I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 485: Miracle: Nightmare Bell

At night, in front of the beach.

The magic knife in Feng Qi's hand kept slashing towards the sea. Even without releasing the knife energy, the hurricane brought by the magic knife's swing could set off huge waves, colliding with the continuous waves of the sea, splashing white waves. .

After swinging the knife two thousand times in a row, sweat oozes from Feng Qi's forehead.

After the knife swing training was over, he stopped at this point.

Looking at the sky at the end of the sea.

The stars gathered in the night to form the Milky Way, like a collapsing waterfall hanging on the horizon, illuminating the whole sky.

But the scene in front of me is not the human world, but the scenery in the domain world.

The stars here are not the stars of the human world, but a special kind of life that can fly. They gather together to form a galaxy.

Looking down at the sea, the sea water is flickering with blue crystals. This is the tide of the sea formed by the gathering of plankton, constantly shooting towards the beach.

Turn your head to look behind you.

Xiaoyou buried her head in the sand, lying on the ground with all her back, falling asleep in a strange posture.

On the other hand, Thunder and Negative Consciousnesses are fighting each other on a daily basis, venting their negative emotions, and attacking each other from time to time.

Mutual confrontation has almost become an important part of the journey between thunder and negative consciousness.

Looking into the distance, Sunder Armor was carrying a huge ancient tree, and was undergoing physical training.

Sweat was streaming down his forehead, but he was still holding on.

Among the team members, Sunder Armor is always the one who works the hardest.

The hard years in the mine made Sunder Armor understand a truth. Only by being strong can you get rid of bullying and oppression, and only by strength can you gain true freedom.

So he wants to be stronger than anyone else.

The seeds of revenge also grow along with his strength, germinating day by day.

His eyes finally focused on the little black puppy lying not far away.

Seemingly finding his gaze, the little milk dog suddenly stood up and looked at him.

Looking at each other, the little milk dog's eyes showed a fear that could not be concealed, and he subconsciously took a few steps back, and then stuck out his tongue with a well-behaved expression, a look of flattery.

The little milk dog is the beast that Feng Qi saved two months ago.

Regarding its secrets, Feng Qi already has a detailed understanding of it.

The puppy's name is "Taihang".

It was originally the descendant of the beast of the town clan of the Taiying clan.

It was also the next divine beast of the Taiying Clan.

In the description of Taihang, the little milk dog, the origin of the Taiying clan was 900 years ago, when its ancestor met a boy.

At that time, its ancestor was seriously injured and could no longer move. He thought that he would be killed by the teenager when he was seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, the young man not only did not have malice towards his ancestors, but took the initiative to treat him.

The good fortune ends here.

In the years to come, the ethnic group where the teenager belonged to was broken up under the brutal racial war. It was the ancestors of Taihang who desperately rescued the teenager and took the teenager to wander.

Just like the male protagonist in a novel, the young man began to grow rapidly with the company of his Taihang ancestors.

During this period, the teenager traveled to many layers of the world and obtained a miracle by chance.

At this point, the rise of the youth began.

During this period, the teenager found some of the lost tribes, and based on the name of his own race and the name of the Taihang ancestors, he established a new force: the Taiying tribe.

In order to thank the ancestors of Taihang for their company, and for the friendship between them to be inherited by future generations.

When the Taiying Clan was established, the teenagers set the rules. The descendants of the Taihang ancestors will be regarded as the sacred beasts of the Taiying Clan and enjoy the highest treatment in the clan.

But no dynasty can last forever, and this sentence also applies to the Taiying tribe.

They were lucky to cross the challenge of Tongtian Road, and the first 200 years after they came to the human world have been very smooth, and they have not encountered any strong enemies around.

The Taiying Clan has grown more than several times in a short period of time.

But the accident still occurred.

Accidentally learned from the enslaved new forces that there are precious Tianyuan spar mines in the area that spans 12 fields to the north, and the king of the Taiying tribe is moved.

At that time, the King of Shadows did not act rashly, but took the lead in dispatching a team to investigate the combat power situation there.

About three years later, King Taiying got feedback.

In fact, just as the slave said, the ethnic group in the mining area suffered a severe setback on Tongtian Road, and they have long been overwhelmed by themselves, unable to defend the golden mountain under their feet.

Facing the temptation, King Taiying was moved.

The competition of races is too cruel, and if they want to have a future, the growth of the Taiying Clan is still too slow.

Facing the opportunity in front of him, King Taiying didn't want to miss it and decided to take a gamble.

In order to win the Tianyuan mining area, King Taiying used the power of his entire clan to launch a war mobilization.

For this battle, King Taiying even took out the town's treasure "Nightmare Bell".

That is the miracle item that the founding patriarch of the Taiying Clan accidentally obtained.

On this expedition, Taihang's father also followed.

The outcome of this battle is unknown, the army led by King Taiying left and never returned.

