I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 521: Hole card, mysterious man, award


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There is still one day before Zhang Daowen returns from the front line.

At this time, Feng Qi sat at the desk and flipped through the information in the Star City database.

The focus of attention is on virtual games.

The virtual game has always been a hidden trump card of Star City, especially in the construction of combat power, which has made great contributions to the development of Star City.

It also played an auxiliary role in the simulation test results in scientific research, greatly reducing the consumption of resources.

But this is only part of the function of virtual games.

There are still many functions of the virtual game that are not open to the outside world.

These include domain copy and custom copy functions.

It's not that Star City executives are unwilling to open up these two functions of the virtual game, but that the opening will have a huge impact, and may make Star City a target of public criticism.

The construction of the domain copy function has been proposed many times ago, and this function has been relatively complete now.

The starting point of this function is to hope that players can experience the battle process with domain creatures in an immersive way by simulating the strategy dungeon. Each domain creature in it is made with a real domain creature as a template.

For example, the warriors of the Silvermoon Clan.

Star City's full opening of the domain dungeon function will inevitably make potential domain forces feel uneasy.

The Realm Instances feature is essentially a war simulator.

After the launch of this function, the Terran will produce a large number of "battle-hardened" battlefield veterans.

For example, a copy of Silver Moon.

After entering the dungeon, players can sharpen their combat awareness and skills by fighting with Silvermoon warriors.

At the same time, it can also exercise the efficiency of teamwork in combat.

If one had to point out a shortcoming of the Domain Dungeon function, it would only be the deviation between reality and virtuality. The mentality of players when playing virtual games was bound to be different from that during actual combat.

Students who graduate from the combat class every year have a very high casualty rate after they set foot on the front line.

Compared with more than a hundred years ago, this casualty rate has now been greatly reduced.

But the number of casualties is still shocking.

The launch of the Domain Dungeon function allows those college students who have not yet graduated, even if they have never set foot on the battlefield, to experience and adapt to the cruelty of fighting domain creatures in advance.

The latest plan of the Star City executives is to wait until the reform of the military department is completed and the overall combat power of Star City has been significantly improved before opening the domain copy function.

At that time, even if there is danger, Star City will have the confidence to face it.

The launch of this plan is tentatively scheduled for 200 years later.

But exactly when it should be opened will be a question for the new generation to consider in the future.

Maybe the plan will be advanced, maybe it will be delayed, the future is always full of changes.

But at that time, this generation of Star City people had already ended.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoyed the shade.

Future planning is the direction that this generation points out for those who come after, and this generation will also lay the foundation for future planning, but the real implementers belong to the future people.

The second hidden feature is custom copy.

The function of this function is to provide an open virtual game material library, allowing players to personally design domain dungeons and even various challenges.

At that time, players can also actively add various materials to the material library.

This function seems to be mainly for entertainment, but it has great potential.

The growth of a race is related to many factors, perhaps survival pressure, perhaps driving, and so on.

But as long as it is growth, it must be related to one factor, that is "imagination".

In a sense, imagination will be more important than knowledge.

Because knowledge is limited, but imagination includes everything, even things that don't exist now, and imagination is the key factor that promotes the progress of knowledge.

For example, language, culture, and science are all fruits of imagination.

The development of civilization becomes wonderful because of imagination.

Opening permissions to players and allowing them to create under the drive of imagination may create countless possibilities.

Perhaps it is some combination of functions in the material library, and by chance, a super invention that affects the future was born.

It may also be a novel dungeon design that promotes innovation in the construction of human combat power.

In the custom copy function, players can use their imagination to create all possibilities.

However, this function is bound to the domain dungeon, and has never been publicly promoted in Star City or even the five major cities.

The implications are huge.

For the human race, it is a risky attempt.

For example, look at this function from a psionic perspective.

In the eyes of the Psionics today, the human threat is tantamount to nothing.

Therefore, the psionic clan of the clan has always focused on the expansion of the field of the clan, including Hei Xuan, who stayed in the human world, never thought that the development of human beings would threaten the future of the psionic clan.

