I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 454: Reunion after 1,500 years

Dawn City, Ice Crystal Prison.

Feng Qi's hands and feet were bound by ice crystal shackles, and his body was covered with ice crystal chains.

Hearing the laughter of the narrator in his mind, he felt a little helpless.

He thought that he would be warmly welcomed into the city by people from the future, but he didn't expect that when he announced his name, it would arouse the hostility of the city guards instead.

Now he has reason to suspect that there may be a problem within humans.

Otherwise, why would they be so hostile to "Fengqi".

Before he figured out the situation, he didn't choose to do anything, and let the city defenders arrest him. He couldn't treat humans as ruthlessly as he treats domain creatures.

After all, the human beings killed by him will be completely erased in history just like the domain creatures.

Before figuring out the situation, he decided not to act rashly for the time being.

Moreover, the defenders who captured him had no intention of killing him, but chose to imprison him. Obviously, there will be other arrangements in the future.

Thinking back to the present, Feng Qi began to look at the environment he was in

This is a cage made entirely of thick ice, covering an area of ​​about 100 square meters, and there is nothing inside except for the bone-chilling chill.

Through the almost transparent crystal ice, he could see the scene of the prison next to him.

In the prison on his left is a remnant body that has been turned into a skeleton. I don't know how many years he has been imprisoned here.

On his right side was a figure who was also covered in chains of ice crystals.

His appearance is very scruffy, his hair has grown to his waist, his face is completely covered under the messy hair, the room is full of his excrement, although the smell cannot pass through the barrier of the ice wall, Feng Qi still can't help it frown.

Dislike it? Back then when you were the stinking living dead, I also despised you so much!

"Shut up!"

After confirming that the defenders who captured him had already left, Feng Qi stood up, came to the right ice wall, and knocked on the ice wall, trying to attract the attention of the prisoners next door.

But the prisoner in the next cell ignored him, huddled in the corner, lowered his head, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Feng Qi didn't give up and continued to beat the ice wall.

With his perseverance, the figure who was huddled in the ice prison next door slowly raised his head, revealing his old face.

It can be seen that the prisoner is not human.

His eyes are like snake pupils, with red shimmering light, and there is a twisted rune imprint on the left cheek.

"Come over and talk?"

He didn't know the situation of the new human city now, so he decided to get some information from this prisoner.

But the prisoner quickly lowered his head again, as if unwilling to pay attention to him.

In the face of rejection, Feng Qi has always been easy to speak.

In the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood on the surface of the body collapsed into blood mist and gathered between the eyebrows, quickly condensing into a dark golden brand.

The surging thought power shattered the ice crystal chains on his body, and then attacked the ice wall.

What surprised Feng Qi was that the ice wall was so strong that it didn't show any signs of damage under the pressure of his thoughts.

Calm down, after all, it is the world 1500 years later. Human beings can still hold on to a city on the surface at this time. Even if they are at the bottom of the food chain, their overall combat power is much stronger than that of Star City 1500 years ago, including various technologies.

After listening to the narration's explanation, the intensity of the telekinetic power released by Feng Qi began to climb.

The right hand attached to the ice wall gradually retracted, and cracks began to appear on the originally unbreakable ice wall, and the shattered ice chips began to fall off in large areas.

This movement immediately caught the attention of the prisoner next door, and he raised his head again, looking at Feng Qi with a look of surprise.

Finally, the ice wall couldn't support the squeeze of his thoughts, and collapsed.

In order to prevent any movement, the moment the ice wall collapsed, it hovered in mid-air under the power of thought.

As Feng Qi waved his hand, pieces of the ice wall piled up in the corner one by one.

At this time, he crossed the area originally blocked by the ice wall and came to the next cell.

"Can we talk now?"

Looking at Feng Qi with a smile on his face, the scruffy-looking prisoner shrank subconsciously, then seemed to think of something, and said with a little fear:

"Can you take me out?"

"If I have the ability to break out, I will take you out, but then you have to answer my questions truthfully."

It was not the first time he had written a blank promise to the creatures in the domain, and his tone was sincere.

Hearing his assurance, the prisoner nodded immediately:

"Ask, as long as I know, I can tell you."

