I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 739: resurrected teacher

Waking up in the dark, Feng Qi stood up and rubbed the head of Xiaoyou who was sleeping soundly on the sofa. A new timeline has opened.

In this timeline, he has absolute confidence in defeating the Black Moon Army. From the initial defeat, but now full of confidence, the Black Moon Army is no longer an invincible opponent in his eyes.

When time restarts, he can rewrite everything. Coming to the desk and sitting down, Feng Qi began to write the plan of this timeline.

Next, he will convene the highest meeting of Star City to formulate a development plan for the next fifty years. In the previous timeline, the research and development of space technology slowed down, domain science became the most important development project of the human race, and a series of travel envoys such as Su Nian were cultivated, which took a completely different path from the previous timeline, and made the human race meet a large number of alien races ally.

In this timeline, domain science will still be an important project for the development of Terran. But at the same time as the development of field science, the research and development weight of majoring in exercises will be greatly improved.

The significance of time restart is to learn from the experience of the previous timeline, make up for the shortcomings of the previous timeline, and let the race move towards a better future.

There is no quick solution to the problem of majoring in exercises, and it can only be improved through technical accumulation.

To overcome this problem, only the most stupid way can be used. After spending several days writing the first fifty-year plan, Feng Qi held the highest meeting of Star City.

At the meeting, he gave a detailed interpretation from the existing resource inventory to the weight distribution of resources. The meeting was more like Fengqi was ordering tasks, rather than discussing how the human race should be laid out in the next fifty years.

It is not the first time that Fengqi has experienced the sacrifice line in the first fifty years. He is very clear about the amount of each resource in the resource pool, and he is able to make future plans with ease.

...the end of the first fifty-year development plan. Feng Qi officially changed the year name to Lixiao, opening a new era for the human race.

In the past fifty years, Feng Qi has reformed the development direction of Star City, and formulated a plan for the construction of the West Supply Zone of Star City, the construction of the Daybreak Academy, the increase in the weight of field studies, the training plan for travel envoys, the advance promotion of the Blood and Flesh Festival, and the silver moon of the alliance clan. The early arrival of the Clan, the early alliance with the Splitting God Clan, and so on.

At the end of the fifty-year plan, Feng Qi personally sent the first batch of travel envoys to embark on a journey to explore the new world, shouldering the task of spreading the blood sacrifice.

Among them is the traveling envoy Su Nian. Before parting, Feng Qi gave him two sticks of memory fluid, one of which was spare.

Gulu's memory is hidden in the memory fluid. He needs to use the memory fluid to wake up Gulu, a loyal believer in the previous timeline, so that he can return to the Terran Alliance camp.

In addition, knowing that Shen Jue will come later in this timeline, Feng Qi chooses to develop space technology one step ahead.

Dawn 8 years. On the day when space technology matured, Feng Qi brought back the materials of the Silver Snake Empire ruins and handed them over to the Silver Moon Clan, officially opening the era of technological innovation for the Silver Moon Clan.

Dawn 12 years. The Star City South Supply Zone officially started construction, and the construction of the Terran Navy officially started. It was also in this year that the human race obtained the tortoise shell jade in advance and established a connection channel with the city of destiny.

The messenger of fate stepped onto the stage of history. Feng Qi bought 30 tortoise shell jade in advance for the development of the fate department.

In the previous timelines, the Messenger of Destiny has accumulated a lot of opportunities to pick up leaks, and this timeline will be used.

Especially the equipment black hole that is very important to the development of the human race in the early stage. But Fengqi has already made plans for this timeline, and will sell the equipment black hole when the right time comes.

Although the equipment black hole is an important boost to the development of the human race in the early stage, it is no longer the main source of resources for the human race in the later stage.

This has something to do with the rapid increase in the combat power of various races after the opening of the new world. Many racial forces that have established trade relations with the human race have quality requirements for weapons and equipment. The equipment black holes no longer meet their needs and can only be eliminated.

Previous timelines have demonstrated this. In the later stage, the growth rate of new customers decreases, and the departure of old customers increases.

Only forging clans who specialize in forging and have a large number of forging customers can squeeze out the last value of equipment black holes.

So a sale is inevitable. The times are developing, and the golden rooster that lays eggs will also grow old. The experience of the previous timeline allowed Feng Qi to plan in advance how to deal with a series of early-stage high-value items such as equipment black holes, as well as the appropriate processing time.

