I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 694: Heaven is coming

Waiting hard, but the self on the main timeline never came.

This reminded Feng Qi of his two guesses.

Time Alternative Theory and Time Restart Theory.

There are BUGs in both of these viewpoints, which cannot be fully explained.

The explanation of the alternative theory of time is that whenever he dies in the future dream on the main timeline, a new timeline will be opened and everything will start from scratch.

This point of view can well explain the main timeline's ability to see the ashes of another self, and even read the memory of another brain.

After all, there are two timelines, and there is one him on each timeline.

But there is also an unexplainable logical problem in this argument. Since it is another time, why are miracle items unique? Why do the killed domain creatures disappear?

According to the point of view of the alternative theory of time, all things in each time should be repeated, and should not be unique.

The view of time restart theory is that whenever he dies in a future dream on the main timeline, everything will return to the original point as if time went back, but the things that were taken away by the special body in this timeline will not be restarted in time. The future reappears.

Such as domain creatures he kills, or miracle items he takes away.

This point of view explains the logical errors that cannot be explained by the alternative theory of time, because everything on the timeline is unique, and since it is brought back to the real node, it will not be possible to reappear in the future.

But the time restart theory also has unexplainable logical problems.

Since time restarts, everything should be unique, and it is impossible to repeat the same thing.

But he personally picked up his own ashes in another timeline, and read the memory of the brain in the vat of another timeline, which proved that two of him existed on the same timeline.

According to this theory, as long as he on the sacrifice line has enough lifespan, the two selves can meet each other in the future.

This time at the sacrifice line, he didn't see another self appearing.

The answer seems to be biased towards an alternative explanation of time.

But this time, Feng Qi has a brand new guess.

That is, the theory of time restart is the answer, and the problem lies in how to explain the two problems that exist on the same timeline at the same time.

Originally, Feng Qi couldn't figure out the reason, but this time he felt that he had caught a clue.

He felt that there might not be two him at all, and there were only two bodies, one was a special body, that is, a body that could grow through plundering talents on the main timeline, and the other was an ordinary body on the sacrifice line, that is, his body. Now use the body.

Looking at this explanation, it may be such a situation.

His consciousness is unique, but he has two bodies.

Whenever a new sacrifice line is opened, the consciousness on the main timeline will be transferred to the body of the sacrifice line, starting a journey of sacrifice line.

Whenever he dies on the sacrifice line, his consciousness will jump to the body on the main time line, and then descend in the future.

Assuming that the viewpoint of time restart is correct, what restarts following time is always the ordinary body on the sacrifice line, and the body on the real line never restarts following time, but constantly plunders miracles and natural abilities from the restarted time line.

This leads to this timeline that is constantly restarting, and as long as it is taken away by him, it will never appear again.

For example, the true **** bracelet, enhanced gems, and the killed Jianji, and so on.

This guess undoubtedly explains why the sacrifice line after the restart will no longer repeat what was taken away from the main timeline.

Also explains why items on the timeline are unique.

Thinking of this, new doubts appeared in Feng Qi's mind.

If this hypothesis was the answer he was looking for, why did he have two bodies?

After thinking for a while, a possibility suddenly appeared in Feng Qi's mind. Maybe the ordinary body is his real body, and the special body does not belong to him, but the narrator's.

Thinking about it in this way, it wasn't that the narration was parasitic on him, but that he took away the narration.

Fuck? !

After in-depth analysis, Feng Qi was taken aback by his own thoughts.

If you think about it carefully, you can indeed find many reasonable explanation points for this guess.

Born as a human, his growth potential is very ordinary, but the growth potential of his special body is extremely terrifying. Killing any creature can plunder the growth energy and natural ability.

The ability of that special body is obviously not something that humans can possess.

So the explanation that the special body belongs to the narration is very reasonable.

Thinking down this line of thought, more doubts followed.

Who is the narrator? Why am I merging with Narrator?

After thinking for a long time, Feng Qi stopped thinking about it.

The current analysis is just speculation, and it is impossible for him to come up with the answer to the specific truth.

Only by continuing to move forward, the answer will naturally be revealed.

What he wants to know most now is whether only when the self on the sacrifice line dies, will another self with a special physique descend.

