I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 680: Runes

Daybreak 375 years. roundabout

In this year, many human fighters who have broken through the limits of the current evaluation of combat power have appeared in Star City.

This made Feng Qi realize that the existing combat power evaluation system needs to be upgraded, so that human fighters can have a clearer cognitive position on their own strength.

The upgrade of combat power is not troublesome.

There is a new combat power evaluation system suitable for future humans in the belief database.

In this evaluation system, human fighters are divided into 1-100 levels by blood strength, and then there are three major levels, namely:

Warlord, Warlord, God of War.

After the evaluation of this combat power system was sent to Ji He, it was modified and upgraded. roundabout

Ji He believes that although this set of combat power evaluation system is detailed, there are errors between it and the real combat power.

The evaluation of combat power also includes the addition of combat skills, mastery of spells, skill proficiency, combat awareness, and other factors.

With little difference in bloodline strength, level 5 fighters can completely defeat level 6, 7, or even higher bloodline strength fighters relying on their own combat skills.

Therefore, based on the bloodline strength rating, Ji He launched a comprehensive combat power rating system.

The certification of this system is assessed by the Combat Power Testing Department under the Ministry of Military Affairs.

In order to allow fighters to understand the shortcomings of their own strength in more detail, Ji He also launched a pentagonal combat power assessment map.

They are blood strength, physical strength, spell mastery, fighting skills, and fighting awareness. roundabout

After completing the combat power test, fighters can see where their shortcomings are through the pentagonal combat power evaluation chart, and then make improvements.

There is another big change in Star City this year.

In order to improve the fighting awareness and fighting skills of the people of Star City, Ji He launched the martial arts mode.

The instructors of the martial arts hall are veterans. Through the free mode, they teach the people of Star City who have not attended the combat academy combat skills and other content.

Ji He believes that the situation in the surrounding area will inevitably deteriorate gradually in the future, and it is the general trend for all people to be armed.

The battlefield of the future is not the battlefield of the army, but the battlefield of the human race.

As for the daily expenses of the martial arts hall, the Star City Resource Management Department will reimburse them in full. roundabout

In a short period of time, many martial arts gyms have sprung up in Star City.

Those who can become martial arts instructors are all excellent fighters who have experienced brutal fighting on the front line, and they must pass multiple certifications from the military department to be eligible.

The huge amount of resources provided by the Lord of the Shadow City has allowed Star City to completely let go of its development.

All kinds of free welfare policies that the previous sacrifice line did not dare to think about have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

However, Ji He did not allow resources to be wasted at will. He set up a resource supervision department in Star City, which is responsible for supervising the resource consumption details of various free welfare items.

Ensure the rational use of resources.

In Ji He's view, no matter how abundant resources are, there will be a day when they will be exhausted. roundabout

Therefore, the rational use of resources is very important, and meaningless waste of resources in Star City will never be allowed.

With the support of Feng Qi, Ji He of this sacrifice line flexed his muscles and used vigorous means to reform the state of Star City from the inside out.

Seeing Ji He's growth, Feng Qi thought of Ji He who was sacrificed last time.

At that time, Ji He was undoubtedly lonely.

He was born in the most dangerous historical stage of the human race. At that time, Star City had both internal and external troubles, and even the allies of the Silver Moon Clan had the idea of ​​leaving.

It was precisely in such a desperate situation that Ji He used his iron fist to reform, so that Star City gradually got rid of the predicament of the times and ushered in the best years of development.

But Ji He of this sacrifice line is different. roundabout

The abundant resources of Star City and the stability of the surrounding environment allow Ji He to push forward the advancement of human civilization without any worries.

Looking back at the past and looking at the present, Feng Qi feels sad but at the same time very gratified.

But Ji He also has shortcomings, and his personality is too paranoid.

Now Ji He will complete the cultivation requirements he set for Ji He.

But at the same time of completing the training task, he is absolutely unwilling to practice for one more second, and will return to work in a hurry, and even extend his working hours to make up for the time lost in training.

Seeing Ji He's busy Fengqi, he specially arranged for him two rising stars to assist him in his work.

But most of the time, Ji He still chooses to do it himself. Every new policy issued will personally monitor the progress and ensure that everything is moving in the direction he set. roundabout

As he grows older, Feng Qi is very worried about Ji He's physical condition.

