I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 596: new journey

Smart school.

On the playground, Mu Feng and his classmates formed a circle, looking at the teacher standing in the center.

At this time, there was a half-meter-high iron cage on the left side of the teacher. Inside was a jade-colored creature that looked like a pig. The most obvious feature was a small jade-colored vine growing on its back.

On the picture of the spirit beast, the name of this pig-like creature is "Lingluo Pig".

Although it is a spirit beast, the spirit radish pig is one of the lowest level of spirit beasts.

Its main purpose is to be used for food, and it is characterized by strong reproductive ability. It can give birth to 12-48 fetuses at a time, and it will be abandoned after four generations.

Mu Feng is very familiar with Lingluo pig.

His father opened the spirit food restaurant in Star City, and spirit radish pig is one of the main foods.

Compared with other spiritual food, Lingluo pig is characterized by its relatively low price and delicious meat, which is a delicacy far surpassing ordinary meat.

Long-term consumption of lingluo pigs can nourish the body, enhance physical fitness, and also have a certain effect of prolonging life.

His father would buy about ten such spirit pigs from the spirit animal breeding management department every month, and would slaughter one about every three days.

At this time, the teacher was standing beside the iron cage, pointing to the Lingluo pig in the iron cage, who was introducing it.

From the eating habits of Lingluo pigs to the ratio of meat to feed of Lingluo pigs, and then the changes of life characteristics and adaptability to different environments.

These are all knowledge closely related to their spirit beast breeding profession.

After all, the process of breeding spirit beasts is not just as simple as feeding food, but also requires mastering various corresponding knowledge, including the reproduction of spirit beasts, which also requires their supervision and execution.

Looking at the teacher who was talking eloquently, Mu Feng's eyes turned to the Lingluo pig in the iron cage. A doubt suddenly appeared in my mind.

What kind of morphological changes will occur if the spirit pig undergoes bloodline back-to-ancestor evolution? What kind of innate abilities will it acquire?

According to the relevant information he has learned, the ultimate direction of the evolution of spirit beasts is spirit ancestors, but there are thousands of possibilities in the evolution process.

The reproduction of spirit beasts is a process of continuous degradation in simulation.

It is the first step for the spirit ancestor to differentiate himself into different spirit beasts. The reproduction of the first generation of spirit beasts makes the bloodline potential degenerate again, and the growth potential will be weakened every generation:

For example, the burrower who unexpectedly returned to his ancestors, his ancestors are most likely to be the spirit beast life forms called blades in the data model.

Therefore, no matter what kind of spirit beast it is, if viewed according to the theoretical basis of atavistic evolution, it has infinite potential for growth.

As long as the problem of how to return the blood of spirit beasts to their ancestors can be solved, humans can also mass-produce potential spirit beasts like spirit beast merchants, and even compete with spirit beast merchants in the City of Destiny for business.

This is only a superficial benefit.

Assuming that the existing theory is the truth, it stands to reason that ordinary spirit beasts can also return to their ancestors and evolve into spirit ancestors.

But it is only a theoretical guess. Obviously, there are many unsolvable problems in the evolution of returning to the ancestors. Otherwise, how can the spirit beast merchants need to obtain resources by selling spirit beasts? It's hard for the ethnic group not to be strong.

There must be many unknown problems that need to be solved, and the spirit beast merchant is only on the road of developing spirit beasts, far from reaching the end.

At this stage, Xingcheng only relied on theory to establish the existing system of spirit and animal science.

As for whether this system can support the advancement of human spirit and animal science, it is still in the stage of exploration.

Mu Feng checked the relevant information and found that the bloodlines of the burrowers are difficult to reproduce in batches. Even if the Guiyuan stone that the burrowers accidentally came into contact with was used, the probability of the burrowers being stimulated to return to their ancestors is only 10% %about.

How to start the ancestral evolution of spirit beasts is still the biggest problem that plagues spirit beast scholars.

Although Mu Feng was curious about how to go about the path of ancestral evolution, he was only curious. He knew how much he was, and this path was destined to have nothing to do with him.

It is unknown whether the answer will be revealed in this life.

Letting go of his thoughts, he began to listen carefully to the teacher's lecture.

The visit and study at Lixiao Academy changed his views on spirit beasts a little.

But there will still be no changes in the future. He is still studying hard to be able to do his job well after graduation.

I don't want to make a success in this line of work, or be recorded in the annals of history, I just want to have no problems in my work, and then live my life in peace and stability.

As for the issue of marrying a wife and having children, he wasn't worried at all.

