I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 442: Waiting for you for one hundred and thir

Winter City, Eastern District Airport.

After getting off the plane, it was cold and windy outside, and snowflakes fell like pieces of paper, filling every corner of Feng Qi's line of sight.

In a wheelchair, Gu Sha pushed him out of the airport.

Even though he was wrapped in thick clothes, Feng Qi still felt the chill attack.

He is no stranger to this city.

Before the line of sacrifice, he had lived here for a while with the Lord of the Mist.

Back in the day, even in short sleeves, he was able to survive in such a harsh climate without any influence.

But now his body is not as strong as before, and he can clearly feel the traces of the years on him.

Now my vision is often blurred, especially when I just woke up, it takes a while to see the outside world clearly.

I also often feel mentally exhausted. Sometimes I am doing something, but I will fall asleep without realizing it.

He also falls into memories from time to time, and anything he sees will bring him into a memory picture...

But fortunately he survived to this day.

As long as Mu Xuan can be found in Winter City, the persistence of this sacrifice line will eventually get the best gift.

Even if he was going to die, he had no regrets in his heart at that time.

After leaving the airport and arriving at the designated location, the team members he sent to investigate Winterfell were already waiting there.

At the head is a man wearing black functional sunglasses.

He is about 1.85 meters tall, burly and sturdy, with a serious and serious expression, and he has a majesty and righteousness.

The man's name is "Di Cong", he is 36 years old, and he was an outstanding graduate of the Combat Department of Xiaoxiao University.

After graduation, Di Cong was going to set foot on the front line, but was recruited by Feng Qi into the Tiger Soul Research Institute and became a member of the Tiger Soul's subordinate battle group.

During this period, Di Cong's performance was always excellent. Finally, through his selection, he became a member of the investigation team of Winter City, and was promoted to the leader of this team in just a few years.

This time, the information about the possible appearance of Mu Xuan was also sent back by Di Cong.

"Feng Lao."

Looking at the gray-haired, haggard-looking old man, Di Cong bowed his head respectfully at this moment, the trace of majesty on his body disappeared at this moment.

Feng Qi nodded slightly:

"Xiao Cong, you have worked hard all these years."

In the face of his praise, the titan showed a slightly flattered look.

Then, under the arrangement of Di Cong, Feng Qi got on the vehicle that had been prepared.

There were three cars coming to meet them, Feng Qi was arranged in the middle car, and was escorted by the two cars in the front and back towards the suburbs of Winter City.

Di Cong and Feng Qi were sitting in the same car.

During this period, he and Feng Qi reported the clues and information they had investigated over the years.

When Di Cong mentioned one of the pieces of information, Feng Qi frowned slightly.

He said that a special practice method for national fitness is being implemented in Winter City.

This is a kind of sword move. Through breathing and the use of sword moves, the body can speed up the absorption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In fact, he had already learned this information through the information sent back by Di Cong.

But he didn't feel anything wrong at the time.

The implementation of national fitness is not only available in Winter City.

Star City, Old Day City, Future City, Victory City, and other affiliated towns all have their own training methods for strengthening the body.

But at this time, thinking that the potential domain force in Winter City is the Sword Clan, he could not help but suspect that there are potential hidden dangers.


When Di Cong reported the information, he looked up at the old man in front of him from time to time.

In front of Feng Qi, this man who had already run for four lost his dignified face in front of his subordinates, and spoke in a respectful tone.

Because of understanding, so reverence.

After a long time, the vehicle arrived at the pre-arranged residence.

This is a small manor in a remote area, surrounded by snow bamboo forests, far away from the bustling urban area, reducing many unnecessary troubles.

Feng Qi lives here.

In the next few days, Di Cong and the team members continued to look for the trace of Mu Xuan in Winter City.

Feng Qi stayed in his residence and waited for news.

He is willing to look for it together, but he is more than willing but not enough.

The matter of finding Mu Xuan must be carried out in secret, and it is impossible to seek help from the top officials of Winter City.

Now the situation in Winter City is complicated, and rashly revealing that he is looking for Mu Xuan is very likely to attract the attention of potential forces in the field.

