I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 626: take advantage of the fire

?Leading the rookie team back to the Falcon station, Lin Guyuan also brought back the spoils captured this time.

A total of 23 metal boxes.

He did not open what was stored inside.

It's not that I don't want to check it, but these metal boxes are equipped with a kind of bloodline lock, which can only be opened after bloodline authentication.

If it is forcibly broken open, it is possible to destroy the resources stored in it.

After bringing the spoils back to the station, the head of the group praised their performance without hesitation, and then reported the situation to their superiors.

On the same day, an expert in the field of psionic energy came to the station and started to crack the blood lock. It took less than a day to solve the problem of the blood lock with the cooperation of instruments, and then used the instrument to simulate blood fluctuations to open the metal box.

As Lin Guyuan expected, there are a lot of precious resources stored in it, many of which are resources that Star City does not have at this stage.

In addition to resources, there are eight boxes that store a lot of information.

These materials do not exist in the form of documents, but a mental node map carved on the skin of a creature.

It can be understood as a mental storage disk.

Scanning the node map with consciousness, you can see the content of the data stored on it by the migratory forces.

This part of the data is obviously an information storage method used by the migratory forces to preserve the history and culture of the race, and even technology.

This behavior is very common among migratory forces.

For example, when the Silver Moon Clan left the Silver Snake Empire, they also took a lot of technology and historical data with them, but some of the data was lost during the migration.

The modern Yinyue tribe is also developing and growing based on the technical data they carried during migration.

So Lin Guyuan was not surprised when he learned all this.

Eight of the 23 boxes contained technical materials. This behavior seems wasteful, but it is actually a smart choice.

For migratory forces, it seems that resources are the most important, but if migratory forces want to rise rapidly in the future, technical data is undoubtedly the most important.

If the human race faced unavoidable disasters in the future and could only choose to migrate, he was sure that the human race would also choose to take away a large amount of technical data.

It is conceivable that if there is no inheritance of practice materials, even if the human race migrates and escapes from the Jedi in the future, it will be difficult to rise again, and many technologies will have to be developed from scratch.

Therefore, for a race, resources can be earned in a way, but it is very difficult to restore the technology after it is broken.

20% of the spoils seized in this mission belonged to the Falcon Scouting Group, and the other 80% were handed over to the Star City management department. At that time, they would be sent to Star City for research and development or sent to Daybreak City for construction and consumption.

That part of the obscure technical information was sent to the field study team of the Xiaoxiao Academy.

At that time, they will translate and interpret this part of the data, and then enter it into the Star City database, which will become a brand-new content of the field of human race.

After this mission, Lin Guyuan became very interested in magic weapons.

In his opinion, the effect of the spell sniper rifle is perfect.

As long as the spiritual energy path in the gun is designed, the spell can be automatically outlined. Coupled with the compression of the spiritual energy booster device, the power of the spiritual energy bullet will be greatly improved.

This kind of concept actually existed in the early days, but it has long been swept into the garbage dump by history.

It's just that he has upgraded this concept now, and the effect obtained is very remarkable, basically one shot at the enemy units that can break through the defense.

The battlefield performance effect of this weapon does not exist in the existing combat system.

The existing combat system uses melee fighters as shields, and the magic group in the rear as the main output force, sweeping the battlefield through group spellcasting.

If it is a small-scale battle, the main method is to fight in close combat.

This combat mode seems outdated, but it is actually a product of the times.

The early firearms weapons were swept into the historical garbage dump because the lethality of such weapons was extremely limited, and they were not suitable for those with strong physical fitness.

It is difficult for wild creatures to break through defenses, and it is difficult for firearms to integrate with the exercises of the cultivation system.

Under the influence of many factors, the human race, like other races, has developed a cold weapon combat and magical combat system based on the cultivation system.

But this attempt made Lin Guyuan see a possibility.

The combination of the spell system and technological weapons creates a spell weapon that can instantly fire spell bullets.

But he will not forget what his goal is.

He tried to make magical weapons because he wanted to find a means of ultra-long-distance strikes to restrain the long-range threats posed by the thunder clan to the human race.

Although the magic sniper rifle in his hand is powerful, it has many shortcomings.

He divided the shortcomings of the spell sniper rifle into three directions.

First of all, the most important point is that the shooting distance of the magic sniper rifle is not as good as that of the ultra-long-range magic.