Although after the fall of Ji He, the former leader of Star City, many policies were overturned and changed. For example, the matching policy for adulthood was banned because it was anti-moral.

But this is only a ban on the surface, in fact the system is still in operation.

When Ji He was still there, he proposed a population reproduction plan and set up a matching department for the rapid growth of the population of Star City.

Now this department has not disappeared, it just changed its name and continues to exist, now it is called Marriage Department.

The way of pairing becomes softer.

When Ji He was around, there was a mandatory requirement for matching. You must find a partner within the specified age group.

Now the mandatory regulations have been cancelled, and it has been changed to the model of marriage matchmaking.

At the age of 24, personal profile information will be entered into the system of the Marriage Department, and the partners in the system will be automatically matched through personal resume, contribution, and other indicators, and then the Marriage Department will actively contact the paired parties, hoping that both parties can Try to get along.

If you are not satisfied after meeting and getting along, the pairing will be cancelled, and the system will continue with a new round of matching.

As long as you meet the age standard, the Marriage Department will try its best to help you solve the problems of the other half.

But there are exceptions.

For those special industries, you can apply to extend the matching age.

For example, scientific researchers in top research institutes, or special talents in other important positions, have more independent decision-making power.

After all, their jobs are relatively special, and they need to spend a lot of time on their jobs.

For these special talents, Star City generally recommends the principle of proximity.

For example, the scientific research personnel of Amber Research Institute, the superior will find a way to match the combination of internal personnel.

This is done for job stability.

After all, the staff of Amber Research Institute do not go home all year round, which can easily lead to family conflicts. If the other half are employees in the same position, many family problems can be reduced.

Another special case is that if you can find a partner on your own after meeting the age requirements and register for marriage, you don't need to participate in the matching.

With the development of Star City in recent years, many development plans have changed.

It seems that most of Ji He's policies have been overturned, but in fact they just continue to exist in another way.

So Mu Feng is not worried at all that he will never be the next generation, Xingcheng will help him solve the other half of the problem.

The only thing he needs to worry about is how to handle the affairs at work well, so as to avoid the crisis that will affect the rest of his life.

At the end of the class, Mu Feng and a group of students followed the teacher back to the classroom.

A new course has started, and this time they are going to learn the postpartum care of spirit animals.

In the future, during the working period of the breeding farm, if there is a problem with the reproduction of the spirit beast, the spirit beast scholars will come to solve it, but the maintenance work after the breeding will need them to solve it by themselves.

Mu Feng didn't want to attend this class at all.

But thinking that his father is only his own son, and he is still waiting for him to carry on the family, he can only bite the bullet and watch related videos and listen to the teacher's detailed explanation of nursing operations.

The business of breeding spirit beasts gave Mu Feng the feeling that it was not a job, but more like taking care of his ancestors.

Time flies.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye, and Mu Feng is already 21 years old.

The graduation season is coming as scheduled, and the four-year career in the Smart Academy has come to an end.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Mu Feng was wearing a graduation gown, standing on the playground with a group of friends, looking at the graduation stage in the distance, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

Although I cursed for four years

However, there are still many gains in the past four years.

Suddenly wanting to say goodbye, he actually felt a little bit more reluctant in his heart.

The Wisdom Institute is really bad, dilapidated infrastructure, unpalatable restaurant food, lagging industry knowledge, and even the quality of teaching... In many fields, the Wisdom Institute cannot compare with other schools in Star City.

But after living here for four years, Mu Feng still has feelings for this place.

Here is a group of friends who accompany Cheng, as well as teachers who are from Yangsheng to acquaintances. After being here for a long time, he even knows exactly how many steps to walk from the dormitory to the restaurant.

Especially those friends who don't like to study.

Although they are not serious about their studies, they can always bring him happiness in life.

In the past four years, they went to steal the fruits planted by the principal together, cheated on exams together, and did countless stupid things that are funny even in retrospect.

"Brother Feng, why are you frowning? Are you worried about which farm you will be assigned to after graduation?"

At this time, a fat man wearing glasses came to Mu Feng's side, patted his shoulder abruptly and said with a grin.

Faced with the question, Mu Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"If it was four years ago, I would still worry about this problem. Now, no matter where I am assigned, I have the confidence to do the assigned task well. Do you understand the gold content of Xueba?"

"Student master? Pooh, if you were really good, why didn't you go to Star City Academy or Daybreak Academy? Can you come here to join us? You are a little taller among our group of dwarfs, you are a fart Xueba, if you have the ability, you can apply for a job at Hupo Research Institute with the top grades in Wisdom Academy, if you can get in, I will admit you as Xueba."

