I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 625: Automatic Spell Weapon

? Star City North supply area.

Station of the Falcon Scouts.

Lin Guyuan was sitting on the sofa in the room, holding the tablet and checking the store information in the supply area.

The two-month training has ended, and he and 87 new recruits have officially obtained the qualifications to join the Falcon Scouting Corps.

Among them, 12 people were transferred from the Falcon Scouting Corps because they could not meet the physical fitness and other assessment requirements of the Falcon Scouting Corps.

The head of the two-month torment has also given an explanation.

It means that what they want to perform is the arduous task of going deep into the enemy's rear and reconnaissance of the combat deployment of hostile forces.

The harsh training and assessment are not entirely for sharpening their minds, but also for evaluating their abilities. If their own abilities cannot meet the needs of the Falcon Scouting Group, staying in Falcon will be life-threatening.

Removing them from Falcon is also a responsibility for their lives.

Just yesterday, the Falcon Reconnaissance Regiment had left the station after receiving the order from the front-line supply area headquarters, and their group of recruits who hadn't really touched the battlefield were left behind.

Lin Guyuan, who had nothing to do, once again thought of the psionic magic weapon he had conceived at the beginning.

He is different now than he was then.

At the beginning, he was only an ordinary authority in Star City, and many high-level spiritual materials were not eligible to purchase.

But now that he is a frontline soldier, he already has the authority to contact and use high-level spiritual materials.

By consulting the store information in the frontline supply area, he found many spiritual materials that he was eligible to purchase.

Taking advantage of the time being free, he decided to try to create a psionic spell weapon.

After reading the information for a long time, he got up and left the Falcon Reconnaissance Regiment's station, and took the unmanned navigation vehicle to the most prosperous area in the northern supply area to prepare for purchases.

With the identity of a frontline soldier, the process of purchasing spiritual materials went very smoothly.

He bought a total of 18 high-level spirit ores this time, and then came to a forging room on the front line of the northern district.

This forging room is very famous on the front line, with a long history and cultural heritage. The name of the store is "Tianxuan Forging Room". It was in the hands of Zuo Tianxuan's disciple.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a strangely shaped kitchen knife.

This kitchen knife has a rectangular shape as a whole, thin, long and narrow, usually black, and the surface of the blade seems to be coated with a layer of paint, which has a gradient visual feedback under the light.

The word "Tianxuan" is also engraved on the handle of the knife.

It is said that this kitchen knife was the first work made by the legendary forging master Zuo Tianxuan when he came to the front line, and it has very far-reaching historical significance.

It was from this kitchen knife that Zuo Tianxuan gradually grew into the well-deserved number one forging legend of the human race.

Modern blacksmithing has also been developed under the framework written by Master Zuo.

Among them, the concept of the top ten war gods and ten artifacts has also been passed down by Zuo Tianxuan's disciples to this day.

Whenever an old God of War abdicates and a new God of War takes over, the top blacksmith team will unite to forge an exclusive weapon for the newly promoted God of War.

Pushing open the door of the forging room and walking in, the lights in the forging room were bright, and the heat wave was blowing in the face. Three blacksmiths with their upper body naked were forging weapons.

But the way they forge weapons is special.

They didn't use a forging furnace, nor did they use a hammering platform. They used a special flame to lift the spiritual ore in the air, and every drop of the hammer would pick up countless sparks.

Before he got close, he saw one of the blacksmiths put down the huge hammer that was emitting golden light, and turned to look at him:

"Little brother, what's the matter with you?"

"I want to customize some weapon parts and create a weapon that can be assembled."

"Little brother, you came to the wrong place. It is clearly written outside the door that we do not accept private orders. We only accept weapons customized by top fighters. You must have just come to the front line. In the future, work hard to grow, maybe I will make one for you exclusive weapon."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man who blacksmithed grinned.

"Okay, I see, sorry to bother you."

Realizing that he was being abrupt, Lin Guyuan didn't continue to pester, he knew that rules are rules, and continuing to mess around is purely sexual behavior, and it is impossible to get the result he wants.

Turning around and going out the door, his eyes swept aside.

