I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 462: Blood Donation Program - Feeding the Lin

Latest website: Scarlet Research Institute.

Genetics Laboratory.

Feng Qi leaned on the seat and pierced the special blood collection needles specially made for him into his left and right wrists. The dark red blood was slowly drawn into the blood storage tank behind him along the hoses on both sides.

Even though a quarter of his blood had been lost, Feng Qi still didn't feel any discomfort.

The main timeline has a special physique.

He often experiences special cases of blood depletion, and a quarter of blood is not a problem for him at all.

He is now worried that there is only one problem, that his blood cannot be produced in large quantities, and he will provide it to the Scarlet Research Institute for follow-up arrangements and planning.

In the future planning project to build the Faith Talent Skill Library.

There is one problem that can never be bypassed, and that is how to make a statue of faith.

The Faith Statue is the only way for the believer to connect with him on the main line.

If there is no Faith Statue to use together, even if you have faith in him, you still cannot establish a faith connection with him, and you cannot borrow innate abilities from him on the main timeline.

For example, believers pray to him through a hero statue, which can generate belief, but this belief cannot be absorbed into the spiritual consciousness of the main timeline by the belief bracelet across the dimensions of time and space.

And believers cannot establish a connection with him on the main timeline through this sincere faith.

The process of borrowing innate abilities is mainly divided into three steps.

The first step is to establish a faith connection with him on the main timeline through the Faith Statue.

This process requires a statue of his faith as a medium of connection.

The materials needed to create a statue of faith are the crystals of blood and spiritual power in the main timeline, these two main materials.

The problem of spiritual power crystallization is now very easy to solve.

When the divine body state is turned on, he can mass-produce spiritual power crystals. Before the spiritual power is exhausted, he can produce more than a thousand spiritual power crystals, which is enough to build more than a thousand faith statues.

However, the problem of blood has not yet found a good solution.

The second step is to let believers deepen and strengthen the connection through belief statues. This process can be called belief cultivation.

There is only one method that can be used at this stage, which is to sit in front of the statue and pray continuously, and then use the statue of faith as a bridge to connect with him in the main timeline to establish a deep connection.

The third step, after reaching a certain level of faith connection strength, can you enter the spiritual consciousness of the main timeline through this medium bridge, and borrow the innate ability on the innate track.

So on the last line of sacrifice, he had believers in a city, but he didn't absorb much of the power of faith.

The main reason is that there are only two statues of faith in the Scarlet Research Institute, one for his own use and one in Weiwei.

When the "God Body" was created, it also relied on the power of belief provided by the Scarlet Research Institute for more than a thousand years to create the framework of the Divine Body, and then used the talent evolution points to upgrade and improve, and then got the current Divine Body Talent Orb.

There are only hero statues in Star City, but there are no faith statues that can connect with him.

Causes a lot of waste of faith power.

In the future, if you want to open up a route for the growth of the faith of the whole people, it is even more necessary to make a large number of faith statues as a medium bridge connecting the main timeline.

This requires him on the main timeline to provide a huge blood reserve for the production of the Faith Statue.

To this end, Feng Qi thought of many ways.

For example, build a group of public large-scale faith statues, each of which can cover more than 10,000 people for faith practice.

The benefit of this regimen is that less blood needs to be consumed.

The disadvantage is that public faith statues obviously cannot play a good role in cultivation. After all, establishing a faith connection is a long process. During this period, it is necessary to continuously consolidate and deepen the faith connection. Only when a certain stage is reached can the innate ability be borrowed, and public faith statues cannot be used. Practice faith anytime, anywhere.

The choice of Feng Qi is to temporarily build a thousand faith statues in various areas of Star City for public use.

After the Scarlet Research Institute has enough blood reserves in the main timeline, consider making a home version or a personal version.

But the problem now is that the blood on his body is not enough to make the public version of the statue of faith.

When one-half of the blood is drawn, the upper end of the blood-drawing tube lights up with a red light, and the blood-drawing stops abruptly.

Pulling out the blood collection needle that pierced his arm, Feng Qi stood up and walked towards the restaurant of the Scarlet Research Institute.

Next, it's meal time.

Adequate nutritional intake can speed up the recovery of his blood, although this process is a drop in the bucket.

In fact, the Scarlet Research Institute has blood reserves of domain creatures.

