I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 436: Joined forces

Chapter 437

Thirteen years later.

Amber Research Institute, training room.

After finishing breathing training, Feng Qi came to sit on the sofa, reached out to pick up the spirit soothing potion placed in front of him.

But before drinking, he suddenly stopped.

Looking at the light red liquid in the transparent glass bottle, a feeling of resistance rose in his heart.

Spiritual soothing potion has become a necessity in his life, which can effectively relieve his mental stress.

But Wei Wei said that long-term consumption of mental soothing medicine will also cause a burden on the body.

He on the main timeline doesn't have to care, after all, his special physique can purify the hidden dangers caused by the spirit soothing potion.

But he is just an ordinary person on the line of sacrifice.

The toxins of the spirit soothing medicine accumulate in the body, and with the body's metabolism, only a part can be eliminated, and it cannot be completely removed.

If he continued to drink psychotropic potions, his body would deteriorate further.

After hesitating for a long time, he put down the spirit soothing potion.

Survival is his pursuit, and no matter how painful the mental trauma is, it is better than physical decay.

Taking a deep breath, he lay on the sofa, many images appeared in his mind.

Without the suppression of the spirit soothing potion, many memory images could not stop emerging.

While feeling a headache, he opened his eyes and walked outside the training room.

After a long time, Feng Qi's figure appeared on the roof of Hupo Building.

The breeze was blowing on his face, he looked up at the sky, the sun was setting in the west, and the sky was full of sunset.

Many memory pictures can't stop emerging.

Standing on the edge of a tall building, he looked down at the bustling Star City with slightly cloudy eyes, and his eyes gradually lost their focus.

He remembered that he once stood here with the Mist Lord, overlooking the night view of the Star City, and uttered bold words to move forward to the future.

The towering building in the distance is where Lin Ran and Yinchu met.

On the main road leading to Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School, he still remembered the uncle driver who spoke vulgarly but was full of philosophy when he first went to Xingcheng to study.

In the direction of the Science and Technology Research Institute, in the gray that is gradually covered by black, there is another determination to die for the truth.

All you can see are memories, all you can think of is the past.

The memory was too huge, and he fell into the memory and forgot the time. When he came back to his senses, the night had already enveloped the earth, and the lights of Star City were brightly lit.

Compared with the Star City in memory, this city has many new buildings promoted by his reforms.

"I'm afraid I'm going to be dementia."

Thinking that he had been absent-minded for several hours, Feng Qi couldn't help expressing emotion, then couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

Without the spirit soothing potion, the effect of memory superposition will follow.

The memory album is too thick, and it takes a long time to simply flip through it.

After rubbing his sore and swollen temples, he decided to return to the training room and continue to maintain his body with breathing.

after one day.

Feng Qi came to Scarlet Research Institute.

Lying on the operating table in Weiwei's private laboratory, the lights of the instruments above are staggered, and a slight buzzing sound can be heard during operation.

The eight mechanical arms released light beams to scan him back and forth.

At this time, Wei Wei came to him and used a syringe to draw a tube of blood from his arm.

After a long time, the physical examination was over, and Wei Wei appeared beside him holding a medical examination report.

"Aqi, your body is not optimistic. If you don't stop using the spirit soothing potion, and if the unmentionable disease left by borrowing your natural ability doesn't continue to worsen, you can only last about five years at most."

When Wei Wei said these words, her tone was relaxed, but Feng Qi found that her pupils were trembling slightly.

"It's not a big problem. Isn't there a gene needle? When I can't hold on anymore, use this to renew my life."

"Gene needles can extend your life, but your current physical condition is not caused by aging, and the effect of genes on you may be limited."

"Sister Wei is the best, she will definitely find a way, I believe in you."

Putting on his clothes and getting up from the operating table, Feng Qi smiled and said.

"Perhaps I may study the enhanced version of the gene needle... But it may not be successful. You can no longer drink the spirit soothing potion recently."

"Understood, I have deactivated it."

After chatting for a long time, Feng Qi left Weiwei's private laboratory, took a special car and returned to Hupo Research Institute.

Over the years, the Amber Research Institute has gained many newcomers.

In order to ensure that the Amber Research Institute is not infiltrated, the Amber Research Institute has now adopted the review system of the Scarlet Research Institute, and regularly conducts physical examinations for internal personnel.

On the way to the training room, when they saw his work, they would greet him respectfully and shout:

"Feng Lao."

Hearing this title, Feng Qi felt emotional.

Before he knew it, he had broken the lifespan record of the year and raised the record to 67 years old.

He also experienced for the first time what it means to have more than one heart but not enough energy.