But once the hidden cards of the virtual game are exposed.

It was as if they had informed the world of these hidden domains, and the human race had revealed a potential hole card.

Its appearance may bring infinite possibilities to human beings.

From the perspective of the Psionics, who have a keen insight into the future, the human race is bound to become a threat.

Maybe the current human race is weak, but there are huge variables in the future.

Feng Qi feels that it is not time to reveal this hole card that has been laid out for a long time, because the human race has not yet had the strength to control this hole card.

Similar situations have also been experienced in the spiritual warfare of the Psionic Race.

Facing the mighty Mists, Spirit Warfare, who possesses the consciousness pool of the Holy Spirit, has never revealed his secrets.

Even in the face of relatives and elders, he never lifted this hole card.

What he chose was to hold his hole cards, develop steadily, and wait for the opportunity to reveal his hole cards.

The follow-up holy spirit transformation plan was carried out even more in secret, completely abandoning the previous generation to ensure that this hole card would not be leaked, and this has created the glory of the psionic race today.

When the Misty Clan realized something was wrong, the Psionic Clan, who had been slaves for generations, had already broken free from the shackles, had an extremely broad future, and the threat hanging over their heads was completely swept away.

The hidden function of the virtual game is an important trump card in the development of the human race.

Exposing the hidden functions of the virtual game is tantamount to the Psionic Race announcing to the outside world that the clansmen are connecting with the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library, and that the clansmen are undergoing Holy Spirit Transformation.

Old Fan, Ling Zhan, Hei Xuan, and Hei Ying Feng Qi have learned a lot from these far-sighted old guys.

It is important to be passionate, but it is not the way to solve the problem.

Learning to think and plan is what the pioneers of a race need most.

Sitting at the desk, Feng Qi flipped through the contents of the database, thinking about the future of Star City.

He is a planner of the future, but not a participant.

Many expectations in the heart need to be realized by the descendants of Star City.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of Lu Yue.

If he is the planner of the future, then Lu Yue has always been one of the staunch implementers of his plan.

The current Lu Yue is the chief instructor of the Combat Department of Lixiao Academy.

For more than a hundred years, countless outstanding soldiers have been trained for the front line and the military.

When we met again a month ago, Lu Yue's hair was already gray, but the vigor in his eyes remained the same as before.

Perhaps because of teaching for many years, Lu Yue is much more talkative than before, and is no longer a taciturn character.

But he knew that there was not much time left for Lu Yue.

He came from Tongtian Road, without Mu Hao leading the way, he would never return to Tongtian Road.

In fact, Lu Yue still has a doubt that he has never solved.

But Lu Yue never knew the answer to this secret.

The time when the Lu family went to Tongtian Road was at the time when Lu Yue was just born, and there is information on the time when the Lu family disappeared.

But the problem is that at that time, Mu Wei had been trapped on the ruins island in the void world, and never came back during this period.

Then who took Lu's family to the Tongtian Road.

The cultivation of sword power was very advanced for the cultivation system at that time, and who secretly announced the cultivation of power, and even taught the Lu family the cultivation of "sword power".

It is not difficult for Lu Yue to understand Mu Wei.

The story of Mu Wei has always been circulated on Tongtian Road, and Lu Yue grew up there, so he was naturally influenced by it.

She is not only a miracle in the eyes of Lu Yue, but also a miracle in the eyes of all Tongtian Road fighters.

It is the only hope for the human race to defeat the domain invasion in their eyes.

The problem is that the time when the Lu family disappeared and went to Tongtian Road does not coincide with the time when Mu Wei disappeared.

From this, it can be deduced that there must be someone to replace Mu Wei, look for combat power in the human world, and take them to Tongtian Road to resist the invasion of the domain.

Also, how did Lu Yue enter the Star City Academy after his return.

As a long-disappeared descendant of the Lu family's swordsmanship, his sudden appearance is definitely a big event.

But the problem is that there is obviously a force that suppresses public opinion and arranges Lu Yue into Star City Academy.

