I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 475: Lightning field

It took a month.

Only choosing to travel for four hours when the temperature is suitable at noon, Feng Qi took Xiaoyou and Shao Jia finally through the field of high temperature in the morning and extremely cold in the evening.

Walking out of this field, there is another field.

There is not even a gap in the human world between the two domain fields, and they are next to each other. After passing through the barrier of this harsh environment, they directly appeared in another domain field.

The immediate environment changes.

The oncoming storm was violent, and the purple lightning in the sky tore through the air densely, spreading like a cobweb.


After a loud bang, not far away, a strange tree more than ten meters high was struck by lightning on the spot, igniting a red flame.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi felt helpless.

After finally crossing the Flaming Mountain and Extreme Cold, I thought that there would be a transition in the field with a good environment, but I didn't expect that the new field environment seemed to be even worse, and it directly turned into a calamity.

"Boss, it's so noisy here." At this moment, Xiao You, who was wearing a mask, floated to his side.

"Don't fly too high, be careful not to be struck by lightning."

With that said, Feng Qi walked forward with the magic knife on his back.

"Okay." When Xiaoyou heard this, she lowered the altitude of her flight decisively and obediently.

The armor-piercing who followed behind also kept up at this time.

In the process of advancing, Feng Qi took one step at a time, and his body was always running the bodyguard technique.

The land here may have been scoured by torrential rains all the year round, and the road was muddy. Without the assistance of bodyguarding, his body would easily sink.

In fact, he also considered the flying mask made by Xiaoyou.

But Xiaoyou's flying mask can carry a limited amount of weight, so there is no problem in carrying him to fly, but if the magic knife is added, the flying mask cannot be carried at all.

Therefore, bodyguarding is the best choice to carry the magic sword on the road.

It's just that this process will be a little unaccustomed. He is not very proficient in running the body control technique, and he can't ignore it like instinct. He needs to be in a state of mental concentration.

After a long time, you will feel mentally tired.

During the advance, the rainstorm did not mean to stop at all, the sky seemed to be torn apart by thunder, and the crisscrossing lightning split the sky into different areas.

From time to time, thunder falls from the sky and hits nearby.

For this field field, Feng Qi named it "Random Chopping Field Field" in his mind.

After all, with such dense lightning, the chance of being hit is very high.

Naming the field fields along the way is also a must-do when Feng Qi is on his way.

While growing through experience, he kept records of races, resources, and other information in each domain field.

This information has become part of the domain map in his mind, and it is also one of the most valuable information obtained by this sacrifice line. It can bring a lot of beneficial information to human contact, war, and resource extraction with external domain groups.

After walking for a while, Feng Qi turned to look.

It was found that Xiaoyou had lowered his body, like a cartilaginous fish hanging in the air, his head looked at the ground, and his body moved forward under the support of the mask.

On the other side, the armor-piercing eyes narrowed slightly, facing the rainstorm and swiftly under his feet.

Compared with Xiaoyou, Shaojia doesn't speak often, and his personality is relatively withdrawn, but what Feng Qi admires most is his execution efficiency and his cruelty to himself.

During physical training, Sunder Armor realized that there would be no problem with him.

In exchange for this training method, his strength has improved significantly, and his growth rate is faster than that of Xiaoyou.

But the shortcomings of the armor breaking in his eyes are also obvious.

It's like an untamed hungry wolf. Although it can be used by him, it will inevitably want to break free from his shackles and choose to leave after full wings.

He analyzed the reasons for the character of the broken armor.

The character development of Sunder Armor is obviously related to his growth environment.

Although he grew up in an underground mine, there is no simple folk customs there. It is also an extremely competitive area, like a miniature of the surface race war.

Food rations are limited there, and the only way to eat more is to rob someone else.

In addition, there are open and secret battles between races.

After all, the slaves in the mining area are not all of the same race, and there will definitely be small groups.

According to the description of Sunder Armor, the food quota there is actually enough to feed each life, but some races have a large amount of food, and if you want to eat more, you can only **** it.

Even robbing others of food has become the norm.

Those small groups that **** food already have experience and know that they can't grab all of them. After all, they all understand the truth of having a full meal.

Even if they are robbed, they will only rob part of it, at least let the robbed survive.

If you have one more food share, you can still grab it for the next meal.

He was one of the looters who had been kept in captivity by other slaves.

At every feeding time, most of his food is taken away.

