Spiritual Immortality" developed by Lin Ran, plus absorbing After exhausting the spiritual strength of the members of all ethnic groups, they barely tore a gap to escape after desperately trying...but they died in the end.

With him and the Mist Lord alone, they are no match for giant hands at all.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi felt a little sad in his heart.

In this timeline, Mu Qing did not establish the Dawn War Group, she stayed in Star City for the whole time, assisting the subsequent development of Star City.

Therefore, it is impossible for the old Ridong supply area to send an **** request to Mu Qing this time.

So Mu Qing will definitely not show up.

In other words, no one on this line of sacrifice can resist the arrival of giant hands.

"The promise of a long life...Damn it!"