But he talked with Ji He many times about this issue, and Ji He always agreed in person, and would continue to return to the original state when he turned around.

Daybreak 376 years.

The situation around Star City has undergone major changes this year.

After years of contact, Lord Lietian enters Star City for the first time, and Feng Qi meets Ji He for reception.

When he arrived this time, Lord Lietian also brought his personal guards with him.

The main content of the negotiations has to do with alliances. roundabout

The looting of the Lord of the Shadow City gave the Celestial God Master the sweetness of cooperating with the human race, and he believed that Feng Qi, who had the ability to predict the future, would continue to provide similar opportunities in the future.

But for a period of time after the plundering ended, God Lord Cracker was always wary of the proposal of an alliance.

Afraid that he would become the next plundering target of the human race.

What is his own advantage, Lord Cracker is very clear, but his greatest advantage is meaningless in front of the well-know human race.

The only advantage is the invincible miracle seal in his hand.

But this miraculous artifact may also bring it the disaster of genocide, and he understands the reason why it is a crime.

Over the years, Lord Lietian even had the idea of ​​leaving many times, but Feng Qi took the initiative to go to talk and persuade him to stay. roundabout

Feng Qi knew exactly what God Lord Lietian was thinking.

He is afraid that he will be framed by the human race, but also wants to cooperate with the human race and gain the support of allies through alliances.

It was under this kind of entangled emotions that Lord Lietian never left.

Just today, the alliance that has been talked about for many years has finally settled, and God Lord Cracking the Sky has officially decided to join the Human Race Alliance and become a member of it.

Visiting the Star City is the first stop for Lord Splitter to join the Terran Alliance.

The second stop was the highest meeting in Star City. At the meeting, members of the Elders of the Silvermoon Clan, members of the Elders of the Misty Clan, and emissaries from Elven City also came.

The main content of this meeting is to revise the Allied Clan Code. roundabout

After all, with the increase of allies, some content needs to be added, including many changes in trade rules.

The meeting lasted five days.

The moment the meeting ended, everyone stood up and applauded, and the Celestial Clan officially became a member of the Human Race Alliance at this moment.

This is also the result Feng Qi is happy to see.

When Lord Crack the Sky joins the Human Race Alliance, the Human Race is equivalent to having a miraculous item that can be activated at any time. When facing a single powerful opponent like the Shadow City Lord, it can be easily resolved.

When Ji He made the proposal to win over God Lord Lietian, he also considered a future issue.

That is the chimera demon that will appear in the northwest of Star City in the future. roundabout

This is a major hidden danger for the future development of the human race.

In the future, with the guarantee of the miraculous seal of the God of Splitting God, chimera demons will no longer be a threat to development.

In the second year after the Celestial Clan joined the alliance, the alliance's trade law was introduced. The transactions between the Terran and the Celestial Clan did not choose to use the points system, but directly used the blood spar as the common currency for trade.

Ji He began to plan and build a transportation track from Star City to the Sky Split Field.

This project looks like the human race has provided resources and manpower, but Ji He believes that this project must be beneficial to the human race in the long run.

Because the Celestial Clan doesn't have a channel to connect with Destiny City.

If the Celestial Clan wants to optimize resources, they must send the resources to Star City, and then the Destiny Messenger Department will process the resources in Destiny City. roundabout

There is oil and water to be fished in the middle.

Ji He did not hide his own thoughts about this, saying that every time a resource is sold, regardless of the price, Resource Star City will take 2% of the profit.

For this plan, Lord Cracking Sky did not refuse.

In the eyes of the Sky Splitting God Clan, this is a good policy for mutual benefit. After all, the Sky Splitting God Clan has no channels for resource optimization and resource processing.

A series of trade policies formulated by Ji He allowed the race to extract 2% of the resource processing fee from the Sky Splitting God Race every year.

Dawn 380 years. roundabout

This year, the human race ushered in the construction of a new system.

Ji He discovered a new system digging point after looking through the information of the Destiny Messenger Department in Destiny City over the years.

This is runes.

Runes are a common commodity in Destiny City, which can be divided into hundreds of systems.

The specific functions of runes are divided into two categories.

