I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 628: new weapon concept

?The man sitting next to the hospital bed called himself Tan Wu, with a confident smile on his face, and sunken dimples on his cheeks.

Hearing Tan Wu say that he had been transferred from the Falcon Reconnaissance Regiment, and now officially joined the frontline tactical command, Lin Guyuan was a little confused.

Rubbing the back of his aching head, he asked slightly puzzled:


"You shouldn't ask me why, you should give me an obedient answer. This is the front line, not a school, let alone a place for you to ask questions."

Although he felt that what Tan Wu said was very reasonable, Lin Guyuan couldn't help but continued to ask:

"But there must be a reason.

"The magic sniper rifle you developed has shown unparalleled power in this reconnaissance operation. Our tactical command is very interested and thinks that this weapon may be equipped for a large number of soldiers. It will create a long-range sniper for our human race. team."

After listening to Tan Wu's explanation, Lin Guyuan was stunned.

In fact, he had already had this idea.

At the beginning, the magic weapon was developed to make up for the shortcomings of the human race in ultra-long-range strikes.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Shufa sniper rifle was developed to the second version, and it was targeted by the tactical command.

The tactical command is a relatively special unit on the front line. They have great power. They are responsible for the overall planning of combat operations, battle plans, combat deployment, and combat methods. Even the overall planning of logistics has the tactical command participate.

To put it simply, the tactical command is the decision-making department of the frontline military department.

Those who can enter this department are all excellent talents, because every thought and decision they make is related to the direction of the frontline war of the human race.

Even in Star City and Daybreak Academy, there are very few people who can enter this department after graduation.

Generally, those who can enter the tactical command department need to experience a long frontline career, and prove their ability to control and analyze the battle situation through frontline performance, and then they are eligible to enter this decision-making department.

For example, if the head of their Falcon Regiment has performed very well during the mission for many years, and has excellent personal command and decision-making ability, he may be transferred to the tactical command.

Like him, he was called into the tactical command after only one year of coming to the front line, and he was one of the very few in the minority.

"Lin Guyuan, I have read your information carefully, and I found that you are very talented in research in various fields, but you are obsessed with going to the front line. I understand your inner thoughts, but I think you should not waste your time. Talent is in a position that is not suitable for you.”

"Since you like to stay on the front line, I won't force you to return to Star City's research institute, so I will create a place for you to better display your talents, and that is our tactical command."

After listening to Tan Wu's explanation, Lin Guyuan was silent for a while and then said:

"What do I need to be responsible for in the future?"

Hearing this, Tan Wu opened the book in his hand and faced Lin Guyuan, only to see the structural diagram of a weapon drawn with a pencil on it:

"Your magic sniper rifle is very good. If it can be produced in batches, it may create a brand-new combat unit for the front line. Based on this alone, you are qualified to join my combat command. I hope you will continue to work hard and make the magic weapon Further develop French weapons and create more possibilities for the frontline through your talent.”

"In the future, you will join the tactical research department of our tactical command, responsible for researching combat strategies and plans for our human army, creating a new combat system for our human race that adapts to the future, and upgrading the existing combat system."

"To put it simply, I will give you a platform for you to use your own ideas to match the human army of different arms, but whether your plan can be approved or not has to be reviewed."

Hearing these words, Lin Guyuan's expression became strange.

Tan Wu seemed to see through his thoughts, smiled and continued:

"I know that your dream is to become the pride of the human race like the God of War on the front line, but I can tell you clearly that your physical fitness is doomed to make it difficult for you to become an all-powerful fighter on the battlefield like the top ten God of War now.

As an invincible fighter, your physical fitness ceiling can't reach that height.

After saying the shocking words, Tan Wu's words suddenly changed:

"But as long as you are good enough, your talent can make you the **** of war that the human race has never had before... the **** of tactics."

Tan Wu's tone was very easy-going when he spoke, but there seemed to be some kind of magical power in his words, which made Lin Guyuan feel very contagious.

After a short conversation, Tan Wu actually gave him a new idea.

"Okay, that's the end of our small talk. I still have important things to do. When you recover from your injury, come to the tactical headquarters to report. In the future, I will be your direct superior. You can call me Boss Tan."

After the words fell, Tan Wu got up and turned to leave, closing the door of the ward along the way.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Lin Guyuan was silent.

Making magical weapons seems to have changed his established future path.

"God of tactics?"

After a long time, Lin Guyuan made a decision in his heart, he thought he might give it a try.

The predecessors have never done it, but it doesn't mean he can't do it either.

Three days later, Lin Guyuan reported to the tactical headquarters in the North District.