"How much do you know about this city?"

"You didn't know the origin of this city when you came here?" The domain creature looked stunned, looking a little disbelieving.

"I am asking you, not you asking me." Feng Qi said with a stern expression.

The domain creature nodded immediately, and then said:

"This is Daybreak City, the territory of the human race."

"Who is in power in Dawn City now?"

"The human leader should be called Xie Yu."

"Xie Yu?" Hearing this strange name, Feng Qi couldn't help frowning.

Wei Wei once gave the little guy a detailed physical examination, and concluded that the little guy can grow up naturally and have a natural lifespan of more than a thousand years. In addition, the little guy has continuously cultivated and tempered his physique through practice, and he can live to 1,500 years later. There should be no problem today.

Could it be that something went wrong during this period?

Reminiscent of the hostility of the city defenders towards the word "Feng Qi", he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Looking up at the domain creatures huddled in the corner, he continued to ask

"Why are you imprisoned here?"

"I pretended to be Fengqi and entered the city, but was recognized as my real body."

After hearing the answer from the creatures in the domain, Feng Qi was stunned:

"You said you were pretending to be Fengqi? Why did you pretend to be Fengqi?"

"Aren't you?"

Seal chess:

"Could it be that there are many people pretending to be Fengqi?"

Facing the inquiry: the figure huddled in the corner sighed helplessly, and said sadly:

"It's just to continue living. The human race is one of the strongest forces around here. If we can't find a way to survive, we will end up dead. Why don't we take a risk."

"Tell me in detail."

Next, the domain creature began to tell the story of how he was imprisoned in the ice prison.

Through his narration, Feng Qi gradually understood the reason.

It turns out that the people in the nearby domains all know the legend of Dawn City. It is said that Feng Qi, a giant of the human race, has the ability to travel through the timeline and will return one day in 1500 years.

For this matter, the nearby ethnic forces generally do not believe it.

But they found that the human race was convinced of this matter, and even held the "Fengqi Festival" every year to call for the return of this former sage.

Over the years, the nearby forces have withered in large areas, and many races have reached the point of desperation.

Therefore, forming an alliance with the human race has become an urgent idea of ​​​​the nearby races.

Even many races are willing to become subordinate races of the human race.

However, these requests were ruthlessly rejected by the higher-ups of the human race.

The reason is also very simple, the human race simply has no extra resources to support the nearby races.

The resources in this area are getting less and less, and the human race even initiated several plundering wars on their own initiative, defeating the forces in several nearby fields and plundering their remaining resources.

In this case, these nearby races have completely lost their way out.

If they fight the human race desperately, they will definitely lose.

So some races with mimicry ability tried a new way of survival. They tried to pretend to be Fengqi and enter Daybreak City by collecting the rumors about Fengqi from the human race.

This method is certainly risky, but as long as it succeeds, it will be completely bound to the human race. After that, the human race will not be destroyed, and they will be able to enjoy the resources of the human race and get the protection of human warriors.

Taking advantage of the human race's fanatical belief in Fengqi, many races began to try this seemingly absurd way to become a part of the human race.

There are success stories among them.

For example, the first attempter was a domain creature with a special mimicry ability.

He simulated Feng Qi's appearance, and even simulated some of Feng Qi's abilities.

After contacting the defenders of the city, he was warmly welcomed into Daybreak City. On that day, Daybreak City was brightly lit, and fanatical cheers resounded throughout the world.

After that, relying on Fengqi's name, the pretender obtained many benefits for his few remaining clansmen, and even let them live in Daybreak City.

But sooner or later, the pretense will show itself.

Until one day, a long-sleeping ancestor of the human race woke up.

When he saw the pretender, he recognized his identity at a glance, waved his hand to dissolve the mimicry of the pretender, and ordered the soldiers to put the pretender in an ice prison, and let him endure loneliness and cold to death.

Since then, there will still be fake chess sealers appearing, but the humans in the dawn city have become very vigilant and no longer believe it easily.

Even though he knows that doing so is risky, there will still be domain creatures coming to try to pretend to be Fengqi.

But the pretenders behind generally end badly.