If this guess is the truth, he can control the time when another self comes in the future timeline.

The next 1500 years is no longer a limit. As long as the sacrifice line lives long enough, the self on the main timeline can also come in a farther future.

To control the time of another self's arrival at will is a possibility that Feng Qi could not have even imagined before.

All of this can only be revealed after one's own death.

Dawn 1628.

Feng Qi passed the tortoise shell jade and brought Xiaoyou to the city of destiny again.

This time, he didn't come for shopping.

The first time he entered Fate City, he took out the Blood Soul Space Rune that Fate Messenger bought from the Blood Soul Clan.

The function of this space rune is similar to that of the tortoise shell jade. When touched with consciousness, the spirit patterns inside will be activated, tearing apart a space channel leading to the Blood Soul Clan.

Hundreds of years ago, the Blood Soul Clan had opened up the paid service of the Xinlian platform.

Originally, what he thought was to wait for himself on the main timeline to come, and then go to the Heart Refining Platform of the Blood Soul Clan.

But the current guess is that as long as he does not die, the main timeline will not be able to descend, and the time when the main timeline descends is likely to be the end of the final battle. At that time, no one will help the main timeline to go to the Blood Soul Clan land.

The cultivation and sacrifice line of the state of mind is connected with the main timeline, so he thought of going there in person.

Choosing to go in the city of destiny is mainly for safety reasons.

In the previous timeline, the human race had a shallow foundation in Destiny City and had no valuable services. In the eyes of the Blood Soul Race, they were little-known characters, so there was no need to worry about going directly to the Blood Soul Race in the city. Races that are still strong in the human race go to the Blood Soul Race to buy services.

If the Blood Soul Clan wanted to attack, they would first plunder other forces.

But in this timeline, although the human race is not considered the top businessman in the city of destiny, they are more or less famous.

In particular, the emergence of the equipment black hole has made the human race a supplier of weapons and equipment for many weak forces. Maybe the blood soul family has heard of the human race.

If the passage to the Blood Soul Race is opened in Daybreak City, if the space coordinates are locked by the Blood Soul Race, it is very likely to bring disaster to Daybreak City.

After a short period of trance, what appeared before his eyes was an incomparably prosperous scene.

Countless islands are floating in the air, and each island is located at a different height, connected by energy chains, surrounding a super large suspended island like a mountain in the center like stars arching the moon.

There are also a large number of figures flying back and forth between the islands.

Under his feet was a platform formed by fragments of a small suspended island of about 10 square meters.

There are many such suspended fragments nearby, and whenever a space vortex emerges, figures will fall on these suspended fragments.

These floating fragments are like the positioning nodes of the space. Different blood soul space runes locate different floating fragments.

The line of sight turned to the magnificent central island, a blood-colored flag hundreds of meters high stood in the center of the super-large island, waving in the wind.

The pattern on the flag is changing every minute.

If you look carefully, you can see countless ominous figures flickering past the surface of the flag, and you can faintly hear the sound of wailing and crying in your ears.

This flag seemed to have magical powers, and the brief gaze brought him a strong sense of oppression, as if it wanted to hook his consciousness and soul away.

This is the soul of the Blood Soul Clan, the Blood Soul Banner.

Seeing this flag, Feng Qi's mind subconsciously recalled the scene he saw in the Thunder Field when he ascended the gods to challenge the road.

At that time, the Blood Soul Clan dispatched only one person, but they were facing thousands of troops from the Thunder Clan.

But in terms of momentum, the Blood Soul Clan alone suppressed the thousands of troops of the Thunder Clan.

Facing the million-strong army of the Thunder Clan waiting in full force, members of the Blood Soul Clan carried the flags and walked straight towards the Thunder Clan army with indifferent expressions.

It was as if it was only insignificant ants blocking the way forward, which made him unable to generate any inner turmoil.

When the blood soul flag was waved, the scene was even more shocking.

Hundreds of millions of vicious spirits surged out like wild beasts breaking free from a cage, devouring the Thunder Clan's million-strong army in a short period of time.

The million members of the Thunder Clan who died during this period were also pulled into the Blood Soul Banner by the evil spirits and became part of the hundreds of millions of evil spirits.

