I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 529: Spiritual Guidance - Positioning Trackin

The latest website: Check the mailbox content.

From Wei Wei's description, Feng Qi can see the difficulty of rebuilding Winter's Domain.

In order to help the reconstruction of the Winter Region, the Star Region needs to support a large amount of materials, resulting in the development of the Star Region is also subject to certain restrictions. The most obvious point is that the construction plan of Xinyu City \"Dawning Domain\" has been stopped.

The consumption that should have been invested in the construction of new cities was instead used to support the reconstruction of Winter Field.

The construction of the new city on this sacrifice line should have been carried out normally, and in the future, he would read the historical information to find out the problems existing in the construction of the Dawning Domain and the directions for improvement.

But the reconstruction of Winterfell cannot be ignored.

The planning can't keep up with the changes, and the construction of Dawnbreaker can only choose to suspend.

However, Feng Qi felt that the decision of the senior leaders of the star field was not wrong.

Next, he continued to look through the contents of the mailbox.

132. One thing has recently made me hesitate.

Do you want to clone Mu Qing and create a sucker.

Maintaining the seal of Jianji is a large expense. If the suction cup is added, the internal circulation in the scarlet secret base will be destroyed.

At this stage, there is no need to worry about the destruction of the internal circulation. The Bi Jing Scarlet Research Institute is still in line with the outside world and can be supplied through the outside world.

But this is not a long-term solution after all.

When the reconstruction of Winter's Domain is completed, the construction of Dawn's Domain will also be officially launched.

At that time, the Scarlet Research Institute will no longer be able to establish contact with Dawning City from the perspective of security or confidentiality, and the unsustainable inner loop will not be able to guarantee that the Scarlet Secret Comet will support him until his return in the future.

That was a tough choice.

It is necessary to ensure the abnormal operation of research and development investment, and to ensure the stability of Jian Ji's Lin Ran, and to support a big sucker in the first place... Now Star City's resources are very easy because of the Winter City problem, and your secret base is even more likely to be complete its beauty.

Your current thoughts are.

That sacrifice line gives up the supply of suckers, and invests a small part of the resources into the research and development of your team and Wei Wei's team, as well as the maintenance and consumption of You Hongjianji.

Hey, you're still firm.

Whether to support the big sucker will make a decision later.

176. According to the news returned by Liqin Brigade.

A new course has been set up in the Domain Studies major of Dawn Academy, not the "Domain Illustration War Game" that he proposed at the beginning. Through those illustration cards, students can better understand the domain creatures, and at the same time, they can also live through the game. way to reduce the interest of domain studies.

Even going forward, they will consider selecting the weakest through competition to participate in the book game of Destiny City.

But this is all moving forward.

At this stage, Star City's resources are relatively easy, and there are no shortage of resources to support such events.

203. Recently, a minimum meeting was held in the star field.

The content of the discussion had nothing to do with the information he brought back from the backline.

In the information he brought back, he marked a few resources that could greatly help the development of the star field. The lower level of the star city was going to form an expedition team to go to the $ field field he marked to mine resources.

Of course, although it is an expedition team, it will let us go to areas that are too far away, and the basic goal is to challenge these fields that he went to in the early days of cultivation.

The mined resources are mainly based on scarce valuable resources.

For example, Void Stones, which are more suitable for making space stable stones, are of little help to the development of space technology in the Star Field. Another example is the lava fish that Yu found in the Flame Field Field, which cannot be used as a test for raising spirit beasts in Star City. biology.

However, there is no limit to the number of resources that the expedition team can carry. They will only equip the head of the group with a space bracelet that he left behind. The resources mined by the expedition are value-centric, and the quantity is important.

285. (Important information) Recently, Wei Wei's body is getting better and better, all the indicators of her body are very poor, and her lifespan is completely dependent on genetic medicine.

Then talk about Wei Wei's research results.

Regarding the potential hidden dangers of the belief growth route, Wei Wei has not yet found a clear solution to the problem.

In the later experiments, these believers who chose to borrow their innate abilities were generally polluted by their spirits, and would often fall into an inexplicable state of daze.