But even if the blood reserves of creatures in this part of the domain were absorbed by him, it would not be enough to mass-produce the blood needed for the statues of faith.

The reason is actually quite simple.

After all, Star City does not have its own frontline supply area.

Talents in the combat field cultivated by schools in Star City, or those who can help the front line, will be sent to the supply areas set up by other cities in exchange for resource quotas, and spiritual resources will be obtained in this way.

As one of the three authoritative institutions in Star City, the Scarlet Research Institute can indeed allocate a large amount of resource quotas every year, but there are not many biological blood resources in the field.

It's not that there can't be more, but the previous Scarlet Research Institute didn't need a huge amount of domain biological blood at all.

Not many blood samples were used at all for the study.

In the past, the Scarlet Research Institute took the initiative to cut off a lot of blood resources of domain creatures in exchange for supplements from other resources.

The blood of domain creatures is generally sent to the cafeterias of various universities, or to food factories, to be made into energy supplements for front-line soldiers, and so on.

The blood utilization efficiency of human beings to domain creatures is very low, far less than the attention paid to blood by the mist people.

It is completely unrealistic for the Scarlet Research Institute to take out the reserve blood volume needed to make the statue of faith for him to absorb.

How to solve the problem of insufficient blood, Feng Qi has no good solution for the time being.

This meal, Feng Qi ate for about half an hour, and ate three large plates of food, and they were all spiritual ingredients, so he stopped eating with satisfaction.

Standing up, Feng Qi stretched his body, then took out his mobile phone and contacted Scarlet Car.

Next, he decided to go to the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

Some time ago, he went to the Winter Frontline and brought old fans of the Silent Field (Mist Clan Field Field) to the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

(ps: The time point when the last sacrifice line entered was when he confessed the truth to the old fan, and then the old fan gave him ten days to think about it. The time point when he brought the old fan back to the Tiger Soul Research Institute was after entering the sacrifice line.)

Without exception, the old fan experienced another difficult challenge of integrating the rules of the world after leaving the field of the clan, and almost died.

Fortunately, in the end, he relied on willpower to complete the adaptive integration with the rules of the human world, and successfully became a creature beyond the domain, and was no longer excluded by the rules of the world.

Now the old fans are learning human knowledge in the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

On the question of how to mass-produce blood, he felt that he still had to ask the old fan, the blood expert.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the scarlet car drove into the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

After getting out of the car, Feng Qi went straight to the training room. At this time, the old fan in the training room was sitting on the sofa, holding a tablet and looking at the content on the Internet. When he saw him coming, he immediately raised his head.

Came to sit down on the sofa, Feng Qi told the old fan about the predicament he encountered at this stage.

Feng Qi thought of many ways to get a lot of blood.

There is a solution that can be solved at this stage, but there are certain risks.

That is the plan of blood refining the silver moon clan proposed by the old fan at the sacrifice line.

But the project of this plan is huge and requires a certain amount of time to prepare, such as cultivating blood-refined warriors for formation, or the pre-engineering of formation formation, and so on.

When the plan was officially launched, the impact was huge.

It is a very risky act to advance the process of the main timeline on a large scale, so he temporarily ignores the plan of refining and refining the Silver Moon Clan to obtain a huge blood reserve.

As for him on the sacrificial line, even if he could obtain the huge blood reserve produced by the Yinyue Clan, he would not be able to use it.

After all, he has no special physique on the sacrifice line, and he has to rely on "Vampiric Gloves" to absorb blood, and he cannot produce the special blood needed to build a statue of faith.

Facing his question, the old fan fell into contemplation.

After a long silence, the old fan suddenly said curiously:

"Can you absorb any type of blood with your special constitution? Is there a situation where the blood provider will be wiped out after the blood is absorbed?"

Facing the question, Feng Qi immediately shook his head:

"Absorbing blood cannot obliterate the target, only killing the target can obliterate the target. This has been verified many times in future dreams. The power increase obtained by non-killing cannot be continued on me, even if I get a skyrocketing increase in a short period of time. After returning to reality, the strength will still disappear. For example, the future dream line of the Shadow City Lord, I once absorbed a huge amount of blood in the Shadow City Lord's Treasure Tower, but after the return, this part of the ability disappeared. "

The Mist Lord nodded:

"That's no problem, maybe you can start a round of blood donation in Star City to get a huge reserve of qi and blood."

"Donate blood?"