Especially after knowing that there may be sword clan forces lurking in Winter City.

If the Sword Clan had contact with Mu Yan, they must have known Mu Yan's appearance and characteristics. Choosing to cooperate with the senior management of Winter City is undoubtedly a move of sheep into the tiger's mouth, informing the senior management of Winter Winter about Mu Yan's appearance and hope that the other party can help find it. It will make the latent domain forces realize that he has a relationship with Mu Yan.

He will most likely be caught and tortured.

It would be one thing if he couldn't see Mu Xuan at that time, and there was a high probability that he would also leave the stage early.

After waiting for more than a hundred years, he didn't want to ruin the truth he was about to get because of some small mistakes.

Di Cong searched for three days, and Feng Qi waited for three days.

But for three consecutive days, there was no news of Mu Xuan's trace.

How to find Mu Xuan became a problem that had to be solved, but he didn't know how to solve it.

Through the existing information and clues, Feng Qi analyzed Mu Xuan's current situation.

Mu Yan and the mysterious force, most likely the sword clan, fought for about half an hour, which proved that Mu Yan did not have an overwhelming advantage when he fought with his opponent at that time.

There are three possibilities for this battle.

First, Mu Xuan was defeated and fled away injured.

This might explain why Mu Yan needed Mu Qing's help.

Second, Mu Xuan defeated and the latent forces died.

Third, they have mutual concerns and exit the game in a draw.

As for whether Mu Xuan might die in battle, he felt that it was completely impossible.

If Mu Xuan dies in battle, there will be no historical changes in the future. Although his appearance has changed history, his impact on Winter City is limited. , but the superpower that appeared in this sacrifice line.

The question that troubled him now was whether Mu Yan was still in Winter City.

After this battle, if Mu Xuan escaped from Winter City, it would be very difficult for him to find Mu Xuan, and he had no means to contact him.

After continuing to wait patiently for a few days, Feng Qi felt that he could no longer sit still.

Without the cooperation of the management agency of Winter City, trying to use a team of manpower to search for the trace of Mu Wei in Winter City is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

He has to do something.

Choosing to cooperate with the high-level officials of Winter City is not within the consideration of Feng Qi.

Then only some secret agencies in Winter City can help him do this.

The first thing Feng Qi thought of was the Domain Weak Race Alliance in Winter City.

But after hesitating, he gave up.

There is still a risk in choosing to cooperate with the Alliance of the Underdogs in the field of Winter City.

It is completely unknown whether the weak alliance in Winter City is a free and loose alliance or is controlled by potential forces.

If Winter City's Domain Underdog Alliance is similar to Star City's.

He went to Winter City's Weak Race Alliance to issue a mission, just like when Yin Ling asked Heilong, the leader of the Star City Weak Race Alliance, to issue a mission to assassinate him, he was undoubtedly self-involved.

After thinking about it, Feng Qi gave up this risky investigation method.

Over the next few days, ideas gradually formed in his mind.

Since it is unreliable to seek official help from Winter City, let's find Mu Xuan in a different way.

His biggest advantage now is intelligence.

He knew much more about Mu Xuan than the potential domain forces.

These are the information that only he knows, but the forces in the potential field do not know, which is his biggest reliance on finding Mu Xuan.

With an idea, Feng Qi immediately began to make arrangements.

On the same day, he instructed Di Cong to start contacting the media and other institutions in Winter City.


Winterfell, West End.

late at night.

"So hungry."

In the deserted street, Mu Yan hung his body, as if the bones of his upper body had been taken away, and walked forward weakly.

In the battle with Jianji, she was not injured, but she also realized that with her current strength, she would not be Jianji's opponent.

This made her very uncomfortable.

It is not easy to regain one's own strength.

After returning to the human world, she found that she had lost contact with Yaori.

Her way of increasing her strength has been cut off.

"It must be what that **** Mo Yue did!"

Thinking of this, Mu Yan's teeth were itching with hatred, and he subconsciously threw a punch forward, as if hitting Mo's chubby cheek.

It was discovered that there were lurking forces in the field in Winter City, but there was nothing she could do, which made her feel really not beautiful.