Wei Wei felt that it was extremely unlikely that the spirit of the believer had lost himself in his spiritual consciousness.

The process of borrowing innate ability is not to add weight to the body, and the final result is not that the believer has the ability to swim out of his spiritual consciousness.

The best way to make believers return to you is not to create a spiritual guide.

That guidance can make the believer's consciousness stably travel through his spiritual consciousness sea and return to his own spiritual consciousness sea.

Does it sound simple?

To be more complicated, it is necessary to create a \"guide\" in his spiritual consciousness, and its existence will **** the believer, and send the believer's consciousness who borrowed his innate ability out of his spiritual consciousness.

If asked to do that, You Hong and my team pointed out a clear direction.

Remember Spiritual Immortality?

After a few timelines, he once asked Wei Wei to develop a mental attack technique that could make spiritual consciousness persist for a long time and make spiritual consciousness weaker than before, and then used the magic door to fight against the Lord of Mist's home capture.

When you come to form an alliance with the old fans, spiritual immortality will also lose its effect.

Now You Hong has picked up the spiritual immortality method again, and has taken a step back to develop it.

You Hong's idea is very lively. By cultivating spiritual immortality, he can create a guide who can exist in his spiritual consciousness. I will guide believers to get lost again. I am sure that You Hong's idea can be successful, and the path of faith growth will become Possibly, even if Mu Shusi was alive, human beings would at least have no other choice.

As for who should be chosen to be the guide for that believer, You Hong's idea is: choose a sacrifice line and let him be the guide.

It is not that he needs to cultivate spiritual immortality, and become a guide for his own believers. If so, his physical body will perish, but his spirit will live forever on this sacrifice line.

As for whether the idea can be successful, I haven't waited for Wei Wei to experiment, but my body is like a day, and it hasn't lasted for a long time.

The last time I chatted with me, I said that before I have time, I will plan the future research direction of the team in detail. Even if I die, the team can still follow the rules I provide!

Continue to expand and improve the content of spiritual immortality in the direction.

311. The construction and planning of Dawning Domain has been restarted recently.

How long it will take to build the county body is completely unknown, and there is a small probability that the Dawning Domain built on that timeline can achieve his ideal appearance, which can only be used as a reference for the previous time.

According to the information returned by the Liqin Brigade, Star City decided to gradually relocate the population of the Star Domain seventy years ago to retreat into the Dawn Domain to assist the previous construction and development of the Dawn Domain.

The future situation of the entire Star City will gradually move towards Dawn City.

It is conceivable that in a few hundred years, the star field will become an air space.

Those of you who are in the underground secret base will also hide in the underground forever, and you will go to the world inside your body.

You have something to say.

In addition to seeing the sun, moon and stars hanging low in the sky, opening the window to feel the breeze blowing across your face, and seeing this old locust tree inside, there is no small difference from the scarlet base on the surface.

The only thing is that the feet may not be recognized as food.

But after so few updates of the timeline, the nutrition statement tasted amazing!

There are no less than 300 kinds of flavors!

Of course, if you eat less, you will still get tired.

If you are the worst, then my brothers and sisters should leave when they are tired of the time difference.

You are the same, and you can still hold on weakly.

Although this handsome man is one of the top ten war gods of the human race, it is certain that in the selection of the ten human beings: the little **** of longevity, this handsome man will definitely be ranked in the bottom eight in history.

335. Recently, Jian Ji's mental fluctuations have changed, which makes you very worried.

Just a few days later, Lin Ran's inspector reported and updated the latest situation of Jian Ji under the meeting.

It cannot be seen from the changes in the data that Jianji's mental fluctuations have continued to stabilize afterward, and now there have been some twists and turns, which is obviously good news for you. The emergence of mental fluctuations may prove that Jianji's consciousness is gradually getting rid of negative emotions The impact of the blow, consciousness is about to break free from the mental cage.

You are still very weak in the field of spiritual research, and there is a way to analyze the situation of Jian Ji and come up with an answer.

I can only hope that it is just Si Huo's mental fluctuations, and it will make Jian Ji break free from his spiritual sinking.