Dawn 26 years. Feng Qi, who was practicing the Blood Sacrifice, received a call from the resource management department that the resources from Victory City had been shipped to Star City.

Upon hearing the news, Feng Qi realized that the development of Star City could finally usher in a speedup. The above timeline is used as a reference, this timeline will no longer save resources, and a meeting will be held on the same day to propose the construction plan of Daybreak City.

In this timeline, the construction of Daybreak City will become more important. It is also a city, but the operating efficiency of Dawn City is far from that of Star City. Only when the construction of Dawn City is completed can the urban integration plan be officially launched.

According to this timeline, he strives to complete the construction of Daybreak City within a hundred years after Shen Jue arrives. On that day, Star City, Victory City, Winter City, and Elf City will merge into Dawn City, ushering in a new era for the human race.

Dawn 27 years. At noon this day, Feng Qi returned to the office after lunch. Pushing open the door, he saw a figure with a long sword standing in the room, and it was Lu Yue who came.

"Brother Chess." Seeing him coming, Lu Yue nodded in greeting.

"Hello, Lu Jian." Xiaoyou gnawed on the chicken feet, nodded with a mature face, and then hiccupped.

"Is there something wrong?" Seeing Lu Yue's posture, Feng Qi knew that he had something to do with him. Under normal circumstances, Lu Yue would never come looking for him.

"Brother Qi, I want to go to Infernal Hell." Hearing these words, Feng Qi was surprised, he didn't expect Lu Yue to bring up this idea.

In the previous timeline, Lu Yue went with him to the Blood Soul Clan's land for a heart training challenge. This time the heart training challenge is over, his state of mind level has broken through the fifteenth level, and there are only three levels left that he failed to pass.

Lu Yue passed the challenges of the first two levels, and imbued the memory of the previous timeline after this timeline was opened, and his resistance to negative emotions has been greatly improved.

The reason why he chose to instill memory to help Lu Yue grow up is mainly because Miracle does not have a memory function.

He used to think that the Xinlian challenge platform could record across time. Because every time he goes to the Xinlian platform, he will start from the end of the previous timeline, and there is no need to re-do the previous Xinlian level.

But Lu Yue proved that this was not the case. Miracle does not have a recording function. Every time he goes to the Xinlian Challenge Platform, he can continue to the previous level, which is related to his memory and has nothing to do with Miracle.

If there is no corresponding memory, he also needs to start from the first heart training level

"A Difficult Way to Go" begins anew. This is also the main reason why Feng Qi chose to imbue Lu Yue with memory.

If a miracle can record information across time, it would be a very scary thing for Feng Qi. Take the Holy Spirit Consciousness Bank as an example.

Assuming that every time he restarts the timeline, the contents of Miracle Records will not be restarted, which will lead to an explosion in the technology of the psionic race.

Every time he restarts, the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library of the Psionic Race can follow him to record the information of the previous timeline.

Apparently miracles have no recording function, only the miracles that follow him can transcend time and not be restarted.

The same is true for the Xinlian challenge platform. What is read is his memory, not the record of his challenge experience in the previous timeline.

At this time, Lu Yue proposed to go to Hell, Feng Qi already understood Lu Yue's thoughts. There are quite a few forces that have come out of Infernal Hell, and several of them are powerful clan forces in the new world in the future.

One of them is called the source of suffering. They are reborn in negative emotions and gain the power to control negative emotions.

Lu Yue wants to follow Jian Ji's magic sword path, how to control negative emotions is full of temptation for Lu Yue. It is also with the idea of ​​controlling the power of negative emotions that Lu Yue wants to go to the endless hell, experience the tempering of life and death in it, and walk out of a sword demon path.

But this road is not easy for Feng Qi. The main reason why the source of suffering can control negative emotional forces is that they are no longer the original self, but a new consciousness born from pain.

It is no longer self-awareness that controls the body, but negative emotional awareness. This is the key to the life of the source of suffering being able to control the power of negative emotions.

What Lu Yue wants to do is to learn to control the power of negative emotions while retaining his self-awareness. It is easy to fall into **** and become an evil spirit, but it is very difficult to control the evil spirit while maintaining self-clearness.

Lu Yue's choice is a dead end with almost no future in sight. Looking at Lu Yue's firm eyes, Feng Qi didn't know how to persuade him.