Sure enough, as the uncle said just now, it is clearly written on the wall that the blacksmith of our shop only accepts orders from fighters who have obtained top fighters.

A recruit like him is completely unqualified to customize his own exclusive top-level weapon, let alone request to customize forged weapon parts.

Feeling helpless, he planned to visit other forging shops.

Not long after Lin Guyuan left, the phone rang in the forging room. The person who answered the phone was the oldest blacksmith among the three blacksmiths. After answering the phone, his expression became very respectful, and he nodded in response:

"Don't worry, I promise to complete your mission."

As soon as the words fell, he ignored the surprised gazes of the other two, immediately put down the forging hammer, and then sucked the fire energy into his heart, the flames clinging to his body immediately dissipated, and then he turned and ran outside.

Lin Guyuan, who had just stepped out of the gate of the Tianxuan forging room, was invited back to the forging room in a daze.

Facing Lin Guyuan's puzzled question, the elder blacksmith began to explain.

"So you suddenly want to try to help newcomers try to use top-level forged weapons, so you can meet my forging needs?"

After some conversation, Lin Guyuan asked in disbelief.

"That's right, becoming a top fighter is a long road. Recently, we have fewer orders, and suddenly we have the idea of ​​helping newcomers. Now you can talk about how you want to do it."

"But top blacksmiths like you have to get the approval of the front-line management department to receive orders, right? Can you really decide on your own so arbitrarily?"

Looking at Lin Guyuan with a suspicious expression, the elder blacksmith was momentarily at a loss for words.

The person who called him just now is the ancestor of Star City. Not to mention the frontline management department, even the military department has the right to transfer at will, so it needs the approval of the frontline management department.

But on the phone, Mr. Zhang obviously had no intention of revealing his identity, and he didn't dare to claim that it was Mr. Zhang's intention, so he could only find a way to prevaricate.

After some explanation, it can be seen that Lin Guyuan still doesn't believe it.

This made the older blacksmith a little frustrated:

"Just tell me whether you want to forge or not."


"That's it, tell me, what exactly do you want to forge?"

"I don't need to forge finished products. I want to forge some parts and then combine them into weapons."

At the same time as he said these words, the weapon map he had conceived appeared in Lin Guyuan's mind.

The weapon he wants to build needs to combine the advantages of the three systems of technology, spiritual power, and magic. The main purpose is to carry out ultra-long-range long-range strikes on enemy units.

After self-study in the past year, after reading a lot of information, he felt that the shape of the sniper rifle in the technological weapon was very suitable for his initial attempt.

Use yourself as the source of energy, and use the sniper rifle as the releaser of spells.

At the same time, it is combined with the vision-enhancing psychic auxiliary device to accurately lock the ultra-long-distance target, and then kill it with one shot.

The concept map is very perfect in the mind, but it is still unknown whether it can be realized.

This is his first attempt, and if it doesn't work, he will modify the plan.

After explaining in detail the assembly parts to be made with the elder blacksmith, Lin Guyuan put down the spirit mine and turned to leave.

Back in the resident room, he turned on the computer and sent the weapon structure diagram he had drawn to the older blacksmith who had just added friends in the forging room.

After chatting to confirm that there is no problem, he opened the webpage and started online shopping.

There is no problem with the blacksmith, but now he needs some spiritual stones to create a spiritual visual enhancement device.

This device is equivalent to the sniper scope on the sniper rifle. Without this device, purely technical

French sniper rifles are useless.

As a frontline soldier, there was no obstacle to ordering such auxiliary devices. He quickly passed the order review at Star City, and after paying the fee, he only had to wait for the courier to arrive.

Finally, there is the question of technique.

The problem at the level of spells is the most difficult to solve. There is no spell in the existing spell system that needs to be released through weapons.

Outlining the trajectory of the spell is the most important release step in the existing spell system.

If he wants to combine the release of spells with weapons, he needs to create an aura path system suitable for weapons.

What to do, he already had a plan when he was in Star City Academy.

Now he is trying to build an automatic spell release system, which he calls "psychic supercharging".

The specific method is more complicated.