"Yes, but there are two problems in launching blood donation activities. The first problem is that most of the people in Star City are ordinary people. The blood they provide is of low quality, far from being comparable to the blood of domain creatures, so the efficiency of absorption and conversion is very high. It's not high, but it's good enough."

"Second question, Star City's large-scale blood donation activities will definitely attract the attention of the other four major cities, and even cause confusion among the people of Star City, so it is necessary to give the outside world a reasonable reason."

Having said that, a smile appeared on the face of the Lord of Mist:

"As the behind-the-scenes controller of Star City, the reason is actually very easy to find. For example, you can use the Scarlet Research Institute is studying human blood to find a new growth path as an excuse to initiate a large-scale blood sampling to Star City. A large number of people responded, which would also be a good reason to give the outside world."

After listening to the analysis of the Mist Lord, Feng Qi couldn't help but nod his head.

He hadn't thought about this.

But there are a lot of preparations that need to be done if the plan is to be implemented.

The large-scale blood collection in the whole city must have corresponding staff. Obviously, this cannot be done by the manpower of the Scarlet Research Institute, and it is necessary to find the military to provide manpower support.

At this time, the Lord of the Mist spoke again:

"By the way, if you really plan to start a blood donation program in Xingcheng, you need to pay attention to a few things. For example, you must not ask for blood donated by a dying person. Once you absorb the blood of a dying person, he happens to die at this time, and he may be killed by you. The special physique is judged to be killed by you, and then the dying blood donor is completely wiped out on the timeline, and you do not understand the specific principle of your special physique.

"Understood." Feng Qi nodded immediately.

Next, Feng Qi chatted with the Lord of Mist about the experience of the last sacrifice line.

Finally, Feng Qi asked the old fan how he felt living in human society and his views on the human race.

Similar to the situation with sacrificial lines.

Facing his inquiry, the old fan said that the human race has great potential.

At this time, the old fan mentioned the "concept of strong clan thinking" again, indicating that the human race was once the only ruling clan in the human world. Even though the human race today is far less powerful than the domain clan, the human race has its own strong clan thinking.

For the concept of strong clan thinking, the old fan's explanation is.

Strong clan thinking and racial strength are two concepts. Strong strength does not necessarily have strong clan thinking, but a race with strong clan thinking must have strong development potential.

Precisely because human beings were the only rulers of this world.

Therefore, when human beings face challenges, countless warriors and awakeners can emerge.

When they face a desperate situation, they will inevitably rise up and resist, instead of being accustomed to submissiveness like the weak people in the domain, willing to become subordinate slave forces and accept the tragic fate in the future.

With this powerhouse thinking, as long as humans are given enough time, the human race will inevitably rise.

After listening to the old fan's analysis, Feng Qi felt emotional.

The human race has potential, and he has not denied it to this day.

But compared to those strong races that have developed for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, the time for human growth is too short.

Nowadays, humans have only been in contact with spiritual energy for five hundred years, but for the domain ethnic groups, even the weak ones have thousands of years of development, or even longer.

Many of the current weak clans in the field may have ancestors who were super strong clans.

It was only defeated by another clan in the battle for territory or interests, and it became a wandering force. The race continued to divide on the way of wandering, and finally evolved into the current weak clan.

Just like the Heaven Splitting God Race in the previous future dream.

After being destroyed by Xiao Hei, the remaining clansmen of the Sky Splitting God Clan can only choose to wander around and live in no fixed place. The same is true for their descendants. The supply of resources that cannot keep up with them will only become less and less, and they will be completely reduced to wandering forces.

Of course, among the wandering forces, there is no shortage of forces that can re-emerge as a hegemon.

Sword clan is a good reference example.

As a branch descendant of the tool clan, the future of the sword clan became more and more confused, and Jian Ji was born at this time.

He led the Sword Clan to return to the peak of the Weapon Clan, and made the Sword Clan a dominant force in a small world.

Similar cases include the Misty tribe.

Under the leadership of the old fans, the Misty people who were in development difficulties also re-emerged, and the size of the territory and the acquisition of resources gradually increased.

If it weren't for the Tongtian Warriors encountered on the road to the sky.

After the Misty Race enters the human world, it must be a powerful party, and they will not take any infiltration route, but must take the route of plunder and expansion.

The strong and the weak are like a cycle.

Under the wheel of history, the strong clan will split into the weak clan, and the weak clan may also gain an opportunity to rise and become the strong clan again.

