I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 553: industrious and lazy

Tiger Soul Research Institute.

Center of training room square.

Zhang Daowen, with his upper body naked, was constantly punching the specially made wooden dummy. Sweat permeated his forehead and continued to flow, but Zhang Daowen's eyes were extremely firm. His fist hit the wooden dummy like a torrential rain, making a "bang bang" sound .

On the other side, Xiaoyou was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, like a wriggling worm, crawling around the training ground with a body arch and arch.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi's face was full of helplessness.

If it's bad, it's really bad.

On the day he completed the memory implant surgery for Xiaoyou, he brought Xiaoyou back to the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

After all, Xiaoyou doesn't like the environment there, or more precisely, he doesn't like a person there.

So after dinner that day, he brought Xiaoyou back to the Hu Soul Research Institute, planning to live in the Hu Soul Research Institute for the next few days.

These days, he wanted to strengthen Xiaoyou's physical fitness through training.

Because the narration also analyzed a possibility.

I feel that Xiaoyou's initiation of memory inheritance may also be related to the enhancement of physical fitness.

Xiaoyou's physical fitness has been continuously improved during the journey of ascending to the gods. This may also be a way to open up the inheritance of memory.

No matter what the possibility is, Feng Qi thinks he can try it.

Find a way to activate Xiaoyou's ability early.

So these days, he hopes to use Zhang Daowen to motivate Xiaoyou, so that Xiaoyou will also follow the physical training.

He didn't let Xiaoyou go through Zhang Daowen's high-intensity physical training, but gave Xiaoyou an extremely easy task, running around the training ground a few laps every day.

Xiaoyou never refuses his advice.

When he gave Xiaoyou the task, Xiaoyou immediately patted his chest and assured him that he would definitely complete the physical training task.

And then there's this scene.

At first, Xiaoyou would seriously run for a few steps, then gradually slowed down, and finally turned into a slow walk, and now it has turned into a squirm.

With eyes closed, how many meters can I crawl by feeling.

Occasionally, I can fall asleep in the middle of the sleep, and wake up and continue to wriggle.

The industrious Zhang Daowen is in stark contrast to Xiaoyou.

The two do not affect each other.

Zhang Daowen was not affected by Xiaoyou's bad performance, he took the training very seriously and worked hard, even if he was injured during the training, he would not cry and complain.

Xiaoyou was not influenced by Zhang Daowen either, Zhang Daowen's efforts did not arouse Xiaoyou's fighting spirit, and even occasionally asked Zhang Daowen to take a rest, feeling tired for Zhang Daowen.

It proves that this is all your problem, that you made a mistake in education, which caused Xiaoyou, who was supposed to be hardworking and self-reliant, to become a rotten you. 】

Hearing the narration's complaints, Feng Qi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

The way he educated Xiaoyou was not much different from the way he educated Zhang Daowen. He couldn't figure out why there was such a huge personality gap between the two.

Perhaps it is the problem of Sunder Armor, Thunderbolt, and Taihang. Since the education methods are similar, it means that the problem is not on you. 】

"That makes sense." Feng Qi couldn't help but nodded.

There is a fart reason, are you really taking advantage of the trend? Do you want a face? 】

Ignoring the narration chattering in his mind, Feng Qi turned his gaze to Zhang Daowen.

It can be seen that basic physical training has had little effect on improving Zhang Daowen's physical fitness. According to Zhang Daowen's current growth progress, he is almost ready to practice exercises.

Zhang Daowen's self-created exercises brought back this time have been more perfect.

He is full of expectations for Zhang Daowen's new future online performance.

But he didn't intend to teach Zhang Daowen the practice method on the real line.

After all, the reality line is the sacrifice line.

If the real line learns the improved cultivation method of the sacrifice line, it will affect Zhang Daowen's updated version of the exercises brought back from the follow-up sacrifice line.

It is best to have a blank piece of paper on the sacrifice line, and then continue to learn further and perfect cultivation techniques on the sacrifice line, so that Zhang Daowen can go further.

What Feng Qi can confirm now is that Zhang Daowen's growth potential is far from reaching its limit. including future dreams

Zhang Daowen is not his growth limit.

There are two main factors affecting Zhang Daowen's growth.

The first factor is the drag of the human race.

In the 1500-year history of the human race, Zhang Daowen is not only the strongest combat power of the human race, but also the supreme leader of the human race.

He needs to face and deal with a lot of affairs.

As a result, Zhang Daowen was unable to devote all his time to cultivation and self-growth.

There is no proper solution to this problem at this stage.

Feng Qi also thought about letting Zhang Daowen focus on cultivation, and the relevant affairs within the human race would be handled by the previous high-level human race.

