I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 412: Strike hard

Winter in the North.

Near noon, the northern border was still shrouded in darkness.

At this time, a figure passed through the wind and snow curtain and flew north.

The snowflakes flying along the way will be pushed away by invisible force when they are about five meters away from this figure, and fly past him.

Looking closer, this figure is Fengqi in the form of a bone body.

In the bone form, the flesh and blood on Fengqi's body turned into a spiritual core and imprinted on his forehead, and the surging telekinetic power came out of his body and carried him to fly in the sky.

At this time, Fengqi no longer needs to worry about lack of mental strength.

If he only flies in the air, even if he flies for a whole day, his mental power will not be exhausted.

On the way to the Fog Field, Feng Qi was always thinking about a problem.

After confessing to the Mist Lord, what changes will be brought to the future of mankind.

Before taking this step, he had one idea that he didn't change.

What he confessed with the Mist Lord was only the memory between the two of them, and not too many other things were involved.

Especially the secrets related to the Scarlet Research Institute, he will not tell the Mist Lord.

Relevant memory fragments have also been cut from the memory fluid.

As Wei Wei said, pure trust regardless of interests is too naive, even if it is based on absolute credibility, it is necessary to reserve a back-up for possible contingencies.

This backhand is the Scarlet Research Institute who has mastered all his secrets and all information.

He agreed with Wei Wei's statement in his heart.

He trusts his old fans very much, but it's only his personal feelings, he can't drag all human beings to gamble with him and old fans just because of his personal feelings, this is an irresponsible behavior.

There is no doubt about the danger of the old fan, he has never been a sheep, but a beast that eats meat.

Hei Xuan, who was overturned, is a good example.

As for why he chose to confess in reality, Feng Qi considered it from two perspectives.

First of all, he has a very thorough understanding of the details of the old fans. The old fans in the future are indeed very powerful, but the threat to him from the old fans in reality is negligible. Any variable can be traced back through the special ability of restarting the timeline. .

Finally, it is considered from the perspective of cooperation and trust.

The Mist Lord is not a fool.

If you want to cooperate with the Mist Lord, you first need to let the Mist Lord understand that he has two development lines, the main timeline and the sacrifice line.

This is the core basis of cooperation.

Many future plans will be based on this foundation.

If there is no such foundation as a starting point, the old fans will most likely not bother to support the development of human civilization after sacrificing his death online.

The memory of multiple sacrifice lines will also let old fans understand the difference between him on the sacrifice line and him on the main timeline.

If he used the sacrificial line to contact the Lord of the Mist every time, the old fan would definitely feel vigilance and doubts in his heart.

This will also make old fans distrust him.

It is also extremely difficult to disguise this point, after all, the characteristic gap between the sacrifice line and the main time line is very obvious.

Therefore, the choice of real-line contact is the basis of cooperation.

He needs to give old fans trust, and old fans also need this trust to dispel their concerns and cooperate with him in the future timeline.

If you don't even have this trust, the old fans who discover the clues will also not give their sincerity.

This decision was proposed by him, but it was also a decision made after discussions among Scarlet's senior management.

Except that the line of defense of the Scarlet Research Institute cannot be exposed, other secrets can be confessed to the Mist Lord without reservation.

In the future, the Amber Research Institute will replace the Scarlet Research Institute and become a companion who assists him in multiple timelines on the bright side, while the Scarlet Research Institute will continue to hide behind the scenes and become a dark organization behind him.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, a snowy forest appeared in Fengqi's sight.

Most of the snow forest was buried by white snow, and the piled up area looked like a snow dragon lying in the distance. The cold wind converging in the air, the tearing sound was like the roar of a snow dragon with its head held high, majestic.

The harsh winter north area is covered with heavy snow all the year round and is sparsely populated, but it has beautiful scenery that is difficult to see in other places.

Starry sky, aurora, snowfall, silence... All kinds of elements converge into a lonely beauty that only belongs to the cold winter north.