Since many timelines, Feng Qi has seen many miracles and fetishes.

But to say that the miracle item with the strongest group damage is the Blood Soul Banner.

This miracle is simply an unsolvable weapon on the battlefield, and its power will become stronger and stronger with the death of the life of the hostile forces, and it will be blessed by more evil spirits.

The Blood Soul Clan on the battlefield is simply on the hook.

But if you think about it carefully, every racial force in the new world in the future is actually cheating.

After all, it is impossible to keep up with the development of the times without opening and hanging.

At this moment, the **** messenger of the Blood Soul Clan arrived.

After asking Feng Qi what service he wanted to provide, the envoy of the Blood Soul Clan nodded indifferently:

"Do you know the rules?"

Feng Qi didn't answer. He reached out and took out a space crystal with a total value of 300 million from the space bracelet, and threw it to the envoy of the Blood Soul Clan.

Confusion appeared on the face of the envoy of the Blood Soul Clan who had received the space crystal, and his eyes swept towards Xiaoyou:


"She doesn't need it, come with me and don't use the Xinlian platform."

Hearing these words, the blood soul guide didn't speak any more, and stretched out his hand to slap Fengqi, and a strange rune suddenly appeared on Fengqi's body surface:


Feng Qi nodded at this moment, and immediately flew towards the Xinlian platform with Xiaoyou.

After a long time, their figures appeared above the island where the Xinlian platform was located, and the entire island of the Xinlian platform was surrounded by a transparent energy barrier.

Before going in, Feng Qi turned to look at Xiaoyou:

"wait for me here."

"I also want to go in with the boss." Xiaoyou pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi felt ashamed.

The last time Xiaoyou experienced it, she was directly kicked out of the Xinlian illusion by the Xinlian platform, which is enough to see how bad Xiaoyou is.

According to Xiaoyou's description, the first pass was difficult, so she just lay down on the spot and didn't give herself a chance to exercise.

At this moment, he rubbed Xiaoyou's head:

"You can also see me here. The time for refining the illusion is different from outside. I will come out in a minute."

"Okay." Xiaoyou nodded decadently.

Feng Qi turned around at this moment, passed through the energy barrier of the Xinlian platform, and the runes left on him were dissipated immediately by the blood soul.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, he felt a strong sense of distress.

He sat cross-legged at this moment, and his consciousness gradually sank following the traction of feeling.

After an unknown amount of time, eighteen statues of demon gods emerged from the darkness in front of him, and the gemstones on nine of them had already lit up, proving that he had passed nine checkpoints.

When the tenth statue of the Heart Refining Demon God moved forward, an old voice seemed to come from across eternity, and exploded in his mind.

A new round of heart training challenges begins.

In the tenth level of the Xinlian challenge, what Feng Qi experienced in the Xinlian illusion was the difficulty of the heart.

What you have to go through in this level is the torment of negative emotions brought about by all kinds of troubles.

It took a very short time for this level of Fengqi to complete self-awareness.

He has always been under the pressure of negative emotions, and the challenge of heart troubles cannot bring him extreme pressure.

After finishing the challenge of heart trouble, the gemstone on the tenth wither statue will light up after flashing.

Next is the eleventh level of sin and the twelfth level of compassion.

After completing three consecutive heart training challenges to the illusion, Fengqi's heart training milestones have been lit up twelve times, and the changes brought about by his state of mind have reduced his pressure sharply.

Every time he completes the heart training challenge, he feels relieved that the heavy shackles on his body have been lifted.

The endurance of the consciousness has reached the limit, the chess game will not continue, and immediately flew out of the floating island where the Xinlian platform is located.

Then I saw Xiaoyou floating in the air with her neck crooked, already asleep.

The time in the Heart Refining Illusion is extremely long, but the real time has only passed not long, maybe less than a minute.

"Xiaoyou, why are you asleep?"

Xiaoyou slowly opened her eyes at this moment, and then said with a dejected expression:

"Little animals will hibernate to survive the tormenting years in the harsh environment. The boss is not around, and Xiaoyou needs to use hibernation to relieve stress."

Feng Qi: ...

"Boss, are you finished?"