He took the Jufa sniper rifle to the resident training ground for testing. The effective shooting distance is about 5,000 meters, and the follow-up lethality will rapidly decline.

It seems that the shooting distance is already very far, but the effective range of 5000 meters cannot be compared with the Thunder Clan's magic group.

He even said that if he couldn't get close to the 5,000-meter effective range of the Thunder Spell Corps, he would be beheaded by the soldiers of the Thunder Clan, and he would never be given a chance to make a move.

So the shooting range has to be upgraded.

The second is the shooting trajectory problem.

This problem is complementary to the range. The range of 5,000 meters must be a straight-line range, which requires him to stand at a high position for fixed-point shooting of long-distance targets. If he shoots on flat ground, he will be affected by obstacles.

This makes the Spell Sniper Rifle have obvious shortcomings in actual combat on the battlefield.

The Spell Sniper Rifle can unleash its due power only in a conditional geographical location.

How to make up for this short board, he already has a preliminary idea.

He felt that he should upgrade the psionic path of the Spell Sniper Rifle. It would be better if he could attach a wisp of his consciousness to the compressed aura bullet that was shot out, and use his consciousness to control the trajectory of the bullet, so that he could avoid the occlusion object to kill the target.

If this method is feasible, there will be no problem that the magic sniper rifle is restricted by the terrain of the battlefield.

The third shortcoming is the problem of locking the target.

Now the first version of the magic sniper rifle in his hand relies on the psychic sniper scope, which is the visual enhancement device, to lock the target.

But this way of locking the target is also locked in a straight line and cannot pass through obstacles.

If the range of the Spell Sniper Rifle is to be upgraded to 10,000 meters, or even 20,000 meters in the future, then the locking accuracy of the visual enhancement device will have major flaws.

If you want to compare the Shufa sniper rifle with the ultra-long-range strike Shufa, you need to have an additional function of precisely locking the target.

The first thing Lin Guyuan thought of was consciousness perception.

The world under conscious perception is centered on oneself, just like a sensing radar that can sense everything within the range of conscious perception.

If the target can be locked in a way of conscious perception, there is no need to worry about the situation that the visual enhancement device is affected by the occluder.

After all, perception vision has no blind spots.

The three short boards are the effective shooting distance, shooting trajectory, and locking the target.

If these three shortcomings can be made up for, the lethality of the magic sniper rifle will be greatly improved, and it can even threaten the thunder warlock group with ultra-long-range magic strike ability.

The specific shooting process of the magic sniper rifle in the concept is to first carry out consciousness perception to lock the target, then inject aura into the weapon to outline and compress the magic method to form the aura bullet, and then attach a ray of consciousness to the aura bullet and shoot it out, so that The bullet passes through obstacles according to its desired flight trajectory and accurately kills the target.

There are many other shortcomings, but they are relatively easy to deal with.

For example, how to increase the power of spell bullets to achieve the lethality of accurately killing thunder warlocks.

Another example is how to upgrade the attributes of spell bullets to have more path options for attribute bullets.

These problems are not difficult, as long as he can solve the three major shortcomings, he can create a battlefield sniper weapon.

After having an idea, Lin Guyuan became very interested in it.

If he can really complete the construction of this special weapon, he may be able to create a brand new ultra-long-range strike unit for the front line.

This will greatly make up for the lack of human race in ultra-long-range strikes, and will no longer be afraid of the threat posed by the warlock group of the thunder clan.

For this reason, Lin Guyuan became busy in the following days.

He can complete the steps of conceiving the magic sniper rifle by himself, but he is really not sure about the steps of building and engraving. He must rely on the help of the Psychic Research Institute and even the blacksmith. All he can do is draw the structure of the weapon parts by himself. picture.

But what made him feel unbelievable was that in the face of his request, both the Tianxuan Forge and the Psionic Processing Factory chose to actively cooperate.

He even said that any needs can be met.

During this period, the director of the Psychic Research Institute called and said that the idea of ​​a new weapon could be manufactured and tested at the Psychic Research Institute, and the Psychic Research Institute would provide both manpower and resource support.

He chose to decline this.

He knew that Dean Hu of the Psionic Research Institute was right. If he wanted to create magical weapons, the Psionic Research Institute was the best place to go.

Whether it is equipment, talents, or resources, the Institute of Psionic Energy can satisfy them.

But he wanted to be a frontline soldier all his life, and he didn't like to spend the rest of his life doing boring research day after day in the Institute of Psionic Energy.