He has also tried to resist, but the resistance will not only bring no results, but will make himself bruised and bruised.

It is in such an environment that the character of Shattering Armor becomes like this.

Sunder Armor is full of distrust of everything around him, even in the face of him, there is still vigilance in his heart that he dare not let go.

Behind the urgent desire to improve his strength is the extreme sense of insecurity in Sunder Armor's heart.

Sunder Armor is eager to control his own destiny through his own power.

Feng Qi didn't think too much about this.

He also didn't have the idea of ​​influencing Sunder Armor. Sunder Armor already had a way of thinking about problems cultivated under cruel competition, and it was difficult to change.

What he values ​​is the personal ability of breaking armor.

The growth potential of Sunder Armor is great. Compared with Xiaoyou, Sunder Armor will be a very efficient executor.

That alone is enough.

This is a potential stock with great ambition.

In this cruel world, it is often such a player who can get a place in the future.

Turning his head to look at Xiaoyou hanging in the air, he felt helpless.

There is no doubt about Xiaoyou's loyalty, but Xiaoyou is too naive, lacks growth motivation and execution efficiency, and completely regards him as a dependency.

Usually like a salted fish.

Occasionally after practicing for a while, I will feel bored and start to rot.

If it wasn't for Xiaoyou inheriting the huge knowledge of the clan, no matter how great Xiaoyou's potential is, she is destined to be eliminated by this cruel reality.

He didn't want to force it.

Xiaoyou's abilities tend to be supportive, and he has given up on improving his combat ability.

But Xiaoyou is not useless.

For example, Xiaoyou has been helping Sunder Armor to customize a set of energy entity equipment recently.

This may be the most suitable path for Xiaoyou, becoming the strongest support in the elite small group he formed.

"Boss, I'm hungry."

At this moment, Xiaoyou suddenly raised her head to look at him, then rubbed her sleepy eyes and muttered.

"Be patient."


After Xiaoyou complained, her body hung down again, relying on the support of the flying mask to move forward.

In the severe rainstorm environment, it is impossible to distinguish between day and night.

Feng Qi took Xiaoyou and Shaojia on the road without stopping, and continued to go west.

I don't know how long he walked, and he found that the armor was exhausted, and he finally stopped.

The surrounding environment has changed slightly.

This is a muddy tidal flat with many white plants growing several meters high.

There was a big tree nearby to hide from the rain, but Feng Qi did not choose to do so. The thunderstorm in the sky had not stopped, and hiding under the tree might be hit by luck.

While resting in place, Feng Qi's eyes began to scan around, looking for prey.

At this time, he found a crab-like crustacean in the mud of the tidal flat, perhaps because it was nourished by aura, and they were not small in size.

They are lurking in the dirt, blowing bubbles, and if you don't look closely, you won't be able to spot them.

Next, he caught more than a dozen crustaceans, and then inserted the magic knife into the ground and raised the flames.

This time, no combustion-supporting wood was used, and the magic knife was allowed to burn itself throughout the entire process.

After all, under heavy rain, ordinary flames will be extinguished instantly.

But the flame released by the magic knife will not, even if immersed in water, the flame released by the magic knife can still burn.

The only problem is that the flame of the magic knife is too overbearing, and the amount released must be controlled, otherwise the food will be instantly vaporized.

After examining the meat quality of the crustaceans, Feng Qi began to make cooked food.

In fact, the flesh of the domain creatures is delicious, and sashimi is definitely a good choice, but compared to cooked food, it is more suitable for his preference.

Xiaoyou has also been used to eating cooked food in the years she has followed him, and is reluctant to eat sashimi.

In these years of experience and journey, he has grown up with his strength, as well as his cooking skills.

With his current culinary skills, how could he be a head chef in a top university.

In order to make better food, he also collected more than 10 kinds of spices during his travels.

These seasonings are all dried and ground from different plants, each of which is a great treat for the taste buds.

Eating the food he made has become the greatest joy in Xiaoyouzaolan's life.

When the flames rose, Xiaoyou looked like a cat smelling fishy, ​​raised her head sharply, her eyes lit up.

"Boss, come on."

Hearing Xiaoyou's cry, Feng Qi felt helpless.

He formed the battle group to take in a group of younger brothers who worked for him, but Xiaoyou really regarded him as a cook.

In contrast, Sunder Armor is very self-aware.

Always be humble in front of him, clearly position yourself, and understand exactly what you want to do.