"Well, let's go home."

Upon hearing this, Xiaoyou raised her left hand, rolled up her sleeves, glanced at the non-existent watch on her left wrist, and nodded with a serious expression:

"It's time for dinner. I'll eat Gudo beast barbecue for lunch today. After lunch, I'll have Liuyun fruit. What do you think, boss?"

"I'm a robot, I'm not hungry." Feng Qi said unhappily.

"Robots also need to grow their bodies, let's eat together."

"Who told you that robots will also grow their bodies, telling you to read more books."

"What does the robot eat?"

"Eat the battery."

"It's so sad. It turns out that you secretly eat delicious food behind my back every day, boss... I want to eat a battery too. It must be delicious."

Feng Qi: ...

During the chat, Feng Qi took Xiaoyou to the space node position, and then opened the space channel to fly back to the city of destiny.

In the inner space of the Blood Soul Banner, countless ominous spirits hovered around a dark red figure. Surrounded by the ominous spirits, this figure sat cross-legged and practiced with its eyes closed.

Not long after Feng Qi and Xiao You left, this figure suddenly opened his eyes.

When he waved his hand, a illusory island the size of a palm appeared in his hand.

This island is the epitome of the Xinlian platform.

At this time, 12 of the eighteen gemstones on the island of Xinlian Platform have been lit up.

Seeing this scene, the blood soul patriarch's expression became serious.

Since obtaining the Xinlian Platform, he has been trying to crack the mystery of the Miracle Xinlian Platform, but no matter how hard he tries, he still cannot break through the ninth difficulty of the Xinlian Platform, "Omniscient Difficulty".

He didn't know what he had experienced in this challenge.

After each heart training challenge, the relevant experience memory will be deleted.

He didn't know how to pass this challenge and how to prepare for it.

The only thing that is certain now is that the tempering of the Xinlian challenge must be related to the level of one's own state of mind. Only when the state of mind reaches the corresponding state can it be possible to pass the follow-up challenges on the Xinlian platform.

Compare each level of the Xinlian platform to a heavy weapon.

Only when the physical fitness meets the requirements can one lift this weapon.

He felt that his state of mind cultivation was not enough, so he chose to enter the space of the Blood Soul Banner, where he watched the painful struggle and reincarnation of the fierce spirit, trying to increase his state of mind pressure in this way, and even gain negative emotions, so that he could be comfortable. Equipped with a new heart training challenge level.

But after all, he has never experienced it himself, and the psychological pressure gained from watching is limited, and his improvement is very slow.

But just now, someone actually passed the twelfth state of mind experience level, which is four levels higher than him.

It is conceivable how great the mental pressure of the challenger just now was, which raised his mental state level to an unimaginable level, and adapted to the subsequent levels of the mental challenge.

Thinking of this, the blood soul patriarch stood up.

Dark red lines appeared between the eyebrows, and the light released tore through the space, and his figure stepped across the space of the bleeding soul flag.

He closed his eyes at this moment, and immediately perceived countless swaying figures in his vision. After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at the space node where Feng Qi left.

When he raised his hand, a large amount of invisible information flooded into his mind.

Soon, he found the information node left by the ray of space coordinate information.

While intercepting this space coordinate information, the blood soul patriarch immediately began to analyze the space coordinate location.

But when he found that the other end of the space coordinates turned out to be the city of fate, a look of regret appeared in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to know the origin of the tourists who could pass the challenge of Twelve Dao Heart Training, but he didn't expect that the other party would come from Destiny City as a transit point.

He can't afford to mess with Destiny City for the time being.

More importantly, the Blood Soul Clan still stores a large amount of war wealth in the warehouse of Destiny City, and there is also a huge intelligence network to provide assistance for the development of the Blood Soul Clan.

Feeling helpless, the blood soul patriarch could only shake his head and give up.

While his figure flickered, he turned back to the space of the Blood Soul Banner.

Dawn 1678.

This year, Mo Yue has occupied a quarter of the world.

Standing in Daybreak City, looking up, you can see that the western sky is being eroded by scarlet, and you can also see a space rift that is twisting and expanding.

The era called the new world in the future is coming.

