I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 428: black cloud handprint

Amber Research Institute, training room.

Feng Qi sits with his legs crossed, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the way of exhaling and breathing, nourishing the body.

Although the "knife body" method of tempering the body can quickly improve the physical fitness, it is also easy to damage the body. He needs to use the way of breathing to nourish the body every time he trains.

With this line of sacrifice, he can no longer squeeze his physical potential unreservedly.

Longevity is his biggest pursuit now.

Normal training can prolong life, but oppressive training can easily cause various hidden sequelae in the body.

Now the symptoms may not be obvious when he is young, but when he gets older, the accumulated sequelae will break out.

It might have cost him his life.

Fortunately, what he assisted in practicing is the blood refinement method, which does not cause any damage to the body, and also has the function of repairing the body.

If it is human beings' existing cultivation methods, it is common to cause damage to the body during cultivation.

The imperfection of modern self-cultivation is reflected in all aspects, especially the problems in exercises, which can easily lead to physical problems of practitioners.

From the cataclysmic era to the present, after 500 years of improvement, the cultivation science has been relatively perfect, and these problems have gradually decreased, but they still exist.

This is also one of the huge gaps between humans and domain groups.

For those domain groups with mature cultivation systems, the cultivation methods they master can prolong the life of their members, and can also bring them an increase in physical fitness and spiritual strength.

However, most of the cultivation methods of human beings exchange life span for strength.

The soldiers on the front line died vigorously, but the work of the researchers in the rear is also full of risks.

It's just that ordinary people don't see these risks.

The emergence of a skill requires multiple internal tests.

This testing process is not only a simulation test, but also a live test. Most of this process is performed by the testers within the R&D team.

There are many risks associated with testing.

There are not a few testers who die every year because of testing exercises.

In addition, there are hidden dangers of sudden death caused by staying up late and mental stress.

This is also the main reason why major research institutes choose to add spiritual food to cafeterias and restaurants, so as to maintain the bodies of researchers and reduce casualties during research and development.

After all, not everyone can have Wei Wei's special body that is long-lived and resistant to stress.

The exploration of the cultivation system requires exploration and sacrifice in exchange for the way forward.

After breathing for an hour, Feng Qi stood up and came to the central square of the training room, at this moment he closed his eyes.

After gaining momentum for a short time, the lingering and transparent saber energy faintly flashed around him.

Next, Feng Qi started the step of quenching the body with knife gas.

Surrounded by saber energy, fine bloodstains gradually appeared on the body.

This body training method was learned from the memory of "Magic Sword".

There are many growth skills in the memory of the magic knife. These growth skills are learned during the training of generations of masters of the magic knife.

During this period, the way of cultivating the master of the magic knife became more and more proficient.

From the initial ignorant exploration to the later stage, the magic knife has even comprehended a complete set of processes.

Once there is a new owner, the magic knife can directly copy the process of its own design.

These training methods generally need to cooperate with holding the magic knife to be effective, but there are also body training methods that can be carried out without the magic knife.

The knife gas quenching body is one of them.

This method can temper the strength of the body through the sword energy, and even the internal organs in the body, so as to improve the strength of the body.

This kind of body tempering method has a certain amount of damage to the body, but it can play a complementary role with the repairing effect of the blood refinement method, allowing his body to quickly repair after each injury, and at the same time improve his strength.

These days, the strength of his blood has increased by more than five times.

The increase obtained after turning on the blood source is also increased.

As a sacrifice line, he can borrow the innate ability of the main timeline, but it is only borrowed, and the boost effect obtained after borrowing is still affected by the physical fitness of the sacrifice line.

Simple example.

The effect of opening the divine body is affected by the amount of mental power.

After the body in the main timeline converts its own qi and blood into the crystallization of spiritual power, the activation of the divine body can now last for about 3 minutes.

But with the same innate ability, he can only maintain the divine body for about 40 seconds after opening it.

Even if the main timeline promotes the divine body to a higher orbital sequence innate ability, the time he maintains after turning on the divine body will not improve, and may even go backwards.

After all, after the divine body is promoted, it may consume more mental power after opening it.

Therefore, the strength of the sacrifice line is affected by the talent level of the main timeline, but has nothing to do with the strength of the body's blood and mental strength in the main timeline.

Even if the body in the main timeline is as strong as a god, the increase he gets in the sacrifice line is still only affected by the level of talent and ability.

For him on the sacrifice line, practicing exercises is equally important.

If the Blood Sacrifice is solved in the future, it will also be his first choice on the sacrifice line.

A few hours later, Feng Qi ended his training.

At this time, he walked towards the "body recuperation warehouse" placed in the west corner.

After a long time, Feng Qi, who had changed into another suit, came to sit on the sofa, picked up the spirit soothing potion placed on the table, and drank a few swigs.

