I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 746: Inventory - the way forward

"I Kidnapped the Timeline"

Dawn breaks in 2501.

The sun rises in the east, driving away the darkness.

After the final battle, Mu Wei left.

She will go to the main body to observe the fusion process of the main body and the world.

During this period, Feng Qi discovered that the state of the human race also changed with the fusion of the sun and the world.

The most obvious change is the improvement of training efficiency. Feng Qi found that the speed at which he and other members of the human race absorbed the aura of heaven and earth was significantly accelerated, including the body enhancement feedback obtained from body training.

The law of the sun has become an important part of the rules of the new world, and the human race has received the gift of the sun.

This kind of peculiar binding does not exist in the domain forces.

Mo Yue's victory or defeat has no effect on the creatures in the domain. Their compatible laws have already become part of the world as a whole along with the integration of the domain field and the world.

During this process, the domain field where the domain creature is located will disappear.

So no matter if Moyue wins or Sun wins, the laws compatible with them will not disappear.

This fusion can refer to the mutual engulfment of domain fields.

When one domain field swallows another domain field, the rules of the other domain field will not be lost, but will be integrated into the new domain field, and the rules will also merge with each other.

The new world is formed by the fusion of the original countless domain rules and the human world.

But the two original cores of the sun and Moyue are incompatible, and there can only be one original core.

The sun became the original core of the new world, and the part of the rules that belonged to Mo Yue was eliminated.

In the process of the origin of the new world becoming the only core, the law of the sun is being continuously strengthened, and the human race can also benefit from it.

Wei Wei had speculated about this possibility back then.

Now Weiwei's guess has been confirmed, and the human race is ushering in new opportunities under the shadow of the law of the sun.

The final battle is over, and everything is waiting to be done.

Feng Qi is full of expectations for the future.

The disappearance of Mo Yue is like a boulder lying on the road of human civilization, and the road ahead is bright after being crushed.

The human race can also become the overlord of the new world just like the royal family.

Post-war statistical work was carried out during this period.

In a normal domain war, there will inevitably be a huge harvest of resources after the war, and the resource land and inventory resources under the jurisdiction of the defeated forces will be obtained.

But the battlefield of the final battle is outside Daybreak City, and no racial force will bring huge resources to participate in the battle.

In terms of resource harvest, the resources paid by the human race for the war are far greater than the resource gains.

However, in terms of miracles and pseudo-miracles, the Terran Allied Forces have gained a lot.

The first is the miracle item. The Black Moon Legion let the people harvest a total of ten miracle items.

They are mind stone, puppet, return to one, war drum, control, oath space, rebirth (held by Gulu), bloodstone fragments (held by Gulu), time control (incomplete), clone.

Among these ten miracle items, five miracle items have been fused with his body.

Among them, the rebirth and bloodstone fragments are in Gulu's hands.

Time control was also one of the trump cards of the Black Moon Legion in the previous timeline. The target hit by time control will be accelerated or reversed by the miracle holder.

At that time, many members of the human race were turned back in time, and their bodies shrank rapidly and eventually turned into a baby state, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

This miracle item is extremely powerful.

For the human race's spirit beast system, it is an artifact, and the growth of spirit beasts takes time to sharpen.

With this miraculous item, the human race might be able to cultivate super life forms comparable to spirit ancestors.

This is the third miracle item related to time that Feng Qi has seen.

The first miracle is his time reboot.

The second one comes from the Psionic Race, which is the "Return" in the hands of the Holy Spirit Race.

The function of this miraculous item was demonstrated when he led the Star City Warriors to attack the Future City.

Going back can make the time of an area reappear in the form of a virtual image, and check what happened in this area at the previous point in time.

This is also the reason why Feng Qi did not dare to touch the interests of the Psionic Race in the early stage.

Through time rewinding, psionics can accurately lock the enemy.

Even if the assassination method leaves no trace, the Psionics can find the mastermind behind the images created by time travel.

In addition to rewinding images in time, rewinding can also reverse the time in an area.

The situation at that time was that the Psionic Clan sent soldiers with miracles to capture the traitor Sombra, and the power of the miracles accidentally activated Xiao Hei in advance.

During this period, the members of the Psionic Race broke out with Xiao Hei, and found that they could not compete with Xiao Hei's immunity and killed him. state.

