I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 420: magic knife

The mysterious figure shuttles through the space channel and is about to enter the human world.

This made Feng Qi nervous immediately.

The purpose of choosing the land of the Misty tribe is to prevent the forces from the domain from coming along the space channel.

The Misty Clan's land in the domain world has already become a barren land after the Misty Clan left with the domain field, and there are no resources at all, so the possibility of attracting strong enemies is extremely small.

The initial test of creating a space channel was very successful, but unexpectedly there was an accident.

If someone who came at this time was a powerhouse they couldn't match, it would definitely affect Star City.

While running towards the direction where the mysterious figure fell, Feng Qi's thoughts surged, and he prepared the worst plan in his heart.

Coming to the central area of ​​the formation, Feng Qi and the Lord of the Mist looked up at the sky.

I saw the mysterious figure gradually become clear in the space channel.

This is an extremely ferocious domain creature with a head like a crocodile's head and a humanoid body. The skin is rough and hard and grainy. It is estimated to be more than ten meters tall.

Among them, what Feng Qi is most concerned about is the black sword held by the right hand of this domain creature. You can clearly see that there are strange patterns on the surface of the sword, and a circle of black mist surrounds the body surface. Just by looking at it, you can feel the sharpness and hurt your eyes.

For some reason, Feng Qi always felt that the pitch-black sword held by the creature in the mysterious field was very familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

At this moment, he turned his head and looked at the Misty Lord beside him:

"Old fan, this guy is a specialty of your hometown, what's the origin?"

"I don't know, kill!"

After a brief stupor, the Lord of the Mist turned indifferent, and at this moment he raised his head and slapped the sky.

Immediately, the atomization of the right arm spread towards the sky, turning into a huge atomization arm and grabbing the huge falling figure.

Feng Qi was also accumulating energy at this time.

Accompanied by the flames of the fist in his chest burning violently, he twisted his body and suddenly punched the sky. The surging energy and blood spurted out, and turned into a **** fist shadow burning with dark green flames as he advanced, following closely behind the mist The Lord's offensive hits the domain creatures holding the jet-black sword.

At this moment, the domain creatures passing through the space channel suddenly turned to look at the two attacks.

There was a glimmer of light in the godless eyes.

I saw it slowly dragging the jet-black sword in its hand, and casually swung forward.

In an instant, a pitch-black crack spread forward along the swing of the Taidao. The giant gray mist hand and the blood-colored fist shadow were cut in two without any hindrance in front of the pitch-black crack, and the energy structure gathered inside was destroyed and collapsed open.

Looking at the mysterious figure that continued to fall, the Mist Lord frowned slightly:

"We are so lucky, this guy is very strong, this is the end of the matter... Hurry up and invite the Tathagata Buddha."

"Tathagata Buddha... you mean Mu Qing? Tianshu?"

"Tianshu is too unstable. Even if he wins the opponent with a shot, turning around may cause unprecedented damage to Star City. Now only Mu Qing can solve the problem in front of him. Doing so may interfere with Mu Qing's future line again, but now It's an urgent moment and there's no other way."

After hearing the explanation from the Mist Lord, Feng Qi, who had already realized that the situation was out of control, immediately nodded.

But just when he was about to pick up the communicator and let the on-call personnel in Star City go to Star City Academy to call Mu Qing, the mysterious figure landed at this moment.

After landing, the creatures in the domain had indifferent expressions and dull eyes.

He slowly turned his head to look at Fengqi, and then at the Lord of the Mist.

At this time, the pitch-black sword in his hand buzzed, and suddenly the terrifying sharpness blew around this domain creature, and criss-crossing slashing marks appeared on the ground along the way.

Before they started, the creatures in the domain brought unimaginable pressure to Feng Qi and the Lord of the Mist.

But neither Feng Qi nor the Lord of Mist retreated.

While looking at each other, the domain creature slowly raised the jet-black sword and pointed at the two of them:


The creatures in the domain did not speak human language, but Feng Qi understood it.

The meaning of this sentence is:

"The weak are not worthy of being a whetstone."

Hearing these words, the Mist Lord standing beside him couldn't help frowning, and then slowly said:

"@¥%#!%(You are right, we are weak, not worthy to die by your hands!

Feng Qi: ...

He thought that the Lord of the Mist would say something harsh, but he didn't expect that he would admit cowardice.

This is indeed very foggy, and you will never show your strength when you encounter a strong enemy.

In the words of the Mist Lord:

Counseling for life, this deal is not a loss in any way, and it is not an act of abandoning dignity, but it is a way out for myself.

Picking hard just now is stupid as hell.

Dignity lies in uncompromising and not admitting defeat in the heart. Even if you bow your head temporarily, it is for the sake of a comeback in the future. This is the consciousness and mentality that a life that wants to become a strong person should have.

When he said these words, the Mist Lord even gave him several examples.