While appreciating the magnificence in front of him, a white field barrier finally appeared at the end of Feng Qi's vision.

This field is no stranger to seal chess, he and Mu Qing had been here before when he was on the sacrifice line.

If you don't want to take a long detour and want to go directly to the Fog Field, passing through the Wave Field is the only way to go.

When Feng Qi passed through the barrier of the wave field, what appeared before him was an ocean world completely covered by white liquid. The milky white liquid came into contact with the body, bringing a faint sense of buoyancy.

This milky liquid is somewhat similar to real-world air.

During breathing, the white liquid will enter the body along the nose and mouth, and evaporate into a thin aura that spreads around the body.

The quality of the aura here is not high, but the aura content is extremely high.

At this time, Feng Qi drives the telekinetic power to wrap around the body, pushes away the surrounding liquid, and continues to move forward in a flying manner.

Soon, he encountered the native domain creatures in this domain.

A monster in the psychic realm that resembles a jellyfish.

Coming this time with the body of the main timeline, Feng Qi decided to kill a few domain creatures that looked like jellyfish to see what talents he could get.

At this moment, he stretched out his right hand and gently grabbed the domain creature blocking the way.

Immediately, the telekinetic power came out of the body, turning into an invisible arm and crushing the jellyfish-like domain creature on the spot.

I saw a faint golden light rising from the body of the jellyfish-like domain creature, dragging a golden light tail towards him, penetrating into his skin.

Feng Qi could feel that killing the creatures in the domain did not bring any improvement to his spiritual power.

Obviously, this kind of jellyfish-like domain creature is too weak, and the mental enhancement effect brought by it can't break through the invisible restriction at all.

After calling out the attribute panel, Feng Qi found that he had acquired a brand new innate ability.

[Spiritual Spike (Active Talent Ability)]:

Talent Strength: Eighteenth Order Sequence

Innate ability introduction: Compress the mental power and release it towards the target. After hitting the target, it will cause a mental impact effect on it. The specific effect depends on your own mental strength (if the mental strength is too low, it can cause a dizzy effect).

Seeing the newly acquired natural ability, Feng Qi couldn't help shaking his head.

Eighteen talent tracks, the lowest one is the eighteenth track.

This innate ability is not only low in strength, but also has extremely low growth potential. It is useless except for decomposing it into innate evolution points.

【Three tails shake their heads when they see it, expressing that dogs won't eat this stuff. 】

Hearing the narration's complaints, Feng Qi felt ashamed.

As he continued to move forward, he encountered several kinds of spiritual domain creatures that looked like jellyfish or octopuses.

After consecutive kills, he gained three more spiritual abilities.

But without exception, these three natural abilities are all classified into the eighteenth order by the talent track.

It can be seen that the growth potential of the domain creatures in this domain is very low, and it is no wonder that they have no sense of existence in history.

Even for humans, this is just a small field without much challenge.

For the rest of the journey, as long as the domain creatures in the fluctuation domain field do not take the initiative to block the way and attack him, if they are only seen from a distance, Feng Qi will not deliberately go over and kill him.

In his opinion, such creatures in the spiritual field are very weak and worthless.

With this time, the hunting effect in the future dream is obviously better.

Even the domain beasts living in the barren land in the old fan's mouth, that is, the ruins of the star city, would often bring him surprises after killing them.

Speaking of special talents, Feng Qi suddenly thought of Blood Origin.

After the narration of the old fan in the previous timeline, he has already learned about the origin of the sheep-headed demon.

All of this is a bureau set by the Dark God for future generations.

In order to resurrect himself, the Dark God gave his descendants a method of resurrecting himself before his life died, paving the way for his subsequent rebirth of faith.

On the normal timeline, the day when the Dark God is revived, so the Dark God clansmen who believe in the Dark God will be drained of their spiritual power and half of their blood, and then transformed into a kind of life of believers.

