I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 473: Magic Knife 2 Resolve

If you want to enter the underground pit, the first thing to solve is the two guards stationed outside the mine.


Feng Qi closed his eyes at this moment.


The speed of consciousness suddenly accelerated, and consciousness spreads forward like a large net.


This is the flesh-and-blood perception taught by the old fans at the beginning. It can judge the general strength of flesh-and-blood creatures by the strength of qi and blood, and the accuracy rate is extremely high.


But not valid for element class life.


At this time, the two guards were like two intensely burning flames under his consciousness.


After roughly determining the combat strength of the two guards, Feng Qi knew that a fierce battle would follow.


The flesh-and-blood strength of the two guards is not much weaker than his. If they also possess special racial talents, they might be planted here.


This is a challenge for Feng Qi.


But after so many years of traveling through mountains and rivers, he has experienced countless life and death challenges, and he is naturally not afraid.


This is just a small scene:


"Xiaoyou, don't follow, you will die."


The voice fell, and he jumped straight towards the mine.


"Boss." Xiaoyou exclaimed at this moment.


Feng Qi's falling figure quickly attracted the attention of the two guards. Before Feng Qi fell to the ground, their cold eyes shot like sharp arrows.


The two figures swayed at this moment, and two figures were pulled out and approached quickly.




In the face of the sudden attack, Feng Qi, who had just landed, had a ferocious smile on his face.


The magic knife in his hand was raised suddenly.




The two battle axes smashed into the blade of the magic knife at the same time, Feng Qi's body sank sharply, and his calf was pressed into the ground by a huge force.


Feeling that the pressure from above began to increase, Feng Qi slowly raised his head.


He saw the surprise on the faces of the two three-meter-high fighters, and he seemed a little unbelievable that he actually held the offensive.


I only heard one of the warriors scolding something incomprehensible, and then it raised the battle axe and slashed horizontally, trying to cut him off in the middle.


At this moment, black liquid overflowed from the handle of the magic knife, quickly wrapping him.


The jet-black sword armor appeared.




The axe sealed the chess without dodging, the waist hit by the smash hit a huge force, the calf that was submerged in the ground lifted off the ground, and the figure was smashed and flew out, slammed into the rock wall of the mining area, and half of the body sank. went in.


A trace of blood flowed down from the corner of the mouth of the self-styled chess, and he could feel that his body organs were injured by the shock.


But this injury is nothing to him at all.


Using his hands, he pulled his body out of the rock wall and fell to the ground.


Through the confrontation just now, he discovered that these two warriors are extremely powerful, and they are obviously also warriors specializing in physical training.


It's his dish.


"Brother Dao, let's start the second unblocking."


Feng Qi shouted in his heart.


He never opened the second seal of the magic knife.


In the words of the magic knife a year ago, his current physical strength is too reluctant to use the second unblocking state, it will put a great pressure on the body and it will be very inconvenient to move.


But today, he has decided to challenge the second seal, and by doing so, he has obtained a substantial increase in combat power.


Facing his request, the magic knife did not respond.


I saw the second seal spirit pattern on the hilt of the knife flickering.




A crisp explosion sounded, and this spiritual pattern turned into a light spot and scattered with the wind.


The weight of the magic knife that was originally held in his hand soared in an instant, and the internal structure also changed accordingly. The original 208 nodes had more than tripled the number, and the right arm of Feng Qi holding the knife suddenly burst into blue veins.


At this time, the two mine guards had already bullied them, and the battle axe in their hands was attacking from the left and right angles.


He roared at this moment, his black hair dancing without wind.


The magic knife held in his right hand is like an icebreaker, crushing the air barrier, sweeping from right to left to the two figures in front of him.


At the same time as he exerted his strength, the black mist on the magic knife spread towards his body.


The appearance of the jet-black battle armor also changed under the second unsealing.


There are more edges and corners at the joints of the battle armor, and there is a clear edge.




This blow Fengqi did his best, and the magic blade moved with sonic booms, and the blade instantly jumped five times.


Under the disbelieving gazes of the two guards, the ornately decorated battle axe in their hands shattered. , the body is like being slapped by the ancient beast, and the things in front of him instantly become blurred.


When their vision became clear again, they found that they had already flown 100 meters away, and after they landed, they rolled a few points, and only then did their inertia stop.


When they stood up, their eyes were full of horror.


Because the armor on them was shattered.


The manufacturing process of this armor is extremely complicated. Even in a place where spiritual ore resources are extremely rich, only the most elite warriors are qualified to wear it, and the defense is extremely strong.


But now... this armor was shattered by a single blow.


At this moment, the two guards who stood up suddenly coughed up blood at the same time, and fell to the ground with a thump, their expressions gradually weakened.


Seeing this scene, Feng Qi, who was standing with a magic knife in the distance, gasped for breath, with a bright smile on his face.


