I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 497: Power Distribution - Qualification


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Under the night, the river of stars turns.

Standing on the balcony, Feng Qi looked up at the starry sky, his inner thoughts surging.

There is no light pollution, and when the clouds and fog over the Elf City dissipate, the sky is so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated.

Having lived in the elf city for a while, he discovered many beautiful things here.

If it wasn't for the potential crisis, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this is the future that humans in the eastern region are looking forward to.

The elf defense line on the front line formed the strongest barrier, resisting the expansion of the domain from all directions, and the residents in the city also had the power of the elf king to protect them.

Harmony and stability, isn't this the future that people in the eastern region hope for.

On the last line of sacrifice, he has been in charge of Star City for more than a hundred years, so he clearly understands what conditions need to be met in order to create a prosperous and stable society.

The first is the issue of resources.

Satisfaction is the most basic demand of urban residents.

This problem is placed in the eastern district, and the residents in the city can indeed get all kinds of guarantees, at least eating and drinking is not a problem.

But there is also a chronic disease that has not yet been resolved in society.

That is the problem of resettlement of scavengers.

Under the limited resource circulation, the five major cities can only accommodate some waste pickers and place them in the city, but they cannot accommodate all waste pickers. This problem essentially comes from insufficient resources.

But this problem does not exist in Elven City.

The elven plants that take root in the city can independently absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and produce water, food, etc. that satisfy the people in the city.

Even if the population in the elf city skyrocketed, the food in the elf city could still meet consumption.

In addition to resources, there are also spiritual needs.

As long as you are human and can think, you must have spiritual needs.

The construction of the elf city is also very perfect in this aspect. The elf network established is like a virtual game that he has worked hard for several timelines to perfect, and can satisfy the people in the city spiritually.

Then there are judicial justice in the city and social stability maintenance.

Society is a complex whole, and there must be some destroyers of order among them. Their appearance will obviously affect the safety of other people in the city.

In this regard, Elf City also has very complete supporting facilities.

Each district is equipped with excellent law enforcement and judicial teams to ensure the stability of order in the city.

As for corruption and corruption, this issue is destined to not exist due to the special civilization structure of Elven City.

The core of the social structure of humans in the central region is the king of elves.

Any spiritual resources and rune crystals obtained from the output will be sent to the Elf King, and then absorbed by the furnace in the Elf King's body after being refined.

Under the special civilization structure, resources do not belong to any individual, but belong to the Elf King alone.

Problems such as embezzlement of resources, embezzlement of resources for the sake of strength, etc. do not exist at all.

The Elf King has exclusive use of all resources, but has reduced many disputes over resource quotas.

With the help of the Elf King, the material needs of the city have been fully satisfied, and the pursuit of the residents in the city comes more from the spiritual level.

Therefore, the Elf King has built a complete and harmonious social operation system.

But Feng Qi also saw potential problems in the city.

Compared with the humans in the eastern region, the residents in the elf city obviously lack fighting spirit.

Just because the perception of the external crisis has become blurred, except for those soldiers who are fighting on the front line, most of the residents in the city do not have a strong sense of crisis.

This is definitely not a good thing in a dangerous new world.

He who has been to the future world after 1500 clearly knows how terrible the future is.

The heroes are divided into regimes, competing for the future.

Under the pressure of brutal racial competition, all racial forces are like bloodthirsty hungry wolves, which must devour the flesh and blood of other races in exchange for their own rapid growth.

Under the law of survival of the jungle, there is no right or wrong, and there is no reason to want to destroy your entire clan.

Crisis awareness is a key element of the Eastern District education system.

So even at a young age, Feng Qi knew that the human situation was in jeopardy.

Although there are always good news on the front line, such good news is more like a light in despair, used to boost morale.

The annual casualty rate on the front lines cannot be faked, and the death rate of graduates cannot be faked even more.

It is precisely under the high pressure of crisis awareness that human society has become a single rope, with a determination that cannot be broken or established, allowing human civilization to grow to this day without the help of any foreign race.

Compared with the current Central District, it seems that the construction is weak.

