I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 747: Resource Printing Machine

"I Kidnapped the Timeline"

At the end of the final battle, the development of the human race ushered in earth-shaking changes.

According to the data collected by Scarlet Research Institute.

The fusion of the sun and the world is still going on, and the sun rules that are already the origin of the world have increased the efficiency of human cultivation by 1.5 times.

And this increase continues to increase.

Following this trend, when the sun completely merges with the world, the efficiency of human cultivation can increase by 2-3 times.

The improvement in cultivation efficiency is only one of the advantages brought to the human race by the sun becoming the core of the world's origin.

The efficiency of the outlining technique, the operating efficiency of the functional buildings in Daybreak City, and everything related to the cultivation system have been significantly increased.

This allowed the strength of the race to greatly increase in a short period of time.

Even if the current human race is not strong enough to compete with the eight royal families, it can be regarded as one of the top forces under the eight royal families.

But the problem that bothers Feng Qi the most is that the spatial coordinates of the human race have been exposed at this stage.

In the entire Destiny City, there has been too much news about the human race in recent years.

The information passed on in the final battle made the race completely famous.

In the words of the Messenger of Destiny, spending 10 blood spar in Destiny City can easily find out the spatial coordinates of the human race and some of the miracle items they hold.

It's like the Messenger of Destiny used to spy on other races for information.

The intelligence of the human race has been circulated among the merchants in Destiny City, and it is no longer a secret, and it has been completely exposed to the eyes of many forces.

Fortunately, the strength of the human race is not weak.

Through the final battle, let the outside world know that the human race controls many miracles, and has huge coalition support. Even the royal family only inquired about the details of the human race, and no royal family came to do it.

This is the wonderful peace created by the mutual checks and balances of the rules among the top forces.

No matter how powerful the royal family is, they are afraid of being suppressed by the rules of miracles.

As long as the target possesses multiple miracle items, one must carefully consider the possible consequences before attempting to plunder, and even the risk that other royal families may benefit.

This gave the human race room to recover and continue to develop.

Today, Feng Qi feels that the royal family is not scary.

For the development of human civilization, the final battle is the most difficult challenge.

The coming of the Black Moon Legion is time-limited, and it will inevitably come when it is extended to about 2500 years after the dawn. This makes him need to constantly tap the development potential of the human race within 2500 years, and find a way to break the situation in a limited time.

No matter how hard it is, the start of the final battle will not be delayed any longer.

But the eight royal families are different, they have no conflict of interest or racial conflict with human beings in essence.

They will not limit a development time point for the human race like the Black Moon Legion, and then come to fight with the human race to the death.

Moving away the big rock Moyue, the development of the human race is no longer restricted.

But the genocide crisis still exists.

At the time when the Black Moon Legion came, the territory of the new world started to expand again.

There are a lot of strong races in the field who came to the new world at the last point in time. According to the news from Destiny City, we can know that a new round of race hegemony war has started.

During this period, 47 forces that established trade ties with the human race fell in just a few decades.

Among them are many powerful businessmen.

Almost all of them were destroyed by the domain powerhouses that came suddenly.

Among the large number of newly arrived forces, there are many powerful domain forces with ancient historical background.

Their arrival also brought a brand new field, which is also a part of the power of rules that the sun is digesting and merging.

New World has started a new round of land expansion.

In the process of merging the new domain field with the rules of the sun, the land and resources will be integrated into the new world, leading to a new round of surge in the area of ​​the new world.

But what puzzles Feng Qi is that the area where the human race is located has not been invaded by the forces of the newly descended domain.

In this regard, his guess is that the area where the human race is located belongs to the core area shrouded in the sun, which automatically crowds out the arrival of other domain fields.

Briefly described, the territory of the human race is protected by the sun.

Now that Mu Hao is the only original core of this world, there is no need to guard the Tongtian Road to prevent the coming of domain forces. The whole world, including the subsequent domain field, is the territory covered by her, and her will can be completely controlled. Select an area that cannot be descended by the realm.

This can be seen from the changes in the area outside the dawn city.

Ever since Mu Wei returned to the original body, the barren land where the human race is located is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Many spiritual plants that have never been seen are growing rapidly, and the energy released by the sun's rays is nourishing this land. It is conceivable that in the future this land will breed a large number of resources that have never appeared on the timeline before.

This is a resource land that belongs exclusively to the law of the sun.

The human race is a race under the protection of the sun and will receive the gift of the sun.

But there is no doubt that the competition in the future world is gradually deteriorating.

The arrival of a large number of new forces set off a new round of reshuffle, whether it is the human race or the eight royal families, they will all be involved.

There is only one way to quickly obtain a large amount of development resources, and that is to plunder the inventory resources and resource lands of other races.

The coming new forces and old forces will inevitably compete and fight fiercely.

Dawn breaks in 2573.

Feng Qi, who was visiting the second phase of the Xiaoyou City project with Xiaoyou, received a call from the Scarlet Research Institute.

Knowing that the time control miracle has developed a new method of use, Feng Qi immediately uses the space jump to bring Xiaoyou to a test spiritual planting garden in the west area of ​​Xiaoxiao City.