Chi Mu's body is like a candle in the wind, which will go out at any time. Even if he has lofty ambitions, he is still restricted by his decayed body, and he often feels physically exhausted.

Pushing open the door of the training room, he suddenly found a familiar figure sitting inside.

It was the Lord of the Mist who had disappeared for a while.

After the success of the plan to bury the Silvermoon Clan, the Mist Lord left Star City and went to the old supply area.

This line of sacrifice, this is the second time the Lord of the Mist went to the supply area of ​​the old days.

The first time was before the mission of escorting the bloodstone started.

It was known in advance that the bloodstone would appear in the old East East supply area, and the Lord of the Mist at that time had ambushed there early.

For the incomplete blood stone, the Mist Lord desires in his heart.

This is a miraculous item that is incomparably suitable for his growth. As long as he can obtain this miraculous item, the growth limit of the Mist Lord will be greatly increased in the future.

Now that he has known in advance the dangers during the **** mission and the appearance of super domain creatures, the Mist Lord naturally did not choose to take risks this time. Before the supply area, the blue-skinned creature carrying the incomplete blood stone was found in advance and killed.

Seizing the opportunity, the Lord of the Mist took down the Miracle Bloodstone without any effort.

This is the first time the Mist Lord has left Star City.

The Lord of the Mist who brought back the bloodstone was silent for a while, until the plan to bury the Silvermoon Clan was officially launched.

On the day of the opening of the plan that had been in preparation for decades, Star City experienced a three-day power outage and power cut.

On that day, an ever-expanding space rift channel appeared in the sky outside Star City.

The Yinyue patriarch, who received the space message information, brought the Yinyue clan warriors to the outside of Star City.

For the Yinyue Clan, this space passage is the door to the future.

The pioneer fighters have successfully completed the planned deployment, and now it is their turn to reap the fruits of the harvest.

The blood refining formation was quietly opened at the moment when the Silvermoon warriors walked out of the space passage.

By the time the Yinyue Clan realized something was wrong, it was already too late, the way back had already turned into a space countercurrent, and the way back was cut off.

Everything is developing according to the direction planned by the Mist Lord.

A steady stream of Silvermoon warriors were refined into blood mist, and condensed into blood crystals under the "blood gathering formation" controlled by the Mist Lord, which fell from the sky profusely.

Decades of preparations had been planned, and at that moment a bumper harvest came.

When the energy supply of Star City is restored, the era of great development belonging to Star City will come.

Relying on the qi and blood crystal resources provided by the Yinyue Clan, Star City's Martial Arts has ushered in explosive growth in this era.

Blood refining exercises were also popularized during this period.

Among them, Xingcheng Academy and Daybreak Academy are used as the second pilot for testing and training.

The two schools can receive a certain amount of blood crystals every month for cultivation consumption.

After the plan to bury the Silvermoon clan was over, the Lord of the Mist took away 30% of the blood crystals as agreed, and then embarked on the road to the supply area in the Old East.

During this period, the Mist Lord had contacted him, but most of the time there was no news.

According to the description of the Mist Lord, he analyzed the current pattern of the eastern region, and felt that if he wanted to grow in an expansion way, the direction of the sea might be the best choice.

In the direction of the cold winter supply area, there are many strong clans, among them there are many strong clans like the Celestial God Clan who are still waiting for their opportunity.

Choosing that area will undoubtedly start in **** mode.

The situation in Shengli City is unknown, but it is the city with the strongest comprehensive strength among the five major cities.

The human beings there would not be as friendly to him as Star City, and there might be hidden forces hidden in the domain, and they would obviously not be merciful to him, an intruder.

In the direction of the future city, there is the territory of the Science and Technology Research Institute and Sombra.

The direction of Old Sun City is the territory of the Psychic Clan of the Black Mystic faction.

It is not suitable to go anywhere, and the Lord of Mist thinks that the islands in the sea may be his best choice.

For example, the isolated island left after the disappearance of the original black absolute field, or looking for more distant islands.

There is also no shortage of resources in the direction of the East China Sea.

As long as he can gain a foothold in the East China Sea, he can then start to grow in an expanding way.

During this period, the Lord of the Fog called and said that he was initially constructing the Fog Field, and when the structure of the small Fog Field was completed, he would prepare to revive the people, and the rise of the Fog would be unstoppable by then.

After that phone call, Feng Qi lost news of the Mist Lord.

The communicator given to him is always in a state of being unable to get through.

Feng Qi thought about many possibilities.

Perhaps the Misty Clan in the direction of the East China Sea is busy plundering and rising, and has no intention of worrying about other things, or it may be wiped out by stronger sea forces.

Of course, based on his understanding of the Mist Lord.