He naturally understood why Lu Yue made this choice. Through practicing blood sacrifice, Lu Yue could survive to the final battle, but his talent was limited after all, and there was a big gap in potential between him and the new generation born before the final battle.

This gap is difficult to bridge, unless it is to activate the power of the blood and get the blessing of the power of the pillar god. Although the blood sacrifice can greatly increase the growth potential of the human race, the potential improvement is far inferior to the growth rate of the new generation.

Human growth can be divided into infancy, growth, and old age. After reaching a certain age, although the cultivation effect of the blood sacrifice will not weaken, it will not be able to obtain a substantial increase.

Let me illustrate this problem with an example. The speed at which Lu Yue's bloodline potential was tapped was very rapid in the early stage, but when he was several hundred years old, the increase in bloodline potential would be constant.

The starting point of the new generation is very high. They have a period of rapid growth, which can also be called the developmental period. During this period, the blood potential increases at a terrifying speed, and it will enter a constant state when they reach age.

The new generation after 2000 can cultivate the Flesh and Flesh Cauldron because their bloodlines have a very high starting point, and the potential of their bloodlines grows very rapidly during the development period.

Assume that Lu Yue's bloodline potential increase is 100 points during his growth period. The starting point for new humans in the later stage is high, and the blood potential of the developmental stage can be increased by 10,000 points.

Lu Yue's combat power will not lose to the new generation in the future, and even be stronger than many new generations, but this improvement is in exchange for a long lifespan.

One is rapid improvement in a short period of time, and the other is long-term cultivation. There is an essential gap between the two.

He can understand Lu Yue's desire to change. He wanted to be a strong man, he didn't want to be limited by the shackles of blood, and he wanted to become a war **** like Mu Qing who could change the fate of the human race.

Even though the road to becoming a strong man requires a lot of price, he is still willing to try. The words of persuasion were on the lips, Feng Qi didn't know how to say it, and finally turned into a sigh.

Lu Yue is his brother, but he has no right to decide Lu Yue's choice for his future. Blocking will only make Lu Yue more painful.

After a long silence, Feng Qi chose to nod: "I will help you find a way to enter the Infernal Hell in the City of Destiny, and I will tell you if I have any news."

"Brother Chess, thank you."

"I won't stop you from going, as long as you come back alive."

"Definitely." Lu Yue nodded solemnly.

"How much do you know about Infernal Hell?"

"Relevant information is recorded in the belief database. I have read all of them. I know that the competition there is very cruel, and the strong are respected. If you want to survive there, you must become a villain and step forward on the corpses of others." Qi nodded at this moment: "If you go to Infernal Hell, it's best not to bring Jianlan with you. The pursuit there is the purest battle. You need to prepare in advance to avoid being targeted." Hearing these words, Lu Yue nodded immediately: "I will learn Jianji in the next practice, and integrate Jianlan with myself to achieve the state of human-sword unity. In the future, even without Jianlan, I will be able to use pure physical strength to perform extreme sword moves During the chat, Feng Qi discovered that Lu Yue had already made his own future plan.

Lu Yue said that if he can gain a foothold in the Infernal Hell, he will form a **** army similar to the source of suffering there.

When the future battle begins, he will return with the army crawled out of hell, and dedicate his strength to the final battle.

According to the last agreement, Lu Yue, who was exiled by space, never returned. Once again, Feng Qi still has expectations for Lu Yue's future.

After Lu Yue left, Feng Qi called the Destiny Messenger Department and asked the Destiny Messenger Department to inquire about the news of the Infernal Hell through the channels of the Destiny City, trying to find a way to enter the Infernal Hell as soon as possible.

Hearing this request, the person in charge of the Destiny Messenger department was also stunned. In the city of fate, there are many warriors from the Infernal Hell, and they paid a heavy price for escaping the Infernal Hell.

It's the first time I've heard of someone who wants to take the initiative to enter the Infernal Hell. But the person in charge of the Destiny Messenger Department didn't ask too much, and immediately said that he would arrange related matters.

…Dawn 36 years. Shuo death domain field. A figure crossed the field barrier and looked up at the world in front of him.

The sky was overcast, like a gray filter, without any other color. The ground under their feet was very muddy and damp, and there was a rancid smell in the air.

"A familiar place." Looking at the huge beast skeleton in the distance, and seeing the wriggling tentacles on it, Su Nian sighed.