At that time, he asked Bai Fusheng who was behind the scenes who secretly arranged for Lu Yue to enter Xingcheng Academy.

But Bai Fusheng shook his head to express his ignorance, this is Lu Yue's entry into Star City Academy arranged by the United Military Department with the highest authority.

But who is the specific arranger, he has no right to know.

Even Lu Yue didn't know who was behind the scenes. He just received an envelope after returning to the human world, and after opening it was the admission letter from Star City Academy.

From this we can see that there are potential companions in the human world.

It's just that he has never revealed his identity, just like Li Xingchen of the Future Research Institute, always hiding in the dark.

This secret is one of Fengqi's unsolved puzzles.

But the investigation already has a clear direction.

That is the Joint Research Institute.

Since Lu Yue was arranged by the joint research institute to enter Star City University.

Then the Joint Research Institute located in Victory City is very likely to be the force behind the mysterious person.

But Feng Qi has no intention of solving this problem for the time being.

The crisis in Star City has been lifted, and now he is working hard to solve the crisis in Winter City.

Victory City, and even the institutions in Victory City, are the targets he plans to contact in the future. At this stage, it is better to proceed step by step.

In fact, he can arrange for the senior management of Star City to contact these questions.

Some things don't have to be done by yourself.

But it's not that he doesn't trust the senior officials and soldiers of Star City, but that some problems affect the whole body.

For example, the current sacrifice line, everything is developing in the direction he planned.

Even if there are problems in the development, he can quickly lock the problem through the history, and then find a solution in the next timeline.

But if too much is involved, there will be variables.

During this period, if any step goes wrong, it will become very difficult to troubleshoot the problem through the history.

for example.

Explore the potential problems of multiple cities at the same time on a sacrifice line. If Star City is finally reduced to ruins under the attack of hidden forces in a certain field, he cannot quickly lock potential enemies, and the enemies are still unknown.

But if he chooses a city to explore, after the Star City is destroyed, he can quickly locate the city where the potential enemy is located through history.

The result of greed is the increase in variables.

This is also the main reason why he chose to move forward steadily.

The road to the splendid and prosperous world in his ideal has never been achieved overnight, and he needs enough patience.

When the crisis of Winter City is resolved this time, Victory City will be his next goal.

Shengli City is the city with the strongest comprehensive strength among the five major cities, and Fengqi has always looked forward to this city.

The Big Five isn't necessarily the result of every city being infiltrated by the realm.

Maybe he will find a surprise in Victory City, and find a large number of potential companions.

"Boss, I'm hungry."

At this moment, Xiaoyou's voice interrupted his thinking.

Looking up in the direction where the sound came from, I saw Xiaoyou's body hanging down, like a limp noodle, hanging in the air and floating above his head, looking down at him, powerless.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi shook his head helplessly.

Obviously just ate it three hours ago.

But he could understand why Xiaoyou was hungry so quickly.

The spiritual food provided by Amber Research Institute is generally prepared by mixing spiritual plants, and the content of spiritual energy is not high.

Although the dining area also provides spiritual plants for direct consumption.

However, most of the staff would not directly eat the Lingzhi raw, for fear that the body would not be able to take the supplement.

Although Xiaoyou likes human food very much, she doesn't get much energy from it.

A similar situation also happened to Mu Qingna.

Eating non-stop, besides Mu Qing's extremely fast digestion, is also related to the low energy contained in the food, which makes the body unable to be satisfied all the time.

Xiaoyou doesn't have Mu Qing's digestion speed, so she is always full, but she will feel hungry after a while.

Looking at the time, he stood up at this moment:

"Let's go and eat."

Hearing his answer, Xiaoyou suddenly raised her head and gave him a thumbs up with piercing eyes:


the next day.

Star City Military Department.

Feng Qi was invited.

Today is the day Zhang Daowen returns from the front line, and it is also an important day for him to join the Star City Army.

Sitting in the front row of the hall, Feng Qi looked at the layout of the hall.

There is a stage ahead, and three flags stand on the left and right sides of the background wall of the stage.