At that time, the two worlds will merge, and the world area will increase without limit. All the forces that are still dormant in the domain world will come at that moment. As the core of the world, one of Mu Hao and Mo Yue will be eliminated, and the other will be promoted. It is the original core of the new world.

However, the existence of Tongtian Road has undoubtedly slowed down the speed of world integration, and the end of the world that was supposed to appear long ago has not yet come.

Judging from the speed of Mo Yue's ascent, human beings still have hundreds of years of development space, after which they will usher in the strife of the Mo Yue Legion.

Feng Qi also changed the development strategy of the human race this year.

He decided to cash out a large amount of existing resources, and at the same time greatly increase the monthly blood spar, spiritual food, and other free subsidies for the residents of Daybreak City.

The first thing to do is to sell those renewable resources to the merchants in Destiny City in exchange for spiritual plants and blood spars that can be used directly, and other resources for cultivation.

This approach seems to be a waste of money.

But the Black Moon Legion is coming, and the steady development of farming is no longer suitable for humans who are about to face the final battle.

Turning resources into combat power is the next development direction for the human race to consider.

At the time before the arrival of the black moon, Feng Qi even made a plan to sell the pseudo-miracle equipment black hole to the merchants in the city of destiny in exchange for war equipment or pseudo-miracle props that can enhance combat power.

It is almost impossible for the human race to defeat the Black Moon Legion. All he can do is to increase the combat power of the human race as much as possible, and test out the details of the Black Moon Legion's combat power on this sacrifice line.

As for the Eye of Truth, he has no intention of selling it for the time being.

Although the Eye of Truth can bring unimaginable wealth to the race, even those powerful races will rush to buy it.

But with the Eye of Truth in hand, he can better understand the details of the various forces of the Black Moon Legion. Many information needs to be obtained with the Eye of Truth.

The development of Dawn City has also changed from stable to radical.

Feng Qi did not hide the truth from the residents of Daybreak City, and detailed the challenges that the human race will face in the next few hundred years.

Although doing so will bring enormous mental pressure to the residents of Daybreak City.

But the ultimate battle is not his own war, but a decisive battle for all mankind to overcome developmental obstacles and determine the future destiny.

He needs all the residents of Daybreak City to unite and welcome the end of the hour together.

Dawn 1713.

The substantial increase in the supply of cultivation resources has resulted in a significant increase in the bloodline potential value of the residents of Dawn City.

Under tremendous pressure, many excellent talents have also emerged.

Especially in terms of the construction of combat power, several Gods of War were born in the city of Xiaoxiao who broke the current record of human bloodline strength.

During this period, the resource investment of some research institutes decreased, and all the spare resources were invested in the construction of combat power.

Formation studies, super-connection techniques, runes, physical studies, elemental studies, and other schools became the mainstream research directions for the next few hundred years.

There is only one purpose for all this, to improve the overall combat power of the human race as much as possible before the final battle.

Feng Qi also ushered in the third-generation version update of the mechanical nanoworms this year. He spent 2.8 billion blood spar to upgrade the strength of the nanoworms, and created more expensive spirit ores.

At the same time as the strength increased significantly, Feng Qi also started various combat data tests on the new body.

In the final battle, he will advance and retreat with all mankind, and face the challenge of the Black Moon Army together.

Dawn 1823.

This year, the black moon is still rising, covering one-third of the world, and the speed of swallowing the world is accelerating.

In this year, Feng Qi began to focus on cultivating the Elf King and prepared a huge amount of growth resources for him.

Regardless of the future, Fengqi only needs to meet the daily resource consumption of the residents of Daybreak City, and leave all other resources for scientific research to be absorbed by the Elf King.

Three years later, the Elf King finally showed signs of breaking his shell.

On this day, Feng Qi was looking through the information in the belief database in the office.

The elf king suddenly arrived.

The Elf King, who opened the door with his consciousness, was extremely excited:

"Friend, my friend, I feel like I'm finally breaking through."

Hearing the shout, Feng Qi's consciousness exited the belief space and opened his eyes.

The Elf King suspended in the air was full of brilliance, and the golden mist flowing on the surface was intertwined with the colorful mist formed by other various elemental energies. He could clearly hear the song of life beating vigorously in the Dark Eater Egg.