It means that in the cruel survival and competition environment of the domain world, those powerful racial forces are almost extinct, and those who can survive are extremely cunning. Look at the domain forces lurking in the human world, has there ever been a strong and reckless force?

Feng Qi thought about it carefully, everything was just as the Mist Lord said.

For example, the Silvermoon Clan stayed in Star City just to pave the way for the future, so how could it be said that the Silvermoon Clan abandoned their dignity.

There is also the black shadow of the Science and Technology Research Institute, which is also low-key to pave the way for the future.

The forces in these domains are extremely cunning, so far he has never encountered a hidden force in the domain that chose to make a high profile.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi suppressed the idea of ​​doing something.

If "counseling" can be exchanged for the departure of creatures in the mysterious field, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

But what they didn't expect was that the creature in the mysterious domain still slowly raised the jet-black sword:

"I... thirst for blood!"

As the voice fell, the black mist on the surface of the black sword spread, and a sharp aura shot up into the sky.

The terrifying coercion made Feng Qi and the Mist Lord retreat one after another.

While the Taidao was humming, Feng Qi found that even the wind blowing on his face was painful, and it was even cut with bleeding marks.

This horrified Feng Qi.

The strength of this mysterious field creature has already exceeded the upper limit that he can deal with on the sacrifice line.

Except for Mu Qing, only Tianshu in the entire Star City has the ability to fight with her.

But just when Feng Qi was nervous and was about to contact Mu Qing, he saw the creature from the mysterious domain with dull eyes suddenly kneeling on the ground.

I saw clouds of black mist spreading outward along his mouth and nose, and pain appeared in his dull eyes.

"What's the matter?" Feng Qi immediately looked at the Misty Lord beside him and asked.

Observing the body changes of the creatures in the mysterious field, the Mist Lord then said:

"If I'm not wrong, it should be that its body is not compatible with the rules of the human world, causing his body to be constantly rejected by the rules of the world, and now it is on the verge of collapse... I am familiar with this process."

As the Mist Lord said, the body of the sluggish-looking creature in the domain was still intensified.

It fell to its knees in pain, its body trembling slightly uncontrollably.

But what puzzled Feng Qi was that no matter how painful it was, the creatures in the mysterious domain still held on to the black mist-shrouded Taidao, unwilling to let go.

Feng Qi's eyes were now focused on the jet-black sword.

He always felt that this dagger was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it.

As thoughts surged, a flash of light suddenly appeared in Feng Qi's mind.

He suddenly realized where he had seen this pitch-black sword before.

In the last dream of the future, the Mist Lord introduced him to three lone potential strongmen that he had learned, and showed him with a gray fog condensed screen.

There is no power behind these three lone strongmen, but the financial resources or strength they display are extremely strong.

The first one is the Shadow City Lord that he is very familiar with.

The Lord of the Mist of Resources on the Shadow City Lord has been coveting for a long time, but he just couldn't figure out the strength of the shadowy City Lord, so he didn't rush to test it.

The second one is holding a jet-black sawtooth sword and wearing a jet-black battle armor.

His origin is very mysterious, old fans call him the Sword Demon, and have fought against him before.

In that battle, the Mist Lord only had the upper hand, barely repelling him.

The third is an egg branded with flame patterns.

The origin of this egg is even more mysterious, but it is certain that its ancestor must be a super strong man.

The pattern on the dagger in the hand of the mysterious creature in front of him is exactly the same as the dagger he saw in the second video of the gray fog.

The difference lies in the shape and size of the Taidao.

He couldn't help guessing that the mysterious domain creature in front of him came from the same racial force as the guy who would be called "Sword Demon" by old fans in the future.

It's just that in the 1500 years of change, the power of the sword demon was destroyed, and he was the only one who survived.

In this way, the sword demon has become a lone walker in the old fan's mouth.

Looking at the constantly struggling figure, Feng Qi's inner tension gradually dissipated.

The current situation of the creatures in the mysterious domain in front of them is exactly the same as the old fans when they walked out of the fog domain.

The only difference is that the old fan has a miraculous will to protect his body. Even if his flesh and blood collapse and his sea of ​​consciousness collapses, he can rely on the power of the miraculous will to recast his body and sea of ​​consciousness to complete his resurrection.

But the domain creatures in front of them were obviously not so lucky.

At this time, the energy of the formation has been cut off urgently, the space channel in the sky has collapsed, and the space gap is healing at an accelerated rate because there is no continuous supply of energy.

At this time, there is no way out if you want to go back.

The creatures in the domain fell to their knees, their bodies like deflated balls, continuously overflowing with dense black mist.

It struggled to stand up, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't break free from the oppression of the world's rules.

But it still firmly grasped the jet-black sword in its hand.

Feng Qi could clearly feel that the vitality in the organisms in the mysterious realm was rapidly dissipating, half of his foot was already on the road to death...and he stepped on the accelerator.