All those imprisoned in this ice prison are Fengqi pretenders.

The same is true for the skeleton that has turned into dry bones in the ice prison on his left.

After listening to the narration of this domain creature, Feng Qi suddenly understood why the defenders of the city were so hostile to him.

The situation is not as complicated as he thought.

He also thought that there was a problem in the dawn city. Perhaps similar to the situation in the previous timeline, there were differences of thought within the human race, and finally different voices appeared, which led the human race to go astray.

After all, he was only the leader of mankind 1,500 years ago, but it does not mean that people in the future will also firmly believe in him.

As for the fact that Fengqi will return after 1500, it is more like a illusory legend as time goes by, and there will definitely be people in the future who will be skeptical about it.

Just like the previous dream of the future, even though Li Xiao was a firm follower, those future people still had a lot of doubts about whether Feng Qi would return.

Now it seems that he is thinking too much.

It is purely that there are too many counterfeiters, making the human city defenders tireless.

At this time, the voice of the narrator sounded in his mind:

It seems that there is still a link to verify your identity. I am more curious about who the ancestor of the human race this guy is talking about. If I guess correctly, it may be the little guy.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi suddenly had an idea.

It is obviously not the way to stay here and wait for the identity test that will come at an unknown time.

If the identity test is carried out in a few days, and the identity review personnel have not yet arrived, Xiao Hei will arrive first.

"I've told you everything you want to know, can you take me away?"

Looking at Feng Qi, the domain creatures huddled in the corner looked expectant.

"Send you on your way."

As soon as the words fell, Feng Qi waved his hand to grab it, and immediately restrained the neck of this domain creature with telekinetic power, and suddenly contracted to break his neck.

Then a mass of Qi and blood emerged from the dead domain creature and poured into his body.

Heh, you ruthless scumbag, throw it away when you're done using it.

Ignoring the narration, he turned and looked at the thick wall in front of him, and his telekinetic power exploded at this moment.

There were crackling sounds one after another, and the thick refrigerator collapsed after persisting for a few seconds.

His figure flew out of the ice prison under the support of the telekinetic force, and looked forward. There was an aisle in front of him, and there were ice prisons for prisoners on both sides.

The figure continued to fly forward, and when it reached the end of the aisle, Feng Qi used telekinetic power to blow the thick metal wall away.

The huge movement immediately attracted the soldiers guarding the prison.

But Feng Qi didn't attack them, and when he stretched out his hand, the soldiers who bullied him were fixed in place, waved again, their figures retreated, and Feng Qi flew straight towards the exit.

There are three floors in the ice prison, and Feng Qi forced his way out in an extremely rough way.

When he broke out of the ice prison, he found that there were already hundreds of fully armed human warriors waiting for him outside.

Ignoring them, Feng Qi grew taller.

Hundreds of soldiers waiting in full battle also launched an attack on him at this time.

The ice fog spread at an extremely fast speed, and blue ice crystals condensed in the air where it passed, quickly approaching him.

In the blink of an eye, Bing Wu was restrained by his thoughts, unable to advance any further.

But the attack of the dawn warriors did not end. Hundreds of warriors changed positions, and a huge blue formation suddenly appeared under their feet.

Countless ice walls rose from the ground and turned into huge crampons in the air, grabbing at him.

Enveloped by telekinetic power, Feng Qi quickly shuttled between the ice hands, but the ice layer spread quickly and surrounded him again.

Feng Qi exploded decisively with all his thoughts.

Immediately, the ice wall that blocked the route began to collapse in large areas, but the ice wall below was still forming rapidly, and an iceberg had already formed in midair.

Faced with such a difficult offensive, Feng Qi felt a little relieved.

Even if Mo Yue won the final victory, the human cultivation system has not completely collapsed, and it is obvious that there is still power to fight.

Now how to self-identify has become a problem.

According to the domain biological description in the ice prison, there is an ancestor in the dawn city, and he suspects that the ancestor of the human race is the little guy.

This can also be seen from the ice ability mastered by the defenders of Daybreak City.

He decided to fight with all his strength to force the little guy out.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for him to prove his identity in a city full of strangers.

