I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 569: last concern

Mechanized transformation laboratory.

After completing the transformation of the consciousness chip, Mo Yu began to conduct function tests on the new body.

At this time, a man in combat uniform was standing not far in front of him. He looked at Mo Yu solemnly and said in a deep voice:

"Director Mo, are you sure you want me to go all out?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, attack with all my strength." Mo Yu immediately nodded in response.

After hearing Mo Yu's answer, the laboratory guard in combat uniform squatted down, and while exerting force on his feet, he rushed towards Mo Yu.

The moment the man moved, the pupils of Mo Yu's prosthetic eyes shrank.

Huge amounts of data flooded his mind.

The speed of movement, the point of muscle force, the direction of the wind, and so on.

A large amount of data is intertwined in Mo Yu's brain chip, and the environment in his eyes has become a three-dimensional grid map.

When the guard man got close, he punched Mo Yu's chin from bottom to top.

Mo Yu took a step forward and retreated, avoiding the fierce punch of the guard man in a very easy way.

But the guard's attack did not end. He found that the heavy punch had been dodged, his right leg suddenly lifted, and a fierce knee bump went straight to Mo Yu's abdomen.

Mo Yu had already predicted it.

The guard man's prosthetic eyes captured the moment when his muscles exerted force, and he simulated the attack trajectory of this knee bump in advance in his mind.

Mo Yu retracted his belly and arched back, avoiding the knee bump.

But he did not fight back, waiting for a new round of offensive from the guard men.

In the ensuing battle, Mo Yu dodged throughout.

The fully mechanized brain endowed him with powerful computing power, and the various sensory feedback functional parts on the body surface allowed him to predict the arrival of the next blow in advance.

Facing Mo Yu who couldn't hit at all, the guard man tried to feint.

First make a false move, wait for the moment Mo Yu dodges, and then attack with thunder, hoping to hit Mo Yu with this.

But the psychological game in the battle is useless in front of Mo Yu.

His predictions come from absolute brain calculations, the strength of muscle contraction, the wind speed when attacking, including the breathing rhythm of the guarding man, and so on.

Mo Yu didn't use his combat skills from fighting on the front line for many years at all, and used his mechanized body with additional functions to dodge throughout the process.

This kind of dodging does not have any skills, but it is more terrifying than any skills.

As long as the moving speed of the target can be captured by the prosthetic eye or the mechanized body perception functional parts, his intellectual brain can instantly simulate the movement trajectory.

After more than ten minutes of dodging quickly ended, Mo Yu looked at the panting guards and said hard work.

Next, he decided to go to the combat power testing room of the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

There he can have a more detailed understanding of his mechanized body.

A few hours later, Mo Yu appeared in the combat power test training room.

The first thing he did was still the dodge test.

In order to make the test data closer to actual combat, he asked his accompanying subordinates to take a firearm and shoot at his body.

Powerful computing power once again appeared.

The moment the gun spouted flames, his brain simulated the acceleration of the bullet's flight, as well as the forward parabolic trajectory and other data.

Dodging bullets is as easy as breathing.

After the test, Mo Yu conducted tests on moving speed, hearing, and so on.

After these tests, a data report sheet appeared in Mo Yu's hands.

Looking at the data on the physical test report, Mo Yu had a clear understanding of his own strength.

Although the mechanized transformation has been completed, his current strength is still not as good as the mechanized transformation technology that restricted him in his peak period.

Mo Yu was not worried about this.

After the mechanized transformation is completed, his fighting style cannot be the same as before, relying on close combat to defeat opponents.

The combat style of mechanized transformation is complete

All in another form.

Next, he decided to start a new research direction.

He wants to make a batch of mechanized weapons that can perfectly integrate with the mechanized body.

For the next four years, Mo Yu and his team started research on mechanized weapons.

When the latest modification was completed, Mo Yu's mechanized body had taken on a completely new look.

Except that the consciousness chip has not been replaced, every part of the body has been upgraded, and he has built himself into an all-round weapon.

The first is the arms.

There is a beam gun in the left arm, which relies on the energy core to fill the energy bomb, and it will pop out from the forearm with a wave of the hand, striking the enemy at a short distance.

Relying on the chip brain with precise calculations, his beam gun has a very high hit rate.

He can gather detailed data on air humidity, wind speed, distance, and other factors before attacking.

In addition, he can calculate the enemy's movement trajectory, and he can even perform predictive shooting, and the accuracy of hitting the target in actual combat reaches 95%+.