Walking out of the space channel, the air becomes exceptionally fresh, and green life particles floating in the air can be seen with the naked eye.

This Lingzhi Garden is a semi-enclosed site, with a semicircular transparent glass above it. Through the glass, you can see the huge canopy of the New Elf King. There are countless golden light spots falling from the sky among the swaying branches and leaves.

The spiritual field in this spiritual garden is divided into eight pieces.

An electronic screen is erected in front of each spiritual field, on which the environmental changes of the spiritual field are updated in real time.

Values ​​such as temperature, humidity, spiritual energy content, and energy consumption of the spiritual fields change every minute.

Every spiritual field is connected with energy pipelines.

This Lingzhi Garden occupies a small area, and it is one of the bases for testing the cultivation of Lingzhi in Lixiao City, and it is not responsible for the output of Lingzhi.

At this time, the current dean of the Scarlet Research Institute was waiting not far away.

His name is "Ning Yun". He used to be Weiwei's assistant, and was later promoted to the director of the Faith Construction Department with excellent performance. He took over the position of the old dean after he abdicated more than ten years ago.

Seeing Feng Qi approaching, Ning Yun immediately walked towards him quickly.

"Old Feng, you're here."

Feng Qi nodded, then looked at Ning Yun curiously and asked:

"You said on the phone that time control has developed a new method of use?"

"Yes, it has something to do with the catalysis of Lingzhi."

As he said that, Ning Yun beckoned not far away, and saw a young figure who was squatting beside the spiritual field immediately stood up, grabbed a spiritual plant and trotted over.

Standing still in front of Feng Qi, the young figure said cautiously:

"Feng Lao."

"Tell Mr. Feng about your discovery."

"Yes." After the boy nodded, the restraint on his face dissipated, and he reported with a serious expression:

"Old Feng, I'm a newcomer in the Miracle Development Department under the Scarlet Research Institute. My name is Tong Tengfei... Just three days ago, I proposed a possible way to use time control, which is to catalyze spiritual plants and accelerate spiritual growth." plant growth."

"After the plan passes the review, I will be in charge of this test."

As he spoke, Tong Tengfei raised the dark green gravel in his left hand, which was the miracle time control.

"This test didn't go well at the beginning. Although we can speed up the growth of spiritual plants in an area by using time acceleration, the spiritual plants in this area will wither soon."

"According to this discovery, we studied the reasons for the withering of Lingzhi under the accelerated time, and found that the problem mainly comes from the fact that Lingzhi grows too fast, but the nutrients taken from the Lingtian are not enough. Lingzhi continues to accelerate growth under the condition of insufficient nutrition. , and eventually lead to withering... The speed at which the spiritual field absorbs the aura of the world and restores it cannot keep up with the energy demand of the spiritual plant under the acceleration of time."

"In order to solve this problem, we connected the spiritual field to the energy pipeline to ensure the energy supply of the spiritual field and then tested again."

"This test solved the problem of Lingzhi's inability to grow quickly."

As he said that, Tong Tengfei lifted up a red spiritual plant in his right hand, and said excitedly:

"The name of this spiritual plant is Xuanhuocao. It is a very rare high-level spiritual plant. It started with a value of 100,000 blood spar in Destiny City. The higher the year, the higher the value... This type of plant has a characteristic, it grows very fast. It is slow, and the growth rate of absorbing nutrients is not even as good as many low-level spiritual plants, which is one of the reasons why the value of black fire grass is higher."

"The mysterious fire grass in my hand has grown into a two-thousand-year-old black fire grass through the acceleration of time. Based on the value of the city of destiny, the price can reach 12 million blood spar."

Hearing this, Feng Qi's expression changed.

He realized that the Terrans seemed to have found a brand new money printing machine.

Ordinary Xuanhuo grass has 100,000 blood crystals, but the value of this plant in Tong Tengfei's hand has reached 12 million blood stones, which is 120 times more valuable.

This is much more terrifying than the equipment black hole back then, it is like printing money.

More importantly, time control can cover an area for acceleration, and it is completely possible to batch cultivate this kind of spiritual plants that increase in value through time.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi immediately asked:

"What's the cost?"

Facing the inquiry, Tong Tengfei said excitedly:

"The cost is only the supply of energy. The energy pipeline is connected to the nutrient pool specially prepared by us for the absorption of the black fire grass. One pool of energy liquid is enough for the black fire grass to grow to 2000. The cost of the energy liquid is 40,000 blood spar , There is no cost to use the miraculous time control, Lingtian can absorb aura on its own to recover without consuming cost, the elf king who planted the black fire grass has researched the life sequence, can mass-produce seeds, the total cost is about 50,000 blood spar."

"How much Xuanhuo grass can be planted in each spiritual field?" Feng Qi asked.

"The number of Xuanhuo grass planted in each spiritual field is 360, and they need to be planted at a certain distance, otherwise the Xuanhuo grass will devour each other's energy. The time control covers an area of ​​50 square meters, and it can catalyze ten Xuanhuo plants at a time. Huocao, the time to prepare the nutrient solution is negligible, and it can be done by division of labor."

