I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 508: Destiny Santo


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Coming to the center of the bustling city, Feng Qi entered a magnificent palace under the leadership of the civet cat.

This palace has an extremely large area, standing in the center of the city, occupying nearly one-third of the city's area.

Walking inside, Feng Qi looked around, amazed in his heart.

The decoration here is luxurious, the paving bricks are all made of jade, and the statues standing along the way are also made of rare materials, exuding waves of aura.

This level of luxury is very rare in the domain group.

Even those powerful races would not decorate the palace in this way.

To waste resources on meaningless decoration is a very wasteful behavior in the eyes of many forces.

Under the background of brutal competition, the best use of resources is generally to enhance the core strength of the race.

The palace is huge, and there is a lot of people inside.

There are gaming tables everywhere.

According to the civet cats, the first floor where they are located is the area with the smallest resource game, and the upper floors have more exciting game games.

I saw the jade gambling tables placed along the way, surrounded by gamblers of various forms.

Excited shouts, sighs, and angrily scolded all kinds of voices.

Through the civet cat's introduction, Feng Qi has a general understanding of the situation in Destiny City.

The situation of this city is somewhat similar to Shadow City. It is an independent space world in the void world, and it was built by a strong man "Destiny".

Tanuki also gave a detailed introduction about the origin of this Destiny City Lord.

According to the civet cat's description, the owner of Destiny City was once the heir of a superpower, and he has a lot of resources since he was a child, so he doesn't need to worry about resources.

As he grows older, the Destiny City Master has never been able to find the direction he is interested in.

Until one day, he came into contact with the first game of gambling.

This is a gamble between his elders and another powerful clan, using the new generation to resolve a conflict of interests.

As the heir, the Fate City Lord was designated as a participant in the gambling game.

The outcome of the gamble was that the Destiny City Lord won, and it was that gamble that made the Destiny City Master devote himself to doing one thing for the first time, and felt the tension, excitement, and even pressure from the game.

For this reason, the Destiny City Lord fell in love with this heartbeat game.

In the years to come, the Destiny City Lord established a gambling game in various ways.

In addition to personally participating in the gambling game in the early days, the Destiny City Master gradually retired, and began to prefer to observe the changes in the mentality of the gamblers, and experience the fun of the game from a God's perspective.

This Destiny City was built with the efforts of the Destiny City Lord.

The former Lord of Destiny was a prodigal son in the eyes of the elders, but when the race was about to collapse, the "Casino" built by the Lord of Destiny remained.

At its peak, the city was full of tourists.

Huge resources are circulated here every day. There are patriarchs who gamble the wealth of the whole clan overnight, but lose money overnight, and some forces get rich overnight, relying on the resources they win to lead the race to a new path.

Nowadays, there are tens of thousands of gambling games in Destiny City.

As long as you want to, someone is willing to accompany you in the game.

Observing the bustling scene along the way and listening to the civet cat's introduction, Feng Qi was amazed in his heart.

When he asked the civet cat where the Lord of Destiny is now, the civet cat said that he didn't know.

The Lord of Destiny City built Destiny City tens of thousands of years ago. He may have died now, or he may still be secretly watching various gambling situations, but he has never reappeared.

The whereabouts of the Destiny City Lord has always been a mystery.

But Destiny City is still operating under the rules set by the Destiny City Lord, and no one dares to violate it.

It's not that no one dares to try, but that Fate City has a complete set of gambler protection mechanisms.

Wealth is alluring, and huge resource benefits will definitely make people jealous.

This problem has been considered by the owner of Destiny City as early as the beginning of the construction of Destiny City.

According to Tanuki's narration, in order to perfect the city setting, the Lord of Destiny City took out the race's treasure, and exchanged the inherited miraculous fetish with other clans for an incomplete miracle that can restrain the circulation of energy.

Under the shroud of this miraculous fetish, the aura, elements, and other energies in the city cannot be controlled and released.

After learning about this, Feng Qi immediately tried to activate the power of Qi and blood in his body.

I found that just like Tanuki said, the energy in my body was completely out of my control.