The dark golden branded crystal on his forehead shattered at this moment, turning into surging blood and enveloping his whole body.

As the heart beats faster, the domineering blood form is revealed.

While clenching his fist, surging power surged in his body, his figure twisted in the air, and he suddenly swung his fist downward.


The wave of Qi and blood swept forward and collided with the iceberg, which collapsed in a large area immediately. The **** fist shadow continued to move forward for a long distance, until it was about to approach the soldiers below, and then dissipated.

Under the disbelieving eyes of more than a hundred soldiers, Feng Qi fell to the ground.

Looking at Feng Qi, who is more than eight meters tall, with solid muscles and blood mist emerging from his mouth and nose when he breathes, their expressions are tense.

At this time, sirens sounded in the city, and a large number of figures attacked him from all directions.

Soon tens of thousands of figures formed a large encirclement circle, besieging him, and more figures were on their way.

Realizing that the war is inevitable, Feng Qi feels helpless.

It seems that the future people do not understand all of his abilities, including the blood form.

Let's make a big fuss, if the little guy is here, he will definitely show up.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Qi took the initiative to attack.

His body was like a mass of blood-colored flames, and he suddenly bullied a nearby warrior, and his thick arm slammed on the shield in the warrior's hand. The terrifying force sent him flying with the shield, and the shield in his hand It even shattered in the air, turning into pieces and flying across.

Then his figure flickered one after another, and soldiers were constantly knocked into the air under his tremendous force.

However, there are more and more Dawn Warriors surrounding them.

But their offensive didn't do much damage to Feng Qi, and they couldn't even penetrate his physical defense. As long as the blood source form doesn't dissipate, he can remain invincible.

Under his violent offensive, soldiers continued to fly horizontally and lost their fighting power after falling to the ground.

He is like a ferocious beast awakened from ancient times, fighting the defenders of Daybreak City with a tyrannical posture.

During this period, Feng Qi tried to prove his love for himself with words, but the defenders obviously didn't intend to talk to him, they obviously wanted to catch him first and then verify his identity.

Sealing chess in the battle was not done with all our strength.

He is very clear about how terrifying his own power is.

Once the force is too strong, it is very likely to kill the Dawn Warrior, thus completely erasing it from the timeline.

So he chose the simplest and rude way to break through with brute force, and broke through back and forth.

Under his berserk offensive, the Dawn Warrior's line of defense was defeated time and time again by him.

Finally, Feng Qi heard a pleasant voice from a distance:

"The second team~lightnovelpub.net~ go invite the ancestors."

Then a team in the encirclement left quickly.

Realizing that the ancestors of the human race were about to appear, Fengqi's offensive immediately subsided, focusing on defense throughout the whole process.

After more than ten minutes, the number of dawn fighters in the encirclement reached more than 100,000.

Feng Qi finally felt the pressure.

The attack methods of these Dawn Warriors were very strange. The ice thorns hit on his body didn't do much damage, and they couldn't even break through his physical defense, but he could clearly feel the slightest bit of cold seeping into his body.

As more and more cold air seeped into his body, he gradually felt that his movements became stiff. This was obviously an ability to stack damage. If he continued to fight, he might die here.

In addition, the blood in the body is about to be exhausted.

Time continued to pass, and just when Feng Qi decided to open his divine body, he saw a figure rising from the edge of the sky, like a group of blue suns, blooming with azure blue light.

This group of blue flames flickered a few times, and appeared in front of him from the far edge of the sky.

When the blue flame dissipated, a white-haired figure in a white robe appeared, with one hand on his back, standing proudly in the air.

Seeing this person, the nearby Dawn Warriors showed joy and bowed their heads respectfully:

"Old ancestor."

"Old ancestor, there are powerful enemies in the field coming."

At this time, a Dawn Warrior headed by him came to the white-haired old man and said respectfully.

But the white-haired figure ignored him, he stared at Feng Qi, his pupils trembling violently.

In an instant, Feng Qi saw many complex emotions in his eyes.

"Little guy, long time no see."

Feng Qi dissipated his flesh and blood body at this moment and condensed his body, then looked at the white-haired old figure with a grin and said.

"Uncle Chess."


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