But regardless of the special existence of the Elf King, the humans in the eastern region have opened up multiple front lines from being weak to the present by virtue of this fighting spirit, and stabilized the rear.

Looking down at the night view of Elven City.

In Fengqi's eyes, the Elf City has too many advantages.

But this seeming perfection also gave him an illusion of unreality.

It's like a castle in the air, which will collapse at any time.

A gust of wind blew, and the aura particles spewed by the elf plants drifted with the wind, filling every corner of his vision.

He couldn't help sighing.

Deep down in his heart, he hoped that the Elven King would not break his promise and continue to protect the humans in the central region.

At least the prosperity in front of him proves that the king of elves is only good for humans in the central region, and there is no harm.

If you must fight against the Elf King, even if you can kill the Elf King, the humans in the central region will pay a heavy price.

He didn't want to disrupt this stability.

But if the future proves that the Elf King will eventually become the end of human civilization in the Central Region, he will still make a move.

Turning around and pulling away the transparent light curtain, he returned to the house.

Immediately there was a loud noise.

The music comes from musical flowers on the ceiling of the house.

Its shape is somewhat similar to morning glory.

This is a very magical plant, with a function similar to a player, which can convert the audio in the elf network and play it.

The music playing at this time is very powerful.

I saw the bare-bottomed child Lei Ting on the sofa holding a wine glass woven with leaves, twisting his body to his heart's content, his face flushed with drunkenness, but he still poured a big gulp into his mouth from time to time.

Not far away, Taihang crouched in front of Devouring Flower, staring intently at Devouring Flower devouring and purifying its excrement, with a joyful expression.

The negative consciousness body above is flying randomly, and seems to enjoy this chaotic and disorderly music rhythm.

On the floor on the east side of the room, Armored, who was practicing cross-legged, had a helpless expression, obviously unable to concentrate on training, but he did not join in the carnival either.

Only Xiaoyou, no matter how loud the music is, can still lie on the corner of the sofa and sleep soundly without any disturbance.

This is what Fengqi admires Xiaoyou very much.

There are many extremely harsh environments during the journey, but as long as Xiaoyou wants to sleep, there is no place where she can't sleep.

It's bad, it's really bad.

After so many years of travelling, since he got the flying mask, he has never seen Bai Lanyou traveling with his legs.

Sometimes Feng Qi even felt that it was a waste of legs to grow on Xiaoyou's body.

After all, these two calves seemed to have no other purpose except to follow Xiaoyou's mood.

"Chess boy, drink with me."

Lei Ting, who was already drunk, jumped from the sofa and stood in front of him, with one hand on his hips, pointed at him with his right hand holding the wine glass and said, with a very embarrassing expression on his face.

"Don't make me beat you."

Perhaps it was the shadow of being beaten many times, even though he was drunk, Lei Ting still languished, and then jumped back on the sofa, glanced around and came to the corner of the sofa, and brought up the sleeping Xiaoyou:

"Xiaoyou, let's drink together!"

Facing Lei Ting's invitation, Xiaoyou didn't even open her eyes, her body was as soft as a carpet, being lifted in mid-air by Lei Ting.


Taixing, who had a crush on Xiaoyou, jumped up at this moment and bit Lei Ting's crotch.

"Silly dog, you are crazy"

The chaotic war started again.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi couldn't help but sigh.

He wanted to form a ruthless war team, but he didn't expect that the development of the situation was completely beyond his expectation.

What a bunch of weirdos.

Coming to sit down in front of the green futon in the corner, Feng Qi reached out and picked up the encyclopedia.

He has already read the children's encyclopedia.

The book he is holding now is a field encyclopedia written by scholars in the elf city.

Similar to the situation in the Eastern District.

In the face of various domain life and domain forces, scholars in the elf city are also compiling materials for in-depth understanding of domain creatures.

Even like the old city, there is domain science in the elf city.

The teaching content involves domain field knowledge, domain biological knowledge, domain resource division, domain text, and so on.

The content on the encyclopedia is very novel.

The above content gave Fengqi a strange sense of sight.

