I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 493: team

Chapter 494 Team

Sunset dusk.

The sight of the human world in front of him gave Feng Qi a sense of sight at home.

After leaving Star City, he has traveled westward for more than 30 years.

Even if there is time to return to the human world during the journey, it is only a small void in the dense area of ​​the domain field, and there is no trace of human beings at all.

He thought that after crossing the Black Sea Domain Field, there would be a brand-new Domain Field waiting for him to explore, but he did not expect to return to the human world.

The human world in front of me is completely different from before.

At the end of the line of sight, there is no field barrier that is in line with the sky, but an endless plain with lush green plants.

Compared with the domain world, the air aura here is not high, and it is not even comparable to the small domain world brought by the weak.

But here it gave a throbbing that the world of Fengqi field did not have.

Taking a deep breath of the air of the human world, Feng Qi looked into the distance, his eyes full of anticipation.

What is the human condition outside, the answer has never been in the history books.

In the description of history books, the human world was once divided into five regions.

They are the Eastern District, Western District, Central District, Northern District, and Southern District. Among them, Star City, Future City, Old Day City, Victory City, and Winter City, the five major cities are located in the Eastern District.

When the catastrophe came, a large number of domain fields descended on the human world, completely cutting off the connection between the eastern region and the outside world.

At that time, there were also a large number of domain fields in the eastern region where the five major cities were located.

In the years ahead, the frequency of the domain field has slowed down, and the west and north directions have formed an area where the domain field can be viewed by relatives.

In this regard, the Eastern District has become an independent area.

Scholars in the Seven Small Cities have made a lot of guesses about the human condition in our region.

However, a small number of scholars believe that there is a small probability that the world inside has fallen, and perhaps the eastern region is the only surviving place for mankind.

That speculation is not without basis.

According to the regional topography, the old city to the east in the eastern district and the failed city to the southeast are backed by the small sea, and the pressure of being invaded by the enemy will increase very little.

After all, the expansion rate of the land under the land is much slower than that of the sea.

As long as the human forces in the eastern region defend the northwest where the Winter North is located, the fundamentals will be easily collapsed.

Even if the defense line in the back line of winter is defeated, you can still evacuate in the direction of the old city, the city of failure, and the city of stars.

Unless it is a catastrophic event like the skyfall field field under the seven small cities.

Therefore, the defensive line in the eastern region does not have a better strategic depth than other regions in the human world.

By contrast, the central district, once connected to the eastern district, is in the most difficult position.

Scholars believe that the terrain of the central region is destined to fall into a situation where the human beings outside are surrounded by the domain field on seven sides.

Surrounded by enemies on all sides, the pressure can be imagined.

The situation in our region is similar.

That is one of the main reasons why scholars believe that the world inside has fallen.

In order to find out what happened to the world inside, the seven small cities jointly established a project called the Expedition Plan.

That plan had a good starting point.

The purpose is to form an expedition team and open up a road to the inner world. If there are no humans in the inner world, they can connect with the seven small cities through that passage and support each other to grow.

But that plan faced few challenges from its inception.

The first is the formation of a battle group.

As a team that blazes a trail, its comprehensive strength is bound to be weak.

But those teams are also the backbone of the backline, dispatching us to open up the road. If the human beings are found or not, the investment and casualties in the later stage will undoubtedly be a huge loss.

The expedition faced many challenges before it was launched, but in the end it was still a matter of dispatching a few Chapters to blaze a trail and find new hope.

But those expedition teams sent out have not returned so far.

Apparently all fell on their way to clear the road.

Before several victories, the plan to establish a connection with the Urijie received a small amount of praise.

Everyone believes that the current situation of human beings in the eastern region is already in a precarious situation. It is suspected that dispatching excellent chapters to long-distance is a waste of manpower and resources, and the expedition plan has been called off.

More than 500 years before the cataclysm, there was no debate on the topic of whether there were human beings in the world inside.

But there is always a clear answer.

Anthropologists have also thought about using technology to find answers, but it is difficult to do that with the current technology of mankind.

For example launching satellites.

But a vertically-launched rocket does not fly vertically all the way.

About 10 seconds after the rocket takes off vertically, it will retreat into the programmed turn. It does not matter whether the same rocket and the same load and the same launch location are the same time to end the programmed turn.