But in any case, since there are risks, it is necessary to think about how to respond when the worst happens.

Regarding Jianji's situation, you have retreated from the meeting and discussion. The final plan is to retreat and disguise the room 1303 where Jianji is located to ensure that even if Jianji wakes up, it will affect the existence of the scarlet secret base. What is the specific plan? of.

First of all, you will re-plan the layout of the room where Jian Ji is located, and dig a passage to the surface from the ceiling in that area.

Then, a common material slate that can block the spread and penetration of consciousness and perception was installed under the wall of the room, and the small door that connected to the secret base was thickened and camouflaged.

Assuming that Lin Ran Jianji's plan is successful, even if Jianji turns on his perception when he wakes up, he will find the existence of the secret base, and the downward passage will also mislead Jianji into thinking that he is Lin Ran outside an underground room, and he will inevitably follow The passage goes back to the surface.

This plan can ensure that even if Jian Ji wakes up, the scarlet secret base can still be retained.

It is too important to retain his cerebellum, as well as Wei Wei, you, and even the results of the lifelong efforts of other researchers.

That is the plan to minimize the loss when the intention occurs.

357. Wei Wei is gone, did you still attend the funeral?

The worst parting scene ever!

376. The relocation of Star City has come to life. Starting from the eastern area of ​​the Star Region, the population of the entire Star Region will be gradually moved to the Dawning Region.

Meanwhile, the construction of Dawn City continues.

The current situation is that construction and relocation are regressing at the same time, and you will also completely escape from the world.

When he appeared, what he saw was the ruins of Star City.

But in the west direction, maybe he can see the more prosperous Xinyu City, and the future of that time may be the end of the human race. In addition, the Dawn Army has not officially merged into the Winter Territory, and it was renamed the Winter Dawn. military.

The estrangement in the hearts of the next generations is thus resolved.

The development of Winter Field has also brought many benefits to your star field. Rare spiritual resources will be allocated first for your consumption.

The only problem is that the realm field seems to be coming at a slower rate.

With the road connecting the Winter Domain and the Star Domain being blocked by the incoming Domain Field, it is very unlikely that the two Domain Cities will lose contact.

But that problem is also difficult to solve with the development of space technology.

In the future construction plan of Dawning Domain, two stable space teleportation arrays will be built.

One is connected to the foggy city, and the other is connected to the winter domain.

At that time, even if the domain field nozzles cut off the connection between the domain cities, a less efficient connection can be established through the stable space teleportation array.

400. Recently, Jian Ji's mental fluctuations have appeared more and more frequently.

It is basically impossible to tell through observation that Jian Ji's consciousness is struggling to escape from the mental cage.

Recovery seems inevitable.

That timeline has paid a painful price for the war Jianji, and you can be willing to let it go just like that.

Assuming that Jian Ji will inevitably break free from Lin Ran and leave, he must also find a way to kill him.

He killed Jian Ji, and the collapse of Winter Winter will be an endless cycle of reincarnation.

So you thought of implanting a tracking and positioning chip in Jianji's body to ensure that even if Jianji breaks free from Lin Ran, he will be able to retreat and hunt him down in the future.

(At that time, he can't seek the help of future fans, and then locked Jian Ji's position through the positioning chip. With the weakness of future fans, if he wants to kill a Jian Ji, he should live.

] But if you want to implant the positioning chip into Jian Ji's body, it is still a headache for him to find out.

With Jian Ji's weakness, it was obviously easy to find a foreign body implanted in his body.

It's time to ask to solve that problem, you're trying to figure it out.

421. Hahaha, this handsome man is really a genius, you have thought of a good way.

Remember the blueskins?

They don't have the big white beads that can locate miracle items, and you collected eight in that timeline.

You retrospectively tested Jianji's weakened gem with a large bead, and found that you were perfectly able to locate it.

However, there is no certain range limit for that positioning. At most, there is a way to test the effect of retreating over a long distance in the secret base. However, according to the weak and strong changes of the returned signal, it can be judged that the positioning range is about 30 kilometers.

That was obviously enough for him to find Jian Ji who broke free from Lin Ran.