After revisiting the old place after reading the memory, Su Nian knew that this place was the end of his life. Without hesitation, he immediately set off and walked towards the territory of the Shuo Dead Clan.

In this timeline, he would like to follow the orders of Feng Qi, the leader of the great human race, and shoulder important tasks. That is to awaken the alien allies of the Terrans in the previous timeline

"Gulu". In the last timeline, he awakened Gollum at the cost of death, but this time it obviously doesn't need to be so troublesome.

For Gulu, the information in the memory fluid is as long as 2,500 years. After reading this part of the memory, Gulu's own memory only occupies a very small part of the total memory, and it cannot affect Gulu's awakening at all.

ъ How to implement the plan to revive Gulu, Su Nian has already thought about the countermeasures. At this time, he took off the space bracelet on his wrist, stuffed it in his mouth, and borrowed his natural ability

The "stomach bag" swallowed the space bracelet and stored it to prevent it from being taken away by the Shuo Zong after a mistake. In this timeline, he would not be so stupid as to choose the way of being deliberately taken away to contact Gollum.

There are too many risks of uncertainty in doing so. If caught, he will most likely be sent to the Blood Slave Dungeon.

But there are many blood slave dungeons in the city where Gulu is located, and the time when he came to the field of death has changed, so he may not be sent to the blood slave dungeon where Gulu is located this time.

He can't bet on odds. This is the task Feng Qi gave him, and he must try his best to complete it. At this time, Su Nian used his exercises to hide his life breath to prevent being discovered by the Shuo Zhan warriors who were patrolling outside.

After making sure that his aura was no longer dissipating, Su Nian set off for the city where Gulu was located according to the map information recorded in the faith database.

After half a day on the road, the city of the Shuozhu tribe where Gulu was located appeared at the end of Su Nian's sight. He didn't choose to move on, instead he hid behind a boulder and waited for an opportunity.

A few days later, the sky was filled with dark clouds and black raindrops fell. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if a gap had been cut in the sky, and the raging flood poured down.

Realizing that the time was ripe, Su Nian borrowed his natural ability, his body began to liquefy, and approached the city where Gulu was located through the heavy rain.

With the heavy rain pouring down, the Shuo Zhan warriors would not even realize that someone had sneaked into the city. Through the information provided by Gulu in the belief database, Su Nian finally found an area that Gulu was in charge of after spending some time.

After searching two blood slave mines in succession, he saw Gulu in the third blood slave mine. At this time, Gulu was as skinny as a stick, his eyes were dull and lifeless, holding a wooden bucket for receiving blood in his left hand, and a hook in his right hand, and was harvesting the blood of blood slaves.

At this moment, Su Nian condensed his physical body and appeared behind Gulu. Gulu, who heard the movement, turned around at this moment, and the moment he saw Su Nian, panic appeared in his eyes.

Before Gulu could cry out, Su Nian knocked Gulu unconscious with a knife in his hand. Too much to explain, why not have a tube of memory fluid.

Putting Gulu flat on the ground, Su Nian spit out the space bracelet, took out the memory fluid, and stabbed Gulu's neck.

The liquid was pushed into Gulu's body, and Gulu's expression suddenly became painful. After a long time, Gulu suddenly opened his eyes, his body began to tremble uncontrollably, and black blood spit out from his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Su Nian quickly took out a tube of golden potion from the space bracelet and injected it into Gulu's body.

For Gulu's violent reaction, Feng Qi explained in advance ~lightnovelpub.net~ that Gulu's memory is very large, and Gulu may overreact during the process of digesting this memory, and may even damage the sea of ​​consciousness.

Finally, Feng Qi said that this tube of healing potion is a life seed potion obtained from the Elf King, which can help Gulu through the difficult process of memory fusion.

As time passed, Gulu's state of injecting life medicine into his body gradually calmed down. A few hours later, Gulu who fused the memories suddenly opened his eyes.

The originally dull eyes gradually became sharper. At this moment, it supported its body and looked at Su Nian. Surprise, surprise... many complex emotions flashed in Gulu's eyes.

Countless times we met in dreams, and now dreams come true.

"Teacher!" Gulu threw himself at Su Nian and hugged him tightly, tears falling unconsciously.

"Okay, okay, it's been a few hours, hurry up and work, if you don't work, you will be beaten, and you are not the future leader of the dead."


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