They are Star City Banner, Army Banner, and Daybreak Banner.

These three flags symbolize different meanings respectively.

The flag of Star City is the city symbol of Star City, and it is the common home of the people of Star City after the fusion of many cities after the catastrophe.

The flag of the military department is the symbol of the military department, and the flaming wings on it symbolize the rebirth after the catastrophe.

The Dawn Banner symbolizes the future and faith.

The stage is surrounded by flowers.

Turning his head and looking behind him, almost all the senior officials of the military department were present. Besides, there were also a large number of media who came to participate in the welcome ceremony.

In addition to the media from Star City, there were also media from other cities present.

The matter of Zhang Daowen's retirement from the battle group, apart from the attention of the people of Star City, the people of other cities are also very concerned.

After retiring, Zhang Daowen will no longer participate in the selection of the top ten frontline gods of war.

He will be replaced by a newcomer in the future.

A symbol of an era is about to exit and usher in a brand new stage.

But Zhang Daowen's achievements have been recorded in the annals of history and will not be forgotten by history.

People in the five major cities are looking forward to Zhang Daowen's development and growth after joining the military.

This is a new beginning for Zhang Daowen, and also a new starting point for the Ice and Snow God of War in the hearts of thousands of people. We look forward to him continuing to create brilliance.

At the beginning of the welcome ceremony, the commander-in-chief of the Star City Military Department spoke on stage.

The content of the speech listed Zhang Daowen's contributions and achievements over the years.

The big screen at the rear follows the narration of the commander-in-chief, playing Zhang Daowen's growth experience.

There is a story behind every picture.

When the commander-in-chief finished speaking, the applause continued for a long time.

When the commander-in-chief announced the start of the award, Zhang Daowen's figure walked out from behind the stage.

At this moment, the applause became more enthusiastic.

All the cameras at the scene were aimed at Zhang Daowen, looking forward to his speech.

But Zhang Daowen didn't say much.

Just smiling and looking at the camera, he briefly talked about his arrangements and expectations for the future.

When he finished speaking, the commander-in-chief in the camera took the red wooden box handed over by the staff, and inside was a golden medal of honor.

Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Humanity.

In fact, Zhang Daowen has already won this medal.

When he was selected as one of the top ten gods of war, his achievements were enough to be worthy of the Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Humanity.

It's just that Zhang Daowen, who was on the front line, never participated in the award.

At this time, countless viewers watched the live broadcast, looking forward to Zhang Daowen wearing this medal, which symbolizes the highest honor of mankind, again.

At this moment, they will all be witnesses of an important historical moment in the human race.

At this time, the commander-in-chief in the live broadcast screen stepped aside respectfully, and a strange man walked onto the stage under the puzzled eyes of the audience.

Numerous barrages rained across the live broadcast screen.

"What's going on? Star City is too boring, right? Didn't you agree to let the commander-in-chief come to award the honor? Why did you change people? Victory City"

"As a native of Star City, I was also taken aback. I remember saying that the commander-in-chief conferred the highest honor a few months ago. Why did he suddenly change people? What do you mean? Star City"

"Sure enough, Star City has been infiltrated, and even the Ice and Snow God of War is treated specially. Why don't you come to our Winter City Military Headquarters. My Winter City Military Headquarters will definitely welcome the Snow God with the highest standard, and let the commander-in-chief of the Winter City Military Headquarters The official awards honors once a day, and awards honors to the Snow God for a hundred days in a row, and the face must be full. Winter City"

"Suddenly I feel chilled, what's going on? Old City"

It was originally planned that the Commander-in-Chief of the Star City Military Department would award the honor, but now he has become a stranger, and the audience watching the live broadcast find it hard to understand.

In their view, Zhang Daowen's achievements are fully qualified for the commander-in-chief of the military department to award him with the highest standard.

Just as there were endless discussions in the live broadcast room, Feng Qi smiled and embraced Zhang Daowen in the screen.

The award ceremony ended with applause, and Feng Qi also stepped off the stage at this time.

