I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 643: I won't borrow this time

The predictive data for Daybreak Sword's feedback continues to drop. Basically, it will be refreshed every ten seconds. According to this trend, Feng Qi feels that it will be difficult to support even 500 days, let alone 500 years.

Obviously, compared with the simulation, there are too many factors that have not been calculated. As a result, the Sword of Daybreak cannot detect the accurate energy release data when dealing with Xiao Hei, which completely messes up the rhythm.

It is also in the form of atomization, perhaps affected by the contact surface at the nanometer level, the energy consumption of the Sword of Daybreak is also very serious, and it cannot exert its due power at all.

Just when Feng Qi thought that the Sword of Breaking Dawn would soon be unable to support it, the beating of the data changed, and the decline in the predicted value began to gradually slow down.

At this time, the predicted value on the screen is 178 years and 23 hours. Now each jump takes 1-2 years, and the downward trend begins to stabilize. When the value reaches 23 years, the decline is further reduced.

While waiting anxiously, the numerical trend has entered a stable period.

The Sword of Daybreak seems to have gradually adapted to the rhythm of Xiao Hei's increase in combat power, allowing the battle to enter its own rhythm.

This is obviously related to the continuous collection of Xiao Hei's data by the Sword of Daybreak. The upper right corner of the computer fluctuates according to the downward value trend of the Sword of Daybreak, giving another predicted value.

3 days, 3 hours, 47 minutes and 52 seconds.

With the jump of the predicted time of Sword of Daybreak, the analysis data in the upper right corner will also fluctuate accordingly, but the analysis data basically maintains a deviation of about 10 seconds.

This made Feng Qi realize that it is impossible for him to stay in the future for 500 years.

At least not this timeline.

Knowing that he can only stay for four days at most, the first thing he thinks of is how to maximize the benefits.

He has already asked Zhang Daowen if he wanted to know about intelligence. After the details return to reality, he can browse through the belief database step by step. The choice before him seems to be the acquisition of natural ability and the improvement of strength.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Zhang Daowen and said, "Daowen, take me to the front line of the western district."

According to Zhang Daowen's previous introduction, Feng Qi learned that the human race has two strong enemies in two regions at this stage.

They are the Qianlong tribe located in the west of Dawn City, and the chimera demons in the north of Dawn City.

While there was still time, he wanted to maximize his benefits before leaving, so obviously he couldn't choose to fight the chimera demon.

The biggest feature of the chimera demon is that it is difficult to kill. If it is fatally injured, its body will be divided into countless individuals. However, he has killed the differentiated individuals of the chimera demon, and he cannot extract the natural ability at all.

If you want to maximize your benefits, the Qianlong clan is the best choice. Zhang Daowen frowned slightly when he said that he was going to the supply area in the west of Poxiao City, but he obviously understood his current thoughts, and nodded in response after a brief silence.

Feng Qi looked down at Xiaoyou who had opened his eyes, then rubbed Xiaoyou's head and said:

"Xiaoyou stay." "No!"

Looking at Xiaoyou, who had a stubborn expression, bit her lip and clenched her fists, and was ready to fight without compromise, Feng Qi felt a headache.

After a short reunion, there will be a farewell. This is obviously an unacceptable result for Xiaoyou. She does not allow herself to be without him in the future. It is obviously unrealistic to ask Xiaoyou to let go willingly.

Based on his understanding of Xiaoyou, Xiaoyou can be very sensible in everything, and at most complains, but there is no room for compromise when it comes to his problems.

Xiaoyou is actually not stupid, she just doesn't want to use her brain to think. She understands what the difference means at this time.

Looking at Xiaoyou with a stubborn expression, Feng Qi suddenly didn't know what to say to comfort him.

Any comforting words at this time are more like a deception to coax a child, but Xiaoyou is obviously not easy to fool.

Zhang Daowen, who was standing aside, looked hesitant at this moment, then looked at Xiaoyou and said:

"Miss You, do you still remember the eternal sleep plan I mentioned to you?"

After hearing this, Xiaoyou nodded vigorously.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi was puzzled, and immediately asked:

"What consciousness sleeps forever?"

