I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 589: Spiritual Consciousness Sea Construction

Spiritual awareness of the sea world.

Feng Qipan sits on his knees in the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and his consciousness diverges, guiding believers back the way they came, or escorting them to contact the talent track to borrow the ability of the talent orb.

As the number of believers continued to increase, Feng Qi became more and more powerless.

For example, like an overloaded server, the increasing number of believers made it impossible for him to devote all his energy to taking care of Star City.

Most of the time, it was Xiaoyou who passed on the news to him, and Feng Qi rarely had the opportunity to devote his energy to specifically observe a certain believer.

According to Xiaoyou's feedback, Feng Qi realized something very early on.

The development of Star City has gradually fallen into a bottleneck, and it is necessary to use one reform to activate the development of the city and break many old systems that no longer adapt to the times.

Since he did not understand these problems in detail in the future world, after all, he stayed in the future for a limited time and could not understand the whole history in detail, so he never discovered them.

But only when you are in it can you understand the limitations of the times.

At this time, the appearance of a newcomer made Feng Qi see the hope of Star City's reform.

He is Ji He.

Clear goals, firm beliefs, and a character that thinks ahead... Ji He has too many excellent qualities. He is like the star of the era when the human race came into being, and he is destined to bring a vigorous change to Star City.

Before Ji He graduated from Lixiao Academy, Feng Qi had already paid attention to this outstanding young man.

At that time, Ji He was already very outstanding. He was one of the very few students who could get the Fengqi Scholarship from the Poxiao Academy, and he even graduated from the Poxiao Academy as an outstanding graduate.

He was actually present at the annual graduation ceremony of the Lixiao Academy.

He will show up at this point in time, to have a look at the demeanor of the top newcomers of this new generation.

When Ji He swears at his hero statue, he also observes Ji He through the hero statue.

At that moment, Feng Qi had a premonition that Ji He's future was worth looking forward to.

The fact is just as he expected, Ji He started his rise plan after graduation.

During this period, Feng Qi didn't intervene, observing the promotion method of this newcomer of the human race, he was secretly amazed, and realized that Ji He was the reformer he longed for.

Even without his help, Ji He still relied on his own ability to become a member of the Supreme Council of Star City.

But at that time, Jihe still faced many challenges.

One of the biggest challenges comes from Zhang Daowen, which is a mountain that Jihe cannot climb.

Zhang Daowen is also capable of promoting reforms, but it is far more difficult for Zhang Daowen to promote reforms than Ji He, because Zhang Daowen is the builder and maintainer of the original system, and promoting reforms will greatly damage the image of Zhang Daowen in the hearts of the people of Star City.

If Zhang Daowen really chooses to do this, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the future Star City in the future, and will become a victim of resolving internal conflicts. But Ji He is different. Ji He already has clear goals and ideas from the very beginning, and has made plans for his own destination.

No one is more suitable than Ji He to be the guide of the new era.

At that time, Ji He had two ideas. One was to use public opinion to strangle Zhang Daowen and let him leave the stage sadly. The other was to tell Zhang Daowen his true thoughts and let Zhang Daowen support his reform of Star City.

But no matter which choice he chooses, Zhang Daowen will fall into the vortex of public opinion of the times and become a victim of increasing internal conflicts.

Either be spurned by the people, or become a sinner of the times when the backlog of contradictions reaches its peak.

So he arranged for Zhang Daowen to leave in advance.

The injury was real, the serious injury was fake, decades of recuperation was just to make way for Ji He, to let Ji He let go and perform a gorgeous operation on Xingcheng.

Facts have proved that he saw Ji He correctly.

Centralization reform, reform of the front line and the military department, reorganization of scientific research units and reallocation of resources, solving the problem of silver moon and clearing away the gods, Linglu cultivation plan, etc.

The people under Ji He's iron-fisted rule are suffering more than ever, and what they have to face is the increasingly introverted insider.

Ministry environment.

Even the right to reproduce offspring must be supervised by Ji He, and must be implemented in strict accordance with the regulations.

But there is no doubt that Star City under the rule of Ji He has ushered in the rise of talents.

Ji He solved the development problem by implementing internal reforms, but what he got in return was the sharp rise in internal conflicts in Star City.

External threats, Ji He delayed the rise of the Yinyue Clan, bought time for the people to continue to rely on the Yinyue Clan for development, and even achieved a feat never before seen in the history of the human race. threat to the human race.

Ji He's life was very short, but he was destined to be recorded in history and shine in future generations.

The limitations of the times make people in this era hate Ji He, but Feng Qi believes that future generations will understand Ji He and agree with Ji He's decision from the bottom of his heart.