But here comes a problem.

Without a spiritual leader, different ideas and voices will appear within the human race during development, leading to ideological divisions within the human race, which may cause many irreparable consequences.

Such situations do not necessarily have to happen.

But at least Fengqi has met once in the future.

At that time, the human race was divided internally, and some members of the human race even joined the God Clan and became enslaved forces. They were also given a parasitic twisted creature that fused with the body, and they were no longer human beings.

These enslaved humans also launched a frenzied hunt for the only remaining Dawn Human Race.

Feng Qi doesn't want similar scenes to happen again.

Zhang Daowen has a long lifespan, with him in charge, the human race is like having a sea-fixing needle.

Becoming the leader of the human race was the path he chose for Zhang Daowen, and Zhang Daowen spent his whole life implementing it.

In the end, fighting for the rise of the human race has become Zhang Daowen's obsession.

In the dream of the future, Zhang Daowen finally put aside the affairs of the human race and concentrated on cultivation, because the human race has almost reached a dead end.

Zhang Daowen, as the top combat power of the human race, must improve his strength as much as possible to ensure the deterrence of the surrounding forces. Only in this way can the human race continue to breathe and develop.

Therefore, the drag of the human race is one of the two major factors that prevent Zhang Daowen from fully growing.

Another factor is related to Zhang Daowen's cultivation method.

Although Zhang Daowen's practice method will go further and become more perfect after each sacrifice line.

But after all, this is Zhang Daowen's own cultivation method.

Compared with the exercises developed and created by the ethnic group behind him for tens of thousands of years, or even longer, the gap must be huge.

Xiaoyou is the best example of this.

Xiaoyou doesn't need to create a practice method that suits her. The inherited knowledge left in her mind is the best teacher, which makes it easy for her to find the most suitable path for her, and it is a perfect match.

But Zhang Daowen is different.

He didn't pass on knowledge, even though he had excellent talent, he had to start from scratch.

Fumbling forward will inevitably lead to many mistakes. There is no place to learn from the self-created cultivation method, and there is no help from other tribesmen. He is always advancing alone, and the road ahead will always be shrouded in fog.

Fortunately, Zhang Daowen's character is resolute, and he has great perseverance that even Feng Qi admires.

Facing the twists and turns in the future of the human race, and the shortcomings of his cultivation techniques...he did not give up, but forged a path.

People in the future call Zhang Daowen "Old Ancestor".

This title seems awkward.

After all, Zhang Daowen's roots are not from the human race, but Feng Qi feels that he is worthy of this title.

The history of the growth of the human race is written by countless heroes, and every era has wonderful stories that have been recorded in the annals of history.

But Zhang Daowen is the follower and witness.

The relay players around him are constantly changing, but he is always at the forefront of the growth of the human race.

He deserves to say "Old Ancestor".

"Uncle Chess."

At this time, Feng Qi's thinking was interrupted by a childish cry.

Looking up, Zhang Daowen, who was dripping with sweat, had a bright smile on his face. His breathing was rapid, his body rose and fell with his breath, and he was holding a glass bottle containing blue liquid in his right hand, and handed it to him:

"Uncle Qi, this is the spirit plant drink that Uncle Mi taught me to make. Drinking it for a long time is good for your health. It's delicious. Try it."


Passing the glass bottle in Zhang Daowen's hand, Feng Qi smiled and rubbed Zhang Daowen's head:

"Thank you, it must be delicious."

"En." Zhang Daowen nodded vigorously, with an expectant expression, waiting for Feng Qi's feedback.

At this time, Xiaoyou, who was wriggling slowly, was like a cat smelling fish. He closed his eyes and raised his head, then arched his body, and quickly approached the direction where Fengqi was, muttering:

"Wait, I want to try it too."

Xiaoyou moved to the front of the sofa several times faster than during training, then climbed onto the sofa and stretched out his hand to the glass bottle in Fengqi's hand:

"Let Xiaoyou try the first bite."

"Well, that's fine." Before Feng Qi could respond, Zhang Daowen nodded first.

Knowing Xiaoyou's foodie nature, Feng Qi felt helpless, and at the same time handed the glass bottle in his hand to Xiaoyou.

Xiaoyou who took the glass bottle immediately unscrewed it, and with the fragrance of the plant filled Xiaoyou's eyes began to glow:

"Wow, that looks delicious."

As she said that, Xiaoyou raised her head, gulped and gulped several gulps into her mouth, and took a big breath after swallowing, with an extremely satisfied expression on her face.

But Xiaoyou didn't finish drinking, and habitually handed most of the rest to Fengqi:

"Boss, you drink."