Zhang Daowen turned his head to look at him, and said solemnly:

"Uncle Qi, your return is always the only reason why Xiaoyou chooses to stay in Xiaoyou City. These years, sister Xiaoyou often wipes tears secretly by herself, always looking at your photos, or standing in front of your statue looking forward to Looking forward to your return... We are very aware of how important you are to Miss You, and we also understand that once we lose you, Miss You will no longer be able to face life."

"Although Sister Xiaoyou is very important to our human race and Dawn City, and she is the only one in Star City who can make space storage items, we can't be too selfish, so we came up with a plan, that is, the consciousness sleep plan. "

"At the beginning of this plan, we will back up Miss You's memory and upload it to the faith database, then freeze Miss You's body and consciousness, and make it fall into a long sleep, and then you will pass through after you return to the real line Memory transplant with Grandma Weiwei

The technology implants the memories of Miss You on this timeline into the mind of Miss You on the real line. "

"For Miss You, this process is just a night of sleep, and waking up means meeting you again."

After hearing Zhang Daowen's explanation, Feng Qi couldn't help but sigh inwardly. But he understands that this is undoubtedly the best choice.

Xiaoyou seems to be well-behaved, but she will never compromise on issues of principle that she believes. Even if he chooses to knock Xiaoyou out and leave, when Xiaoyou wakes up, he will seek death and life, and he is unwilling to stay in Daybreak City. Look for him.

Zhang Daowen obviously considered this issue, so he proposed the plan for the eternal sleep of consciousness.

At this moment, he turned his head to look at Xiaoyou: "Xiaoyou, you can decide for yourself."

Facing his inquiry, Xiaoyou's clenched fists relaxed, and then asked in a low voice:

"Boss, can I go with you to the northern district of Dawn City, and then come back to sleep forever?"


"Well, I choose eternal sleep."

In fact, it is not at all surprising that Xiaoyou made this choice to seal chess. As Zhang Daowen said, the existence of Xiaoyou is still very important to the future of the human race, and only Xiaoyou has the ability to make space props.

If Xiaoyou can continue to serve the human race, then the future development of the human race will definitely be improved by the various props made by Xiaoyou.

But for Xiaoyou, she never cared about the human race. Integrating into the human race just because he is a human race.

【For Xiaoyou, home is where you are, and there is no home without you. Respect her choice. 】

Feng Qi sighed at this moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, I respect your choice."

After making the decision, Feng Qi didn't stay any longer and immediately followed Zhang Daowen to the Institute of Psychic Energy, and completed the backup of Xiaoyou's memory through the equipment, and then there will be dedicated believers responsible for uploading this information to the belief database.

After doing all this, Xiaoyou was sent into a secret room.

Here, Feng Qi saw Zhang Daowen release the power of extreme cold to freeze Xiaoyou's consciousness and body, and built an ice coffin for him, sealing Xiaoyou inside forever.

For Xiaoyou, after sleeping, he will meet him again soon.

When the ice coffin was closed, Feng Qi suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar. [I'll give you a hint, a certain lunatic with a sword. 】

Hearing the narration's prompt, Feng Qi suddenly remembered that Jian Ji was also frozen into the future by Zhang Daowen in this way, and then he killed Jian Ji with his own hands, completely erasing the traces of the future timeline.

Obviously, Zhang Daowen's current method of freezing is the same as the method of freezing Jian Ji in the previous timeline.

...Dawn West.

After crossing the Daybreak West supply area and passing through the green field barrier, a completely different world appeared.

The whole world is like a pot of poison being boiled by a witch. Green bubbles are constantly surging on the ground, and purple and green poisonous mist is floating in the air.

The plants growing in this world are distorted in shape, with purple markings on the surface, dancing branches and leaves in the direction of the poisonous mist as if alive.

This is the leader of Qianlong clan.

The number of ethnic group members has reached 79 million, and the field coverage has reached 870,000 square kilometers.

The field area of ​​870,000 square kilometers seems to be extremely large, enough to compare with many countries in the world before the catastrophe, but it is only a small area near the barren land in the new world.

How big the entire new world is is completely unknown, and even the merchants in the city of Destiny with the most information cannot calculate a specific value.

And the new world is still expanding further, the area of ​​the small worlds and layer worlds of countless domains has become a part of the area of ​​the new world.

This has also led to the continuous increase in the scale of battles between clans in the future battlefield.

The Qianlong tribe is the only overlord of the field of poisonous mist.