During this period, many news circulated in the city.

It is said that when King Taiying was robbing Tianyuan mining area, he encountered a strong clan who also came to **** ore.

Although there was a miracle blessing, the incoming strong clan carried more and stronger miracle items. Under the crushing of absolute strength, the entire Taiying clan was wiped out, and no one returned.

There are still many strange rumors, but it is a fact that Taiying King and Taihang's father did not return.

After anxiously waiting for several years, the remaining Taiying clan in the city tended to collapse.

During this period, some clansmen formed a team to investigate the situation, but they were all gone forever.

Finally, the remaining members of Taiying's clansmen couldn't bear the pressure, and no longer had hope for the front line. They chose to bring resources to evacuate for the time being, and travel far away to avoid the possible genocide war.

Taihang was also persuaded to leave.

But it doesn't do that.

It wants to continue to wait for the return of its father and the return of the Taiying tribe.

This is the time of more than thirty years.

Fortunately, he did not encounter the invasion war, but he did not wait for the return of his father and the Taiying army.

As for the bell hanging on Taihang's neck, it is an imitation of the Miracle Nightmare Bell.

The original idea of ​​building Nightmare Bell was proposed by the first Taiying King.

During his wandering with the ancestors of Taihang, it was the ancestors of Taihang who gave up the chance to obtain miracle items.

The King of Shadows will always remember this feeling in his heart.

He felt that what he had, the ancestors of Taihang should also have.

So at that time, the idea of ​​making a replica of the Nightmare Bell came into being.

But the manufacturing process was full of challenges, and the first King of Shadows failed to complete the project of imitating the Nightmare Bell on his deathbed.

His will was inherited by the clan.

It took several generations of Taiying Clan to make the Nightmare Bell, and a lot of spiritual materials were spent during this period, and then it was made successfully.

Although the imitation Nightmare Bell is far less effective than the Nightmare Bell, it also has the effect of tampering with cognition and creating a cognitive illusion.

The imitation that was made was given to the Taihang line.

Moreover, this Nightmare Bell House has the function of identifying the main bloodline, which can only be used by the Taihang bloodline, and even the Taiying clansmen cannot mobilize it through a special method.

In the years that followed, the Taiying line carried the real Nightmare Bell, and the Taihang line carried the imitation Nightmare Bell.

After listening to Taihang's remarks, Feng Qi understood why there were no creatures in the empty city.

It turned out that the only remaining clansmen in the city had already fled, and only Taihang remained.

It swayed yellow paper in the city, paying homage to the dead souls in the way of the shadow clan.

In the lonely years, Taihang saw King Taiying and his father walking from outside the city facing Haoyue countless times in his dreams, and behind him was the Taiying army returning from the expedition, but when he woke up, it was empty.

During this period, in order to protect the city, he killed many wandering invading forces.

And use the Nightmare Bell to tamper with their cognition, turning them into dead creatures under self-awareness, accompany it to guard this uninhabited city, and help it clean up the city.

Even though there is little hope, Taihang still hopes for a glimmer of possibility in his heart.

At any time, the city will welcome the returning warriors with a new look.

When listening to Taihang tell his story, Feng Qi was silent for a long time.

There is no real right or wrong in this world, only the lives of the unremitting struggle for the future and rise of the race.

But there is no right or wrong, it is the greatest cruelty.

This was also the first time Feng Qi knew that the two races could coexist harmoniously and establish a common force.

But he knew that the feelings of the ancestors of the two races were not the key factor for the harmonious coexistence of the two forces.

He felt that there was a high probability that the descendants of the Taihang lineage were rarenext page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

Less, it is not enough to affect the growth of the Taiying vein.

Therefore, the Taihang line is more meaningful in historical development as a mascot and a milestone in the development of the race.

If it is two races that are evenly matched, there will inevitably be disputes over interests.

It is said to be a race governed by two races.

Have you ever seen a descendant of the Taihang line become the King of Shadows?

The so-called hereditary beasts are inherently unfair.

But there is no doubt that the Taiying clan is indeed integrated because of the feelings of the ancestors of the two clans.

After walking through so many fields, this is the only case he has ever seen.

Through Taihang's narration, Feng Qi also learned that the imitation Nightmare Bell can only be mastered and used by the Taihang vein, which is restricted by the bloodline.

This is also the reason why he brought Taihang by his side. Taihang is now the key for him to open the Asura form.

Only Taihang has the ability to use the imitation nightmare bell.

But it seems that the negative **** illusion caused a serious inner shadow on Taihang's heart. Now Taihang's eyes are always full of fear when he looks at him.

Even often have nightmares and fall into the negative hell, and wake up after a scream.

Feng Qi is also helpless, and there is no solution. He can only use time to heal Taihang's inner wounds.

Now the relationship between Taihang and Xiaoyou is very harmonious, and even take the initiative to let Xiaoyou ride on his back.