The right arm is equipped with a high-frequency vibration particle blade.

When the enemy is close, Mo Yu only needs one thought, and the high-frequency vibrating particle blade will pop out from the fist to cut and attack the melee enemy.

Then there is the body.

In addition to the energy core in the body, there is also an energy cannon mounted on the chest.

When you want to carry out a covering attack on the front, the metal plate armor on the front chest will automatically fall down, releasing 18 pre-charged energy shells to carry out range bombing.

Even if the energy bullets are used up, they can be replenished quickly through the energy core.

Behind the body is a mobile jet device, which can support his body for rapid movement in the air.

Then there is the head.

In addition to the consciousness chip, there is also a light-concentrating energy-absorbing panel on the head, which allows him to charge with solar energy, and the energy obtained will be injected into the energy core.

This charging method is not very efficient, but sometimes it may be able to play an unexpected role.

This is also the reason why Mo Yu installed light-concentrating energy-absorbing panels.

The last is the legs, each leg is equipped with a booster, which can be used for short-distance sprint boosting, whether it is running away or chasing.

In battle, the booster can also greatly increase the power of his kicking skills.

In addition to the weapons on the head, body, and limbs, Mo Yu also had a high-voltage electric board on the back of his neck.

In the case of being captured by the enemy at close range, Mo Yu only needs one thought, and the mechanized body will be covered with high-voltage electricity, and the high-voltage shock will be sent to the enemy in close contact.

The combat power test was conducted again, and Mo Yu's strength had surpassed the peak combat power when he had a flesh and blood body.

At this time, he was covered with weapons all over his body.

But the mechanized transformation at this stage is far from the end in Mo Yu's eyes.

The next transformation, he will start from three directions.

The first is the upgrade of the functions of the body parts.

For example, the prosthetic eye can be upgraded with thermal imaging, radar and other technologies in the future, so that the mechanized body can adapt to more combat environments.

The second is the upgrade of component strength.

The upgrade in this regard has to do with the materials from which the components are made.

Finding more suitable spiritual materials for mechanized transformation is one of the cores of mechanized transformation. Energy absorption, high temperature resistance, extreme cold resistance, anti-electromagnetic coating, etc.

In order to improve the overall performance of the mechanized body, material science is the core key point.

The mechanized body made of high-strength materials can have extremely strong lethality even without any weapons, and even make it impossible for the enemy to break through the defense.

At the current stage of spiritual material testing, Mo Yu has discovered many materials suitable for mechanized transformation.

But the problem is how to combine the properties of these materials to create a composite material that is perfectly suitable for mechanized body modification.

Regarding the issue of materials, Mo Yu entrusted them to research institutes such as the Energy Research Institute and the Star Research Institute, which have been cultivating materials for many years.

They will cooperate with the mechanized transformation team to upgrade the materials for the mechanized body.

The years passed.

Mo Yu rushed to the road of mechanized transformation, constantly looking for a breakthrough.

The road of mechanized transformation grew rapidly at the beginning, and then encountered bottlenecks later, and the development speed gradually slowed down.

During this period, Mo Yu found another way and found a new breakthrough.

Now that the mechanized body has reached the bottleneck of upgrading, it is time to develop mechas that cooperate with the mechanized body to fight.

The mecha in Mo Yu's conception is not the combination of the human body and the mecha in a sci-fi movie.

In Mo Yu's eyes, that kind of control method is difficult to apply in actual combat.

He wants to create a mecha that is combined with a mechanized body. During combat, the mechanized body will be fused with the mecha and become the control core of the mecha.

For example, the linkage between the mecha operator and the mecha in science fiction movies is like a player controlling a game joystick, which is essentially a manipulation behavior.

But the combination of mecha and mechanized body in Mo Yu's vision is more like a fusion.

Treat the mechanized body as a part of the mecha, become the brain and heart of the mecha, and completely integrate with it.

When fighting like this, the angle of view from which he controls the mech is the perfect main angle, without any awkwardness.

In Mo Yu's view, the body is already a mechanized body, and it is not a problem to perfectly integrate with the mecha.

There are also many benefits to building mechas.

The weapons that can be carried in a mechanized body are limited after all.

But the huge mecha is different. To build a mecha more than ten meters high, the number of weapons and ammunition that can be carried will increase by several levels.

In order to build the mecha, Mo Yu and his team worked hard day and night.

two years.