Suppressing the strength of all gamblers is just a way for Destiny City to put an end to armed disputes. There is also an ancient law enforcement team passed down from generation to generation in the city. They wear miracle derivatives and have transcendent strength in the city.

The law enforcement team is also a strong guarantee for resolving armed disputes in the city.

There are many other guarantees.

Under the management of the Destiny City Lord, the rules here have been perfected.

Tanuki also said that the tortoise shell jade they used when entering is not just a directional transmission channel, but also an identity authentication of the city of fate.

The life with this identity has already opened a personal account in the city of destiny, and has the permanent right to use an underground warehouse.

At this time, the raccoon cat has read the password information of the tortoise shell jade, and is leading Fengqi to the wealth warehouse at the bottom of the palace to check whether the race that once opened the account still has wealth left.

When Feng Qi asked if identity verification was required, Tanuki shook his head and said no.

Fate City only recognizes the tortoise shell jade, that is the proof of identity, it doesn't matter who holds it.

After all, winners and losers, too many races have been annihilated under the advancement of history, and the owners of many accounts have changed for many generations.

Hearing this, Feng Qi couldn't help nodding.

Judging from the civet cat's introduction, the rules here can be said to be completely centered on the protection of tourists.

Moreover, Destiny City will not extract profit from any gamblers. The operation of Destiny City depends entirely on the consumption of tourists in various entertainment facilities in the city and the energy produced by core miracles.

In other words, the Destiny City Lord provided venues and guarantees, but never made profits from tourists.

It is not an exaggeration to say that love is used to generate electricity.

After listening to the civet cat's introduction, Feng Qi couldn't help feeling the world of the domain again, full of wonders.

There are lives fighting for the rise of the race, and there are special existences such as the Destiny City Lord.

Following the stairs paved with crystal stones, Feng Qi followed the civet cat to the underground world of the palace.

It is not known how many floors the underground is divided into. Fengqi is unknown. He came to the twenty-eighth underground floor. This is a vast underground square. A main road divides the square into two halves from the middle. with symbols he does not understand.

The civet cat led him to the door of a room in the central area of ​​the square, and then waved the feather fan in his hand towards the room on the left, and suddenly a stream of light flew out of the flame feather fan and hit the symbol above the door.

The door trembled and slowly opened inward.

The civet cat pointed into the room, smiled and stopped moving:

"Rules, as a messenger, I cannot enter the guest's private warehouse."

"What if you break the rules?"

"It will die." The civet cat smiled and shook its head.

After understanding the reason, Feng Qi walked into the room with excitement.

What appeared before him was a room with an area of ​​200 square meters, and the scene inside made Feng Qi feel ashamed.

He thought that there were a lot of resources and wealth piled up here, but he didn't expect that it was empty and had already been emptied by the previous owner.

Think about it too.

That family was facing a war of genocide at that time, so how could it be possible to continue to store important resources here to eat ashes.

After shopping around, Feng Qi only found a few books.

It's a pity that he couldn't read the text on it.

When he walked out of the room, he found that the raccoon cat was still waiting there.

Throwing the book in his hand to Tanuki, he asked Tanuki if the book was valuable.

The civet cat opened the book and checked it and shook its head:

"This is a family tree. It may be valuable to this family, but it is worthless in the city of destiny."

"Can you understand the text on it?"

"Naturally, learning the languages ​​of various ethnic groups is a growth process that the new generation of our family must go through before they become guide messengers. Although there are still many languages ​​that we cannot learn."

"Can you translate the above content for me?" Feng Qi asked curiously.

Faced with Feng Qi's request, Tanuki nodded politely, and then began to describe the above content.

After listening to the civet cat's narration, Feng Qi had a general understanding of the situation of this clan.

The genealogy records the key time points on the growth path of this race, not the name notebook.

The name of this family is "Tail Spike Family", and it is because of the rise of Destiny City.

At that time, the Weista tribe was just a weak force, but they accidentally picked up this piece of turtle shell jade on a battlefield, and handed it over to the patriarch.

The patriarch didn't find anything special about the tortoise shell jade either.

It wasn't until after the three patriarchs of the Tailthorn Clan changed, an accidental coincidence made that patriarch activate the turtle shell jade, and thus came into contact with the city of destiny.

