I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 517: God of War under the independent growth


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According to the information, Mu Qing has now topped the top ten war gods.

The Dawn Army under its command is even known as the number one battle group in history.

There are also many photos of Mu Qing attached to the content of the database. Through these photos, Feng Qi can intuitively see Mu Qing's growth and changes.

Mu Qing, who set foot on the front line of the cold winter for the first time, was still young, carrying a big bag full of food.

The photo was taken in the hall of the Winter Battle Group. At that time, Mu Qing was applying for certification as a front-line soldier, and she had a cute expression on the camera.

It was also at this time that Mu Qing's legendary story began.

From being a small soldier in a war group, it took only a few years for Mu Qing to set up her own dawn war group, and in the following years, she raised the dawn war group to its peak, becoming the object of worship and pursuit by countless latecomers.

Its achievements can be compiled into a glorious history alone.

"Boss, who is this? Is it the boss' next challenge to ascend to the gods?"

Xiaoyou suddenly appeared with a lollipop in his mouth, put his head in front of the computer, looked at the picture of Mu Qing on the monitor and asked curiously.

"No, she is our friend, not the object of my challenge."

Stretching out his hand and rubbing Xiaoyou's head, Feng Qi explained with a smile.

"Wow, are you a newcomer to the Sword Demon Squad? Are we going to have a new partner?"

Xiaoyou rested her chin with one hand and showed a thoughtful expression, then her expression gradually became dignified, pretending to be old-fashioned:

"It's not a trivial matter to have a newcomer join. Let me think about what kind of sword and magic robe I should make for this newcomer. It's really hard for me."

Saying that, Xiaoyou began to gesture to Mu Qing's photo on the monitor, obviously really thinking about how to make a sword demon robe that fit Mu Qing.

Looking at Xiaoyou, who was imagining himself, Feng Qi shook his head helplessly and explained:

"She is our friend, but she will not join the Sword Demon Squad."

"Ah? Don't you want to join?" Xiaoyou was taken aback.

"Don't join, you go and play first, there are snacks in the cabinet that you want to eat, you can get them yourself, I have to be busy for a while."

After hearing Feng Qi's affirmative answer, Xiaoyou was immediately discouraged:

"Okay, boss, I understand."

After Xiaoyou left, Feng Qi refocused his gaze on the monitor.

The information about Mu Qing in the authority database is very complete.

Just like the normal progress of history, now Mu Qing has personally established the dawn battle group.

This is a major event for all mankind, and it is also a historical milestone.

Because Mu Qing gathered all the scavengers and condensed the scattered scavengers into a rope.

The scavengers respect Mu Qing and use the winter supply area as their base. They have become the strongest fighting force on the front line of winter, bar none.

Such achievements are enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

Since then, the scavengers have a home, and they are no longer homeless who cannot be properly resettled in the five major cities.

With the guarantee of frontline resources, scavengers no longer need to worry about resource issues such as food.

If it continues to develop, Mu Qing can even build a sixth human city in the winter supply area, mainly scavenger, and become the lord of the sixth city.

It stands to reason that Mu Qing's actions are worthy of praise.

The early public opinion also praised Mu Qing unanimously. Whether it was the official or private God of War selection, Mu Qing always ranked first.

But now public opinion is being guided, and Mu Qing is under tremendous pressure.

All kinds of news are putting pressure on Mu Qing, and there are even many articles saying that she has pledged allegiance to the domain forces and wants to help the domain forces clean up human civilization.

The initial place to guide public opinion is Cold Winter City.

The battle between the Dawn Army and Jianji has reached a point of imminent tension.

Feng Qi was not surprised by this.

On the last line of sacrifice, he has witnessed the development of history.

From the moment Mu Jun found Mu Qing, it was destined that Mu Qing would know about the crisis in Winter City, and it was inevitable to cooperate with Mu Jun to establish the Dawn Army to fight against the Sword Clan.

Jian Ji obviously knew this too.

Suppressing public opinion was only the first step. He had no intention of personally killing Mu Qing and defeating the Liming Army.

Jian Ji is very smart, he wants to nail Mu Qing to the pillar of shame through public opinion, and then join forces with other cities to form a joint army to defeat Mu Qing, and wipe out Mu Qing as a threat at the least cost.

This is also the plot that will appear in the normal historical line.

The subsequent development of the situation will start with the war between the Dawn Army and the human coalition forces.

There is actually a question here.

He had never seen the establishment of the Dawn Army in the last line of sacrifice, so he never understood why other cities would choose to join forces with Jian Ji to fight against Mu Qing.

This does not seem to benefit the domain forces that control other cities.

For example, Sombra, who controls the future city, sent troops to join the joint army to attack Mu Qing, but he didn't get much benefit at all.

It is completely helping Jian Ji to stabilize the surrounding situation.

At that time, his understanding was that the forces in various fields were to suppress Mu Qing, who had great growth potential, and prevent Mu Qing from leading the human race to rise rapidly and become uncontrollable.

But this answer is a bit far-fetched.