They are the permanent solidified runes used when mosaicing, and the one-time consumption runes.

This time, Ji He wants to develop a production technology that consumes runes at one time. This is like the talismans described in ancient books before the catastrophe. It can seal up spells and other abilities. trigger. roundabout

Ji He believes that the appearance of runes will solve many problems on the front line.

For example medical issues.

There are already a lot of wartime medical medicines in modern times, but it is very inconvenient for soldiers to carry medicines with them, which affects the efficiency of the battle. Most of the time, they are injured and brought back for emergency use, and they are easily broken when they are carried around in battle.

After all, there are very few people who have a space bracelet.

In fact, there are already many healing methods in the practice library.

But this kind of spell is not instantaneous when cast, and the combat medical soldiers cannot follow the soldiers rushing to the front for real-time treatment.

So the medical system on the front line is too backward. roundabout

Ji He originally wanted to promote the healing method of the spell cannon in the faith database, but after learning about the existence of runes, he felt that runes were obviously more suitable for the battlefield.

Carrying runes is very convenient.

It can even be imprinted on one's skin like a tattoo, and the healing spell will be released after being triggered with consciousness.

In addition, runes can also be used for sneak attacks during battles, playing a decisive role at critical moments.

From the perspective of the future, runes are also an essential system for warfare mastered by many powerful races.

After analyzing the functions of runes from a comprehensive perspective, Ji He consulted Feng Qi's opinion, and after confirming that there was no problem, he decided to formally promote the development of the rune system of the human race.

The study of this system is too complex. roundabout

The production steps are divided into three steps: inscription, input, and condensation.

The first step of engraving requires the creator to repeatedly outline the spell, rub it little by little into a spell imprint, and then use special pigments to record the trace of the spell and copy it on the vehicle.

Vehicles can be skins, paper, and everything else.

The last step of coagulation needs to save the inscribed runes so that they will not dissipate.

The beginning is undoubtedly the most difficult stage, after all, the human race has never been exposed to knowledge in this field.

The method Ji He adopted was simple and rude.

First, a group of young members of the new generation were selected in Star City, a total of 80 people, and they were sent to Destiny City by connecting with the Destiny Messenger Department. roundabout

The next thing he chose was to throw money at him, spending money to let foreigners teach the eighty selected people how to make runes.

The production of runes is different from the spirit beast system.

The spirit beast system is a technology that a small number of spirit beast merchants rely on for survival, and they are absolutely unwilling to spread it to the outside world.

However, many racial forces have mastered the rune system, and the rune systems they have mastered are also different, and they are not top-secret means of production.

So after smashing 300 million bloodstones, the Destiny Messenger Department found a racial force willing to teach the rune making system.

The following studies will all be carried out in the city of destiny.

But Ji He understands a truth, others are willing to teach them, but they will definitely not teach them their bottom-of-the-box skills. roundabout

If you want to truly master the core technology of making runes, you have to develop from scratch.

Going to Destiny City to study is just to get a key to open the door of the rune production system. How to go forward has to be explored by the human race.

For this reason, Ji He gave orders to the eighty members of the new generation who went to the city of fate.

The focus is on learning and expanding one's own cognition. After returning from learning, everyone must write a book about rune making.

Returning from three years of study.

Ji He sent the summary of rune production knowledge compiled by eighty people to Destiny City, and then asked the staff of Amber Research Institute to cooperate with eighty people to select the essence of the book and compile it into the first rune production book for the human race. textbook:

"Rune Making: The Basics"

With the textbooks in hand, Ji He then began to offer professional rune courses in various top universities.

The teachers were the eighty people who were sent to the city of destiny.

In this way, the new human system "Runology" was born.

With the infusion of resources, the development of rune literature has become a key project for the next ten years.

The rune literature of the human race started with two main rune systems, namely healing runes and spell runes.

In the initial stage, it is very difficult for the human race to make a primary rune, and the success rate of making it is extremely low, and every time it is made, it is a waste of resources.

Ji He has also tried to use virtual technology to simulate materials and environments to make runes, but at this stage, he has little understanding of the concept of runes, and it is difficult to build a simulation scene suitable for rune production, so he can only choose the way of spending money Build proficiency through realistic production. roundabout

By Daybreak 386, the development of rune technology finally picked up.