It is necessary to build an energy compression system inside the weapon. After the construction is completed, he only needs to inject energy into the weapon. This part of the energy will be compressed again in the weapon and change its properties, and then released from the muzzle.

The simple explanation is that the process of drawing the trajectory of the spell will be completed inside the weapon, and the holder of the weapon only needs to transfer the energy in the body into the weapon.

Compared with early technological weapons, the steps of loading, unloading and reloading are omitted.

This kind of compressed energy bullet has extremely strong destructive power after the path is outlined, and it can also attach attribute damage.

But it is indeed difficult for him to complete this task alone, but it is not completely impossible.

Opening the computer favorites, I saw a large number of draft pictures stored in it.

There are a large number of psionic combination nodes on these draft drawings, all of which he drew to create magical weapons, for which he has modified 39 versions.

In the latest version of the draft diagram, 1276 psionic nodes are connected, like an assembly line processing factory.

After the energy is input into the weapon, it quickly flows from the first node to the 1276th node. During this process, the automatic outline of the spell is completed and then released.

Automatic release of spells, this is an area that Star City has never been involved in research and development.

However, Lin Guyuan believes that the fact that it has never happened does not mean that it must not be feasible. Looking at history, we can find that too many miracles were born from what everyone thought was impossible at first.

Now that he has decided to try, he will not look back until he hits the south wall.

A month later, Lin Guyuan got the weapon parts from Tianxuan Forging Room, as well as the aiming device from the Psionic Energy Processing Factory.

After assembling these parts, a lavender sniper rifle appeared in front of Lin Guyuan.

This sniper rifle feels cold to the touch, has a thick metal texture, and is moderate in weight. The most conspicuous thing is the psionic aiming device on the sniper rifle. The mirror is light blue, and there is a yellow psionic spar on the top.

But this weapon is only half-finished.

Next, he disassembled the Shufa sniper rifle, and then went out to send the weapon parts to the Star City Formation Department that he had contacted in advance.

At that time, the formation department will inscribe the internal psionic formations for these weapon parts according to the psionic node combination diagram he sent in the past, and combine the formation structure that automatically outlines the spells.

The time came three months later.

Lin Guyuan finally got the magical weapon he had been thinking about.

Just when he was about to test the power of this weapon, the head of the falcon who had gone out on a mission returned.

The first thing they did when they returned to the station was that the group leader gave them a task for this newcomer.

Immediately head to the border northeast of Star City to investigate a migratory force that recently appeared on the border of the Terran territory.

It can be seen that this mission is a test mission for this group of newcomers. They don't need to face the threat of the Thunder Clan directly. They only need to investigate the purpose of the migratory forces coming from the northeast.

At the same time, the task requires that if it is determined that the threat of the target migration force is low, execution can be carried out on the spot.

After announcing the mission, the head of the regiment said that he would be in charge of the mission, and at the same time sent a group of team leaders to follow up and observe the situation, and he had the right to take over Lin when the situation got out of control.

Gu Yuan's command, as the new command.

Lin Guyuan was not surprised at all when he learned that he became the person in charge.

Some time ago, the recruits trained them to fight wits and bravery with the veterans. During this period, he was the backbone of the recruits, and he came up with a lot of ideas to save everyone from a lot of torture.

During this period of contact, he has gained the trust of all the recruits.

This is also the main reason why the team leader recommended him as the person in charge of this test mission.

Half a month later.

Lin Guyuan and the recruit team arrived at the destination of this mission.

Standing on the hillside, they began to observe the situation in the distance.

On the muddy swamp in the distance, a team of about a hundred people was advancing.

Lin Guyuan opened Hawkeye at this moment.

This is a kind of pupil technique developed by Tiger Soul Research Institute, which can assist in magnifying vision and seeing distant targets more clearly.

After turning on Eagle Eye, blurred scenes in the distance become clear to the eyes.

The migratory beings have a human-like form, and are generally taller than two meters. The difference from humans is that the skin is covered with blue scales, as if wearing a scale armor, shining in the sun.

It can be seen that the migration along this road was very tragic, and most of the members of the team had scars on their bodies.

Being able to migrate here is obviously because a large number of tribesmen died on the way.

