I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 629: space assassin

One week after submitting the frontline feedback video, Lin Guyuan received the Medal of Human Excellence from Star City as he wished.

Although he did not go into battle to kill the enemy, the magic weapon he created contributed to the reform of the combat system of the human army.

The super long-range lethality of the Sorcerer Sniper Rifle and the group healing ability of the Sorcerer Cannon can bring a new idea and structure to the race's arms construction in the new era.

What is certain now is that the human race will form a brand-new unit around the sniper rifle and the cannon.

But for Lin Guyuan, who is in the tactical headquarters, this is only his beginning.

In the days that followed, he read a large amount of human war history, referring to the war capabilities of the various fields that fought against the human race, trying to continue to create more combat arms that adapt to the new era for the construction of the human race's combat power system.

The fifth year since the Battle Against the Water began.

This year, Lin Guyuan upgraded the types of spell weapons again.

In addition to the Spell Sniper Rifle and Spell Cannon, he also specially developed a Spell Gun that has the effect of increasing war.

After using the spell cannon to release, the spell totem will stand in the air in the designated area, releasing a large number of spell amplification effects suitable for humans, strengthening the human warriors shrouded in the light of the totem.

The emergence of the spell totem has significantly improved the war lethality of the race.

But Spell Totem also has obvious flaws.

Because it stands in the air, the spell totem is easy to be destroyed in a targeted manner, and once destroyed, the boost effect will dissipate.

These three types of weapons were chosen to be tested in the war against the Rebels.

Now, three brand-new arms of the new era have been established: the Shufa Sniper Regiment, the Shufa Healing Regiment, and the Shufa Amplification Regiment.

It's not that he didn't think about equipping more military soldiers with spell weapons.

The main reason is that the creation of spell weapons cannot be fully automated at this stage, and requires the cooperation of a team of top blacksmiths and technicians from the spiritual energy processing factory.

Being able to equip three regiments in a short period of time is already very fast.

Lin Guyuan didn't think there was a problem with this.

He believes that magical weapons are mainly based on battlefield auxiliary capabilities, and it is enough to equip a small number of fighters to serve the battlefield, and there is no need for large-scale equipment.

His ideas have also been endorsed by colleagues in the tactical command.

This year, the Nishui tribe, which was already at a disadvantage, began to retreat steadily, losing a lot of territory and resources.

Facing the ferocious offensive of the human race, the Nishui tribe has obviously tasted the bitter fruit at the beginning, and has tried to negotiate with the human race in hopes of restoring peace.

But the Supreme Council of Star City would not agree to the request of the Nishui Clan at all.

The loss of combat power from the western supply area was huge for the human race, and many resources that could have been seized were sent back to the hostile forces.

But the loss of resources in this area is only one of them.

Some racial forces that were already overwhelmed decisively agreed to the truce request proposed by the human race, and then began to prepare for the migration.

During this period, a large amount of inventory resources must be taken away.

Because the truce gave them enough time to escape the strong attack of the human race.

Although these weak races don't know the reason for the truce of the human race, they must understand that the truce is only temporary, and the human race will eventually fight back.

So the truce time gave them a chance to breathe and escape.

The loss of these resources and interests can only be repaid by the Nishui tribe twice, and the Nishui tribe will perish anyway in this battle.

The victory of the war against the Nishui tribe is in sight, but the war in the north direction also makes the tribe feel extremely distressed.

The pace of the Thunder Clan's invasion accelerated, and the front line of the Human Clan in the north direction could only continue to shrink.

How to fight against the Thunder Clan, Lin Guyuan's idea is to continue to upgrade the Spell Sniper Rifle, so that the Spell Sniper Rifle is powerful enough to penetrate the Thunder Clan's Spell Shield and carry out ultra-long-distance sniper killing.

For this reason, they used the Nishui tribe as a test site for weapon upgrades and revisions, and completed the data collection through actual combat feedback again and again, to find out the problems and areas that need improvement in the magic sniper rifle.