As for whether he can make contributions on the front line, he now has a brand new idea.

Compared with those super geniuses, there is an obvious gap in his physical fitness, and it is difficult to catch up even if he works hard.

But ever since he created the first version of the magic sniper rifle, a novel idea came into his heart.

Who stipulated that top frontline fighters must have a strong physique?

Melee combat is to kill the enemy, so if he hides behind biu~biu~biu can't he kill the enemy?

If the advanced concept of the magic sniper rifle can be realized, he will have a better battlefield killing efficiency than the top fighters, which will also make him a top fighter on the front line, but the way he uses it is different.

Realizing that the gap in physical fitness can be brought back by forging magical weapons, Lin Guyuan was very happy.

He feels he has found a path to become a top frontline fighter.

While thinking wildly, he even conjured up the picture of himself holding the Medal of Excellence and Meritorious Wine.

The time came three months later.

The second version of the Shufa sniper rifle is being produced, and at this time Lin Guyuan received a brand new task.

Go to the northeast border to investigate the details of a destroyed signal tower and find a duty team that has lost contact with the front line.

After issuing a new task to him, the team leader led the team members to the main battlefield again.

As a recruit, Lin Guyuan once again served as the commander, leading the rookie team to carry out the mission.

Thirteen days later, they came near the signal base station tower.

This is basically on the border line, and it is a border station for the human race to guard against the appearance of foreign forces.

The traces of the migratory force a few months ago were discovered, and it was the soldiers on duty in another nearby signal base station who found it and reported it, and then they dispatched to investigate the situation.

Arriving at the destination, what Lin Guyuan saw was a piece of ruined buildings, and there were no soldiers on duty.

Because the signal base station tower here was destroyed, they were unable to report what happened here in real time.

Faced with this situation, they did not act rashly, and took the lead in using drones to investigate the ruins of the destroyed base station.

Through the real-time feedback screen of the drone and the energy data fluctuation value in the upper right corner of the screen, he can determine that this signal

The base station was not destroyed by spells, but by violence.

The drone passed through the wreckage of the building, presenting an extremely tragic picture.

Numerous pieces of flesh and blood hung scattered on the wreckage of the building, and there was not a single intact soldier corpse in the real-time footage captured by the drone.

This made Lin Guyuan couldn't help feeling angry.

Although these soldiers have never met him and have no blood relationship, all frontline soldiers on the front line are brothers.

This kind of behavior of the domain life that suddenly invaded is already a provocation to their human race.

After carefully checking the situation of the base station tower, Lin Guyuan led the team to the ruins of the base station, sorted out the relics of the fallen soldiers and put them away.

Which force this sudden attack came from, he already had the answer in his heart.

The northeast direction that connects with the border of the human race is the field where the Nishui tribe is located. Although this tribe is far inferior to the Leiming tribe, it is also not to be underestimated. The attitude of the Nishui tribe towards the human race has always been sending out friendly signals during the years when the border was connected.

The reason is also very simple, they know that their forces are not the opponents of the human race.

However, the Nishui tribe is not friendly to the weaker race forces than themselves. For example, the field field that was connected with the Nishui tribe was annexed by the Nishui tribe.

The behavior of destroying the signal base station this time is very likely to be the behavior of the Nishui tribe.

The reason for this is also easy to analyze.

They know that the human race is now in a crisis of war, and they can only be forced to retreat in the face of the thunder clan's aggression.

Destroying the signal base station on the border at this time is most likely an act of probing for their human race.

The target is most likely a spiritual field near this area.

If it is determined that the human race is too busy to care about ~lightnovelpub.net~ the Nishui tribe's next behavior will inevitably become bold, and it is not impossible to swallow this spiritual field and the spiritual plants planted on it.

This behavior is purely taking advantage of the fire.

After investigating the situation clearly, Lin Guyuan decisively led the rookie team back to the station, and then reported the investigation information to the front-line management department, and submitted the relics of the fallen soldiers.

This investigation made Lin Guyuan feel a little worried.

At this stage, the Leiming tribe is a huge threat to the human race. If the Nishui tribe attacks the human race again at this time, the northern supply area will be threatened by the two directions of the north and the northeast.

If it is not handled properly, a large amount of resources will be lost.

But how to deal with this problem, he has no right to decide, he can only wait for the Star City management department to make a decision.

But he had a faint premonition in his heart that a war would break out in the northeast direction and open up a new battlefield.

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