In a brutal competitive environment, there is no eternal dynasty.

Therefore, even the weak races, their race development and growth history are far from comparable to the human beings who have been in contact with the aura for 500 years.

Even if there are 1500 years of development in the future, it is still too short for human civilization.

Before the human race really rises, it will enter the finals with the most brutal competition.

At this time, the strong clans have already changed into divine costumes, and even several miracles, while human cultivation is still in the development stage.

In the confrontation between Mu Yan and Mo Yue, Mu Yan's failure will deal a heavy blow to the future of human civilization.

This led to the collapse of the high-rise building of cultivation science that human beings had worked so hard to build.

The thinking of a strong clan is useless, and the human race's growth environment is so bad that it can't grow at all.

For his thoughts, the Lord of Mist's face showed a little helplessness:

"You are so embarrassed to say that others have a deep foundation, and the human race is weak? I also want to say why I don't have a plug-in that can be repeated indefinitely. Without you, no one can stop me from opening the flesh and blood sacrifice to harvest thousands of weak people, plus With the ability to come back to the infinite, maybe I will be sick of the general trend, and I have even found a way to detach from the general trend and lead the Misty Clan to become a new Protoss that transcends the old world."

"Unfortunately, I'm not so lucky, so I'd better hold your thigh tightly."

After listening to Lord of Mist's complaints, the narrator's laughter sounded in Feng Qi's mind:

[Real, it is too real. If an old fan gets the plug-in to restart the timeline, maybe he can really become the king of Gu and lead the Misty Clan to witness the coming of the general trend. As for whether he can lead the Misty Clan to break away from the general trend, I will not Clear. 】

[But one thing is undeniable, cooperating with you is the best choice for old fans at this stage. For old fans who have no restart time, even having a flesh and blood sacrifice that can harvest thousands of weak people is not the safest method. It can only bring him a huge development impetus, but it cannot guarantee that he will see the general trend. 】

Hearing the narrator's complaints, Feng Qi nodded in his heart.

At this time, the Lord of the Mist suddenly smiled and said:

"Of course, even if there is a plug-in that restarts the timeline, not everyone can succeed. The negative pressure brought by multiple timelines cannot be tolerated by everyone, so I admire you from the bottom of my heart, and I can imagine what you are doing. suffering."

Looking at the old fan who said these words sincerely, he couldn't help rolling his eyes:

"Speaking of old fans, you choose the line of sacrifice in the future to help me with all your might, have you never thought about walking your own path for yourself and your clan?"

Facing the question, the old fan was silent for a few seconds and then said:

"I can understand that you mean to ask me why I sacrifice myself and my clan to complete the main timeline, right?"

Feng Qi nodded.

"Your understanding is wrong. I never thought of giving up myself and my clan to complete the main timeline. You can see this from my choices on multiple sacrifice lines."

"For example, in the future dream, I helped you to kill the God of Splitting Heaven, but in the end, I took away the miracle seal on him and did not give this miracle item to you. Isn't this just to lead the tribe to go better? Go on and get better opportunities for future development.”

"Another example is when Xiao Hei strikes. I didn't give up my life to resist Xiao Hei like a sucker. I just sent a clone. This is also a manifestation of my responsibility for the race."

"In my opinion, the foundation of cooperation is to build on the stable development of the Mist Race on the sacrifice line. I have never had the idea of ​​destroying the foundation of the race's development to help advance the main timeline."

"But one thing you can rest assured, I will do my best to cooperate with the Terran, even if sometimes it takes a certain growth price to sacrifice the Mist on the line."

Hearing this, Feng Qi raised doubts in his heart:

"Why, since it is equally important to sacrifice the clansmen on the line, why do you still choose to sacrifice some of the benefits of the sacrifice line to advance the main timeline?"

Facing the question, the old fan's face was filled with a smile:

"There are so many whys, maybe there are your factors, but more importantly, if you die, there is no concept of sacrifice line and main timeline at all."

"What do you mean?" Feng Qi asked curiously.

"Assuming that everything returned to the original point after you died, and the entire time and space were retraced, there is no way for me to lead the people on the sacrifice line to continue walking?"

"You can't guarantee that the sacrifice line will continue to exist after you die. It is very likely that all our efforts are repeated on the same timeline, so helping the main timeline may also be a process of self-redemption."