But for him, Taihang is more of a fear.

The addition of Taihang also increases the number of teams by 1.

Although the current comprehensive strength of the team is not strong, Feng Qi always has expectations for the future.

This seemingly loose organization gradually became cohesive during the journey, and each member has a lot of potential for growth.

Maybe it will surprise him.

At the same time, this team is also a help for him to challenge Jianji, and even continue to challenge new enemies after killing Jianji.

This sacrifice line, he wants to go further.

Jian Ji should not be the end.

Under the stars, Feng Qi stretched out his arms and lay on the beach, listening to the sound of the waves.

The tense nerves were rarely relieved.

Unconsciously, Feng Qi, who had not slept for a long time, fell asleep.

During the high tide of the sea, countless crystal blues surrounded his body, and Feng Qi's expression gradually eased in his sleep.

I don't know how long it took, the morning light swayed on his face, awakening him from his deep sleep.

Looking down at his chest, Xiaoyou didn't know when he would come, and at this time, he was sleeping on his chest wearing a straw hat, with a familiar crystal on the corner of his mouth.

Rubbing Xiaoyou's head, he sat up.

Looking at the sea level rising from the red sun, he knew that a new journey was about to start.

If you want to pass this field, you have to cross the sea.

Xiaoyou and others have the ability to fly, but they can pass by flying, but he obviously can't.

The body-guarding technique can make him fly a certain distance, but he obviously does not have the ability to rely on the body-guarding technique to cross the sea.

Carrying the magic knife and swimming across the endless sea is a test of willpower, but also a test of his physical strength.

But instead of taking a detour, he saw crossing the sea as a challenge on the journey.

After shouting, Sunder Armor, Thunder and others gathered.

Xiaoyou also woke up faintly at this moment, rubbed her sullen eyes and called out to the boss, then dropped her body and flew into the air.

"Set off!"

"Okay!" Xiaoyou clenched her fists at this moment with a serious expression.

With the undulating tide, Feng Qi walked towards the end of the sea, Xiaoyou and the others followed behind him.

Crossing the sea is a long process.

During the period, Feng Qi would fall into the water every time he flew a certain distance, and he would move forward by swimming hard.

Sunder Armor will also occasionally fall into the water and follow him as he swims forward.

When the stamina is exhausted, the armor will be broken before putting on the flying mask again.

Only Lan Lan Xiaoyou, Decadent Lei Ting, and Taihang all moved forward in flight.

sunset sun rise.

This journey seems to have no end.

Feng Qi was exhausted several times, but he all survived by willpower.

During this process, the Ascension Challenge training was briefly activated to replenish his exhausted physical strength.

The more he understands the magic sword's ascension challenge and cultivation principles, the more Feng Qi feels that the magic sword's potential is limitless.

He has no doubt that the magic knife will one day reach a state comparable to a miracle item.

In Mu Xuan's words, the miraculous fetish is just a continuation of the power of the pillar god.

In the era we are in, there is indeed no power that can match Zhushen, but there will definitely be in the future, especially in the future finals where the competition is the most brutal.

At that time, there will definitely be a battle power comparable to the pillar **** level born in the strong clan.

He didn't know where the magic knife went in the normal time line in the future~lightnovelpub.net~ but he knew that the magic knife would still be there after 1500 years.

Perhaps the magic knife will continue to walk in the cruel competition like the Lord of the Mist.

He once asked the magic knife what he would do if he defeated Jianji.

The answer of the magic knife is to continue to challenge the strong, and strive to smash a few more miracles.

The path chosen by the magic knife is doomed that it cannot turn back.

Because ascending to the gods and challenging the cultivation will never end, and the moment when the battle is broken, is the only end of the magic sword.

Sometimes Feng Qi couldn't help but guess that maybe the magic sword could really reach the realm of the pillar **** and become one of the strongest Gu kings before the general trend.

But the future is full of uncertainty, and he has never seen what will happen in the future farther than 1,500 years.

The challenge to the sea continues.

During this period, Feng Qi was also attacked by many giant sea beasts.

But for Fengqi, this is not a bad thing.

The sea beasts that attacked have become his dead souls under the sword, and they have become the pure blood that supplements his physical strength, so that his strength can be improved.

In the alternation of day and night, he still did not see the field barrier standing at the end of the sea.

But at this time, a huge island was found standing in the northwest.

The island under the night is dotted with countless crystal light spots, like countless fireflies flying, full of magical colors.

Thinking that Xiaoyou said recently that she had vomited sea beast meat.

Feng Qi decided to go to the island, looking for edible domain beasts to fight teeth.

------off topic-----

This journey of experience will tell many stories and backgrounds about the domain field, improve the world view, and at the same time, there will be many foreshadowings, and the story will eventually go to the high-burning line.

Finally, everyone goes to bed early, staying up late hurts the body.

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