The hot burning sensation slipped down the throat, and finally turned into a cool feeling that swept the whole body.

The tense mental state is relieved.

The superimposed memories are like a heavy mountain, always weighing on Fengqi's heart.

Every memory is a journey of life experience.

His memory is like a book that is constantly adding content and increasing in thickness. Sooner or later, he will not be able to reach out to pick up the memory book, or even be able to read it.

The hidden dangers in this area have even been revealed at the physical level.

Just the day before yesterday, two black marks in the shape of clouds appeared on his left and right palms.

At that time, Feng Qi thought that the two black marks were hidden dangers caused by his irregular training.

But when she went to the Scarlet Research Institute for testing, Wei Wei came to the conclusion that she didn't know the meaning of the two black marks.

Based on the fact that Wei Wei's ability cannot be detected, Feng Qi can only guess at the spiritual level.

I feel that there may be a problem with the spiritual consciousness, and the feedback is reflected in the body.

But Wei Wei has little knowledge of spiritual content, so she can't give him an answer.

He planned to ask the reason after the Mist Lord returned.

Regardless of whether it is related to mental sequelae, the impact of memory overlap requires his utmost attention.

The concept of memory bursting consciousness, he had heard "Mo" mention it in Ling Zhan's memory.

Now he is on the verge of danger.

But the pace of progress, he obviously can't stop.

In addition to the infinite memory ability, he felt that when he went to the future dream this time, he might be able to challenge the Blood Soul Clan's Eighteen Heart Training Difficulties.

Although the Heart Refining Challenge cannot completely solve the problem of memory superposition, it can slow down the impact of memory superposition.

If the memory of the magic knife hadn't been read this time, the effect of memory superposition would have been much reduced.

But he must admit that the memory of the magic knife is very useful.

He has already recorded the way of cultivating the master of the magic knife, and it may be one of the assists in the rise of Star City.

The time of human cultivation science is too short.

Independent research and development is of course the preferred path. During this period, you can also absorb the strengths of hundreds of schools and learn from each other.

Only in this way can the science of human cultivation advance steadily and have a bright future.

Whether it is the blood refining method provided by the Mist Lord or the growth method provided by the magic knife, they are all seeds leading to the future.

The seeds sown in this era will bear fruit in the future.

Reaching out to pick up the tablet placed on the coffee table, Feng Qi began to read the latest news.

I saw that the screen was full of unread messages.

These news come from different organizations in Star City, and they are all reported by this organization.

Among them are the progress of research projects sent by Scarlet Research Institute, such as living armor, virtual games, and so on.

There was a message from the Energy Research Institute about the deployment progress of the new design of Star City's energy architecture.

There is a message from the Ministry of Education of Star City about reforming the education system.

Especially education reform, Fengqi attaches great importance to it.

Education is related to the next generation, and the content of educational books is greatly affected by the modification of domain organisms.

For example, before many timelines, the human traitor recorded in the annals of history, the leader of the third Death Star Chapter "Wang Yi".

If such a traitor is allowed to become a human hero, once his identity is exposed, it will undoubtedly collapse the faith of many people.

Therefore, the reform of education is imperative, which is also the focus of cultivating the cohesion of Star City.

The importance of education can refer to psionic race.

Spiritual Warfare reforms the Psionic Race, starting with education and starting to build the next generation.

It was thanks to the efforts of the Spiritual War that a rising generation of the Psionic Race emerged, and members of this generation pushed the Psionic Clan to its current height.

They may not have seen the current glory of the Psionic Race, but the rise of the Psionic Race cannot be separated from them.

The current Psionics can easily look into the distant future, not because they are tall, but because they are standing on the shoulders of their ancestors.

This shows that the reform of the education system is very important.

After viewing the important information, Feng Qi then began to look through the next important information.

The allocation of resources in Star City, the preliminary planning and construction plan for the supply front line west of Star City, the deployment of Star City's science and technology department...

Seeing these news, Feng Qi felt a headache for a while, but he still read through them patiently.

The higher-ups of Star City intend to train him to be a human leader, and this is a process that he has to learn and grow.

Force can solve many problems, but not all problems.

His own invincible route may allow him to face the great situation, but what he fears is that when that day comes, there will be no clansmen by his side.

Such invincibility is too lonely, not the future he wants.

What he wants is a prosperous future for the human race, and that kind of future is the ideal land in his heart.

After a long time, the door of the training room was opened.

I saw the Mist Lord in black walking from a distance, then sat down beside him, and said.

"The selection is officially over. Now there are 2,187 remaining blood-trained fighters, 387 of whom are substitutes. I will send the rest of the blood-trained fighters back to the military headquarters...how are you doing?"

Facing the question, Feng Qi nodded and said:

"The construction of the space teleportation array has entered the second stage. When this round of testing begins, we can start testing the training results of this batch of blood refining fighters."