The tactical headquarters is located in the northern part of the northern supply area, covering an area of ​​112 mu. There is a sentry post in front of the gate, and there is also a Dawn flag waving in the wind.

After entering the gate through identity verification, a wide road is presented in front of you, and three modern buildings stand in the distance.

Under the leadership of the soldiers on duty, Lin Guyuan met Tan Wu again.

Later, under the leadership of Tan Wu, he went to his future office. During the conversation, Tan Wu introduced the tactical headquarters and the responsibilities of his position in detail.

In this regard, Lin Guyuan joined the tactical command and became one of them.

Now that he has a new start, he no longer thinks about his previous dreams, and starts to learn knowledge related to the war side, and accumulate his own knowledge through learning.

During this period, Lin Guyuan completely let himself go.

Tan Wu made it clear that he can come up with any idea, as long as it can pass the review, it can be applied to the frontline combat units.

So Lin Guyuan first proposed the idea of ​​equipping a sniper rifle.

The Tactical Headquarters of this plan had already known about it in advance, and it was directly approved during the meeting, and he was given full responsibility for the arrangement.

So Lin Guyuan found the Falcon Reconnaissance Group and decided to use the Falcon Reconnaissance Group as the first batch of units for weapon testing.

Seeing Captain Falcon again, their identities changed.

When he first arrived, he was just a recruit, but now he represents the Tactical Command, far more powerful than the Falcon Commander.

After explaining the situation, the head of Falcon immediately expressed his cooperation with the next arrangement.

With power, many things become very easy to do.

By connecting with the forging room, the psychic energy processing plant under the psychic energy research institute, and other institutions, he began to prepare for the mass production of spell sniper rifles.

This time he wants to build the third version of the magic sniper rifle, which has upgraded the lethality on the basis of the second version.

And the target of the weapon test is the battlefield in the northeast, that is, the war with the Nishui tribe.

After several months of war testing, the feedback from the Shufa sniper rifle was excellent, and it was basically enough to kill ordinary soldiers of the Nishui tribe with one shot. Lin Guyuan also received a lot of praise from the tactical headquarters for this.

What can be confirmed now is that the magic sniper rifle will be developed as a weapon of the new arms of the military.

But this alone, Lin Guyuan felt that it was not enough.

Now that he has created a magic sniper rifle, he can completely create other types of magic weapons.

After reviewing the war history of the human race, he quickly had a new idea.

At this stage, the human race has a very obvious shortcoming on the battlefield, that is, the battlefield medical ability is weak, and soldiers often need to be carried back before they can be treated after being injured.

The accompanying medical fighters can only perform hemostasis and other treatments, and cannot perform complex

The treatment operation caused many soldiers who were seriously injured on the battlefield to die on the road before being sent back to the rear.

At the beginning of the dawn year, there was a blood potion produced by the forest field, which could effectively repair the wounded body of the warrior.

But this kind of medicine is now scarce, and it is not enough to equip the entire army.

For the soldiers in the **** battle on the front line, life and death are in an instant, and the action of drinking the potion must also be coordinated by other soldiers, otherwise it is very likely that they will be caught and die.

The war in the new era is very cruel, and battlefield medical treatment is very important.

After referring to a large number of documents, Lin Guyuan once again had a novel idea in his mind.

He wondered if it would be possible to invent a magic cannon that would fire the cannonball over the battlefield to detonate, scatter the powder of the healing potion, and provide real-time treatment for the wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

If this method is feasible, it is equivalent to bringing a top-level medical personnel with all soldiers. Minor injuries can basically be cured in a short time, and if it is a serious injury, the healing powder can also save their lives.

But he soon discovered a serious problem with the idea.

The healing powder is made from the healing factor extracted from the blood of the creatures in the forest field. It is not difficult to make it into shells, and it is not difficult to detonate it, but there is no guarantee that the healing powder is only effective for the soldiers of your own side.

If you can't solve this problem, every time you fire a healing shell, you are returning blood to your own and enemy units at the same time.

In the face of those powerful racial forces, the appearance of the magic healing cannon will only have a counterproductive effect.

How to solve this problem, he consulted professionals from the Psionic Research Institute, trying to find a battlefield healing method that can only work wonders on humans, but not on other races.

The question he raised quickly attracted the attention of the Psychic Research Institute.

Only one month later, the Institute of Psionic Energy gave him an answer.

They tried many methods based on the human body research data left by Wei Wei, the former Scarlet Research Institute, and formulated a healing powder that was only suitable for humans. However, the effect of this prepared healing powder was greatly reduced, and it could not meet the needs of the battlefield at all.

