I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 70: Cultivation Concept - Body Seeds God

Looking at the students who were attentively listening to the class, Feng Qi, who was standing in front of the podium table, was smiling and talking eloquently.

Facing the class, he is now at ease, without the slightest nervousness and stage fright.

At this time, in addition to his lectures, there were only the voices of the students taking notes, and the learning atmosphere was strong.

As for whether the students could understand what he said, he was not worried at all.

Because he is talking about the template content that the future people have summarized and sorted out for teaching, and the explanation is easy to understand.

Since it was decided to take the exercise class to participate in the upcoming "Tiger Soul Concept Competition", a concept must be proposed.

After explaining the first subsection of the research ideas of basic exercises, he threw a question.

"Everyone knows that the acupuncture points and meridians in the human body are the most important nodes in the path of spiritual flow in cultivation. Then I would like to ask everyone, how much do you understand the internal organs of the human body?"

Facing the question, a girl wearing glasses immediately raised her hand.

After Feng Qi nodded, the female student stood up and said:

"The five viscera and six fu-organs cannot be the same as the meridians and acupuncture points, as the transport channels for spiritual qi, but nourishing the five viscera and six fu-organs with spiritual qi can play a role in strengthening the body, especially for practitioners who prefer physical cultivation. Vital organs, but also an important part of the body's strength enhancement."

Hearing the student's answer, Feng Qi nodded, and then continued to ask:

"Then, do you think the significance of the internal organs and six fu-organs in cultivation can be compared with that of acupuncture points and meridians?"

Facing the question, the female student shook her head decisively:

"For the human body, the zang-organs and six fu-organs are indispensable organs and an important part of the human body, but only from the perspective of cultivation, the function of the five zang-organs and six fu organs is far less important than that of the body's acupuncture points and meridians."

"And from the perspective of cultivation, in order to nourish the internal organs, practitioners need to consume additional spiritual energy, which is completely a burden in cultivation."

"That's right, your argument is also the general view of the internal organs in the current stage of cultivation." Feng Qi nodded, motioning the female student to sit down, and then continued:

"This is the concept that our class needs to put forward in the next competition. Can we try to develop the internal organs and make them have functions similar to acupuncture points and meridians, so that the internal organs can also have the special effect of feeding back the body."

Hearing Feng Qi's words, another student immediately raised his hand.

After receiving the answer from Feng Qi, the student stood up and asked:

"Teacher Feng, research on the internal organs is actually being carried out by major institutes of practice, but there is no good news in this regard so far. If we put forward the concept of cultivation related to the internal organs, it is really difficult to find the corresponding information. to help us get results.”

Feng Qi completely understood the student's doubts.

This question is not only thought of by people in the future, it should be said that it has been studied since the early stage of the development of Cultivation.

After all, the five viscera and six fu-organs are all important human organs, and human beings will inevitably try to develop the deeper functions of these human organs on the road of developing cultivation.

And what he has to do is to help mankind complete this vacancy in advance.

Thinking of this, he immediately said:

"Actually, as early as in ancient times, we human beings have made deep explorations and discoveries about the internal organs. In the vague concept of the ancients, our heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and each organ has a **** who lives in it. It protects the health of the human body, and if you get sick, you only need to call the name of the **** of the corresponding organ, and you can cure the disease."

Hearing Feng Qi, who has always focused on rigorous and meticulous lectures, talk about the content of ancient myths, the students are all confused, unable to understand what he wants to express.

But after hearing the next content, the expressions of the students gradually changed.

"In ancient myths, the five zang-organs are important organs that feed back the body, but from the perspective of modern cultivation, the five zang-organs and six-organs are organs that share the consumption of spiritual energy, but instead become a burden, and even if the internal organs are damaged in battle, they will become The drag of the strong in battle... Then we propose a hypothesis, can a **** be planted in the internal organs, so that these organs have the function of feeding back the flesh as described in ancient myths?"