Ji He's greatness is destined not to blossom and bear fruit in this era, time will wash away his sins, and he will be honored in the Hall of Valor.

There are very few in the history of the human race who can be called a great man of the human race.

But Feng Qi thinks that Ji He is worthy of this title.

Because Ji He has really carried on the past and ushered in the future, and spent his whole life writing a chapter of the rise of the new era for the human family.

Ji He, who has no wife and no children, also devoted his entire life to Xingcheng, even though he knew that he would not end well.

Ji He's future era will be accompanied by the people's interpretation and understanding of Ji He, even if there will be an environment that needs reform, it will become extremely smooth.

Because Ji He has already set up a template for future generations, there will never be a need for a dictator like him in the future, and history is the best answer.

The merits and demerits mentioned by Ji He are left to future generations to judge, but in fact it has opened up a path for future generations to learn from.

In fact, Jihe's internal optimization reform has not yet ended.

But since he never practiced, his lifespan has reached the limit. Even relying on the innate ability bestowed by Mala, he can only last for less than 20 years.

So he chose to expedite the detonation of Star City's internal conflicts.

This is done to pave the way for a new era, when the internal conflicts will dissipate after his death, the new Star City Supreme Council will be reorganized, and the involution will gradually disappear.

Ji He uses Xingcheng as the chessboard, and himself as the chess player. Every step forward, there are chess pieces sacrificed for him.

And the final victim was himself.

Ji He had long expected the direction that Star City would develop under his high-handed rule, and he also knew that he would not end well in the end.

Feng Qi also persuaded Ji He, but Ji He refused.

Ji He chose to die not only to pave the way for the formation of the new system, to allow it to have a stable political environment, but also to atone for his sins.

In order to achieve his goal in this life, Ji He has stained his hands with the blood of too many seniors.

Behind the ruthlessness is a heart filled with guilt.

Ji He, who was already gray-haired, didn't want his ending to be an ordinary old life. Death was his prelude to the new era of Star City, and it was also his last dedication to squeeze himself.

What Ji He said when he left after renewing his life was engraved in Feng Qi's heart.

Facing his persuasion at that time, Ji He said this:

"A man should die in the country, how can he die on the couch, I am old, and my death is exchanged for the cohesion of Star City, what a good result."

When he said this, the white-haired Ji He had tears in his eyes.

At that moment, Feng Qi felt the fiery love of a faithful believer standing under the dusk for the land under his feet.

In the end, Ji He died with a good yearning for the future.

Until the moment of his death, Ji He never felt a trace of fear in his heart.

Because he knows that the mission entrusted to him by the times has been completed, and this is his best destination in his eyes.

Help the building to fall, and turn the tide from falling.

The feather of time has passed through the long river of time. The appearance of Ji He is like a star piercing the night sky. He is also the most shining star in this era. He is destined to be recorded in the annals of history to shine

Later generations, until the end of the era of the human race.

As Ji He once said:

In my life, I don't fight for the shortness of a moment, nor the length of a lifetime, what I fight for is the future generations of my human race.

Witnessing Ji He's growth and rise with his own eyes, Feng Qi was greatly shocked in his heart.

Perhaps Ji He has many ideas that are different from his own, but there is no doubt that Ji He is his companion.

A maverick, different peers.

After Ji He's death, the development of Star City ushered in a brand new era.

When the internal conflicts were resolved, the Supreme Council of Star City was reorganized. This time, there was no longer a dictator, and the independent scientific research departments that were broken up by Ji He in order to better digest resources also began to reorganize.

Amber Research Institute is about to re-enter the stage of history.

The former Jihe Station developed Star City based on the heritage of the era left by Fengqi, and the new era of Star City has ushered in a new era of surrounding stability and internal stability based on the legacy left by Ji He.

During this period, Feng Qi discovered hidden dangers in the conscious body guidance plan.

He is in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness of the main timeline, although he is not affected by the pollution brought by the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, but the process of guiding believers consumes mental power.

This kind of consumption is so minimal that he can't even feel the reduction of mental power.

As time went by and the number of believers continued to increase, he gradually discovered the problem.

If this trend continues, he feels that one day he will exhaust his spiritual power and become nothingness in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness in the main timeline.

He also thought about leaving the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness and going to the outside world to absorb spiritual power through cultivation.

But doing so carries enormous risks.

After he leaves, there may be tens of millions of believers lost in the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge, and even perish after being polluted by the spirit.

This will bring an unprecedented disaster to Star City.

After tens of millions of people have sunk, Star City will completely lose its competitiveness in the future, and usher in a harsh environment comparable to the early days of the domain.