Since they chose to be stationed in the East China Sea, it was obvious that there had been a survey in advance. There must be no strong clans nearby, and there was a high probability that they would be alive and well.

Coming back to his senses, looking at the young Mist Lord who was sitting on the sofa, Feng Qi decisively raised his **** at him.

The Lord of the Mist also stood up at this moment, looking at him with flickering eyes.

Coming to sit down beside the Mist Lord, Feng Qi asked with a smile:

"Old fan, I feel that there is something wrong with the way you look at me, do you have something on your mind?"

"Did that old woman Weiwei tell you about your physical condition?" The Mist Lord also sat down at this moment and asked curiously.

"I just came back from the physical examination, and my current physical condition is not very good."

The Lord of Mist heard the words, nodded and said:

"Just now I sensed the qi and blood in your body. Your qi and blood are disordered, and your body is gradually declining. If you can't stop the deterioration and continue, you won't live for a few years."

"It's not a big problem. I still have the life extension needle. I will hold on to this sacrifice line until Mu Wei appears."

"The result is that I am eating your tribute in front of the tombstone, and I feel that if you persist for a few more years, your dream may come true. It is really a pity that it is such a step away."

"Can you say something auspicious... By the way, what do you want to say when you come here specially this time?"

Facing the inquiry, the Mist Lord smiled and nodded:

"The encrypted communicator you gave me was damaged during the battle, so I still can't get in touch with you. It's not easy to get into the old city. If Hei Xuan finds out, it will be very troublesome. I might as well come here in person."

"I have completed the construction of the small mist field field. I have used up all the 30% of the blood crystals that were taken away at the beginning. I have resurrected twelve elders of the mist tribe to assist me... I have recently cooperated with twelve elders of the mist tribe to open up A field field, now that field field is continuously supplying me with resources, I want to build a teleportation array connected to Star City, which will help the further connection between my family and Star City, in the future I will develop in the sea area, you will Land development can complement each other in terms of resources.”

Hearing the proposal of the Mist Lord, Feng Qi nodded without hesitation:

"Okay, in fact, I have had similar thoughts for a long time, and I'm just waiting for your reply."

When he learned that the sacrifice line of the Misty Clan decided to take the route of expansion and growth, Feng Qi had the idea of ​​building a space teleportation array.

The Mist Tribe obviously wouldn't be stationed near Star City.

This will affect the resource acquisition efficiency of Star City, and the growth of the Misty Clan will conflict with the growth of Star City.

Therefore, the Misty Clan will inevitably choose to travel far.

There are thousands of mountains and rivers in the middle, it is obviously difficult for Star City to cooperate with Mist and complement each other.

Star City can't blatantly open a main road to communicate with the field of the Mist tribe. At this time, if you want to connect Star City and the Mist tribe, the only way to go is to build a stable teleportation array.

For this reason, Feng Qi even planned an area to build a stable teleportation array in the eastern suburbs of Star City in advance.

Just wait for the Misty Clan to complete the initial construction of the clan field.

Now that the Lord of the Mist has returned and brought back the news that the clan domain field has been completed, the space teleportation array between Star City and the Misty Tribe can officially start to build.

Then they started a discussion about the construction plan of the space teleportation array.

At this time, the Mist Lord also made a request, hoping to borrow some more blood crystals, and wanted to resurrect a few more capable tribesmen to help him develop the Mist Clan.

Feng Qi agreed to the request of the Mist Lord without hesitation.

In any case, this investment will not lose money.

The plan to bury the Yinyue Clan was originally in charge of the Misty Clan. He provided the blood training method and the blood training formation, and he even taught the training of the blood training fighters.

The choice of splitting 30% is entirely based on his face.

He wanted to borrow some more blood crystals when he came back this time, so he naturally had to give them back. With the misty lord's character of emphasizing friendship, there will definitely be rich rewards in the future.

Even then he was gone.

However, under the blessing of the Mist Lord and the Mist Race, Star City can obtain time and space for stable development.

While chatting ~lightnovelpub.net~ The Lord of the Mist looked at him with a hint of melancholy in his eyes. After hesitating, he still opened his mouth and said:

"you're old."

Looking at Feng Qi, whose temples had changed slightly from his memory, and his temples were slightly white, the eyes of the Lord of Mist flickered.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi nodded indifferently and said:

"You are still the same as you were back then, have you mastered some way to keep youth forever?"

Facing the question, the Mist Lord nodded without hesitation:

"It's true. My Mist Clan has a special way to borrow life. Do you want me to lend you a hundred years of life to renew your life?"


"I'm lying to you. I read too many novels. I really thought there was a way to save my life... In short, if you support me for a few more years, I don't want to eat your tribute in advance."

I recommend a new book "Xiangjiang Heroes" written by a friend.