All this can only be said to be bad luck.

Some domain creatures are domain transcendent creatures when they first come, but the mysterious domain creatures in front of them are obviously not among them.

While waiting, the creature in the mysterious domain finally couldn't hold on, and its body suddenly burst.

The jet-black sword that was always in his hand fell to the ground at this moment.


The Lord of the Mist, who monitored the physical condition of the creatures in the mysterious domain through Qi and blood perception, spoke at this moment.

"Fortunately, it's not a transcendent creature in the domain, and something big happened." Feng Qi said with lingering fear, and as he spoke, his eyes turned to the jet-black sword lying quietly on the ground.

Just when he was about to step forward to check the pitch-black sword, the Misty Lord beside him suddenly said:

"It's not right!"

After the words fell, the Lord of the Mist suddenly took a step forward and pulled Feng Qi behind him.

At this time, the Taidao turned into a black streamer and pierced the position where he was standing just now, piercing the chest of the Lord of Mist who stepped forward.

"Old fan!" Feng Qi was about to step forward while being startled.

At this time, a thick black mist appeared on the surface of the main body of the mist, and the burst of power bounced him away.

Feng Qi adjusted his figure in the air, and after landing, he slid back a certain distance before stabilizing his figure.

Looking up, I saw that the main body of the mist is black mist and gray mist intertwined.

The Mist Lord's eyes gradually became dull.

It can be clearly seen that the black mist is devouring the gray mist, and it seems that it wants to control the body of the mist lord in this way.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi immediately thought of one thing.

Why do the creatures in the mysterious field always have dull eyes, as if they have lost consciousness.

Now it seems that the domain creature has already been controlled by this pitch-black magic knife, and has become a flesh and blood servant of the magic knife.

The magic knife that pierced the Mist Lord's chest shattered at this moment, turning into a thick black mist that wrapped around the Mist Lord's body.

Amid Feng Qi's unbelievable expression, the Mist Lord slowly raised his right hand.

Immediately, the black mist wrapped around his body gathered towards the palm of his hand.

A two-meter-long sword slowly condensed in his palm, gradually turning into a solid body.

Different from the shape of the magic knife seen just now, the re-condensed magic knife is covered with **** lines, but the track of the lines is exactly the same as that of the more than ten meters long sword just now.

He could clearly feel the aura on the Mist Lord's body began to rise steadily.

The **** machete was slowly raised by the Mist Lord.

All of a sudden, the berserk knife energy swept across the surrounding area, and criss-cross knife marks appeared on the ground where it passed.

Even though it was more than ten meters away, Feng Qi was still pushed back by the saber energy, and dense scratches appeared on his body.

Without hesitation, he decisively switched to the bone body.

The flesh and blood on his body shattered and condensed into a spiritual brand between his eyebrows, shining brightly.

The divine body then opens.

Rich spiritual power spewed out from the forehead, turning into pure spiritual power to envelop the whole body.

In the blink of an eye, his body transformed into pure gold.

The moment he opened his eyes, the surrounding elements began to stir and gathered towards him.

At this moment, he stretched out his hand towards the black knife.

All of a sudden, the heaven and earth elements, like loyal soldiers who had received an attack order, gathered towards the surface of the magic knife to help the Mist Lord dispel the black mist wrapped around his body.

Under the cover of various energies, the magic knife turned into colors and began to buzz unstoppably.

Elemental particles also collide with the black mist, canceling each other out.

The sound of crackling and crackling can be heard endlessly.

Feng Qi thought for a moment, part of the elemental power began to pull the magic knife, trying to pull it away from the right hand holding the knife of the mist lord.

But the magic knife was obviously unwilling to leave, and kept trembling to counteract the suppression of elemental power.

A pained expression appeared on the face of the Mist Lord.

"Old fan, hold on to me. Taking others away is your specialty. Wouldn't it be a joke for others to take them away?"

As if hearing his shout, a faint purple color appeared in the eyes of the Mist Lord.

A hoarse growl sounded from the Mist Lord's mouth.

Realizing that the Mist Lord's consciousness has recovered a bit, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Feng Qi resolutely continued to use elements to suppress the magic knife, creating opportunities for the Mist Lord to resist.

The state of the Mist Lord at this time is very strange.

The black mist and gray mist on his body are intertwined and devour each other, and the shape of the Taidao in his hand is constantly changing.

The scene was at a stalemate.

As time passed, just as Feng Qi's divine body was about to shatter, he saw a blue gleam oozing from the surface of the main body of the mist.

Seeing that touch of blue, Feng Qi's hanging heart finally let go.

During the will struggle, the Misty Lord had obviously activated the miraculous items in his body.

-----Off Topic-----

This line will be more exciting, and a lot of foreshadowing and new content will be dug out. Let me lay the groundwork and sort out the outline and plot first to ensure that the plot line advances reasonably.