"Then wait for your news first. I won't go to the military headquarters recently, and I will also prepare for my future."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi was curious:

"What are you going to do?"

"When the plan to bury the Yinyue Clan is over, I will take 30% of my energy and blood. In addition to the consumption to improve my strength, I will use 20% of my energy and blood to revive a few clansmen. A boost to the rise."

"Can you revive some clansmen first?" Feng Qi's eyes widened immediately.

The Mist Lord immediately rolled his eyes:

"Of course I can. I didn't choose to resurrect the clansmen before the sacrifice line. There is a high probability that there is no stable environment. I am afraid that the resurrected clansmen will die again. But now you are standing behind me. The situation is relatively stable and controllable. Resurrection of several elders It is only natural and reasonable to help me."

After hearing the explanation from the Mist Lord, Feng Qi suddenly nodded.

For this sacrifice line, the Mist Lord obviously wanted to take a different path.

He wanted to revive part of the tribe, re-establish the Misty tribe, and then start the development plan.

Feng Qi could roughly guess what the Mist Lord was thinking.

This growth path, the Mist Lord seems to want to try to expand the growth path again.

This growth method is full of risks, but it is also the most direct way to fight for war, and the speed of resource acquisition is even more unmatched by the stable development route.

Psionics are the simplest example.

The Psychic Clan takes the path of expansion and growth, while the Black and Mysterious faction takes the path of lurking.

Comparing the two, the comprehensive strength of the Psionic Clan can press the Heixuan faction on the ground repeatedly, and even dispatch a few tribesmen at will to destroy the Heixuan faction.

If it weren't for the faction of the clan to always regard Heixuan as a member of the clan, Heixuan would not be able to guard the authority of the other half of the Holy Spirit consciousness library.

Hei Xuan's only trump card is his secret helper "Mo".

Thinking of Mo, Feng Qi just thought it was funny.

This guy supported potential strong people everywhere, but he was tricked by the psionic clan. He designed a trap for Mo early on, and finally captured him alive and imprisoned him, and regarded him as the No. 1 research object of the infinite laboratory.

Mo, who may be the avatar of the will of the world, is also a sad reminder to get into such a miserable situation.

This also proved the power of the psionic clan.

As one of the eight royal families standing in the future world, the potential of the Psionic Race has not been fully developed until now, and the road ahead will only get wider and wider.

The only thing that makes Feng Qi puzzled is whether the Heixuan faction or the clan faction won the victory of the future psionic clan.

Compared with both, each has its own advantages.

Heixuan's biggest advantage is that he is always growing by absorbing the nutrients provided by the factions of the clan.

Cultivating external forces is also to absorb the resources of ethnic factions.

For example, in the last line of sacrifice, he and the Lord of the Mist used the resources given by the faction of the Heixuan Marauders as an external force to obtain double happiness.

Heixuan has always been giving the faction of the clan an illusion that there are hidden forces targeting the faction of the clan, and plundering resources is one of the behaviors secretly targeted.

The psionic tribe of the tribe obviously didn't see through Heixuan's plan.

In addition, Heixuan also had Mo's secret support, and created a series of secret weapons for the members of the Psionic Race of the Heixuan faction.

From a long-term perspective, the future of the Heixuan faction is also very broad.

Only from the comparison of comprehensive strength, the faction of the tribe and land has a huge advantage, reaching a height that the Heixuan faction can hardly match.

But as an old Yin coin, maybe Hei Xuan will be the biggest winner in the future.

Feng Qi didn't think about this issue any more.

At this moment, he raised his right hand, revealing the black cloud-like mark on the palm of his hand, looked at the Mist Lord curiously and said:

"Old fan, there seems to be something wrong with my body, take a look at what's going on."

Seeing the black cloud imprint on the palm of Feng Qi's hand, the Mist Lord frowned slightly.

He reached out and grabbed Fengqi's right hand, and wrapped Fengqi's palm after his arm was atomized.

After a long time, the Mist Lord opened his eyes.

In Feng Qi's curious expression ~lightnovelpub.net~ The Mist Lord was silent for a while and then said:

"This imprint is called the hand cloud imprint, which is a condensate of negative spiritual emotions. It normally lurks in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. Now it is revealed in the palm of your hand. It seems that your current mental state is not ideal...but don't worry too much, almost When your mental state stabilizes, the hand cloud imprint will disappear."

After hearing the explanation from the Mist Lord, Feng Qi suddenly nodded:

"So that's it, I've been taught."

"Teach me ass, I'm fooling you, I don't know what this black mark is."

Looking at the grinning Mist Lord, Feng Qi was stunned, and then decisively raised his middle finger.

-----Off Topic-----

Brewing explosive update...

Chasing the Book Artifact