So he can't leave, but he can't gain spiritual power through cultivation without leaving the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

It seems that no matter what to do, it is a dead end.

He also thought that after his consciousness dissipated, his successor would practice the method of spiritual immortality and take over from him to guide the believers who entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the main timeline.

But there is an unsolvable problem here.

The consciousness of any life that enters the space of the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness will be gradually polluted, unless it has its own protection.

This problem predestined that no one else could become a spiritual guide except himself.

In order to have a successor, it is not enough to practice the method of spiritual immortality, but also to have the ability to resist spiritual pollution.

How to solve this problem, Feng Qi has made a detailed analysis.

The source of the problem is likely to be related to negative emotions. To solve this problem, you need enough state of mind to match.

Perhaps the successor can use the Blood Soul Clan's Heart Refining Platform to improve his state of mind, and in this way resist the spiritual pollution brought by the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

But now the blood soul clan is not the future peak blood soul clan, and there is no clue about the location of the clan land.

More importantly, it is unknown whether the current blood soul clan has obtained the miraculous item of the Xinlian platform.

In this era, there is no channel to use the Xinlian platform.

But it has never been Fengqi's character to sit and wait. Next, he will cooperate with Wei Wei to build a consciousness channel in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness in the main timeline.

If this method is feasible, believers will be able to travel freely through the established consciousness channel even without their own guide in the future.

At the same time, the construction of the consciousness information base is already in progress.

Wei Wei and his team members have entered his spiritual sea space through faith connection, and are trying to use the spiritual matter in the spiritual sea to build an information library that can store information and even store memories.

After hundreds of years of precipitation, technology has a clear direction.

However, there are still many knowledge barriers that cannot be broken through.

At this time, the world of spiritual consciousness sea, Fengqi's consciousness splits into tens of thousands, guiding believers to come and go.

At this time, a voice sounded at the level of Fengqi's consciousness:

"Boss, boss, I'm here to find you, do you have time to accompany Xiaoyou today?"

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw Xiaoyou standing in front of him with his hips akimbo, with an expectant expression, like a child waiting to be fed.

"Didn't you go to Grandma Weiwei to help build the information library recently, why come to me when you have time?"

"Boss, I don't want to go."

When saying these words, Xiaoyou was like a discouraged ball, with a depressed expression.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi could only comfort him with words:

"Your magic weaving ability may be a breakthrough in building an information base. Grandma Weiwei needs your technical support. If you work hard, it will be considered as a favor for the boss."

"Boss, am I a good-for-nothing?" Xiaoyou asked with a dejected expression.

"How can it be a waste, you are very good."

"Then tell me, boss, what makes me great."

Facing the question, Feng Qi thought about the consequences and said:

"You have a bloodline potential far beyond that of human beings, and your bloodline potential is not even weaker than Zhang Daowen. You have a wealth of technical knowledge in your mind. This is the accumulation of knowledge and technology of a family, all gathered in you, and you still have An energy core that can be used to weave spells, this is a treasure that many races dream of but can’t get, you are full of treasures and advantages...so, how can it be a waste.”

"However, the combination of so many treasure pages and advantages has turned me into a waste who just wants to eat and sleep. Is this caused by the incompatibility that Grandma Weiwei said?"

As he said that, Xiaoyou's expression suddenly changed, and he nodded with a confident gesture:

"It seems that there is a problem with the compatibility of the baby. I wonder if Grandma Weiwei has a solution to make Xiaoyou's baby compatible with her better."

Looking at Xiaoyou with a serious expression, Feng Qi almost laughed out loud.

Even in the space of the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, Xiaoyou is still the flavoring agent in his life, always bringing him joy.

The words Xiaoyou said with a serious expression~lightnovelpub.net~ really hit his point of laughter.

At this moment, he said unhappily:

"The three words "incompatible" are not used in this way, and don't deny yourself too often, you are always excellent in the eyes of the boss."

Hearing these words, Xiao Gang's expression became proud again, he couldn't help but put his hands on his hips, and proudly raised his head:

"Yes, in Xiaoyou's eyes, the boss's evaluation is the most important, and other people's opinions are not important. I have to continue to work hard for the boss, so I will go to work first."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyou turned around in a hurry and flew towards the information base where Weiwei was.

After Xiaoyou left, Feng Qi shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, his gaze passed through the countless statues of heroes standing in Star City to the outside world. The scenery of Star City was divided into countless pictures and appeared in his conscious perception at the same time.

A new era is coming, and he is looking forward to the arrival of new stars in the new era.

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