Feng Qi was not surprised by this.

Although Xiaoyou is greedy, she has always been very principled, and the first thing she thinks of when she eats is the boss.

After taking the glass bottle from Xiaoyou, Feng Qi also took a big sip.

The liquid is cold when it enters the mouth, and one can clearly feel strands of energy spreading in the mouth.

Since it was taught to Zhang Daowen by an old fan, it is obvious that this drink has helped Zhang Daowen a lot in his growth. After taking a sip, Feng Qi handed it back to Zhang Daowen and praised him several times.

Sure enough, a satisfied smile appeared on Zhang Daowen's face, and he seemed to enjoy the recognition of the botanical drink he made.

"Uncle Chess, I have continued training, and today's task is only half completed."



Zhang Daowen nodded vigorously, then turned and left to start a new round of physical training.

At this moment, Feng Qi's gaze turned to Xiao You who was lying beside him.

Xiaoyou pretended not to see, squirmed to the corner of the sofa, and slowly closed her eyes:

"After training all morning, Xiaoyou is really exhausted. It's time to rest for a while."

Feng Qi: ...

Xiaoyou can always find a suitable reason for being lazy, obviously he has been lazy all morning, but he said he has been training all morning, Fengqi is not surprised by this, but he just feels very speechless.

He immediately lifted Xiaoyou from the sofa and put it on the ground:

"Continue to train, or you won't want to have lunch, you should think about it yourself."

"Okay, okay, Boss, you can bully me, who made me your loyal little follower, then follow your boss' orders and continue to train hard."

Xiaoyou lay on the ground and said without raising her head.

After finishing speaking, his back slowly arched, and he continued to crawl around the training ground like a worm.

Hearing these words, the veins on Feng Qi's forehead throbbed.

The running training around the training ground was turned into crawling training by Xiaoyou, which he never thought of.

Fortunately, more exercise is better than no exercise.

Creep, just crawl, at least that's a way of training.

Otherwise, Xiaoyou would continue to lie dead next to him, and there was a high probability that she would be hungry when she woke up.

What Xiaoyou complained the most these days was that her energy weaving ability had disappeared.

It's not that Xiaoyou misses her ability, what she complains is that she has lost the ability to be lazy.

For example, a flying mask that can fly while sleeping, and a knife magic robe that can be used as a quilt at any time with self-cleaning ability, and so on.

These are the convenience gadgets in Xiaoyou's eyes.

As for the auxiliary effects of energy equipment on combat and defense, Xiaoyou never cared.

After all, there is a boss, she never has to personally participate in the battle, she has always been a tool person in the team... the person who makes energy tools.

One perfunctory, one hard work.

Zhang Daowen and Xiaoyou have completely different personalities, but it is miraculous that they are taught by themselves.

Feng Qi really couldn't figure out why.


In the following days, apart from educating Xiaoyou and Zhang Daowen, Fengqi spent the rest of his time recuperating.

The high-intensity continuous opening of the future line has brought a great burden on the spirit.

This is also the reason why he needs to spend time recuperating after each sacrifice line~lightnovelpub.net~.

In the days after his return, he has been busy planning for the future and dealing with matters such as the Silver Moon Clan, without stopping.

Today is the real rest.

But apart from rest, he still had to go to the blood bank of the Scarlet Research Institute every day to draw blood for preservation.

His blood will be one of the key factors for whether the next sacrifice line can go ahead as planned.

Such days lasted for a month.

When Wei Wei said that the blood stored in the blood bank reached the upper limit of the existing blood bank, Feng Qi finally decided to open the future line and meet a new challenge.

that night.

Feng Qi sat on the sofa in the room of the Scarlet Research Institute, and beside him lay Xiao You who was soundly asleep after a "tired" day.

On the coffee table in front of him, there was a bottle of enhanced spirit soothing potion.

This is an advance preparation for the return of the sacrifice line.

Every time I come back, the superimposed effects of negative emotions and memories will intensify, and if necessary, the mental pacifiers prepared in advance can save lives.

The reality line has been rested for three months, and Feng Qi thinks it's time to restart a brand new timeline.

This time, he will follow the planned future direction and start a path of faith growth belonging to the human race.

And he will become the guide on the way for the human race to acquire superpowers.

Countless thoughts surged in his mind, and Feng Qi was full of thoughts.

After a long time, he lay on the sofa and closed his eyes.

The energy progress bar has been replenished in advance, reaching 118. He only needs to fall asleep to open up a brand new future.

The mind is like a mountain, allowing his body to quickly enter a relaxed state.

His thoughts gradually emptied, and the expression of Feng Qi lying on the sofa gradually became peaceful...