"Go out and break through, don't ruin my room."

"Witness my growth, friend."

Feng Qi nodded immediately when he heard about it, and then he opened the window and flew out of the room with the Elf King, flying high into the sky.

Xiaoyou also followed closely at this time.

The Dawn City under his feet gradually shrank, and after confirming that the distance was safe enough, the Elf King stopped flying.

"leave me alone."

Hearing the Elf King's greeting, Feng Qi immediately pulled Xiaoyou away from the Elf King.

"coming soon!"

I saw bright rays of light blooming on the surface of the suspended Dark Biting Egg, and the seven-color elemental energy and golden energy suddenly expanded, forming a colorful field.

The dark-eating egg in the center rotates rapidly, and every time the life beats, there are surging life force waves spreading layer by layer.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyou raised her head curiously:

"Boss, is Eggy about to be born?"

"Well, it's about to be born."

"After the egg comes out, can you leave the rest of the egg to me? I have been greedy for a long time."

Feng Qi: ...

"When the time comes, you should discuss it with the Elf King. It's up to him to decide whether to give it or not, not me."

After saying that, Feng Qi turned his gaze to the Elf King who was breaking through.

A lot of resources, vitality, and time were invested in cultivating this dark-eating egg.

Just breaking through from the egg form to the first stage of life is so difficult, one can imagine how difficult the subsequent growth of the Elf King is, and every step requires a huge amount of resources to water.

What he got in exchange was the unimaginable terrifying growth talent of the Elf King.

Just like a chick hatching from an egg, this is just the beginning of life growth.

There are still many life stages waiting for him to challenge in the future of the Elven King, and the future potential is limitless.

Feng Qi is also looking forward to this old friend's breakthrough.

Time passed by bit by bit, and the breakthrough of the Elf King continued.

During this period, the energy on the surface of the eggshell is continuously absorbed by the life inside, and the originally radiant surface gradually becomes dull.

The time came three days later.

With the sound of a crisp eggshell cracking, a tender little hand stretched out from the crack in the eggshell.

Then came a round little head.

When the Elf King's whole body jumped out of the eggshell, Feng Qi found that the Elf King's body was a circle smaller than normal human larvae, and it looked very miniature.

I saw the Elf King lying on the eggshell, opened his mouth and began to bite the eggshell.

The nibbling speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, one-third of the eggshell was eaten by the Elf King.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyou suddenly became anxious, and said with red eyes:

"Boss, I want to eat too, I'm so hungry."

"Don't make trouble, eating your own eggshells may be an important part of growth for the Elf King."

"All right."

As she said that, Xiaoyou sighed decadently, her body drooped straight down, and she entered a state of unrequited love.

After the Elf King finished eating the eggshell, he left a piece, grabbed it in his hand and flew to Xiaoyou:

"Xiaoyou, you've been talking about it for a long time, and I left a piece for you."

Xiaoyou, whose body was folded in half, raised her upper body abruptly when she heard this, excitedly took the eggshell from the Elf King, took a big bite, and the eggshell that entered her mouth melted immediately, and surging vitality poured into Xiaoyou's body .

Xiaoyou's entire body began to glow.


Amidst the cheers, Xiaoyou ate the eggshells in two or three bites.

Immediately, Xiaoyou's body emitted thick purple light, and the body was covered by the light.

This process lasted ten minutes before fading.

When Xiaoyou's figure appeared, Feng Qi was surprised to find that Xiaoyou seemed to have grown taller.

"Wow, delicious."

Xiaoyou was extremely excited after tasting the delicious food, and excitedly began to dance around the chessboard.

Ignoring Xiaoyou any more, Feng Qi turned his attention to the Elf King.

At this time, the Elven King had a humanoid form, but his body was only a circle larger than a mineral water bottle, and a golden hair on his head was still swaying in the wind.

"how do you feel?"

"Very good, I finally tasted the feeling of free movement, take me to check the body quickly."

Feng Qi nodded immediately when he heard about it.

He also wanted to see how strong the Elf King had reached after completing the breakthrough.

For the next few days, Feng Qi accompanied the Elf King to the Psionic Research Institute for inspection.