The point is that you can't develop a signal weakening device that weakens the positioning of the big white bead at all.

To get to that point, you still need to solve two problems.

1. Clearly weaken the signal of the gem, and ensure that the wrong miracle item will be located.

That question is a good solution.

The positioning of the big white beads is not the same signal release for the same miracle item, just record it into the signal amplifier device before catching the signal.

Seven, how to weaken the positioning effect of large white beads.

The question to do that is still in the testing phase at this stage.

You have never seen the material of the big white beads. The plan you adopted is to create a layer of small charging devices inside the big white beads, and the effect of positioning the big white beads will be retrograded and increased. The current test effect has reached ten times, but in You seem far from enough.

It will be a long test project, and it will also be the main direction of the secret base in the future.

Another point to mention is that he chose to relocate the improvement of science and technology to the Scarlet Research Institute back then. Zhen Te Niang is a vision without a vision, and Sihuo is the effort of the science and technology department. Your idea can be realized.

Now the staff of the science and technology department stay up all night and work overtime every day, and are racing against time to study.

The device is stored outside Room 1302.

I am sure that Jian Ji has really broken free from Lin Ran in the future, remember to bring the old fans and start the chase.

845. Recently, Jian Ji's mental fluctuation value has gradually increased. It must be not far from breaking free from Lin Ran.

I'm really worried that it will come out of my mind.

Hope all goes well.

The time difference for this beautiful man is also less. You haven't implanted the research results of the sacrifice line in the depths of his cerebellum. When the time comes, you can extract it from the main timeline. 〔including Dayou's memory.

] After reading the sealed message.

In Feng Qi's mind, the white-haired awn of the seal appeared in his mind, and Aji sighed in front of the mirror as his face faded.

The old man's mentality is always full of optimism, and he can face any setbacks with a smile.

However, he only cares about the problem of aging appearance, and is indignant.

With a knowing smile, I turned around and walked towards room 1303.

The sealed mailbox did not say whether Jian Ji broke free from Lin Ran.

It is even more wrong to say that until the seal of death, Jian Ji had broken free from You Hong.

But it is still unknown whether Jian Ji has not escaped yet.

When I came to the door of room 1303, I reached out and swiped the electronic lock under the door, and the electronic authentication sound suddenly sounded: \"Minimum authority authentication: seal chess!\"

The red light under the electronic lock instantly changes to a green light.

When the heavy door hurriedly opened, Feng Qi found that behind it was a passageway with soil layers, and there was not a door at the end.

That was apparently designed to regress Room 1303 from the Crimson Secret Base.

The purpose is to guarantee the danger of the Crimson secret base.

Stepping to the end of the room, I took a deep breath, stretched out my hand and pressed it under the isolation iron gate. Killing Jian Ji, I can get a huge bloodline, but it is the next best thing.

The most important thing is that Jian Ji is dead, and it will not benefit from the forward time line. Winter Field will completely become my peer strength.

When the iron gate of isolation was pushed open, a few possibilities appeared in Feng Qi's mind.

What is clear in my heart is that Jian Ji is sure to break free from You Hong, and I will pursue and kill him according to You Hong's proposal, which must be completely obliterated.

Jian Ji is dead, I can feel at ease if I ask.

Just when Feng Qi was about to hold his breath to reveal the results, the narrator's lazy voice sounded in my mind: \"His brain was indeed ruined by overlapping memories~lightnovelpub.net~ Don't you forget what the ability to be a father is? Yet?

Is it difficult to ask directly? \"

Hearing the narrator's complaints, Feng Qi suddenly remembered.

No narration by myself!

The ability of the narrator is to probe, and the wall that can shield the perception is equivalent to the existence of the ordinary perception of the narrator.

I simply need to open the door specially, and I can't get an answer just by asking the narrator.

The hand pushing the door suddenly stopped, and Feng Qi immediately asked outside his heart: \"Abai, did Jian Ji run away?\"

\" The doors were slowly opened, so I'll take a look. Now, is the result important?

Did you say he just pushed it away? \"

Feng Qi: …At this time, I just don’t have an idea in my mind.

The narration is still the same as the original, still so cheap.