The biggest difference between a blunt weapon and a sharp weapon is the form of lethality.


The magic knife that has not been opened can be regarded as a blunt weapon. The two guards endured his full blow. It seemed that there was no problem.




The two guards continued to cough up blood and even spat out pieces of organs. When Feng Qi dragged the magic knife and walked between the two guards, the expressions of the two guards had already dimmed, and their bodies fell to the ground.


At this moment, Xiaoyou flew to his side, holding up the fan and began to fan it **** him.


Immediately, a mist of aura surrounded him, nourishing his body.


"Boss, open your mouth."


Feng Qi didn't hesitate, and immediately opened his mouth.


At this moment, Xiaoyou flew to his side and stuffed the water ball with the condensed spiritual energy into his mouth.


Swallowing the water polo, he could clearly feel the coolness running through his body, and the tearing sensation caused by excessive force gradually subsided.


At this moment, the magic knife trembled slightly, and blood mist appeared from the mouths and noses of the two dead guards, which were continuously ingested by the magic knife.


After the two groups of pure qi and blood were converted, they began to be transported into his body.


Feng Qi suddenly felt as if a flame was burning in his body, calcining his flesh and blood, making him stronger.


When he came back to his senses, he picked up the magic sword.


At this time, the weight of the magic knife skyrocketed, and he struggled with every step.


The hard mining ground was like mud under his feet, and every time he landed, it would sink a few inches.


According to this trend, when the triple magic sword is unblocked, it will be difficult for him to walk normally.


At this moment, the old voice of the magic knife resounded in his mind:


"Don't worry, I will teach you a body control technique to solve this problem."


Hearing that the magic knife has a solution to this problem, he immediately felt relieved, and immediately walked towards the mine with Xiaoyou.


Entering the mine is a deep passage that winds down.


On the rock walls on both sides of the road, a group of luminous circular ores will be inlaid every 20 meters to illuminate the road.


The further down you go, the stronger the pungent smell in the air.


He could clearly perceive the irritating spiritual energy particles floating in the air, which obviously included energy radiation.


At this moment, he heard the sound of the wheels turning and rubbing against the ground.


Looking into the darkness, I saw a three-meter-wide cart slowly approaching from the depths of the mine.


I saw that the minecart was full of ores of various colors, and there were ropes on the front of the minecart. The slaves in the mining area who were all red (fruit) were struggling to pull the car, and sweat was constantly overflowing from their foreheads.


From their scrawny figures, it can be seen that they are obviously treated poorly in the underground mines.

When they saw Feng Qi, these slaves were also taken aback.


Feng Qi ignored this and walked past them with the magic knife on his back.


After looking back at Feng Qi, the group of miners continued to drag the mine cart to the surface.


The road down the mine is very wide, and soon he came to a fork. The road ahead was divided into left, middle and right, leading to different underground mining areas.


After asking about the magic knife, Feng Qi went deep into the middle mining area.


Along the way, they encountered a few mine carts. They were very surprised to see Feng Qi's slaves in the mining area, but they didn't do anything, and Feng Qi didn't bother to pay attention to them.


After some unknown time, he came to the first underground mining area.


The line of sight suddenly widened, and in front of it was an excavation area covering an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters. You could see a red-skinned warrior with a height of more than three meters wearing exquisite armor standing in the center of the mining area, glancing coldly at the mining area. The slave of the ore, from time to time, let out a deterrent roar.


The slaves in the mining area have been exploited for a long time. Even if they have an absolute advantage in numbers, they do not dare to resist.


Perhaps due to factors such as radiation from underground mines, these slaves were all skinny and sluggish.


On the contrary, the guard soldiers may change shifts frequently, and they are not affected much.


"Xiaoyou, go up and duel."


"Okay." When Xiaoyou heard this, she rolled up her sleeves and was about to rush up.


Feng Qi then reached out and grabbed Xiaoyou's head, dragging him behind him:


"Stay obediently and watch your boss show his power."


"Okay, come on boss!" Xiaoyou shouted again.


At this time, the guard also noticed the arrival of Feng Qi, and his expression changed.


Being able to come here proves that the intruder has dealt with the two guards sitting outside the mine. This guard soldier is not stupid, and immediately picked up the whistle hanging around his neck and blew it hard.


Suddenly, a harsh sound sounded, especially loud in the mine, and spread to other underground mining areas.


Feng Qi took a deep breath at this moment.


If you want to go deeper, it will obviously be a fierce battle.


He slowly put down the magic knife, and the surface of his body was instantly wrapped in black liquid, condensing the sword armor.


Facing the guard who was retreating and wanted to wait for support, Feng Qi squatted down, his feet suddenly exerted force, and suddenly the hard rock shattered like ice cubes, Feng Qi's figure flew forward like a tiger rushing towards food. .