The fat man said with a contemptuous expression, causing the nearby friends to roar with laughter.

Mu Feng couldn't help laughing too.

This group of friends is really bad at studies, but they get along very comfortably. They never hide what they think, and it is even more normal to fight and tear each other down.

Thinking that he might not see this group of friends in the future, Mu Feng felt inexplicably sad.

The development model of Star City is destined to require them to devote a lot of time to each position. Except for the construction positions in the front line and Daybreak City, the general holiday time is very short, and the high probability of leaving the school is forever.

Their future is like a component embedded in the development machine of Star City, providing assistance for the operation of Star City.

Perhaps only after retirement, they have time to get together for a good time.

"The headmaster has spoken."

At this time, a reminder came from beside him, and Mu Feng immediately turned his head to look at the graduation stage.

I saw an old Mediterranean man wearing the headmaster's costume slowly walked onto the stage and began to express his best wishes for the future of their graduates.

The graduation ceremony of the Wisdom Institute is very simple, not as grand as the top universities, there are no celebrities to participate, and there is no professional entertainment team on stage to see them off. The programs are all rehearsed by the students themselves.

Even the graduation costumes are left over from the previous session.

Mu Feng even seriously suspected that the graduation costume he was wearing had already experienced several masters.

The white pattern on the collar proves that this set of clothing has been used for some years, and maybe they will leave it for the next batch of graduates to wear after they leave.

As for the graduation gifts from Wisdom Academy, they didn’t have hundreds of thousands of balance cards and other precious gifts like those given by top universities. Each person only received a fruit basket as a graduation gift.

The fruits in the fruit basket are all produced within Wisdom Academy.

But in the principal's graduation blessing speech, Mu Feng saw the principal's sincere release of emotion. There was no fancy rhetoric in the principal's words, just like an elder's exhortation and teaching to the children who are about to leave home. Don't expect them to have a bright future. I just hope not to be discouraged halfway and learn to persevere.

At this moment, Mu Feng had a strong sense of belonging to Wisdom Academy.

No matter how bad this place is, it will be his alma mater after all.

"I'm here on behalf of Wisdom Academy, and I always welcome you to go home and have a look. As long as you come back, my orchard is open for you at any time. Feel free to eat at that time, and don't sneak around. Don't think I don't know.

What did you **** used to do. "

When the principal finished speaking, Mu Feng followed the crowd and applauded warmly.

Next, Mu Feng and outstanding graduates from other majors spoke on stage as representatives.

When the process before the party ended, Mu Feng and other representatives looked at the Fengqi statue in the center of the playground, declaring that they will forge ahead in the future and never give up.

After stepping off the graduation stage, Mu Feng sat on the seat and drank fruit wine with his friends, talking about parting.

As the evening wind blew against his cheeks, Mu Feng was filled with emotions.

"Brother Feng, have you ever thought about your future, have you ever regretted not studying hard?"

At this time, the fat man sitting next to Mu Feng asked him with a blushing face.

"Of course I regretted it. Ever since I entered Wisdom Academy, I haven't regretted not studying hard at the beginning."

Mu Feng generously admitted his thoughts.

"Then do you have any complaints about your future job?"

The fat man continued to ask curiously.

"No, Feng Qi once said that no matter what position we are in, we are all contributing our own strength to the development of Star City. At the beginning, I really harbored resentment, but four years have passed, and I have already seen it. To do one line, to love one line. "

After saying these words, Mu Feng suddenly found that all his friends around him were looking at him with disdain.

Facing everyone's disdain, Mu Feng shook his head helplessly.

He said this from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that he and the friends around him were just the most ordinary group of people, and could not be recorded in the history books of the human race like those outstanding figures in history.

But they have actually existed, but they have never been described in the history books~lightnovelpub.net~ Ordinary they are like the lining of the times, seemingly a long life, but in the long history of the human race, they are just a moment An inconspicuous little wave.

Screws have contributed their own value.

He has fought and shouted for the rise of the human race all his life, and now it is finally time to put it into action, and he is ready.

This is not his compromise with fate, but with himself.

As Feng Qi once said: [We are born as human beings, we don’t have many choices, if the world we live in is dark, then try to be a light

A dark torch, complaining and giving up cannot change the status quo, at least let future generations see the flame of hope you ignite. 】

After sighing, Mu Feng looked at his friend beside him, his eyes suddenly became sad.

I don't know how many of these unmotivated **** will be imprisoned in the future, and how many will go to the execution ground.

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