But the strength could not be recovered.

She felt that she might need the help of external forces to eradicate the latent forces in the realm in Winter City.

While thinking about how to solve the potential hidden dangers in Winter City, a scent came from a distance, and Mu Yan's drooping body suddenly stood upright, his eyes shining brightly towards the direction where the scent came.

At the end of the line of sight is a domain animal meat hall.

Under the neon sign, there are big red lanterns, and there is a sign next to the door, which reads the special discount activities that are only available during the Chinese New Year.

She has never been resistant to food.

She immediately strode to the front of the domain animal meat hall, opened the door and walked in.

Entering the house, a heat wave hits, and the outside world seems to be two worlds.

The smell of meat filled the house, and Mu Yan's eyes lit up.

At this time, there were already a lot of diners sitting in the restaurant, and Mu Yan immediately chose an empty seat and sat down.

When the waiter noticed Mu Xuan's arrival, he immediately came to her side, took out a menu with a smile, and asked:

"What would you like to eat?"

Opening the menu, the dishes were beautifully designed, as if there was a hot mist mixed with the aroma, which made Mu Xuan narrow his eyes.

After a brief hesitation, a bright smile appeared on Mu Yan's face:


"Huh?" The waiter seemed a little puzzled.

"A portion of the food above." Mu Xuan explained with a smile.

"You... can you eat it?"

After a brief surprise, the waiter quickly returned to his normal expression, only to ask again.

After getting Mu Xuan's affirmative answer, the waiter nodded and said:

"Some ingredients are in short supply in restaurants due to the out-of-stock supply on the front line..."

"Then some will be served." Before the server clerk could finish speaking, Mu Xuan answered.

After confirming Mu Yan's needs, the waiter hurried away with the menu.

While waiting, Mu Yan, who had nothing to do, began to look around curiously. Seeing that the nearby diners were feasting, Mu Yan reached out and wiped the crystal from his mouth, and his eyes were eager to see through.

While waiting, the TV hanging in the center of the restaurant, the news broadcast on it caught Mu Yan's attention.

"Here is a sponsored advertisement. The sponsor is Mr. Tianshu. He has a message that has been buried deep in his heart and wants to say to Miss Muxuan: Miss Muxuan, from the moment I met you, I fell in love with you deeply. As the Chinese New Year is approaching, I mustered up the courage to confess to you, I want to be with you..."

This meaty sponsored advertisement has attracted the attention of many people in the restaurant.

Then there were bursts of laughter, and a middle-aged uncle shook his head with a smile and said with emotion, "Young people today...".

Only Mu Xuan widened his eyes:



"Xiao Xiaoshu? Didn't he go to Tongtian Road?"

A hundred thousand whys suddenly appeared in Mu Xuan's mind.

At the end of the commercial, the host on the screen smiled and said:

"Mr. Tianshu invited Miss Mu Yan to have a candlelight dinner in the eastern suburbs of Winter City at **** time..."

The advertising time is over, and the picture returns to normal.

"Really rich, I also saw this advertisement in the Central Plaza of Winter today... This young man named Tianshu is rich, I don't know which group he belongs to, and he has never heard of (a certain uncle) before. "

"Look at other people, then look at you, you don't understand romance at all? (a certain girl)."

"It doesn't matter if you have money, there is no romance at all (a boy who whispers bb)."


Looking at the TV, Mu Xuan frowned slightly.

Thinking about it carefully, she thinks that this advertisement may not be released by Tianshu.

Tianshu was brought up by her, and she knew her character very well, so she knew that Tianshu would never make such a joke.

There may be someone else behind this ad.

Who will it be?

Mu Xuan suddenly fell into deep thought.

"It shouldn't be the domain swordsman from yesterday."

The other party can know her name and Tianshu, obviously he has a certain understanding of her.

Just when Mu Xuan was troubled by this, the aroma of the food hit him.

I saw the waiter arrive with a large plate of charcoal-grilled domain beast meat.

Anxiety instantly vanished.


A look of intoxication appeared on Mu Yan's face, and when the waiter put down the plate, he couldn't wait to start it.

If Feng Qi is here, it will definitely feel very familiar.