But when dealing with Xiaoyou, Feng Qi couldn't be fierce.

Xiaoyou's loyalty is beyond doubt, even willing to die for him.

But being rotten is a problem that Xiaoyou can't get rid of. Xiaoyou's stupidity attribute can't be changed by coercion.

Thinking back to the first half year of acquaintance, he used almost every method to make Xiaoyou learn to work hard, but Xiaoyou was always hot for three minutes.

One second before, he clenched his fist and tried to be strong, saying that he would work hard and never let the boss down. As a result, he started to wander in the next second, and then he started to doze off.

Facing Xiaoyou, he was helpless.

After a long time, the fragrance filled the air, and the three of them began to eat.

Open the shell of the crustacean, and the flesh inside is snow-white and tastes excellent.

Looking at the west, Feng Qi didn't know where he had gone and how much he still had to go.

When he left Star City, he did not carry a positioning device.

There is no need to carry.

In the domain field, the positioning device has no effect at all. Even if there is an occasional gap in the human world, it is surrounded by the domain field, and the positioning device is also useless.

Perhaps he has now come to the Midwest region of the human world, and perhaps there is still a long way to go before the target location.

But in this process, Feng Qi is fully experienced.

During this process, he could clearly feel that his strength was steadily improving.

If this sacrifice line he can grow to the height of defeating Jianji, then this sacrifice line he will gain combat power beyond the reality line.

It may also break the lifespan record again and live longer.

He is full of expectations for the future.

He looks forward to the moment when he returns to Star City, sees the earth-shaking future, and looks forward to personally killing Jian Ji in the future...

After eating, he continued on the road with Xiaoyou and Sha armor.

The torrential rain has not abated and continued to fall.

The water level on the ground began to rise gradually, and the eyes looked into the distance, and the raindrops falling on the water caused countless ripples.

At this moment, Feng Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his pupils were covered in black.

He saw dozens of figures coming through the rainstorm and coming quickly from the front.

"Back up."

Feng Qi's voice fell, and Shaojia understood it, stepped forward and grabbed Xiaoyou, dragging her to start retreating.

Feng Qi clenched the magic knife in his hand at this time.

When encountering domain creatures in the domain field, there is nothing wrong with being the first to attack.

Choosing to negotiate is the most foolish thing to do.

At this moment, dozens of figures in the distance seemed to have spotted him, and suddenly stopped.

Then the dozens of figures suddenly changed direction and chose to bypass him and continue to move forward.

This made Feng Qi a little surprised.

The indigenous creatures encountered in the field over the years often attacked him on their own initiative, and there was no room for negotiation at all.

He was not surprised by this.

It's like a human warrior who discovered a domain creature in the star city, it must be a kill, and there is no need to negotiate.

Even if the domain creature said that he was just passing by, it was impossible for the human warrior to listen.

Thinking from another perspective, the natives in the field also think the same.

In the face of invaders, the vigilance and hostility of the natives in the domain are even more serious.

There is a space crystal in each domain field, which is the key node to maintain the stability of the domain space.

When the domain space crystal is broken, the entire domain field will collapse.

The natives of the domain could not tell whether the intruder really passed by or sneaked in quietly.

He has seen a case of a home being stolen.

The life in the red-yellow armor that I met at the beginning was because of being stolen by the ghost-like life, which caused the clan field to be swallowed up in an instant, and the already decadent battle ended as if it were devastated.

So without any reason, the idea that all invaders are enemies is common knowledge in the domain world.

But the dozens of figures in front chose to take a detour and did not attack him, which made Feng Qi very puzzled.

At this time, Xiaoyou and Shajia returned to his side.

He didn't think about this problem, he led Xiaoyou and Shajia to move forward.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of rushing teams one after another, and at most, more than a hundred figures approached.

But after these figures found him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not attack him, they chose to retreat, and even did not want to have any contact with him.

Feng Qi also found that these hurrying figures generally carried supplies, like a group of people who were fleeing and migrating.

This often occurs, generally when a group is completely defeated in a war.

At this time, most of the clansmen died in battle. If coolies were needed, some of them would be captured alive, and the rest would escape from their field and be forced to become wandering forces.

Many of the small forces in the weak clan alliance stationed in Star City came this way.

This made Feng Qi very curious about what happened ahead.

------off topic-----

Thanks to Xue Wu Tong Fei for the reward of 3332 book coins.

Explosion tomorrow~!

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