Lin Guyuan was slightly disappointed by the answer from the Institute of Psychic Energy, but he was not discouraged because he always had a second choice.

That is to make a cannon in pure sorcerer form.

Using the magic sniper rifle as a reference, the magic node is engraved in the cannon, and then released to heal the friendly forces within the range.

If it is a technique, this problem can be easily solved.

Many spells can be adapted and adjusted for the human race.

However, driving the healing spell cannon obviously cannot rely on manpower to provide aura charging. After all, it is a large-scale healing spell. A single launch may drain the aura in the body of the warrior who provided the aura. Therefore, Lin Guyuan decided to use the magic cannon Install detachable psychic spars to charge the cannon.

With an idea, he immediately started to act.

After spending a year and a half on testing, during which he scrapped many drafts, he finally drew a diagram of the internal structure of the magic cannon with 8987 magic nodes.

Next, you only need to cooperate with the forging room and the spiritual energy processing factory to build it.

When the building is completed, it can be sent to the frontline battlefield for actual combat testing.

After another three months, the spell cannon that underwent multiple adjustments was finally completed, and then sent to the frontline battlefield.

The structure of the spell cannon consists of four parts, namely the gun body, the gun mount, the spiritual aiming device, the spiritual carrier, and a large number of other auxiliary devices.

For example, the movement trajectory nodes of the spells engraved in the spell cannon, the charging crystals that can be filled, and so on.

Through the real-time images sent back from the front line, Lin Guyuan in the rear saw the first actual combat test of the magic cannon.

Under the adjustment of the three combatants, the black psionic cannon adjusted its muzzle position, aiming at the most intensely confronted area on the battlefield.

After the parameters are adjusted and confirmed to be correct, the spell cannon starts to recharge.

I saw that the charged spar inlaid on the Shufa cannon quickly became transparent, and the energy inside was drained in a short time, and then the surface of the Shufa cannon lit up with patterns of interconnected spiritual energy traces.

When the charging is over and the internal healing technique is outlined, the leading warrior uses his consciousness to toggle the firing switch of the technique cannon.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the screen sent back from the front trembled violently, and the cannon's carriage sank into the ground under the influence of the recoil, raising billows of dust.

At this time, the picture followed the drone to take off, and he saw a green firework exploding in the sky in the most intense fighting area in the distance, and the light spots formed by the condensed wood attribute aura sprinkled down like raindrops.

Those human warriors who were exposed to the healing aura began to recover quickly from their surface injuries, including their physical strength.

But the healing light rain is not over yet.

A green light ball with a diameter of one meter was formed in the central area of ​​the explosion of the spell cannonball, which hung high in the sky and continued to sway the wood attribute healing light rain.

The swaying lasted for about 2 minutes before the healing light group completely dissipated.

The exhaustion of the warriors shrouded in the healing light rain was swept away, and they appeared more brave in the battle against the resistance of the Nishui warriors.

At the end of the preliminary test, the feedback effect is very significant.

The Spell Healing Cannon is fully applicable to the battlefield, and can provide significant body healing and physical recovery effects for fighters fighting in close combat.

The success of this test will also indicate that the Shufa cannon will become a practical weapon on the battlefield just like the Shufa sniper rifle.

The members of the tactical command who watched the test video with Lin Guyuan stood up and applauded Lin Guyuan at this moment.

"Xiao Lin, this test video will be sent to the highest meeting of Star City. I can be sure that your Medal of Outstanding Contribution to Humanity is on the way."

Tan Wu, Lin Guyuan's superior, got up at this moment, looked at Lin Guyuan and congratulated him.

Facing the compliment, Lin Guyuan smiled a little embarrassedly.

At the same time, the actual combat test screen of the spell cannon brought many interesting ideas to his mind again.

Over the years, he looked through the war history of the human race and found that there were a lot of racial forces in the past that had a special unit called sacrifice, which could release a group boosting technique, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Warriors in the clan who are covered by augmentation spells will gain a substantial increase in combat power on the battlefield.

In the face of increased sacrifices on the battlefield, the human race's countermeasure is to form an assassination group and carry out precise beheading operations on the sacrifice units, which has a remarkable effect.

But at this time, he had a brand new idea in his mind.

Although the human race does not have sacrifices, can we learn from the way of increasing sacrifices to make a magic cannon that can cover a large area and increase the group of human fighters?

Although the method of use is different from that of sacrifice, the effect is to increase the speed, stamina, strength, etc. of the soldiers on the battlefield.

If this method is feasible, the human race is equivalent to having a war sacrifice.

When he had an idea in his mind, he immediately decided to try to build a spell boosting cannon.

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