That is, the sheep-headed devil.

After the Dark God awakened, they were completely reduced to slaves, and they will continue to provide the Dark God with the power of faith in the future.

This is why the white bone mask worn on the head of the sheep-headed demon is exactly the same as the mask on the faces of members of the Dark God Race. In essence, they are the servants of faith that the Dark God has absorbed and transformed into.

And the sheep-headed demons that will appear in Star City 1500 years from now are obviously transformed by the part of the Dark God clan who stationed in Star City and spread the belief of the Dark God Sect.

As for why one of the origins of the Dark God would stay in Star City, Feng Qi has yet to find an answer to this question.

Perhaps the "blood source" stored in the statue is similar to the bracelet of faith, serving as a bridge of faith media, assisting long-distance transmission or acceptance of the power of faith.

But what the specific truth is, he does not know.

When he learned all this through the old fans' narration, Feng Qi was extremely shocked in his heart.

In many timelines, he has seen many ways of cutting leeks.

For example, the old fan used the flesh and blood sacrifice to cut the leeks of the weak people all over the world, and the Yeying clan used the ability of spiritual bewitching to cut the leeks of the resources of the Tiger Soul Research Institute... But he has never seen anyone like the Dark God.

In order to resurrect himself, the Dark God actually harvested all the offspring.

In the previous line of sacrifice, when he was imprisoned in the Old City, he had a brief communication with the patriarch "Mask" of the Dark God Race.

At that time, the mask said that the dark **** is the belief and glory of their dark **** race.

Obviously, the mask at that time would not have thought that he had long been a **** in the dark god's resurrection plan.

The mask thinks that by spreading and collecting beliefs, the dark gods will be resurrected, and the dark gods will reach the peak under the leadership of the dark gods.

But it certainly wouldn't have thought that it wasn't the glory of the past that they were trying to resurrect, but a demon that would devour them.

After making use of the descendants, and then harvesting in another wave, the Dark God is indeed the template of the great villain in Feng Qi's eyes.

But there is one thing that Feng Qi admires very much.

The ambitious Dark God was like a docile lamb in front of the Mist Lord, and he didn't dare to have the slightest thought of disobedience.

He could see the greed, anger, and other emotions in Dark God's eyes when he discovered that he had one of his missing sources.

But the Lord of the Mist didn't speak, and the Dark God would only beg, without daring to be presumptuous at all.

As for Yuxia, the old fans were obviously very successful.

Taking a group of super beings with special abilities under his command is enough to prove his ability and courage.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi looks forward to the changes that old fans may bring to mankind.

Two days later, Feng Qi finally flew out of the wave field.

After passing through the white field barrier, the front line of sight suddenly widened.

Looking through the swirling snowflakes, he saw the field of the Mist Tribe standing in the distance, a towering black barrier connecting with the sky, extending endlessly on both sides.

Feng Qi's body was slowly suspended in the air at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, he shot towards the field of the Misty Clan in the distance like a sharp arrow out of its sheath.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the Fog Field.

Without hesitation, he immediately passed through the fog field barrier.

When the sense of obstruction disappeared, what appeared in front of his eyes was a gray mist that completely obscured his vision and made him unable to see clearly the scene ahead.

At this moment, Feng Qi released his telekinetic power, turned into an invisible big hand, and pushed the gray fog forward, opening up a channel visible to the line of sight.

After exploring for a while, Feng Qi stopped moving forward.

Under the guidance of his consciousness, the spiritual power core on his forehead bloomed brightly, and a strong spiritual tsunami swept away in all directions centered on him.

"Miyun, come out!"

The mental power stirred up the fog, and the idea of ​​sealing chess spread to the field of fog one after another like overlapping waves.

While waiting for a response, flesh and blood formed on his body surface.

He switches himself back to human form at this point.

A moment later, a face made of gray mist slowly formed not far in front of him, and the scarlet eyes in the gray mist showed a look of vigilance.