It was like opening the door to a new world. Facing the bustling scene in Destiny City, the Tailstab patriarch at that time was greatly impacted. But here, the Tailstab patriarch only dared to watch but never dared to make a move. The gambling money here was huge, and the bets in any game were beyond the reach of the Tailstab patriarch.

Until the 23rd year of contact with Destiny City.

The Weista family faced a crisis of genocide, and faced with unmatched hostile forces, the head of the Weista once again thought of Destiny City.

This time, the Tailthorn patriarch came with the wealth of the whole clan.

If you want to gamble the fate of the whole family here, you will fight to the death.

Good luck favored the patriarch of Tailstab at that time. It poured the wealth of the whole clan in its first bet here, and doubled its resources in just over ten seconds, and it was even more so in the next few bets.

Overnight, the Tailthorn patriarch reaped wealth that he never imagined.

Later, the head of the Tailstab clan spent a lot of money here, buying all kinds of powerful equipment and resources brought by other tourists, and used these resources to lead the Tailthorn clan through the crisis of genocide.

It is precisely by virtue of this fateful coincidence that the Tailstad clan gained the opportunity to get rid of the fate of the weak clan, and the comprehensive strength of the clan began to rise rapidly.

And this is just a small microcosm of the myth of getting rich in the city of destiny.

There are too many races changing their destiny here, but there are also more races going downhill here.

When the civet cat closed the family tree, looked at Feng Qi and smiled:

"There is a saying that has always been circulated in our fate city: one game of life, one game of death, one game of heaven, and one game of hell."

"Under the watchful eyes of the Destiny City Lord, there is an opportunity to change the fate here, and there is also the madness to destroy the family."

Through the genealogy records of the Tailthorn Clan, Feng Qi has a deeper understanding of this city of destiny.

Next, the civet cat left the underground warehouse with Feng Qi and came to the upper two floors of the palace.

This is the resource trading center.

A large number of ethnic forces trade chips here.

Since there are many races coming to Destiny City and the resources they carry are of different value, the value of the resources needs to be evaluated here and exchanged into a common currency.

The common currency used for resource evaluation in Destiny City is bloodstone and spar.

Bloodstone is one of the almost universal currencies in the domain world. Feng Qi learned the method of making bloodstone from an old fan. It needs to refine and filter the impurities of blood, so that a bloodstone can be made.

According to the quality of blood, blood stones are also divided into four grades.

They are blood food level, blood spirit level, blood spring level, and blood source level.

Different races have different titles of grades, and there are even finer divisions, but they are roughly divided into these four grades.

Bloodstone is not only currency, but also an important cultivation resource.

This currency itself is versatile and practical, so it does not need to anchor any value items.

Another common currency is spar, which is made in a similar way to bloodstones. It is a common currency for spirits and races, but it can also be used for flesh and blood life. The spar is light golden and is formed by the condensed spiritual power crystallization.

Many tourists do not carry these two currencies, but want to participate in the gambling game. They can use weapons, equipment, ores, and other resources to exchange common currency with other tourists on the second floor of the palace.

The common currency is the stake of the game, and the game cannot directly bet on weapons and equipment.

It is difficult to judge the value of weapons and other commodities in a short period of time in the gambling game, and there is a possibility of misleading, so the common currency is the only bargaining chip in circulation.

But there are exceptions, and that is the miracle fetish.

The value of the miraculous fetish cannot be measured by any common currency. According to the civet cat's description, the patriarch of a strong clan once lost his eyes here and took out a miraculous fetish for betting in the game.

Even if his opponents couldn't match the bets, the patriarch, who had already lost his eyes, expressed that he would use this miracle to bet all the wealth in the opponent's hands.

In this round, the opponent took over.

Although the stakes are high, in the eyes of the opponent, this is a game of completely unequal interests.

The value of miracles is infinite, but he can use valuable resources to gamble and use small things to make big gains. Such opportunities rarely appear in the city of destiny.

Looking at this gamble from a human perspective, it is equivalent to someone spending trillions to gamble all your net worth.

Moreover, each game has a winning rate of 50, and there is no possibility of fraud.

Those who come here are gamblers.