It's a pity that Xiao Hei has the ability to be exempt from the suppression of miracle rules.

The final result is that Xiao Hei breaks free from the suppression of Miracle, is no longer affected by time reversal, and devours the members of the Psionic Race who hold Miracle Reversal, and the rest flee.

Taking Xiao Hei as a reference, the functional effect of miracle regression does not seem to be strong.

But Xiao Hei is a special case after all, if it is other beings, it is impossible to resist this miraculous item of reversion.

The spells released will be turned into energy and returned to the body under the suppression of the rules. As long as the time in the selected area is repeatedly reversed, it means that the selected person will be sealed by time, and all actions will eventually return to the original point.

The third miracle item related to time is the time control harvested in this final battle.

It's also a miracle item that does area of ​​effect effects.

The difference with backtracking is that backtracking is to let the matter in an area return to the original point in the way of time flow back.

And time control can only act on life itself, allowing it to accelerate aging or return to youth. More importantly, consciousness will also return to the corresponding time point as time changes.

Possession of this miracle item essentially allows one to return to one's youthful state infinitely.

But the reflux of consciousness will also cause the target to lose the memory of a period of time.

For example, when Ji He's age is set back to 1000 years old, he will reap his youthful body, but his subsequent memories and knowledge will also be erased.

Among them is the increase in physical fitness gained through thousands of years of cultivation.

In the final battle, the Black Moon Warrior holding this miraculous item had very simple means of dealing with the enemy.

It will cause the enemies in the area covered by the miracle time control to experience life regression, allowing them to return to the embryonic stage from the peak state, or return to the peak stage from the old state, but as long as the influence of the time rule is still there, the target will eventually be destroyed. Time fades into nothingness.

This miraculous item made Feng Qi see the solution to Tianshu's hidden dangers.

If the research is successful by using the method of miracles, he can use time control to bring Tianshu back to the state where it has not absorbed the blood of Zhushen, so that it can break free from the hidden danger of losing control.

But Wei Wei has a different view on his proposal.

She said that if the power of miracles is the power of the Pillar God, then the blood of the Pillar God absorbed by Tianshu is essentially part of the rules.

The rules are mutually exclusive and cancel each other. Perhaps the power of the Pillar God cannot be affected by the control of time, and cannot be stripped from Tianshu's body through the way of time flow back.

But in the specific situation, the answer can only be obtained after use.

During the preliminary test, Feng Qi also tried to make Mu Qing accept the influence of time acceleration.

But the test fails.

What is certain is that Mu Qing who holds the scarlet rune spar has the ability to resist miracle effects.

Time acceleration can only last for a while on Mu Qing, and then it will disappear.

At the same time, the improvement of Mu Qing's combat power has nothing to do with time, it's not that the older she gets, the stronger her combat power.

Mu Qing's strength is only related to the amount of energy she devours.

If there is enough energy to devour, the young Mu Qing can also have the peak combat power at the age of 2500.

This test is based on Wei Wei's conclusions.

Mu Qing's strength growth is not affected by age or changes in body functions, that is, there is no such concept as the human race's so-called infancy, development, adulthood, and old age. As long as she is provided with sufficient energy, she can move faster. speed to grow.

It can be seen how powerful the scarlet rune spar is.

Mu Qing, who is in the dominance mode, has no limit to her growth if she is not dragged down by the human race.

Even if the sun falls, Mu Qing can continue to grow through the devouring transformation ability of the scarlet rune spar. The ultimate limit may be the pillar god, or it may be the strength to surpass the pillar **** and become the mysterious scarlet phantom worshiped by the pillar god.

The initial test of time control is over, and the Scarlet Research Institute is about to launch a second test to try to find more effective ways to use it.

The last miracle "clone" was also obtained from the Black Moon Legion. After opening, the miraculous power was poured into the body, and multiple body clones could be created.

It is said to be a clone, but the clone is connected to the body consciousness, there is no difference, including the strength will be perfectly reproduced.

The existence time of the clones and the number of clones are affected by the body's ability to withstand. After the clones are released, the effects of the clones will be fed back to the main body.

Assuming that the clone is injured in battle, the injury will be fed back to the main body after the clone is removed.

There are many ways in which this miracle can be exploited.

One of them is cultivation.

Cultivating multiple clones at the same time is equivalent to turning on the practice double mode. After the clone mode is released, the training effect will also be fed back to the main body.