The life in various strange domains described in the book opened his eyes even for a well-informed man.

But he was most interested in the encyclopedia's introduction to the situation near Elven City.

Among them are several powerful domain forces nearby.

The encyclopedia presents a progressive timeline model structure for the description of the forces near the elf city.

Elven City calls this line the rising line.

This line in the encyclopedia extends to many forces that used to be enemies of the Elven City, but most of the forces have now been defeated, either exterminated, or become wandering forces.

Today, the latest version of the encyclopedia describes the structure of the vicinity of the Elf City, mainly focusing on the five strong clans, and briefly describing the other small clans.

They are the Jedi tribe heading north.

This is a powerful race that grew up in an extremely cold environment and was born able to control the temperature.

Appeared 18 years ago, the Jedi tribe defeated a tribe that was a headache for humans in the central region, and became the northern force that directly faced the elf city.

Others include the Qimu tribe in the southwest, the Feiyu tribe in the east, and the Ironbone tribe in the south.

Among them, the most troublesome thing for humans in the central region is the field of holy light in the northeast.

The power of the forces inside this field is actually not high, but it is extremely difficult to erase this field.

There is a real problem involved here.

There may be situations where domain creatures cannot adapt to the rules of the human world when they go out of the domain, and human beings may also be unable to adapt to the rules in the domain.

The Holy Light Domain is a domain that human beings cannot adapt to.

The rules in this kind of field are distorted and deformed from the human point of view, and soon after entering, death will be suppressed by various rules.

For example, in the field of holy light, there are countless beams of light in this field, and the blood in the human body that enters this field will flow backwards under the influence of the rules, and life will turn into a state of death.

Humans simply cannot afford this transformation.

As a result, humans in the central region have been unable to break the space crystals in the field of the Holy Light.

Even if they have the strength to defeat the racial forces in the field of holy light, it is extremely difficult to dispel this field.

The structure of the field is destined to be difficult to destroy from the outside.

The intensity structure of the domain field can be divided into three types.

The first is to directly destroy the space crystal, which is the simplest and most effective way to dispel the domain field.

The seemingly complex and solid field will collapse instantly after the space node crystal is broken.

Just like Rupert's tears, the structure of the field is doomed that the space node spar is the biggest flaw.

The second is to destroy the field barrier from inside to outside.

The third type is the most difficult, which is to destroy from the outside to the inside, and it is almost impossible to smash the domain field.

The Eastern District has developed for so many years and has tried too many ways to break the field from the outside.

For example, various lethal technological weapons in the early stages of the catastrophe.

But for the domain field, these weapons have no effect at all.

The races in the Holy Light Field are not strong, but human beings have nothing to do with them. The Holy Light Race under the protection of the rules can completely stand invincible.

This situation has also been experienced in the previous timeline of Fengqi.

On the last sacrifice line, the supply area in the west of Star City encountered a field field that was incompatible with humans. Because it occupied an important geographical location, it had to be dispersed.

In the end, Zhang Daowen developed a special potion that allowed humans to adapt to the rules of this special field in a short period of time, thus dispelling this field.

Through the description in the encyclopedia, Feng Qi knows that the Elven King is helping humans solve this problem.

The Elf King wants to give birth to an elf life that can adapt to the rules of the Holy Light Field, and then use these special elf lives to dispel the Holy Light Field.

Seeing this, Feng Qi felt curious.

Does this elf king really have the ability to create life forms? What kind of life can be created by wanting what kind of life?

This kind of ability is really something that a spiritual plant that has grown from an ordinary can possess?

He couldn't help suspecting that the Elf King had mastered a miracle item.

In this world, it seems that only miraculous items can ignore various rules and give birth to infinite possibilities.

Or more accurately, miracle items are a kind of independent rule.

For example, the miraculous item "blood stone" he encountered at the beginning completely got rid of the law of energy conservation. Even if no energy is injected into the blood stone, the blood stone can still give birth to pure and small blood stones indefinitely.

He had every reason to suspect that the Elven King also possessed a miracle item.