Faced with this unequal interest game, no one can resist the temptation.

It is inevitable for the opponent to take over this game.

In the end, this round was a big success with a small fight, and the patriarch who bet on the miracle lost everything.

This unparalleled gamble is still recorded in the chronicles of the city of destiny, and it is one of the legendary gambles of the city of destiny.

Wandering around the trading area, Feng Qi, who originally just wanted to take a casual look, quickly lost his composure.

There's just too much good stuff in this deal block.

For example, it can quickly extract spiritual power and make it into an orb of spiritual crystallization.

The development of human civilization in the spiritual field is still in its infancy, and the machines for extracting spiritual power are very backward. If this orb can be brought back to Star City, it will definitely speed up the construction of Star City's spiritual field.

There is also a half-person-high black mirror, which can clearly show the internal structure of the human body after looking in the mirror. It can also enlarge and shrink the different auras circulating in the body and present different colors in the mirror, which is very suitable for innovation in cultivation methods and development.

There are also group boosting props similar to the war horn in Thunder's hands.

A spiritual formation that can envelop a city can improve the quality of a city's aura.

Others include mechanical engineering drawings, etc.

Among them, the thing that moved Fengqi the most was a miracle-like prop.

It has no entity, it is a black hole floating in the air, charged through a special ring.

The function is to put any material into it, and the black hole will assemble the materials inside and combine them into a weapon to spit out.

In addition, the black hole also has a built-in addition panel, which can find suitable weapons by browsing the illustrated book, and then find materials according to the needs of the illustrated book.

Although it's not a miracle, it's just a prop manufactured in imitation of a miracle, but the value of this prop still makes Feng Qi jealous.

The one who sold this weapon was a three-meter-tall red-skinned giant with big arms and round waist.

It is conceivable that this guy is obviously losing his eyes, otherwise he would not have taken out this treasure that can change the fate of the race in exchange for transportation chips.

Feng Qi also wanted to change, but when he heard the red-skinned giant said to trade one billion ordinary-quality bloodstones, he resolutely gave up.

What is the concept of a billion bloodstones? He teamed up with the old fan to refine the Yinyue clan, and only obtained less than 100 million ordinary bloodstones.

The price is really scary.

But Feng Qi felt that this miracle-like prop was indeed worth the price.

With the equipment to create a black hole, it is equivalent to obtaining a super casting room that can arm the whole family.

Click on the built-in template and pour materials into it to cast various types of equipment in batches~lightnovelpub.net~ And there are no problems such as defective products when casting, and the resource conversion rate has reached 100%. It is simply a mobile arsenal , can be called an artifact.

After walking a short distance in the space on the upper second floor, Feng Qi already saw a lot of valuable items.

But as a poor man, he can only look at it.

It is definitely impossible to grab it.

This place is shrouded in miraculous power. No matter how strong his physique is, his blood is suppressed by the miracle and cannot be controlled by his consciousness. His combat power has been greatly weakened, and he can't make waves at all.

Those who are capable of robbing this place, his intelligence only includes future old fans, future psionic clans, and future blood soul clans.

Now, he really can't think of anyone who can rob this place under the suppression of miracle power.

Unless Uncle Hei came out of the cage early and came here.

It must have been a random killing.

Under Xiaohei, all living beings are equal.

Continue to walk forward, Feng Qi is dazzled by the dazzling array of treasures.

There are too many devices suitable for human development placed here for sale, but he doesn't have a single bloodstone on his body, and he can't come up with a suitable equivalent even if he wants to exchange it.

While looking around eagerly, Feng Qi suddenly thought that he seemed to have something valuable in his hand, and then he turned his head to look at Xiaoyou:


"Here, is the boss going to sell me?" Xiaoyou said seriously.

"Sell a hammer, and give me the soul orb that stores the ancient fierce spirit."

When he got the soul orb, he didn't have a space bracelet, so the soul orb was always stored in Xiaoyou's hand.

"Okay, boss."

Xiaoyou saluted Fengqi with a serious expression, then called out the black hole of space, stretched out her small hand to dig in, then took out the shimmering soul orb from the black hole of space, and handed it to Fengqi.