If the main body can withstand 100 clones, the effect of cultivation is equivalent to gaining a hundred times acceleration, and the combat power will also be improved a hundred times.

Unfortunately, clones, like other miracles, cannot reproduce other miracle powers.

For example, if Mu Qing uses the Miracle Clone, she will not be able to replicate the full power of the body, and the effect will be suppressed by the Scarlet Gem.

Amplified miracles are not compatible with each other.

Scarlet gemstones and five-power gemstones will cancel the effects of other blessing miracle items, and the only one who can transcend this limitation is his body and Xiao Hei, a collection of rules.

And fighting is just one of the ways this miracle can be used.

Other usage methods are being explored and developed by Scarlet Research Institute.

The number of miracle items harvested in the final battle only accounts for a part of the number of miracles held by the Black Moon Legion, not all.

What is certain is that many forces in the Black Moon Legion hold functional miracle items, and did not bring these miracle items during the final battle.

The miracle items that appear in the final battle are all types that increase combat power.

However, the miraculous items that increase the combat power obtained by the human race are not all of the Black Moon Legion. There are still many miracle items that were taken away with the withdrawal of the Black Moon Legion.

Among them are two top-level defensive miracle items, absolutely ineffective and strong.

In addition to the miracle items, the Terrans also harvested 453 pieces of pseudo-miracle equipment in the end.

These miracle items belonged to the allied forces of the human race, not exclusively to the human race. After the statistics were completed, Ji He only left 18 of them, and the rest of the pseudo-miracle weapons and equipment were given to the alien forces participating in the final battle.

This is undoubtedly the right thing to do.

In the final battle, except for the miracle in Gulu's hands, all other miracle items are in the hands of the human race, so there is nothing wrong with distributing the pseudo-miracle equipment.

In addition to the blood spar, the weapons, equipment, and props obtained from cleaning the battlefield were sold to the Fate City forces, and the blood spar was also distributed to the foreign forces participating in the war.

This is one of Ji He's methods to win the hearts of foreigners.

In this way, the alien race can see that the human race will treat all fellow travelers kindly.

Dawn breaks in 2502.

This year, the second phase of the construction project of Xiaoxiao City passed the review of the Supreme Council of Xiaoxiao and officially started.

Ji He used his actions to guarantee the survival of alien believers.

It was also in this year that the human race canceled the practice of blood sacrifice and replaced it with the blood and flesh cauldron.

The god-level exercise "blood sacrifice" in the eyes of the human race has officially become the past tense of history, bidding farewell to the future history of the human race.

During this period, Ji He communicated with the traveling envoys who were still on the road through the space of belief, and conveyed the latest tasks of the traveling envoys, and at the same time canceled the promotion and dissemination of the blood sacrifice.

Blood sacrifice is a sharp weapon for harvesting the weak, but it is no longer suitable for the new era.

According to the news brought back by the Messenger of Destiny in the City of Destiny, the human race has become famous in the City of Destiny, and all forces have already known the news that the human race harvested the weak through the blood sacrifice.

The news sent by the forces that fled at the end of the war made it impossible for the race to keep a low profile.

If the traveler continues to promote the blood sacrifice, it will inevitably become a thorn in the side of all forces.

There are almost no weak people in the new world, and there are not many forces that can be harvested. Now the forces that can survive are generally powerful, and many of them have established connections with the city of destiny. Promoting the blood sacrifice is tantamount to telling others that I want to cheat you.

From this point of view, Ji He modified the task of the travel envoy.

Change the core of their missions to exploration and records, and the mission to promote blood sacrifices is officially cancelled.

The dark card of the blood sacrifice has even been tricked by many Destiny City forces.

It also includes many forces of the Black Moon Legion.

But this card can only be used once, and the human race will no longer be able to use it after it is used up.

Dawn breaks in 2576.

The construction of the second phase of the dawn is completed, and the foreign race has officially become a subordinate force of the human race.

But in name, the human race still treats other races kindly in the name of fellow travelers, giving allied races the treatment they deserve.

On the day when the second phase of Daybreak City was completed and the foreign races moved in, Ji He, on behalf of Feng Qi, gave a speech to the foreign races that moved in.

In this speech, Ji He clearly informed the alien forces.