The war with the Nishui tribe has come to the seventh year.

This year, the Nishui tribe has completely lost the courage to continue the war with the human race.

Facing the continued advancement of the human race, the Nishui tribe finally had the idea of ​​giving up, and began to take the initiative to retreat, giving up a large area of ​​resource land.

However, the military soldiers did not stop advancing the front after taking over the resource area.

Faced with the war and oppression brought by the human race, the Nishui tribe finally couldn't support it. During this period, branch forces of the Nishui tribe continued to flee from the Nishui field with resources.

At this time, the Nishui tribe has reached a desperate situation.

Like those migratory forces, there are only two options before the Nishui people.

1. Guard the clan land, and then wait for the human army to advance to the space core area of ​​the Nishui domain field, smash the space core, and let the Nishui tribe completely disappear from the world.

2. Take the resources as much as possible and evacuate voluntarily, becoming a migratory force.

How to choose between the two, Nishui people are obviously not stupid.

Facing the inevitable outcome, they started the evacuation plan, opened the resource bank and began to move resources to prepare for evacuation.

Knowing the changes in the deployment of the Nishui tribe's troops through the scouting team, the human race decisively accelerated the progress of the war, and wanted to shorten the preparation time for the Nishui tribe's evacuation as much as possible.

The more prepared the Nishui people are, the more resources they will take away.

In addition, speeding up the advance is also to prevent the destruction of resources that the Nishui people will not be able to take away.

Since the opening of the dawn year, the human race has not rarely encountered domain forces that can't take away resources and simply destroy them.

But destroying resources also takes time.

Especially spiritual ore resources, if you want to destroy them, you can't do it with a fire. It takes a certain amount of time to deal with them.

Therefore, the faster the human race advances, the less likely the Nishui people want to damage the inventory resources.

But regardless of whether the Nishui tribe will do this, after the victory of this war, the human race will reap huge resources. After all, in addition to inventory resources, there are still a large number of resources that the Nishui tribe cannot take away. Waiting for the Nishui field to collapse, the resource land will be completely destroyed Integrate into the human world and become one of the fixed resource income channels of the human race.

The war with the Nishui continued until the ninth year.

At this time, the Nishui Clan has almost fallen apart, and almost all of the several branch forces can run away, and the rest are nothing to fear.

It was also on the eve of the New Year's Eve of this year that the military launched a general attack to shatter the space spar in the Nishui field.

The news of the victory spread throughout the front lines and the Star City in the rear, and all mankind cheered for it.

A large amount of resources were transported from the ruins of the Nishui Tribe to the supply area, and then transferred to Star City and Daybreak City.

The joy of victory dilutes the pressure brought by the Thunder Clan, and also makes the frontline soldiers excited.

But the threat never faded.

This year, Lin Guyuan did not go home during the Chinese New Year, but he still stuck to his post in the tactical headquarters.

The Battle Against the Water is over, and the next thing he has to face is a more difficult challenge, which is the threat from the Thunder Clan.

Unlike the Nishui tribe, the Thunder tribe has a relatively complete combat power system and does not have so many shortcomings in warfare. The Thunder spell group has become an unsolvable problem for the human race at this stage.

How to fight against it, Lin Guyuan began to study.

At this stage, the magic sniper rifle has begun to be used in the battlefield against the Thunder clan.

However, the performance of the Jufa sniper rifle was not good in the preliminary actual combat test of killing the members of the Thunder Art Corps.

Already the fourth version of the Jujutsu sniper rifle, relying on the coverage of consciousness perception, the strike distance is enough to reach the casting area of ​​the members of the Thunder Art Corps. shield.

This caused the invincible battlefield killer to lose its terrifying sniper ability in the war with the Thunder Clan during the Backwater War.

How to solve this problem, the tactical command's idea is to delay the progress of the war and continue to improve the power of the magic sniper rifle.