The first is the production of elementary runes. The success rate of rune majors has increased from 7% to 38%, which has improved by leaps and bounds.

The output of the primary runes produced was not high, but after Ji He sent these completed primary runes to the front line, he received very good feedback.

This further strengthened Ji He's idea of ​​developing runes.

For this reason, Ji He also set up a rune research room, and decided that at the right time, the human race would develop a rune system that is truly suitable for the human race, instead of copying the rune technology taught by other races by borrowing.

Daybreak 389 years. roundabout

This year, the military introduced a new policy.

In the future, the top ten war gods of the human race will receive a top-level weapon tailor-made by the Tianxuan forging room.

This policy is promoted by Feng Qi and implemented by Ji He.

The first high-end weapons and equipment production organization belonging to the human race, Fengqi was named "Tianxuan", just to commemorate Zuo Tianxuan from the previous timeline.

In this timeline, high-end forging technology has entered the historical stage of the human race ahead of time.

In the future, in addition to the weapons and equipment produced by black holes, the human race will also begin to expand the production skills of high-end weapons and equipment.

Daybreak 391 years. roundabout

This year, the development speed of the supply area in the south of Star City began to accelerate.

The reason comes from a breakthrough in the technology of the Institute of Psychic Energy.

Although some raw materials such as the bones of ferocious beasts still need to be imported from the city of destiny, the manufacturing technology can be completed independently. Although there is a big gap between the quality and that built by the city of destiny, it is already a very complete devourer.

The improvement of technology has allowed devourers to emerge like dumplings, which has significantly strengthened the construction of the sea area in the southern supply area.

Another major event happened in the southern supply area this year.

After many years of war, the human race finally won the Brahma Snake Domain, harvested huge resources, and also obtained many resource lands.

Especially the spiritual fields in the Brahma Snake Domain are of excellent quality and can be used to grow medium and high-quality spiritual plants. roundabout

If it is used to grow low-level spiritual plants, it will mature three times faster than the low-level spiritual plants planted in ordinary spiritual fields.

Lingtian is a place of spiritual resources that is not weaker than Lingmine in Fengqi's eyes.

The population of Star City is constantly increasing, resulting in a significant increase in the consumption rate of spiritual food.

As the existing spiritual fields could not satisfy the consumption of the people of Star City, Feng Qi could only choose to import low-level spiritual plants from Destiny City for daily consumption.

Income and expenditure cannot be balanced.

The emergence of three high-quality spiritual fields will inevitably increase the output of low-level spiritual plants in Star City, which can significantly slow down the dependence of spiritual plant resources on Destiny City.

The dispersal of the Brahma Snake Field also brought a small surprise to Feng Qi. roundabout

When cleaning up the resources left in the Brahma Snake Domain, Feng Qi found many shells left by the Brahma Snakes in the resource pool of the Brahma Snakes.

After this kind of body was sent to the Institute of Psychic Energy for inspection, it was found that it could be used to make devouring ships instead of the remains of ferocious beasts.

Although the quality is not good, the strength of the produced devourer is limited.

But now the supply area in the south of Star City lacks the most special warships for sea combat. The shells left by these Brahma snakes can be used to make low-quality devourers for transitional use.

The value of the shells left by this batch of molting reached 400 million blood spar.

This is undoubtedly a windfall.

After dispelling the Brahma Snake Field, the South Star City supply area will also welcome new hostile challengers "Xiechi Clan". UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

How to dispel the Xiechi field is Zhang Daowen's next focus. Feng Qi is also paying attention to the relevant information of the Xiechi clan sent back from the front in real time.

The development of the times far exceeds the speed of the past.

The worst future I have ever seen is presented before my eyes. At that time, the development of Star City was struggling. There were both foreign enemies and internal hidden dangers. If it wanted to develop, it did not know how to start it. Therefore, Feng Qi cherished every step of the rise of the modern human race.

In his memory, the monument to the ancient Star City Sanctuary was an indelible pain in his heart.

Now, that sad memory has completely become a thing of the past.

Times have changed, in this brand new timeline. roundabout

He saw the vibrant Star City, which also made him full of hope for the future of the human race.

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