The ability of this tribe is very special. The tribe generally masters a curse ability, which can curse the life of the target from a long distance. The person who is cast will be in pain for a long time. The existing medical system of the human race is involved Shallow and difficult to treat.

This is also one of the reasons why the Qianlong clan has been entrenched in the westward direction of the Xiaoxiao West supply area for 120 years and cannot be dispelled.

At this time, a human investigation team of more than a hundred people rode flying spirit beasts and approached the Qianlong tribe's camp through the dense poisonous fog, investigating the situation in the Qianlong field.

As an investigation team, their mission is extremely dangerous. In the case of being surrounded, it is basically a narrow escape, so the investigation process needs to be very careful.

The safest way to travel is undoubtedly by land, and the way of traveling by flight is very easy to expose.

However, the environment of the Qianlong field is very special, and the land is extremely corrosive. For the Qianlong people, even if their skin comes into direct contact with this corrosive land, there will be no harm. However, it is highly poisonous to humans. , Even if you run the cultivation method, you can only persist for a while, and cannot last for a long time.

Especially for spirit beast mounts, it is difficult to adapt to the environment here.

The spirit beast they were riding was the Desperate Bat, which was the most suitable spirit beast in the field of potential dragon field in the human spirit beast illustration book. When the wings were flapped, the air flow was very small, especially in the dark, it was very difficult to be exposed.

At this time, some members of the investigation team carried instruments and recorded the situation in Qianlong Field in real time.

After bringing this instrument back to the supply area, the data collected will provide more detailed intelligence assistance for the next attack by the human race on the Qianlong field.

At this time, a sharp and high-pitched cry suddenly came from a distance.

The sound seemed to be accompanied by sonic damage, causing the desperate bats that were flying smoothly to lose their feet.


Hearing the screeching sound, the man at the head of the investigation team issued a roaring order without hesitation.

The experienced members of the investigation team realized that their side had been discovered, and after hearing the captain's order, they pulled up the reins decisively and controlled the Desperate Bat to turn around and dive towards the outside of the field.

There is a rule in the front-line investigation team, once the whereabouts are exposed, the first thing to think of is "retreat".

The task of members of the Investigation Corps is to investigate intelligence rather than conquer hostile forces through force, which is the task of the War Corps.

Knowing one's own position is the first lesson that members of the investigation team must take before they are formally enlisted.

Hundreds of figures began to retreat resolutely after turning their directions. At this time, countless twisted and thick branches rose from the ground, covered with purple barbs, like a steel whip whipping towards the sky.

Under intensive strikes, several members of the investigation team were shot down.

A new round of strikes came soon after the first wave ended, and figures were shot down one after another in the face of the rattan whips rising up along the way.

At this time, a huge green formation appeared in the sky, and a terrifying pressure suddenly hit, and the desperate bats that were still flying fell one after another. Under the shroud of light released by the green formation, more than a hundred soldiers who landed couldn't help retching, only feeling that their physical strength was being absorbed by some mysterious force, and their bodies gradually became weak.

The captain who landed resisted the discomfort, pulled out the silver-white battle ax from behind, took a deep breath and shouted:

"Ready to fight, form formation!"

The hundreds of figures that landed quickly approached and chopped the ground at the same time, and suddenly a golden

The color formation appeared under their feet, enveloped them and began to rotate slowly, and the released golden light condensed into an energy barrier. Mysterious opponents also appear.

Billowing green bubbles emerged from the land more than a hundred meters away, and a dark green figure emerged from the ground.

It has a humanoid shape, about 1.5 meters tall, with a hunched body, its neck and arms are covered with ancient ornaments, its right hand is holding a twisted short stick one meter long, its face is painted with ink, Can't see the specific appearance at all.

"Qianlong Conjurer, this is a terrible situation, and we have encountered difficulties." Seeing the enemy's figure, a soldier in the team opened his mouth and spat out the blood foam in his mouth, with a nervous expression.

"I'm afraid of a bird. If I can kill him, I will definitely get a B-level Medal of Honor." The captain at the head said with disdain when he heard these words.

But after his words fell, several figures appeared one after another in the distance, and then more figures emerged from the soil.

In the end, more than fifty figures emerged.

Realizing that what they encountered was a Qianlong spell troupe, the captain, who wanted to lead the brothers in the team to fight to the death, became very embarrassed:

"Brothers, today is going to fall."