In terms of eating, it is like inheritance.

Mu Xuan passed on Wei Wei, and Wei Wei passed on Mu Qing.

After eating, the action of rubbing the stomach with satisfaction is exactly the same.


Winter City, Snow Bamboo Forest on the outskirts of Dongcheng.

It was sleet and snow outside, and a large shed was erected on the clearing of the bamboo forest.

Feng Qi was dressed in thick robes and sat in front of the temporarily prepared dining table. Behind him was Gu Sha standing upright.

Feng Qi was helpless about the food on the table in front of him, so he could only take a sip of the healing liquid.

There were bursts of heat from the stove around him, so that he would not be attacked by the cold. There was a bowl of wine warm on the stove, but it was not for himself, but for a long-time friend of God.

Hearing Wei Wei say that Mu Xuan used to like drinking "Qianye wine", so he prepared in advance.

Everything was ready, he waited for Mu Yan to appear.

Tonight was a dark night, the stars dimmed, snowflakes swirled where the light of the jumping stove hit, and the areas beyond the fire's light were as black as ink.

While waiting, Feng Qi's head was dizzy and he almost fell asleep.

This rotten body always makes him feel powerless and unable to obey.

"At the critical moment, hold on again, but don't drop the chain." He rubbed his hands together and muttered.

Rubbing his temples, he cheered up.

The appointed time came, but Mu Xuan did not show up.

Time continues to pass bit by bit.

Seeing how Feng Qi was struggling to support, Gu Sha, who was standing behind him, couldn't help but stepped forward and said in a low voice:

"Feng Lao, Mu Xuan may not be here. Your health is important, why don't you go back first."

Feng Qi heard this and waved his hand gently:

"hold on."

If he couldn't see Mu Yan tonight, he couldn't think of any other way to help him find him.

Perhaps only when Mu Yan took the initiative to find Mu Qing would he be able to see Mu Qing through Mu Qing.

But his body didn't allow him to support it any longer.

This body can fall down at any moment.

If he can't see Mu Xuan tonight, this line of sacrifice may come to an end with his increasingly overdrawn body.

As I waited, my head grew dizzy.

At this moment, a sweet voice rang in his ear.

"Hey, old man, it's really a waste not to eat such a table of food!"

Feng Qi, who heard the voice, suddenly woke up.

He raised his head and looked in front of where the sound came from, only to see Mu Xuanzheng looking at him with a smile on his face, then reached out and picked up a roast chicken on the table, tore off the chicken wings and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing in his mouth indistinctly. :

"Old man, are you looking for me?"

Seeing that Mu Xuan finally appeared, Feng Qi's emotions were instantly excited, and he only felt that the world was spinning.

He immediately picked up the epinephrine needle he had prepared and injected it into his arm.

Doing so would hurt his body, but since he saw Mu Xuan, his mission was about to come to an end.

The follow-up impact on the body is no longer important. What is important is to take advantage of Mu Xuan's arrival to understand the unsolved truth from her mouth.

Maybe... Mu Yan still has a way to prolong his life.

The liquid was injected into the body, and the drowsy feeling faded like a tide.

After a while, Feng Qi returned to his state.

At this time, he reached out and picked up the wine glass in front of him, then picked up the wine jug placed on the stove, filled a glass, then stood up and handed it to Mu Xuan.

After taking the wine glass, Mu Xuan took a sip, as if he was not afraid that Feng Qi would use medicine in the wine and food.

After drinking the Qianye wine, Mu Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but admire:

"Delicious~lightnovelpub.net~ By the way, old man, you haven't said why you are looking for me? You seem to know me well."

Putting down the wine glass, Mu Xuan continued to feast on his food while looking at Feng Qi curiously.

"Mu Xuan, I have waited for you for 113 years."

Feng Qi spoke softly at this moment.

Looking at Feng Qi with a kind smile on his face, Mu Yan didn't know if he was shocked by this sentence, or if he choked because of eating too fast, and suddenly stopped eating.

Then he looked at Feng Qi with disbelief:

"Huh? 113 years?"

------off topic-----

It's going to explode tomorrow~


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