The data obtained shocked Feng Qi again.

The bloodline potential of the current elf king's juvenile body is unknown, but it already has a growth rate twice that of the egg form without practicing.

In addition to the "Starting Point of Pillar God" cultivation method, it takes human beings to spend several years of hard work to catch up with the elf king's normal practice for one day.

Even if they do nothing badly, it will take two years for human beings to catch up.

This gap will continue to widen as the elf king grows up in his childhood.

Feng Qi has no doubts that if he is an adult elf king, he doesn't even need to practice. The increase in blood strength brought by every breath will require ordinary people to practice hard for several years to catch up.

The gap brought about by the potential of the bloodline is desperate.

But the Elf King also has troubles.

He can't even stand normally now without using telekinesis.

He was once a plant body, and he was completely unaccustomed to the behavior of a flesh and blood body.

But the elf king has a strong learning ability. After a few days of adaptation, he learned how to walk with two feet.

After experiencing eating in a human way, the Elf King became obsessed with delicious food.

This made Xiaoyou and the Elf King become good friends with a common discourse. Every time it was time for dinner, the Elf King would leave the library and come to his office, and go to the restaurant to eat with him and Xiaoyou.

At the dinner table, Xiaoyou would always enthusiastically introduce the quality and taste of different ingredients to the Elf King.

The Elf King also listened very seriously, with an attitude of concentrating on learning, nodding from time to time to express his understanding, and enshrined Xiaoyou as a mentor who is looking for delicious food.

Feng Qi was also very speechless about this.

After completing the consciousness transfer, the character of the Elf King no longer has the stability it once had, just like a newborn child, full of freshness and curiosity about everything.

But different from Xiaoyou, the Elf King only enjoys delicious food at a certain time.

He will spend more time studying in the Lixiao library, or use the resident certification he gave to the Xiaoxiao city to browse the knowledge of cultivation in the Xiaoxiao data. He is eager to improve his evaluation of exercises, so that he can have more knowledge in the future. possible.

The strength of the Elf King also increased rapidly in the following days.

Dawn 1899.

After 76 years of training, the Elven King's body has not shown any signs of growth, but his strength has become extremely strong.

In order to test the strength of the Elf King, Feng Qi asked Zhang Daowen, who was in retreat, to go out to fight with him.

The result was beyond Fengqi's expectations. Even without using any spells, the Elf King only needed to use telekinetic power to easily suppress Zhang Daowen.

Feng Qi is very clear about how strong Zhang Daowen is now.

Zhang Daowen in this timeline is the strongest since the previous timelines. The improvement of the cultivation method and the increase in the practice time have made Zhang Daowen not old yet, but still young.

But even so, Zhang Daowen is still not an opponent of the Elf King in baby form.

Even the Elemental Affinity of the Elf King can have an impact on the power of the ice system, making it impossible for Zhang Daowen's extreme cold power to exert its true power.

In terms of life, the Elf King has far surpassed Zhang Daowen.

Only old fans with the blessing of the miraculous bloodstone can surpass the Elf King in terms of bloodline potential.

But it also takes a long time to accumulate.

It is a long process for bloodstone derivatives to enhance the bloodline potential of old fans, but it is certain that the future potential of old fans with bloodstone blessings is also unlimited.

In order to further test the strength of the Elf King, Feng Qi found the Yinyue Clan.

When the Yinyue Clan launched the Empire Afterglow, which was comparable to a pseudo-miracle, this time the confident Elf King was beaten and ran away. If the Silver Moon Clan Chief hadn't stopped the "killing order" of the Empire Afterglow, the Elf King might have died on the spot.

At the end of the battle, it only took a few seconds for the injured body of the Elf King to be healed by the vigorous vitality in his body.

This failure made the Elf King more obsessed with becoming stronger. In the second year, he completed a breakthrough in the cultivation method and raised "Pillar God Starting Point" to the evaluation standard of 1-star cultivation method.

This greatly increased the growth rate of the Elf King.

The only problem is that the elf king consumes resources at a terrifying rate.

The resources provided by Fengqi can't meet the Elf King's demand for resources. For this reason, the Elf King often goes to the West Supply Area or the South Supply Area to open up new territories for the human race, and hunt the creatures in the field to supplement the vitality and blood energy needed for growth.