When the thirteen-meter-high metal armor stood in the center of the laboratory square, Mo Yu once again felt the excitement of his successful mechanized transformation.

But new challenges also follow.

If you want to drive the mecha, you need to equip the mecha with a brand new energy core.

Even if the energy core in one's own body can drive the mecha to fight, it will still be exhausted very quickly in the face of the huge energy consumption of the mecha.

At this moment, Mo Yu faced two choices.

First, create a large energy core inside the mecha for consumption by the mecha.

Second, upgrade the energy core in your body, so that the energy storage of the energy core can be greatly improved, reaching the standard enough to supply mechs for high-intensity battles.

There are two options, the first is easy and the second is difficult.

But Mo Yu chose the second option without hesitation.

With the upgrade and transformation of the mechanized body in the future, the energy core will have to upgrade its technology.

Even if this problem is not solved now, we must find a way to solve it in the future.

As a pioneer of mechanized transformation, Mo Yu wanted to solve as many problems as possible for the later generations.


Daybreak 109 years.

late at night.

Mo Yu was wearing white filial piety, quietly watching the black and white posthumous photos hanging on the wall of the living room.

The grandma in the photo wears double ponytails, and she was youthful and beautiful when she was young.

This old man who has worked hard all his life has a bad fate.

At the age of 32, her husband died in the experiment, and she raised the child alone. Five years later, the radiation from an experiment accident almost killed her.

In the two years before she was about to retire, her son and daughter-in-law died on the front line, leaving him still unweaned.

The blow of fate has never made the old family fall. She can always tenaciously survive the suffering and sorrow, and continue to face tomorrow with optimism.

She dedicated her life to the human race.

It was from this old man that Mo Yu felt the power of faith.

Mo Yu clearly remembered that when grandma was still there, she would often hang on

words on the lips:

"I believe in Fengqi and never thought about getting anything from Fengqi. The beauty of faith lies not in absorbing it, but in that it can give you a hope that can be seen, making you feel that there is always a ray of light shining on yourself, even if Even in the depths of despair and darkness, you will not be lost...Faith, in fact, is a heart of self-salvation.”

At first he didn't understand these words.

It wasn't until he had experienced a desperate situation that he understood the truth.

Memories about grandma kept replaying in Mo Yu's mind.

When I was a toddler, my grandma followed behind with a smile, saying "walk slowly" from time to time.

When the boy was rebellious, he shouted that he would go to the front to kill the enemy like a hero, while his grandmother chased him all over the yard with a stick, cursing and swearing non-stop, but the rebellious he didn't listen at all.

When she was admitted to Lixiao Academy, grandma cooked a table of delicacies, and while she was complaining, there was still a hint of pride in her eyes, and her emotions were extremely complicated.

When he returned from disability, it was his grandma who accompanied him through the most desperate moments, rekindling his fighting spirit and choosing to start over.

The past events with grandma kept churning in Mo Yu's mind.

This old man who often clamored to embrace his "great-grandson" failed in the end and left him forever.

The branches outside were swaying with the wind, patting the window lightly, and the bright moonlight shrouded Mo Yu's body in hazy white light through the windows on the roof.

Unknowingly, he has been running on the road of mechanized transformation for more than ten years.

Now, the last ties of family affection dissipated three days ago.

For the first time in more than ten years, Mo Yu felt a heavy sadness.

After the mechanized transformation is completed, theoretically he already has an almost infinite lifespan, and is no longer chased by time.

As long as the human race is not extinct, with the human race as the foundation, he can continue to replace the old body parts, so that he can always maintain his peak state, and this peak will continue to rise with the improvement of mechanized transformation technology.

But there was an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

When grandma left ~lightnovelpub.net~ he suddenly found that his heart lacked a concern that belonged only to family.

The cold mechanized body cannot calm the emotions at the conscious level. Want to cry, but can't shed tears.

Mo Yu stood up at this moment, knelt down in front of the portrait, kowtowed heavily, then turned and left without looking back.

The sadness in his heart kept getting worse, and he could have deleted this part of the sad memory at any time after the mechanization, but he didn't do so.

Regardless of sadness or joy, the emotional bond proves that he is always a human being, not a purely cold machine.

In the days to come, he will continue to fight for the rise of the human race with the faith of his grandmother, parents, wife, brother...all the dead.

Follow the rise of the human race, or follow the human race to perish...

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