Although the domain forces of all parties dispatched human race forces, and all those who died in battle were human beings, the domain forces essentially had no losses.

But after all, it is the city they control, and the controlled human warriors are also part of their own power in their eyes. It is in their best interest not to intervene in this matter.

Looking through the contents of the materials now, Feng Qi found a brand new answer.

Mu Qing's establishment of the Dawn Army actually harmed the interests of the major cities.

The Army of the Dawn operates completely differently from the Legion of the Dawn.

During the dawn battle group, Mu Qing was the head, and every member of the battle group was a soldier. They would organize the resources obtained from the front line and hand them over to the battle group headquarters, and then distribute them to the five major cities.

The five major cities can use the resources provided by Muqing for development.

The Army of the Dawn model is completely different.

In addition to the scavenger warriors, the Dawn Army also supported a large number of family members of the scavenger warriors, among them were old, weak, sick and disabled who could not provide combat power.

This mode is doomed that the Dawn Army cannot produce a large amount of domain resources to turn in.

This is also the reason why the Dawn Army can support all the scavengers.

In addition, the development of the rune transformation plan also needs to consume a lot of spiritual resources.

As the area with the most abundant resources among the major frontline theaters, the Winter Supply Zone is of great significance to the five major cities, especially for Winter City, it can be regarded as the core driving force for development.

Food problem Winter City can be supported by other cities, but the most spiritual resources needed for development are always in the Winter supply area.

Although other cities were not affected as much as Winter City, they also suffered substantial losses.

Looking at this issue from the perspective of domain power, the better the development of the Dawn Army and the larger the population, the fewer resources the Cold Winter Front will send to other cities.

Facts have proved that nowadays, the Winter Front hardly sends resources to other cities.

Although Mu Qing has legitimate reasons, she needs to support the scavengers.

But this legitimate answer is a wrong answer in the eyes of the domain forces.

That's why when Jianji incited public opinion, they would step forward and help form a joint army to solve the problem of the Dawn Army.

Well thought out.

The content on the information made Feng Qi suddenly enlightened.

Now everything makes sense.

Preventing the rise of mankind is only one of the reasons, and the issue of benefit distribution is the key point.

Of course, there must be many participants who do not know the truth.

They were angry at Mu Qing's betrayal, but they were actually used by the cunning hidden forces in the domain.

But in this timeline, the situation did not develop in the direction established by history.

Like the previous timeline, Xingcheng took the initiative to stand up and help Mu Qing share a lot of pressure.

The public opinion in Star City is completely on the side of the Dawn Army.

The current situation is that the forces in all fields are waiting and watching. They did not agree to the proposal of forming a coalition army from Winter City, but they did not reject it.

The addition of Star City complicates matters further.

Obviously, these cunning domain forces will not stand up when the situation is unknown.

This is also the reason why the United Army has been unable to be established for a long time.

But the dispute has not stopped. Now that Winter City has entered a state of preparation for war, the coming of war is inevitable.

Know without thinking.

Without the help of the United Army in this timeline, Jianji will definitely stand up.

The situation will develop in the direction of the previous sacrifice line, and Jian Ji will have a battle with Mu Qing and Mu Wei.

Only this time, he was an extra variable.

And the mortal enemy "Magic Sword" in Jian Ji's fate.

Sensing the change in his mood, the magic knife hovering beside him buzzed, and the dim lines engraved on the knife lit up one by one.

"Brother Dao, don't worry, hurry up."

Feng Qi brushed the magic knife with his hand, and said with a smile.

"I'm not in a hurry. If you die in battle, it's a big deal to change to another sword holder. As long as Jianji can't kill me, I will never be defeated."

"Mad at me?"

"But I hope you can win. Your obsession is not weaker than mine. You are also the one with the strongest will among the previous knife holders. I appreciate you very much."

The magic knife suddenly changed its tone.

"Slap a sweet date?" Feng Qi raised his **** towards the magic knife.

After the episode, Feng Qi turned his attention to the monitor, and continued to look at the current information of the Army of Dawn and Winter City.

Time passed, and after a few hours, Feng Qi closed the profile page.

Taking a deep breath, he knew that his time in Star City would not be too long.

The situation between the Army of Dawn and Winter City is like a tight string, which may break at any time and war will break out.

Winter City is preparing for battle, and so is the Army of Dawn.

If Mu Qing can grow another hundred years, he can be sure that Mu Qing can defeat Jian Ji with an absolutely crushing posture.

There are also miracle items, and Mu Qing's growth potential definitely surpasses that of Jian Ji.

But Mu Qing's growth was essentially affected by the environment.

Mu Qing's growth path is not the exclusive model of Elf King and Jian Ji.

The resources she obtained in the early days will only consume a very small part of them, and most of them will be sent to other cities.

In the current period of the Dawn Army, most of the resources obtained are used to support the soldiers and their families of the Dawn Army, and even invest in the rune transformation plan.

This caused Mu Qing to never fully develop.

With Mu Qing's growth potential that tops all human beings, if she really wants to take the dominance mode, Jianji is not enough for Mu Qing to go all out to fight and surpass in a short time.