The primary detail that Lin Guyuan observed was that there were many figures in this team carrying huge metal boxes on their backs.

Through observation, he could probably judge that these metal boxes contained precious resources that were carefully selected and brought out when the field field where this ethnic group was located collapsed and prepared to migrate.

For migratory forces that have no space to store props, the resources they can carry are extremely limited, and they will definitely pick the most precious resources to take away before leaving.

After briefly analyzing the situation of this migrating domain force, Lin Guyuan took down the magic sniper rifle from behind.

"Brother Lin, do you want to send the drone over there for a closer look?"

At this time, a newcomer standing behind him asked nervously.

"No, just let me try the effect of the new weapon and find out their reality."

With that said, Lin Guyuan lay down on the ground and began to adjust the sniper rifle.

There are three switches on the Jufa sniper rifle that can be pushed and pulled, corresponding to the damage of the three attributes of ice, fire, and wood.

After switching to the corresponding attribute, the psionic formation in the sniper rifle will block one of the paths, and outline the magic path of the corresponding attribute.

Seeing this, everyone followed Lin Guyuan and lay down on the ground, but looked at Lin Guyuan with a puzzled expression.

After debugging, Lin Guyuan looked at the scope.

Compared with the pupil technique eagle eye, the accuracy of the scope is higher, and things in the distance can be seen more clearly.

"Brothers, be prepared to run away. If this migratory force is strong, we will break away decisively, and then notify the main combat unit to come and clean it up."

As he spoke, Lin Guyuan aimed the camera at a burly figure carrying a metal box in the migration team.

As for wind direction, air humidity and other factors, he doesn't consider them.

At this distance, the psionic supercharged bullet is not affected by the external environment at all.

When the spiritual energy in his body flowed into the magic sniper rifle along the hands holding the gun, the internal formation path was activated immediately, and the influx of spiritual energy automatically followed the path trajectory, outlining and converting it into a compressed fiery red bullet.

The word "Heavenly Chosen" on the **** position of the gun glowed fluorescent at this moment.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the compressed fire elemental bullet passed through the target's head in a flash, bringing up a cloud of blood, and then the power of the fire element exploded, and the body of the life being hit was immediately swallowed by the blazing flames.

"As expected of a product from the Heavenly Chosen Forge!"

The life of the target didn't even have time to react, and was instantly killed.

Seeing this scene through the scope, Lin Guyuan grinned, and then decisively aimed at the next target.

to release the trigger.


A figure fell down again, and its body burst into flames.

At this time, the migrating team had already realized that there was an enemy attack, and turned their heads to look around in horror, but there was no figure in sight.

Fear eats away at their brains.

At this moment, another member of the tribe was shot in the head and fell down, and the metal box on his back fell heavily.

From the perspective of the migration team, they felt as if an invisible **** of death was wielding a sickle ~lightnovelpub.net~ to take away their tribe one by one.

Facing the threat of death, the migratory team became chaotic and decisively began to run eastward.

But Lin Guyuan didn't intend to let them go.

Both parents and teachers have taught them from an early age, not to show mercy to any domain forces that step into the territory of the human race.

Looking at the history, we can see that the domain forces that infiltrated Star City in the early days were basically weak domain forces. They almost caused Star City to withdraw from the stage of history early, so clans should not be viewed with normal moral concepts.

After confirming that the strength of this migratory force was not to be feared, Lin Guyuan immediately said:

"Brothers, block the road and grab resources!"

Hearing Lin Guyuan's order, the recruits jumped down from the hillside and charged towards the migrating forces.

Lin Guyuan, on the other hand, was lying on the hillside, using the weapon in his hand to start hunting with precision.

The lethality of this automatic outlining weapon is far stronger than he imagined.

Facing the magic sniper rifle, the migrating life couldn't withstand a blow at all, even if it didn't hit the head, it would still kill it with one shot.

This made Lin Guyuan suddenly realize that it turned out that he could still play like this on the battlefield, and there was no need for **** and brutal melee combat. The effect of long-range sniper killing was far more efficient than melee assassination.

He felt that the magic weapon concept he conceived was completely feasible.