After listening to the old fan's explanation, Feng Qi became enlightened.

He also discussed with the narrator whether to open up a new timeline or rewind time each time over.

However, the existing information is unable to characterize this guess at all.

Both are possible.

But in his heart, he more hoped that this was just a retrospective in time, so that all the imperfections could be filled on one line, and there would not be so many abandoned sacrifice lines wandering in countless parallel time and space.

There's just one question he can't answer right now.

Assuming it is time to go back, why can he see his brain 1500 years later.

If the sacrifice line is the same line as the main timeline, it will form a paradox if it meets his own broken brain.

Feng Qi didn't think too much about this issue.

After chatting with the Lord of the Mist for a long time, he said that he would go back to the Scarlet Research Institute and discuss with the senior management of the Scarlet Research Institute to initiate a blood donation activity.

In the eyes of the old fans at this time, one thing has not changed.

In the eyes of the old fans, the Tiger Soul Research Institute is the main partner of his Fengqi.

As for the Scarlet Research Institute, it is more of an auxiliary role, and the conceptual Tiger Soul and Scarlet's positions are interchanged.

This is also done to be on the safe side.

After getting along with multiple timelines, Feng Qi has already understood the character of the old fan very well.

He is very affectionate, and even sacrifices his own life for his brother.

But there is no doubt that Lao Fan is not a house cat, he is always a ferocious tiger, a fierce beast who can become the hegemon of a party in the future through his own efforts even if he starts with nothing.

From the standpoint of all mankind, he needs to set up a buffer safety zone against possible crises.

Even if this probability is small.


Go back to the room of the Crimson Institute.

Feng Qi first went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of soothing potion, and after drinking it, he came to the desk and sat down.

The medicinal effect of the spirit-soothing potion spread in the body, he only felt his head was cold, raised his right hand, the spread of negative emotions was curbed, and even slowly contracted.

Compared to the sacrifice line, he doesn't need to be afraid of the side effects of the spirit-soothing potion on the main timeline.

On the sacrifice line, he is only a mortal body.

But on the main timeline, he has a special physique with strong recovery and purification abilities.

As long as he didn't drink it excessively, the side effects of the spirit-soothing potion would soon be resolved, and moderate drinking would not have any effect on him at all.

This is the authoritative certification given by Weiwei.

Having rested for a month and a half, he felt it was time to plan the direction of the next future line.

Spreading out his notebook and picking up the pen on the desk, he fell silent.

After thinking for a long time, he started to write.

Future planning 1. Field world line.

Content direction: Try to use the space technology developed by the Scarlet Research Institute during the reverse osmosis plan, enter the domain world, and rely on cultivation to survive until the domain world collapses, and witness the arrival of the general trend before the destruction of the human world.


Compared with the human world, the time point when the realm world was swallowed up by the general trend was even earlier.

Feng Qi felt that he entered the realm world ahead of time, and after 1500 years, he might be able to witness the coming of the general trend one step ahead of time and understand the truth of the coming of the general trend.

But there are many problems with trying to do so.

Living for 1500 years is really too long. Even if you practice the blood refining method provided by the old fans, you may not be able to reach that point in time.

Judging from the current lifespan, this planning line is still under consideration, and he has no idea of ​​implementing it for the time being.

Future plan 2. Go to the ruins island and explore the secrets of the pillar gods.

Content: According to the two-dimensional coordinate map of space provided by Mu Wei, go to the void world and enter the relics left by the civilization "Pillar God" of the previous era, and investigate whether Xiao Hei, scarlet rune spar, and human beings are the life and power of the Pillar God. Continuation, etc. The truth of the matter.

It is even possible to find the truth of the coming of the general trend in this ruin.

Remarks: At this stage, the strength is insufficient, and entering the ruins island simply cannot withstand the terrifying process of knowledge instillation. The planning is only a future outlook, and the selection and use of this future line will not be considered for the time being.

Future planning 3. Faith growth route.

Content: Cooperate with all mankind to develop a belief growth route, and try to help Mu Xuan defeat Moyue after 1500 years. Even if he fails, mankind can still retain a stable growth system, and will not fall to the bottom in an instant, and there is no way for the system to grow.

Remarks: At this stage, the faith skill reserve is insufficient, and the creation of faith statues lacks blood resources. It is impossible to build a comprehensive faith development route only with the existing talent skills. The growth route is relatively simple, and it is necessary to obtain a lot of talent abilities in the future dream. Keep pushing this future line.