The territory of the human race has also expanded rapidly with the help of the Elf King, and the resources have doubled in just a few years.

This is an inevitable trend in the future battlefield.

The acquisition speed of resource lands in the early stage is slow, and there are only a few resource lands that can be obtained each time a field is flattened.

But in the future, the battlefield will be full of growing racial forces, and they have also plundered large areas of resource land during the growth process, which makes the expansion of resource land brought about by each victory in the later wars very terrifying.

For example, if a powerful force defeats the current human race, it can obtain all the resources accumulated by the human race for more than a thousand years.

In the new world of the future, resource areas will continue to concentrate towards strong clans. Every victory in a plundering war can bring a period of golden development years to the clan.

This is also the reason why race wars will become the main theme of world development in the new world in the future.

Looting creates resource gains more than any other means.

Time flies, time flies.

A hundred years passed with a snap of the fingers.

Daybreak 1995.

This year, Mo Yue has occupied half of the sky.

Looking west from the top of the city, one can see that the western world in the distance has been completely shrouded in scarlet light.

Plants belonging to the human world all withered under the light of Li Moyue, the earth cracked, and plant life that belonged to the domain world grew out.

Just a few days ago, Fengqi asked the envoy of fate to sell the equipment black hole that created huge wealth for the human race.

Back then, the value of equipping black holes was huge, and it could even be said to be priceless.

However, modern races are growing rapidly, and their requirements for equipment updates have been upgraded. Many stable customers who were equipped with black holes back then have lost contact with the Messenger of Destiny, and they have begun to pursue higher-quality weapons and equipment.

Although there are still new customers joining, the demand of these new customers is far less than the revenue created by the original stable customers.

In the end, this pseudo-miracle equipment black hole was only sold at a price of 77.6 billion blood spar.

It was sold to the forging clan who started with forging technology in Destiny City.

Most of the obtained resources were fed to the Elf King, and the rest were used to purchase the weapons and equipment of the Forging Clan, as well as other special props that could be used in war.

On this day, Feng Qi was checking the information in the belief database.

The ringing of the phone interrupted Feng Qi's thoughts.

After picking up the phone, a familiar voice came from the phone:

"Uncle Qi, I sense that there is a spatial fluctuation in the east direction of the dawn city, maybe there is a foreign race coming."

After understanding the situation, Feng Qi felt a headache.

The final battle is coming. At this time, there are domain forces coming to the territory of the human race. This battle has to be fought, but it will undoubtedly consume the combat power of the human race in advance.

After learning about the situation, Feng Qi immediately decided to investigate.

With Xiaoyou, Fengqi appeared in the dawn through the space teleportation device?

?? the door.

After passing through the energy barrier and flying for a certain distance, Feng Qi saw a rapidly expanding spatial rift.

This space rift is different from the space rifts he has seen before. It is not torn violently. The edges of the space rift are constantly twisting, as if eating the world, expanding in a very smooth way.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi's expression became serious.

Space technology is one of the criteria for judging the strength of descending forces.

A powerful racial force does not necessarily have a relatively advanced space technology.

However, a powerful racial force in space technology must have a strong racial background~lightnovelpub.net~ Weak people simply cannot afford the research and development of such high-end technology. Unfolds smoothly.

Just when Feng Qi was about to turn around and return to Daybreak City to prepare for the battle.

A scarlet figure stepped across the space channel that had not yet been built in the space gap, and descended in a domineering way of crossing the countercurrent vortex of the space with the flesh body.

The ensuing terrifying qi and blood fluctuations were as dazzling as the sun, and could be clearly sensed even from a long distance away.

His consciousness was washed away by Qi and blood, and even a hallucination of consciousness appeared.

Seeing the turbulent sea of ​​blood sweeping towards him, the huge **** wave seemed to shatter his consciousness at any moment.

But the strong will was only briefly trapped in mental suppression before breaking free.

Staring at the scarlet figure that was falling rapidly, his eyes narrowed. When Feng Qi saw the face of the descendant, the solemn expression on his face suddenly became astonished:

"Eh, Mu Qing?"