"You know me?" a hoarse voice sounded.

"Come and see me with your real body, I want to talk to you." Feng Qi said with a smile looking at Hui Wu's face.

"Reveal your real body? Why?" Misty face said in a deep voice.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi grinned.

Like the old fan in my impression, he has always been very cautious and will not easily reveal his flaws at all.

"Miyun, I have a way to help you revive the tribe, can we talk about it."

"It seems that you know me well, and why do I feel that you have an affection for me? Have we ever met?!"

After the voice fell, the gray fog suddenly shrank.

In the end, he condensed into the appearance of a handsome young man with purple hair and purple eyes.

However, it can be seen from the eyes of the Lord of Mist that his real body appeared, that he is still full of vigilance in his heart at this moment.

Feng Qi didn't choose to take the initiative to step forward.

The Mist Lord was obviously wary of him at this time, and his rash actions might make the Mist Lord escape.

Thinking of this, he organized his thoughts and said:

"What I'm going to say next will be shocking, so be prepared..."

In the eyes of the Lord of Mist looking at the fool, Feng Qi began to briefly talk about the process of acquaintance, meeting, and getting to know each other.

During this period, the Mist Lord kept frowning, as if analyzing the loopholes in his words.

A few hours later, Feng Qi took off the special backpack, opened the zipper, and took out the memory potion:

"Put this shot in your brain and you'll understand everything."

But the Mist Lord shook his head and refused at this moment:

"What you said is too mysterious, I can't fully believe it, let alone inject this memory fluid."

Feng Qi was not surprised by the rejection of the Mist Lord.

If he would agree easily, he would not be the Lord of the Mist.

Since the text is not good, then he can only come to Wu.

If you don't inject, I will force you to inject.

Thinking of this, the flesh and blood on the surface of Feng Qi's body disintegrated instantly, and the blood color turned into a golden airflow that converged towards the center of the eyebrows, and finally formed a crystallization of spiritual power.

At this moment, he stretched out his hand to the old fan, and immediately thought of power to wrap the old fan.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Feng Qi used his consciousness to pull the needle and shoot towards the old fan's head.

The Lord of the Mist obviously didn't expect Feng Qi to use his telekinetic power to launch a sneak attack, and he was caught off guard and pierced his head with a needle.

Driven by the power of thought, the memory fluid in the needle was injected into the head of the Mist Lord.

But just when Feng Qi thought the use of force was successful, he saw the idea of ​​the mist open his mouth:


The memory fluid was sprayed out from the Mist Lord's mouth, and then his body suddenly exploded into gray mist and spread.

Fortunately, Fengqi's reaction was extremely quick. Before the memory fluid hit the ground, he used his mind to hold it in mid-air, then dragged it back into the needle tube, and finally returned to his hand.

Putting the needle back into the metal box, Feng Qi looked up at the misty face floating not far away:

"Old fan, you will regret it."

"Oh?!" Misty face responded provocatively.

Seeing the old fan like this, Feng Qi put his backpack on the ground, grinning:

"In that case, I have no other choice."

The voice fell~lightnovelpub.net~The heartbeat sounded like the beating of war drums.

His body was instantly enveloped by the thick qi and blood leaking out of his body, his stature suddenly rose, and he turned into a blood-colored giant over eight meters tall in the blink of an eye.

The surging qi and blood spread around him centered on him, causing ripples of blood mist.

Feeling the surging qi and blood fluctuations, the old fan who turned on the blood perception gradually panicked.

At this time, Feng Qi looked up at the Lord of the Mist, grinning and said:

"Old fan, don't blame my brothers for being heavy-handed. The problem is that you don't cooperate."

[I suspect that you want to take revenge for being beaten up one after another by an old fan in the dream of the future... But I support you to attack the old fan hard and double the repayment, let him know that any resourcefulness is **** in the face of absolute power, oh, beat he! 】

-----Off Topic-----

Brothers, go to bed early~