After his words fell, several green streamers shot out and landed on the defensive barrier.

The defensive barrier that comes into contact with the green streamer is like marshmallows that come into contact with water. It melts quickly and dissipates in the blink of an eye. The terrifying poisonous mist envelopes everyone in the investigation team. corrosion.

"Boss, I have fought against them. Every time I check the enemy's situation, I just run away. Today I can finally show my strength."


After taking a deep breath, the captain's eyes became resolute. He was already ready to die on the front line. He had experienced countless times in his dreams when this day came. At this moment, he roared and said:

"Brothers, open the blood god, kill one to earn, kill two to earn a lot!" After the words fell, the captain suddenly reached out and patted his right shoulder, and the buckle turned immediately, the black armor fell off, and his eyes turned into blood red.

The beating speed of the heart suddenly accelerated at this time, and the blood continuously seeped out from the pores and adhered to the body surface, and the figure rose accordingly.

For believers, some natural abilities can only be borrowed once in a lifetime.

One of them is the Blood God.

This is the talent for fighting for life that frontline fighters only use when there is a crisis of life and death.

The scene of more than a hundred people turning on the blood source at the same time is extremely spectacular, and hundreds of blood-colored air currents blow away the poisonous mist and envelope the soldiers of the investigation team.

Just when the members of the investigation team were ready to sacrifice and decided to fight with their lives, a stream of blood suddenly appeared in the sky, like a blood-colored shooting star, and landed not far in front of them.


After the earth shook and the mountains shook, a young figure appeared in the deep pit. "Young students, you are still young, don't move around and work hard." At this time, blood mist enveloped the eyes of the soldiers of the investigation team, and the blood **** was still activated. They didn't see the person's appearance clearly, but only heard what the visitor said. The language can analyze that the arrival is a member of the human race. At this time, the voice of the comer sounded again:

"I won't lend it to you this time."

After the words fell, a scene that made everyone in the investigation team unbelievable happened. The blood **** state that was being activated suddenly stopped, and then the energy and blood on the body surface flowed back into the body in reverse.

When the blood mist in front of them dissipated, they could clearly see the face of the person who came.

He stood in the pit with a big smile on his face.

At this moment, everyone in the investigation team was dumbfounded. The identity of the arrival is ready to be revealed at this moment.

No matter how stupid they are, they clearly understand one thing. There is only one person in this world who can control the borrowing and stopping of natural abilities, and that is the only owner of natural abilities, the ancestors of their human race:

Seal chess!

"Look, the blood **** wants to use it like this!"

After greeting them with a smile, Feng Qi turned his head to look at the dozens of streaks of green streamers coming from ahead, and then clenched his fists. In an instant, a stream of blood shot out from Feng Qi's body, covering his body in an instant.

Every beat of the heart is like a drum beating on the battlefield, the sound shakes all directions, and the terrifying fluctuation of life is like the stormy sea waves sweeping all directions.

Under the unbelievable eyes of everyone in the investigation team, Feng Qi's figure quickly rose.

Ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, one hundred and thirty meters.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Qi turned into a blood-colored giant standing upright. "call!"

When Feng Qi opened his eyes~lightnovelpub.net~, he saw a round of blood-colored formation behind him that gradually changed from blurred to clear, and above the formation were six rotating Blood God Origin Beads.

The change of the blood god's body is still not over at this time, the purple lines are like a winding and climbing angry dragon extending from the back and wrapping around Fengqi's body, and the dark green flames rise blazingly.

At this time, Fengqi was like a sun formed by the condensed energy and blood, and the strong fluctuation of energy and blood burned the skin of everyone in the investigation team.

Dozens of poisonous streams of light coming from a distance hit Fengqi's body surface, just like water droplets falling on the surface of the sun, being burned by the flames of Qi and blood clinging to the body surface in the blink of an eye.

When the transformation of the blood **** was over, Feng Qi clenched his fist violently, and a huge sonic boom sounded from the palm of his hand.

He twisted his body at this moment, and then suddenly threw a punch forward.


In an instant, the hurricane roared, and a **** angry dragon more than 100 meters long emerged from the surface of Fengqi's body, and flew straight to the dozens of Qianlong conjurers who were already dumbfounded.

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