You who have fought **** battles for the human race deserve the gift of the human race. In the future, you will not lose any of the free resources that the members of the human race should have.

At the end of the speech, Ji He said:

"Our journey is not over yet, and the road ahead is still full of unknown risks. May we continue to forge ahead under the brilliance of the will of the dawn, and look forward to your rise again, and become comrades-in-arms again in the next war."

Ji He represented Fengqi, and his speech on behalf of mankind undoubtedly won the trust of the alien race.

Perhaps Ji He has his own plans in his heart, but all the actions on the surface let the faith forces in the second city of Lixiao, and even in the clan land that has not settled in, see the responsibility of the human race, and know that the human race will never abandon anyone. accompany.

After the speech, the most obvious point is that the power of belief in the belief space has increased significantly.

The arrangements for foreign belief forces to settle in the Second City of Daybreak are over.

Feng Qi and Ji He make an appointment to meet at the head of Ximen City in the dawn city.

Leaning on the city wall, they overlooked the devastated final battlefield, waiting for the sun to rise.

The hazy and faint morning light suddenly appeared from the edge of the sky, and the wind blew from afar, taking away the dewdrops hanging on the city wall. The rising sun showed colorful luster under the refraction of the water droplets, like a beautiful and gorgeous brocade.

The Daybreak flag fluttering in the wind on the city wall was also covered with a thin layer of mist under the sunlight.

"Old Feng, what do you think the future path should be?"

The breeze was blowing Ji He's gray hair, he turned his head to look at Feng Qi and asked.

"I have never walked the road to the future, and my experience ends here... You know better than me how to go in the future."

Ji He shook his head, a smile appeared on his face:

"I have always been thinking about a question, how far can our human race go in this timeline."

"What's the conclusion?"

"Considering this issue from a realistic point of view, winning is temporary, and losing is inevitable. The cruel competition of the survival of the fittest is like a vortex of reincarnation... In the end, we won the battle, but there will still be another force to replace us and step on our path. Failure ushers in new development."

"Once the competition in this world begins, it cannot end. When a power wields a butcher's knife in order to become stronger, the killing cannot be stopped. We enjoy the development dividends brought by war through war, but there will be stronger forces sniffing our butcher's knife. The smell of blood came and came to us continuously."

"In the competition under the general trend, as long as one force starts to kill, it will never end."

"Although the eight royal families are very strong, the end is far from coming. They are just ants under the influence of the general trend. It may not be any of them that will face the general trend in the end."

Feng Qi turned his head to look at Ji He who was looking into the distance with slightly blurred eyes.

He could feel Ji He's inner struggle.

Just because he was unwilling to give up, his pressure did not come to relief after the end of the final battle. Instead, the pressure of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com became heavier in the face of the unknown road ahead.

"Have you ever thought about cultivating successors?"

"Old Feng, I'm just feeling sorry for the future, but I don't intend to abdicate." Ji He turned his head to look at Feng Qi, and said helplessly.

"Haha, let me just ask, I'm relieved that you control Daybreak City... As for the future path, it will continue to be up to you to decide. Failure will not break us, it will only make us stronger in the next timeline."


Ji He nodded lightly, then looked in the direction of the rising sun and said:

"I'm curious why Mu Yu hasn't returned yet."

"It should be still assisting the body to integrate the rules of the new world. During this period of time, the cultivation efficiency of our human race is getting faster and faster. Obviously, it is the feedback brought by the fusion of the sun and the world. When she returns again, our human race can activate more The blood warriors, the future can be expected."

When Ji He heard this, he nodded and suddenly changed his mind:

"Old Feng, have you ever thought about a question, the blood and flesh cauldron is actually not complete."

"how you said that?"

"The Blood Sacrifice is a shortened version of the flesh and blood cauldron modified by Senior Misty, and the Flesh and Flesh Cauldron is a technique obtained by Senior Misty by observing the fragments of the miracle blood stone, but the miracle blood stone is not complete, and it is reasonable to say that the miracle blood is not complete. The method of rubbing on the surface of the stone is obviously not complete...I guess the method of the Flesh and Flesh Cauldron is complicated and difficult to practice, and it may also have something to do with its incompleteness."

"You mean, the flesh and blood cauldron we are cultivating now can go further?"

Ji He nodded:

"Maybe we can try and start researching from the bloodstone fragment in Gulu's hand."