"For this cultivation concept, I call it the God of the Body!"

The content that Feng Qi is telling is a path that will inevitably be taken in the future of cultivation. The **** of the body is also called the **** of organs.

The core of modern cultivation is meridians and acupuncture points, and the future will be no exception, but there is still more development of the internal organs.

For example, the heart is the power source of the human circulatory system.

In the concept of a god, it is no longer to use spiritual energy to nourish the heart and make the heart stronger, but to condense a golden elixir with the spiritual energy in the heart, making it inseparable from the heart, providing continuous power for the heart, The whole body is fed by the heart.

This golden pill is the so-called "God".

The same is true for other body organs. As long as a "god" is planted, the strength and efficacy of the body organs will be greatly improved.

For example, a major role of the kidneys is to detoxify and remove metabolites from the body.

By planting "God" in the kidneys, the detoxification effect of the kidneys will be greatly enhanced, and it can even resist the toxins spewed by the creatures in the domain.

The core idea of ​​the so-called seed gods is to create and then create a condensate of spiritual energy in the internal organs, which is completely integrated with the organs, that is, the power source, which assists the operation of the organs and greatly improves the efficacy.

This concept was first inspired by a future researcher of Gongfa from ancient mythology.

In ancient times, people thought that there was an immortal living in the five internal organs of the body.

The immortal in the heart is named Dan Yuan, whose word is Shouling.

The immortal in the liver is named Longyan, and the character is clear.

The immortal in the spleen, whose name is Chang Zai, whose word is Soul Court.

The immortal in the lungs is called Haohua, and the character is Xucheng.

The immortal in the kidney is named Xuan Ming, and the word is nurturing.

In mythological descriptions, these gods protect the body organs and feed back the human body, making the host healthy and strong.

So the researcher of the practice method was inspired by this and came up with the concept of cultivation of human beings.

In the continuous development and improvement of later generations, this concept has finally become one of the core contents of the cultivation system.

The content that Feng Qi told was related to this.

Listening to his remarks, the students were gradually shocked from their initial doubts.

They found that the content of Feng Qi is not completely piled up by concepts, but actually has systematic theoretical knowledge.

Even this theoretical knowledge can allow them to carry out the next step of practice. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Before Feng Qi proposed this concept, they generally believed that the internal organs are the important organs of the human body, but from the perspective of cultivation, these organs are undoubtedly burdensome.

But the concept thrown by Feng Qi allowed them to discover a new continent.

They suddenly felt that human beings have not fully developed and utilized human organs at this stage. In fact, these organs can also be a booster in cultivation, which is of great benefit to the improvement of strength.

For the knowledge of Fengqi, the students once again had a new understanding.

Looking at Feng Qi, who was talking eloquently, they couldn't hide their admiration in their eyes.

At this moment, some students even felt from the bottom of their hearts that human beings have such a genius as Fengqi, and He Chou cannot disperse all fields in the future.

The time for a class has passed, Feng Qi continued to teach, and the students were all fascinated and did not want to leave at all.

The same is true for the students outside the classroom. Their expressions are focused, for fear of missing the content of the lecture.

Although they have been standing for a long time, they have no intention of leaving at all, and the notebooks in their hands are full of knowledge points.

At this time, Lin Ran, who was hiding in a corner outside the classroom and eavesdropping for a long time, was also shocked.

He always felt that Fengqi was the biggest help for him to embark on the path of study of exercises. After listening to this class, he strengthened this concept even more.

The so-called Jin Zhu Zhechi has Feng Qi, a peerless genius in the field of Gongfa research, by his side. He feels that he will also be affected, and he will do something in the field of Gongfa science.

Feng Qi, who was still in class in the classroom, naturally didn't know what Lin Ran was thinking at the moment.

Otherwise, he must rush out of the classroom and give Lin Ran, who was hiding in the corner, a complete set of "Tiger Fist", so that he can understand what cruelty is.