There are hidden dangers, assuming that the belief skill library is the main line of growth, then foreign enemies can easily figure out his ability characteristics, which is equivalent to his ability to the domain creatures from now on, and it is easy to encounter targeted abilities.

Remarks on hidden dangers: As long as there are enough reserves of talent skills, there is no situation of being targeted by abilities. The hidden dangers in this regard are only because the number of natural abilities is not enough.

Fourth, the future plan is to feed the knife line with the body.

Content: Choose to cooperate with the magic sword, start the challenge of cultivation, and finally defeat Jianji, divide Winter City into your own territory, and solve the potential huge hidden dangers of Winter City.

Auxiliary line: Plan the construction and development of Star City, and carry out the preliminary construction of the belief growth system.

Remarks: There may be a situation where the magic knife is unwilling to cooperate, then this future line will enter the Mu Qing training line, keep Mu Qing in Star City, and dedicate all Star City resources to assist Mu Qing, so that Mu Qing has a combat power beyond the peak of history , let Mu Qing and Jian Ji fight again, beheading Jian Ji's dog.

Remarks 2. If the magic knife is willing to cooperate, let Mu Qing continue to build the Dawn Army, and continue to carry out the rune transformation plan in the future to open up a future possibility for human beings (after all, the belief growth route is immature, and this route will wait for Mu Wei to defeat. , will eventually lead to the complete collapse of the human growth system, and the rune plan needs to be promoted.)


There are many future lines to choose from today.

A total of more than ten future planning lines were listed, and Feng Qi stopped writing.

Among them, there are six future lines that are suitable for selection. How to choose, Feng Qi fell into contemplation.

After being silent for a long time, his eyes focused on "feeding the knife line with one's body".

The direction of this future planning line is proposed by Wei Wei. If this line can be passed, it will be a big step forward for Star City and even all mankind.

Killing Jianji means that a major hidden danger within human beings is eliminated.

In the future, with the addition of Winter City to Star City, the development of human beings will reach a higher level, and the exchange of resources and talents will be able to burst out more possibilities.

At this stage, the old city is the most difficult to deal with, and there are Hei Xuan faction psionic people sitting in town.

He is confident in pushing the Hei Xuan faction psionic clan, but the problem is that behind the Hei Xuan faction stands the clan psionic clan.

Hei Xuanneng swayed the clan's faction Psionics in minutes, and destroying Xingcheng was not a problem at all, he really couldn't afford it.

In the direction of the future city, the shadow forces are easy to target.

But behind the black shadow forces stood the psionic clan of the Hei Xuan faction, and he disrupted the plan of the black shadow forces to harm the clan's faction, which will inevitably lead to revenge.

In addition, Xiao Hei is also an unstable factor.

Precisely because of the many influences involved, the future city, which was originally the hub city of the five major cities and also the capital of science and technology, is temporarily not easy to start with.

The situation in Victory City is unknown, and there may not be any hidden forces in the field.

As the city with the strongest comprehensive strength among the five major cities, there may even be surprises in Victory City, and it may not necessarily be a situation infiltrated by domain forces.

But it is also possible that there are terrifying forces that are not weaker than the psionic clan lurking in the dark, and it is really unwise to rashly want to win the victory city.

Pulling one hair and moving the whole body, he didn't think about Victory City for the time being.

Among the four major cities, only the situation of Winter City is completely clear.

In terms of strength comparison, although Jianji is strong, he is not invincible. If he can get the help of the magic knife, he can try to challenge Jianji.

Thinking of this~lightnovelpub.net~ Feng Qi's mind came to the image of Mu Qing's pierced body hanging on top of the Dawn flag.

Mu Qing, who died in battle, was hanged like this for more than 200 years. Until the old fan died in battle and the little guy killed Jian Ji with his own hands, Mu Qing's body was sent back to Star City for burial.

This insult made him angry.

At this time, he made up his mind and reached out to tick the "feeding knife line with his body".

Nothing could make him feel more happy than cutting off the head of Jianji's dog with his own hands. Without revenge, this hurdle in his heart could not be overcome.

------off topic-----

Thank you for the 10,000 starting coins that wish the glory of mankind to live forever, and thank you for your continuous support.

Thanks for the 1500 starting coins on the Aer River.

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket~