When he raised the magic knife in his hand, the guard also raised the battle axe decisively.




The mine swayed, the gravel on the top of the head kept falling off, and the coolies who were still mining all around dodged one after another, turning their heads in fear to look in the direction of the sound.


Then they saw a scene that made their hearts tremble and frightened.


I saw that the battle axe in the guard's hand shattered instantly, and the black magic knife went straight down, as if it had hit a tomato hard. .




The magic knife fell to the ground, and the mine seemed to be collapsing.


At this moment, the magic knife trembled slightly, and the blood that splattered and scattered in the air, gathered towards the magic knife.


Soon the magic knife was wrapped in blood, and then ingested by the magic knife, refined and purified, and transported into his body.


The fatigue caused by the full-strength slashing quickly subsided.


I saw guards with tomahawks appearing one after another in the passage ahead. They received support and were quickly gathering.


This is undoubtedly a challenge for Feng Qi.


Whether he can pass the customs, he has no idea in his heart.


But indecision is not his character. He doesn't need to think too much about this magic knife line. He often wanders between life and death, and then he should do it by honing extreme combat power from life and death.


He is also a sword fused with the magic sword.


If you want to stand out, you can only keep on challenging yourself, so that you can sharpen your own edge.


At this moment, he wielded the sword, his muscles were tensed, and the blue veins, like a dragon raised his head, protruded from his right arm and spread to his whole body.




During the roar, Feng Qi's eyes turned black.


At this moment, the magic knife in his hand suddenly slashed forward, and the black light that was lifted was like a black wall of wind, and the figures that were rushing at the front were blown away.




1338 meters underground mining area.


A scrawny boy about eight years old grabbed the wooden bowl and swallowed the food in the bowl.


The food provided to them was all liquid food, which tasted extremely bad, and could only meet their basic needs, but the little boy didn't care and ate with a grim expression.


However, before he could take a few sips, he was kicked flying, and the wooden bowl in his hand was also taken away.


The little boy's head slammed heavily on the rock wall, and blood flowed down immediately.


Looking up, I saw a tall coolie snatched his wooden bowl and drank the food in the bowl in one gulp.


Facing the oppression, the little boy curled up in the corner without making any movement.


It's just that his eyes flashed coldly, and the killing intent in his heart was surging, but he knew the gap between his own strength and the opponent's.


For this kind of behavior, he has long been accustomed to it.


The dark underground has long described a small society where the strong eat the weak. Since his father could no longer work due to energy radiation and was killed by the guards a few months ago, he lost his last support and became the bottom of the bottom.


He didn't dare to resist, because to resist means he chose death.


He is still young, as long as he can survive, he will be able to get revenge sooner or later.


When the wooden bowl was thrown in front of him, the little boy picked up the wooden bowl and licked the bottom of the bowl, trying to find the debris.


At this moment, a loud noise from outside caught his attention.


He looked sideways cautiously, and saw a dull crashing sound coming from the upward passage of the mining area, and every blow was heavy, as if an evil dragon was ramming forward recklessly, causing the mining area to tremble.


Just when the little boy was puzzled, he saw an incredible scene.


In his eyes, the guard of the mine, who could not be looked directly like a god, was lifted by a figure by the neck and walked into the mine.




The crisp sound of the broken neck sounded, as if a heavy hammer had hit the hearts of the miners on site, and their eyes were timid.


At this time, Feng Qi was covered in black mist, and in their eyes, he looked like a demon crawling out of hell, full of deterrence.


When the magic knife absorbed the guard's qi and blood, Feng Qi threw the guard's shriveled body aside.


At this moment, his eyes turned to the little boy curled up in the distance.


Compared with what he imagined, the scrawny little boy was completely malnourished, and he didn't look like he had any bright spots.


But he has confidence in the judgment of the magic knife.


He stepped forward to the little boy~lightnovelpub.net~ The jet-black armor that wrapped his body dissipated:


"Hey, little guy, do you want to come with me?"


"Hey, little guy, do you want to come with my boss?" Xiaoyou also called out with one hand on his hip and his left pointing at the curled up little boy.


"what can you give me."


Hearing these words, Feng Qi was taken aback for a moment, he actually saw burning desire in the eyes of the little boy.


"Can you help me get revenge?" the little boy continued to ask.


"No, but I can give you the power of revenge, and I want to avenge myself."


The little boy nodded vigorously, then stood up, and suddenly smashed the wooden bowl in his hand on the head of the man on the right who was robbing him of his food.


With the deterrence of Feng Qi, the tall miner did not dare to resist.


After venting for a while, the little boy came to Feng Qi and said firmly:


"I'll go with you."


Hearing these words, before Feng Qi could make a move, Xiao You, who was floating beside him, raised his hands and started cheering.


------off topic-----


Everyone, go to bed early~ Don't stay up late~