But the programmed turn is a process that must go through before the rocket is launched. The first-stage and seventh-stage rockets will not be separated until they leave the small air layer, and the seventh-stage and eighth-stage rockets will be separated before leaving the small air layer, and finally the load will be sent to the predetermined orbit. That is to say, a small part of the rocket is flying in a corner.

The position of the domain field barrier is in line with the sky dome, and human beings have always detected the wrong number accurately.

But nothing is clear.

Launching rockets are bound to hit the field barrier.

Therefore, even if the Eastern District does not have the technology to launch rockets, it is still possible to send satellites into space.

More importantly, when the field field is sparse, all satellites have lost their signals.

Part of it lost contact with the inner world before being shrouded in the domain field, and the vast majority disintegrated directly in the domain field.

Therefore, launching satellites to observe the world requires no obvious regression in technology, and it must be a psionic technology that can adapt to the domain field.

However, the development of science and technology in the early stage has already been vertical with more and more resources.

Especially before the Lixing Escape Plan, which retains human fire, is banned, the upgrade of the rocket is even more important.

The rise of human cultivation is regarded as the only growth method for mankind to overcome the field, and the development of science and technology is at a disadvantage.

Even many cities have no idea of ​​giving up technological development and feel that no science and technology are enough.

Fortunately, there were not many scholars at that time who made positive comments.

In the end, the result before the discussion in the seven small cities was that the scientific and technological research and development institutions in each city moved to the new city.

In this regard, the oldest city was born, which is now the future city of science and technology.

However, the development direction of the future city is mainly to serve its seven small cities, and it is also a transportation hub city between the seven small cities. The research direction is also to improve the combat power and efficiency.

The research on launching psionic satellites is a small investment, and the results are unknown.

When Bai Ying occupies the Science and Technology Research Institute and controls the Star City, he will search for the human beings in the inner world for human beings.

Therefore, the knowledge of the world inside, technology does not help.

The answer to whether the world inside is still devoid of humans has always been a mystery.

At this moment, Feng Qi feels as if he has completed a milestone in human history, taking an important step in human exploration of the inner world.

After I walked out of the area where I saw my relatives, I really came to a brand new human world inside.

As for whether there are no human beings in that world, I think there is a small probability that there is none.

If there is no human defense line, the domain field has obviously swallowed the world, so there will be such a huge blank area.

"Set off!"

Looking at the sunset, with a promise in his heart, Che Yan grinned.

"Okay!" Dayou clenched his fist and raised his left hand, cheering happily.

You don't know why the old and young are smiling.

But as long as the old and the young are depressed, you can follow them very closely.

Before cheering, Da You finished flying around Feng Qi.

Facing the dusk and sunset, everyone followed Feng Qi's footsteps and walked to the back.

The sun gradually disappeared from view, the sky was dark with no light pollution, and the stars led the way.

It's summer, and the chirping of cicadas and crickets stops beside my ears.

The vitality that belongs to the human world has not been extinguished, and it is still swaying under the land that has become familiar. Even the breeze blowing at this moment seems to have a touch of sweetness.

I love the human world deeply.

That is the land where my ancestors thrived, and it has been passed down from generation to generation. It is our generation's responsibility to regain the lost territory, and it is also a dream in my heart.

In order to realize that dream, the human ancestors before the cataclysm have always stopped in their striving steps.

Lao Wang, parents, Wei Wei... We all don't have the same dream, and it's also an inheritance.

The figure of struggle alternately relays in the long river of history, and I will also stop after completing my dream.

"La la la la." Da You suddenly hummed a song at that moment.

Turning his head to look at Da You, who was dancing back and forth in the air, Feng Qi endured his curiosity and said:

"Dayou, why are you so depressed all of a sudden?"

"Because the old and the young seem to be very affectionate, Dayou is also very depressed."


Hearing Feng Qi's laughter and cursing, Dayou laughed and scratched his head.

"Ow." Taihang also let out a long howl.

"Silly dog, it's so noisy." Thunder growled.

"Ow." Taihang simply listened, flashed past the thunder's sneak attack stably and flexibly, and continued to scream up to the sky.

Looking at Dayou and Taihang's singing and harmony, a smile appeared on the broken armor face, who was always silent.

I know since when, that team has become my home.