But at this time, the barrage on the live screen has changed.

Because many people found that the person who honored Zhang Daowen looked very similar to a great man who only existed in history.

"Brothers, don't you think this person who honored the Snow God looks very similar to the great man Fengqi?"

"I felt very familiar when I came on stage. I remembered it instantly after hearing you say that. No way. I remember that Feng Weiren had disappeared for more than a hundred years."

"Holy shit, I suddenly thought of something that happened a few days ago. It is said that the owner of a supper stall in Star City scanned the QR code to pay, and saw that the payer's account was a great person. At that time, I thought it was a fake news, but now it seems that it can't be true. ?”

"Oh my god, is Feng Qi really back? Why is there no news about it? Is this true? As a native of Xingcheng, my blood has already started to boil."

"I just glanced at the replay just now. You carefully observed the expression of the commander-in-chief of the Star City Military Department. You obviously respect the mysterious person who walked on the stage. Who else is the officer in awe of? His identity is about to be revealed."

"I go to Central Park to pay homage to Fengqi every year. The earliest understanding of him comes from my parents. I suddenly heard that Fengqi was awarded honors to the Snow God. I was frightened and stupid. I feel that the times have gone out of order."

From the beginning of making complaints about the Star City military headquarters, the picture completely turned to speculation about the identity of the mysterious person.

Netizens quickly found a large number of photos of Fengqi, and compared them with the mysterious person who came to the stage to award Zhang Daowen.

The more you compare, the more astonishing the answers you get.

Although time has left traces on Feng Qi, his appearance has not changed much.

Comparing the attitude of the commander-in-chief, everyone gradually believed that this person was Feng Qi in the historical story.

The barrage continued to flash across the live broadcast screen like raindrops.

The news of Fengqi's return was so heavy that the people in the five major cities were all crazy about it.

There are too many inconceivable things about this legendary figure.

Known as a peerless genius in his early years, he developed several cultivation techniques at the age of 17, and the series of achievements that followed were more like cheating.

If you must choose the strongest genius of the human race in the post-catastrophe era.

The top ten will be difficult to decide, everyone will have a different opinion, and there will be endless debates about it.

But everyone will have no objection to the first place.

The name of the first genius of the human race must be: Fengqi~lightnovelpub.net~ Even the people of Winter City who don’t like Star City recently, the first genius in their eyes is also Fengqi, there is no suspense.

The growth of Fengqi is a legend in itself.

For the people of Star City, Feng Qi is not only a legend, but also a belief.

His appearance has brought countless changes to Star City.

Now the Lexiao Academy, which Star City people are proud of, and the supply area in the west of Star City, are all planned and established by Feng Qi himself.

This belief has been passed down through generations during the hundred years since Fengqi disappeared.

Now that the legend in the story is back, they all feel unbelievable, and they can't stop their excitement.

Just when the people of Star City flocked to the military headquarters, wanting to meet the legendary figure that only existed in the story, Feng Qi had already returned to the Hu Soul Research Institute, took Xiaoyou and others on the Hu Soul special plane that had been arranged in advance .

Next, he is going to the last leg of the challenge of ascension to the gods.

Looking at the night view of Star City passing by outside the window, Mu Qing's face appeared in Feng Qi's mind.

The cute foodie in my mind gradually overlapped with the Mu Qing I saw on the Internet, and Feng Qi couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Boss, where are we going next?"

Turning to Xiaoyou who was floating beside her with a lollipop in her mouth, Feng Qi reached out and rubbed her head with a smile on her face:

"Challenge to God."

"I don't like the challenge of ascending to the gods. Although the boss will definitely win, he will be injured every time."

Xiaoyou's cheeks bulged like air, looking very displeased.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi laughed out loud.

Turning his head to look out the window, the clouds blocked his sight, and he could no longer see the night view of Star City.

At this moment, his heart was extremely calm.

Although Jian Ji was strong, he had no fear in his heart, he only felt that there was a flame burning in his chest.

As Xiaoyou said, he will not lose!