The biggest regret in this life of the Elf King in the central area is that his growth is limited by his talent, even if he takes the dominance mode, he can still see the end of his growth at a glance.

But this problem does not exist in Mu Qing.

Mu Qing has the talent and growth potential that the Elf King desires most.

Using old fans as a reference, compare Mu Qing's strength.

In the villain line, the old fans tried hard to catch up for a while, wanting to surpass Mu Qing, but the result made the old fans feel very desperate.

That kind of unreasonable growth rate, even old fans are afraid of it.

Although he said that he used his strength in the later stage to hang and beat Mu Qing, but psychologically, he was really obsessed and was hit.

This is still Mu Qing who hasn't taken the dominance mode.

If Mu Qing learns from Jian Ji and adopts the dominance mode, she will become the real Great Demon King, and Jian Ji is not worthy to be compared with her at all.

But in reality there is no if.

Regardless of whether it is considered from the perspective of the development of all mankind, or Mu Qing's personality decision, it is impossible for her to choose to sacrifice the development of all mankind in exchange for her own growth.

This is very similar to him.

What they want is to stand under the starry sky of the future with the human race and welcome the arrival of the ideal prosperous age.

Instead of standing alone under the starry sky, you can only remember the past through memory.

In the last dream line of the future, Zhang Daowen's loneliness in Feng Qi felt empathetic.

When the growth of the human race cannot keep up with his footsteps, every step forward will be like sailing against the current.

If you want to support your family alone in the brutally competitive future new world, you need to be vigilant at all times, because the weak people under shelter may be destroyed by trivial negligence at any time.

The only one who has the perfect answer to the dominance mode is the Elf King.

The growth of the elf king can drive the growth of the tribe, the only disadvantage is that the allies are substitutes, and will inevitably be eliminated along with the growth of the elves.

This perfection is limited to the perfection of the elves.

When he came back to his senses, Feng Qi didn't think about these issues any more, and closed the profile page with his hand.

Next, he began to review the development history of Star City.

The senior executives of Star City obviously expected that he would review the historical materials of Star City's development in detail after his return, so they compiled a detailed chronicle in the development history document of Star City.

After clicking on the document, you can clearly see the big events that happened in Star City every year at a specific time and the detailed problems encountered in the development listed in the table. All important information is clearly marked.

Scroll down to view, and there are pictures of important events.

For example, the statue of the hero of Fengqi was set up in Central Park. Clicking on the event will display a detailed text description, as well as pictures taken on the spot at that time, and even a live video.

Another example is the important moment when the Star City Army launched the blood refinement formation and ambushed the Silver Moon Clan, and so on.

With a clear timeline of events, Feng Qi saves a lot of searching time.

Time passed, and it wasn't until dinner time that Feng Qi read through nearly half of the time history of Star City.

He didn't read these contents roughly, but read the whole process very carefully.

For the problems that occurred during the development of Star City, the next timeline would naturally have to correct them, instead of leaving the next timeline to continue making the same mistakes.

This is the advantage that time has given him.

It can be seen from the content of the information that Star City has always been developing according to the route he planned.

Drawing on many mistakes made in the previous timeline, the development of Star City in this timeline is very rapid.

At the beginning, it was only the dawn school with a well-planned plot, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is now even more established, and its comprehensive strength is not weaker than that of Star City Academy.

For the next few days, Feng Qi didn't stop, he was always busy recording videos in the room, and flipping through the development materials of Star City.

Until three days later, the highest meeting of Star City was held.

Feng Qi took Xiaoyou and others away from the Hupo Research Institute that day, and took the Hupo special car to the highest meeting venue.

The vehicle was parked on the side of the road, and Feng Qi just got out of the car when he saw a scarlet car parked in front of him.

The car door opened, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

She was wearing the already whitish scarlet research institute uniform, and her exposed skin was as white as snow under the sunlight. Time had never left any traces on her body, and her face was still the same as in memory, without any change.

At this time, she was also looking up at Feng Qi.

The eyes met, and a charming smile suddenly appeared on the woman's face:

"Oh, isn't this the legendary hero Fengqi? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm your fan."

Saying that, the woman stretched out her right hand towards him.

"Miss Wei, long time no see."

A bright smile appeared on Feng Qi's face, and then he reached out to shake Wei Wei's hand.

"Hey, this is it?"

Wei Wei's gaze suddenly turned to Xiao You, who was floating beside Feng Qi with sleepy eyes.

It can be seen from Wei Wei's expression that although she already knows that she has returned, she obviously doesn't know the situation of Xiaoyou and the others.

Facing the question, Feng Qi was about to answer, but he saw Xiao You nodded and said very familiarly:

"I'm a wild child born outside by the boss. My name is Xiaoyou. My sister shakes hands."

As he said that, Xiaoyou extended his right hand to Xiaoyou very friendly, trying to imitate the interaction etiquette of their handshake just now.

When Feng Qi saw this, the veins on his forehead throbbed, and he dragged Xiaoyou who had voluntarily approached him back to his side.