But Lin Guyuan felt that it would take time to improve. Facing the strong invasion of the Thunder Clan, if this problem was not solved, a large number of frontline soldiers would die every day under the ultra-long-range strikes of the Thunder Spell Corps.

In order to solve this problem, he began to rummage through the database.

Try to find possible answers in the experience of predecessors.

On New Year's Eve, the frontline supply area became relatively deserted, and there were basically no people on the street.

Snowflakes were flying, and Lin Guyuan was walking alone on the street, but what Lin Guyuan was thinking about was how to restrain the Thunder Clan's magic group.

Before he knew it, he came to the square in the north area of ​​the supply area.

There is a statue of Fengqi standing here, and there is a stable space teleportation array being built in the distance.

The construction of this teleportation array is to make the connection between Star City and the front line closer, and the transportation of resources will also become more convenient due to the completion of this teleportation array.

In order to build this stable space teleportation array, the North Front Supply District even built an energy factory specially for this teleportation array.

This is also the first stable teleportation array in the northern supply area.

The one in the Western Supply Zone had been completed decades ago.

Looking at the busy figure on the construction site, an inspiration suddenly flashed in Lin Guyuan's mind.

Can space technology be used to fight the Thunder Clan?

After having this idea, he quickly turned around and returned to the office of the tactical command, and began to consult information on space technology.

At this time, there was a novel idea in his mind again.

The initial idea is this.

First use conscious perception to lock the location of the Thunder Art Corps, and then use the space transmission device to send our assassins to the members of the Thunder Art Corps at a fixed point, and then perform the decapitation operation.

If this plan is feasible, the efficiency of assassination will be greatly improved.

The assassination group also saved the step of breaking through the guard group of the Thunder Warlock, and only needed to break the shield surrounding the Thunder Warlock to complete the killing.

Thinking along this line of thought, Lin Guyuan suddenly raised his right hand and slapped his forehead again:

"It can be teleported close, and even assassinated. There are better choices."

While thinking wildly, he suddenly felt that he was so stupid.

Since they can be teleported at a fixed point, there is no need for assassination. Wouldn't it be wonderful to directly use the space transmission device to teleport the psionic nuclear bomb at a fixed point.

If it is a psionic nuclear bomb, there is no need to worry that it may not be able to break through the defensive barrier of the Thunder Spell Corps.

As long as this plan is successful, it might be able to instantly kill a group of thunder warlocks.

So he immediately picked up the phone placed on the table and called the Psionic Research Institute to inquire about the feasibility of this method.

The person who answered the phone was the current Dean Hu of the Institute of Psionic Energy.

After listening to his explanation, Dean Hu was silent for a while and then said:

"Your method is not feasible. The psychic nuclear bomb is very unstable, and there is a space countercurrent outside the space channel. Traveling through the space channel will make the psychic nuclear bomb even more unstable. There is a high probability that it will explode halfway before it is delivered. "

Dean Hu's words are undoubtedly a handful of cold water, extinguishing the enthusiasm in Lin Guyuan's heart.

After hanging up the phone, he began to think about a question, since psychic nuclear bombs are not available, what cover-type strike weapons with huge lethality are still in the existing human system.

After looking up relevant information in the database, he quickly got the answer he wanted.

That is the elemental explosion.

This information was left by Feng Qi, and it described in detail that the elements that repel each other will produce a violent explosion after the fusion of the element attributes, which is very powerful.

(ps: The relevant description is in Chapter 400, Feng Qi uses elemental conflict to detonate the elemental explosion after opening the divine body)

After reading the content of this document, Lin Guyuan had an idea in his mind.

Can a warrior carry concentrated liquids of different elements with him, and then send them to the Thunder Warlocks for fusion and detonation?

After having an idea, he called the director of the Psionic Research Institute again.

This time, he got an affirmative answer.