This also explains why the elf king can give birth to elves with different characteristics.

Looking at the passage of time, the morning light spilled into the house from the window.

Lei Ting, Tai Xing, and Sundering Armor, who have been tossing all night, have all fallen asleep, and of course, Chu Lanyou is no exception, they are still asleep after sleeping all night.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Feng Qi immediately got up from the futon, went to the door and opened it.

I saw a man in overalls standing outside the house, pushing a dining car with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Feng, good morning."

"Good morning."

After saying hello, Feng Qi took the cart and closed the door.

Back in the room, he looked at Lei Ting and the others who had fallen into a deep sleep, and couldn't help shouting:

"It's breakfast."

This sentence is like a switch, Xiaoyou, who was lying on his stomach and sleeping, suddenly raised his head, and shouted at him with piercing eyes:


"Come and eat."


Xiaoyou decisively flew up from the sofa and began to dance around the dining car.

Lei Ting and the others woke up one after another and began to eat breakfast.

Today's breakfast is very special.

In addition to the fixed plant drinks and field animal meat, there are many green vegetables that have not been eaten before.

Among them, what Xiaoyou ate most satisfactorily was a kind of purple leaf, which was very delicious, and the air exhaled after eating would also be accompanied by lavender mist.

What's even more amazing is that the sweat or other liquids discharged from the body surface after eating will also emit a delicate fragrance.

Let the whole person be enveloped by the fragrance from the inside out, which lasts for about three hours.

This is much more advanced than external use such as perfume.

After breakfast, Feng Qi received a call from Xie Yuanli, the head of law enforcement in the Southern District.

Xie Yuanli said on the phone that he has already started arranging for him to participate in the Fairy Festival.

However, due to his special status, he is not a resident of the elf city, and if he wants to participate in the elf festival and meet the elf king directly, he needs multiple approvals.

The specific reason for Fengqi is understandable.

The Elf King is of great significance to the humans in the Central Region.

Although the Elf King has the strongest strength, his protection has never stopped.

The Elven King has become the core cornerstone of human civilization in the central region. Once it is damaged in any way, it will inevitably deal an unimaginable blow to the entire elven city and even the entire human civilization in the central region.

No matter how powerful the Elven King is, its protection is still the key task of humans in the central region.

So strict review is obviously very necessary.

Xie Yuanli said that the review requires his cooperation. Even if the review is passed, he must wear restricted equipment when going to the central area of ​​the Elf City~lightnovelpub.net~ I don’t think there is a problem with Fengqi, and he expressed his willingness to go through the whole process on the phone Cooperate.

He had worn the restricted equipment in the elf city when he first arrived, and it had the effect of blocking the body from sensing aura from the outside.

But this blockade is ineffective for him.

He is not a pure cultivator, his source of power is the magic knife.

Even if his aura perception is blocked, as long as the magic knife is in his hand, his strength will not be weakened, and he can completely deal with emergencies.

As for whether the Elven King will have any ill will toward him.

This question was completely out of his scope.

Judging from the existing data and intelligence, the elf king has always been very kind to human beings. Even if he has an idea secretly, he will definitely not do it on a major festival and under the gaze of thousands of human beings.

More importantly, he has not shown any thoughts or actions to threaten the Elf King so far.

From the Elf King's point of view, he was just a human tourist from the Eastern Region, without any threat at all.

Unless the Elven King can read his inner thoughts and know that he wants to give the humans of the Central Region the ability to resist it.

But this is obviously impossible.

At least with so many sacrifice lines and future lines, he has never encountered a domain creature that can read minds.

In the next few days, Feng Qi and Xie Yuanli began to prepare and review the materials.

The content of the information is mainly to fill in his background and other circumstances in detail.

time flies.

On this day, Xie Yuanli's call came again.

After answering the phone, Xie Yuanli's laughter came from the other end of the phone:

"Brother Feng, the Elf Festival will be held in three days. Your inspections have all been passed. Now you can go to the central area of ​​the Elf City at any time."

"Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Feng Qi turned his attention to Xiaoyou and the others, and decided to leave immediately.