After I lost everything, I found coolness again.

I want to protect that coolness is lost again.

But the bottom line is that I need to have enough weak strength.

The desire for strength in the heart has faded, but it has become weaker.

"A bunch of weirdos." Lei Ting said in a loud voice, but there was also a hint of warmth in his eyes.

A madman, a fool, a muscle, a cerebral palsy with a brain that destroys the world, and a stupid dog, although the team is wonderful, it left a deep impression on me during the trip.

I, who have never walked out of the clan world, experienced suffering, bitterness, and seeing relatives for the first time in my journey.

I have no way of imagining that without the company of that group of people, what kind of performance I would have without my clan members, and what to do.

Although I said all kinds of scornful words, I still have no weak sense of identification with that team in my heart.

The mood of the team also affected me.

The Thunder raised the horn hanging from his waist at that time.

He glanced at Taihang, who was still crying and howling with contempt, and put it on his lips and blew abruptly.

The melodious horn sounded with an ancient melody.

Covering up the voices of Dayou and Taihang.

That was the first time Feng Qi saw Lei Ting sound the horn again before the Thunder Clan was destroyed.

I have heard Lei Ting say that the horn is the inheritance of the Lei Ting clan king, and it is similar to the ancient jade seal of our ancient human beings. It is a symbol of identity and power.

That horn is also the command to command the legion in battle.

But outside of certain festivals, Thunder also uses horns to announce joy to the people.

At a certain time every year, I stand under the low tower, overlooking the people of the city, and blow the horn to announce the arrival of the festival.

This is when I used to be high-spirited.

On the journey that followed me, Thunder was the one who blew the horn.

Because there are no people who follow my horn to fight, and no one can understand the joy I convey when I blow the horn.

At this moment, Thunder is obviously expressing his emotions in that way.

Realizing that his emotions had affected the emotions of everyone in the team, a smile appeared on the corner of Feng Qi's mouth.

"Little boy!"

At that time, a loud cry came.


"If something happens, call him."

Looking at the big secluded dancing behind me, many images of what I once experienced appeared in my mind.

Especially Dayou.

You are the first member to join the Knife Demon Corps.

I have been through a few moments of safety and hardship in the short time I've been with the knife.

But the innocence and innocence beneath Dayou never faded. He was like a great immortal man who always brought all kinds of fun to me and the team.

I vaguely remember when I was outside the icy and snowy environment, with or without any food source.

Dayou and I were frozen into stupid dogs.

At this time, Dayou looked at me tremblingly, and said something that I will forget all my life:

"Little boy, do I need to eat you?"

When she said those words, Dayou's pure and serious eyes were completely joking.

Sacrificing your own life for me is fundamentally a difficult decision for Da You, and you have no turbid position for yourself.

So I often speak amazingly and say words that make me laugh and laugh.

"You are disgusted, you can be used by the old and young to see the kiss."

That was what Dayou said with his head held high when he was arguing with Lei Ting, which made Lei Ting speak for several days.

Originally, I just wanted to form a team of combat power that could be used, but I felt that I had gone astray.

This seems to be the first time something similar has happened.

Once I just wanted to use the Lord of the Mist to accomplish my purpose through me.

However, the development of events has gradually deviated from the original path.

What I have used in exchange is sincere feedback from old fans.

Treat me as a brother, share miracles with me, and work hard for me in the first place, just to save me from the execution ground, even at the cost of life.

Sincerity in exchange for sincerity, I will also fall into it if I know it or feel it.

It's like my emotional bond with the Lord of the Mists.

I have the law to carry out the goals and tasks I set with the slightest emotion, so every sacrifice line will always be free from some emotional fetters.

After flying for a while~lightnovelpub.net~ Dayou suddenly hung down like a deflated ball, and shouted:

"Young man, I'm hungry."

"I'll eat it later."

"Okay, little one, you can ask him later."

"I know how to eat, and I can have no small pursuit." Lei Ting complained at that time.


"Silly dog, he dares to bite you, but if you do the opposite, you will lose if the electricity is dead..."

In the noise, we drifted away.

There is nothing in the distance, Feng Qi knows it.

But for the future and the unknown, I always have no expectations in my heart, and I am willing to look forward to the possibility with an optimistic attitude.

Everyone go to bed early~