Dean Hu said that if it is to make a batch of concentrated elements, there is no problem at all, but the fusion of elements requires a process, which only takes about ten seconds. A soldier is tantamount to being sentenced to death.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Guyuan fell into deep thought.

Then he called the person in charge of the space technology department and asked whether the space device could guarantee the safe return of the soldiers.

This phone call once again poured cold water on Lin Guyuan.

The person in charge of the space technology department said that it was not difficult to teleport fighters in the past, but the difficulty was how to close the space teleportation channel in more than ten seconds.

After all, it takes time for space to heal itself.

The space transmission device is essentially tearing space, and after closing the space tearing channel, the space is closed by self-healing.

Assuming that the warrior carrying the concentrated elemental liquid is teleported there, when he detonates the elemental explosion, the power can even reach the entrance of the teleportation channel through the space teleportation channel, causing serious damage to the space teleportation device and its surroundings.

Therefore, the method of teleporting explosions is not feasible at all, unless every teleportation consumes a space teleportation device and a soldier who voluntarily dies.

After finishing the call, Lin Guyuan was not discouraged.

Since the first two methods were not feasible, he decided to look for a possible third method.

In three months, after reviewing a large amount of information, Lin Guyuan came up with a total of eight tactical methods in his mind, but these methods were all overturned by experts from various research institutes.

The main reason is that the space transmission channel cannot be closed in a short time, and there is a greater risk.

But in the fourth month, Lin Guyuan finally found a perfect solution.

There are two main risk points in the current plan. The first is that the space channel lasts for a long time. After detonation, the elemental storm will sweep along the space channel, destroying the transmission device and causing serious damage to the surrounding areas. The second problem is that it cannot Guarantee the personal safety of the soldiers who teleported to the past.

But the brand-new plan in his mind doesn't have these two problems, because he found a good way to teleport and evacuate instantly.

He named this combat plan "Space Assassin".

He gave up the idea of ​​space teleportation in the first step, and changed the method of approaching the target to sneak forward.

The specific process is to let the fighters of the assassination group carry the concentrated elemental liquid close to the defensive circle of the Thunder Spell Corps, but it is not necessary for the assassination fighters to break through the defensive circle, and only need to activate the switch of the device containing the concentrated elemental liquid on the spot, so that the concentrated liquid of the elements can be mixed together Then an explosion occurs.

During this period, the soldiers have more than ten seconds to escape.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to escape the coverage of the element explosion in more than ten seconds.

With the current space technology of human beings, it is impossible to create a space channel that opens and closes instantly to meet the soldiers who go to assassinate.

But human technology is not good, but Lin Guyuan found a ready-made technology in the database.

That is the space technology prop "Tortoise Shell Jade" in Destiny City.

The space technology in the tortoise shell jade is far superior to that of human beings. As long as the life holding the tortoise shell jade passes through the entrance of space transmission, the space crack will be instantly repaired and the space channel will be closed.

More than ten seconds is enough time to assassinate soldiers and evacuate from the dangerous area~lightnovelpub.net~ The specific process of this plan can be divided into three steps, which are stealth approaching the target, releasing elemental explosion, and using tortoise shell jade to go to the city of destiny.

Three steps can be cyclically relayed.

For example, if the first assassination fighter fails to break through the Thunderbolt Corps' defense circle, then the second assassination warrior on standby can take over and continue to sneak past and bomb the Thunderbolt Corps' defense circle until the defense gap is blown out and close to the Thunderbolt Corps. Members of the guild, every subsequent elemental explosion can reduce the casualties of the thundering guild.

If this plan is feasible, the Space Assassin will become a nightmare on the battlefield of the Thunder Clan.

There is only one flaw in this combat plan, and this combat mode is more expensive.

But Lin Guyuan believes that as long as they can win, burning money is not a problem at all. After defeating the Thunder Clan, the Human Race will definitely get a lot of resource land and resources in the Thunder Clan's inventory, and the early payment is nothing at all.

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