"What about the catalytic time?"

"The catalysis of ten black fire grass can be completed within 3 minutes, but it takes time for the energy supplied by the energy pipeline to be absorbed by the spiritual soil. Time control cannot accelerate the non-living units, and cannot improve the absorption efficiency of the spiritual soil, so it is necessary to let The acceleration time slows down, and the age of the Black Fire Grass can reach 2000 in 50 minutes."

After hearing Tong Tengfei's explanation, Feng Qi made a calculation in his heart.

Create 10 2000-year-old black fire grass in 50 minutes, and the price of each plant in the city of fate is 12 million blood spar.

That is to say, 2.4 million blood spar income can be created every minute.

24 hours a day, 1440 minutes, excluding the time for planting and picking, 1400 minutes a day can create value.

That is to say, 3.36 billion blood spar income can be created every day.

Excluding the cost of 50,000 blood spars for each cultivation, once every 50 minutes, the cost of cultivating a day is 1.4 million blood spars.

By catalyzing spiritual planting, Miracle Time Control can create more than 3 billion blood spar revenue for Daybreak City.

One year's income will exceed trillions of blood spar.

After finishing the calculation, Feng Qi's heart was pounding.

The value of time control is far beyond his imagination. If there are hundreds of billions of blood spar income every year, the free benefits of the human race's flesh and blood tripod can be significantly improved, and the construction of comprehensive combat power will be further improved.

This is simply to open the banknotes.

Of course, he omitted many factors that potentially affect the price in this account.

For example, if a large number of high-year black fire grass enters the trading market in Destiny City, the price of black fire grass will drop, and the selling price will inevitably be affected.

But Feng Qi thinks that this problem is not a problem at all.

There are many spiritual plants that can be selected and cultivated in the human race's spiritual plant illustration book, and many of them are even more valuable than black fire grass, so black fire grass is not the only choice. You can plant a batch of spiritual plants and then change another batch Different spiritual plants continue to be planted to maximize the benefits of producing spiritual plants.

Sure enough, the power of a miracle is equal to cheating.

The gods have the ability to explore all the resources in the world, and the human race finally has a miracle item that can create huge income.

In order to learn more about the process of spiritual plant catalysis, Feng Qi took the time handed by Tong Tengfei and accelerated to squat down in front of the spiritual field where the black fire grass was planted.

Sweeping his eyes over the three plants of Xuanhuo grass that had just grown pink buds in front of him, Feng Qi clenched his hands and time accelerated.

"Feng Lao, wait a moment. The last batch has just been harvested, and the nutrient solution has been used up. I'll go add the energy solution."

After the words fell, Tong Tengfei left in a hurry and returned in a few minutes.

After confirming that the energy pool connected to Lingtian has been replenished, Feng Qi turned his gaze to the three black fire plants, and tightened his grip on the time control.

Consciousness is connected with time control, the world in his eyes changes, and a blank area appears.

His consciousness can manipulate this blank area to move.

Using consciousness to cover the three spiritual plants in the spiritual field with a blank area, Feng Qi activated the time control, and the three spiritual plants in the covered area immediately began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The leaves of the plants unfolded, and the roots of the plants under the spiritual soil began to spread from the perspective of perception.

Just like a time-lapse shooting in a documentary, the black fire grass grows very rapidly, and the color gradually turns darker, from pink to fiery red, and the whole body is as crystal clear as jade.

Catalyzed by the acceleration of time, a fruit that looks like a burning flame grows from the center of the leaf of the Black Fire Grass.

The strong spiritual energy fluctuations set off waves of spiritual energy under the conscious perception, and spread outwards from the center of the black fire grass, followed by a billowing heat wave.

In the blink of an eye, the Black Fire Grass has reached the adult stage where it can be picked, and it continues to grow rapidly.

At this moment, the leaves of the Black Fire Grass suddenly began to turn yellow, and black spots appeared on them that spread rapidly.

Realizing that he was accelerating too much, Lingtian's absorption and transformation speed could no longer keep up with the absorption efficiency of Xuanhuocao under the acceleration of time, Feng Qi immediately slowed down the process of time acceleration.

Suddenly, the black spots on the yellowed leaves shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared.

The drooping leaves unfold and stand upright again, and the growth rate also slows down.

Fifty minutes later, three black fire grasses the size of index fingers grew to a height of half a meter, emitting turbulent aura waves.

Feng Qi slowed down time again at this moment.

The speed at which the Black Fire Grass grew to 2000 was significantly faster, and the energy supply from the Lingtian could no longer maintain the current acceleration.

This is directly related to the quality of Lingtian.

Lingtian is divided into low-level Lingtian, middle-level Lingtian, high-level Lingtian, and special-grade Lingtian.

Each kind of spiritual field can absorb the aura of heaven and earth and convert it into life energy for the spiritual plant to absorb, and assist the growth of the spiritual plant. Different quality spiritual fields have great differences in the efficiency of cultivating the same spiritual plant.

The spiritual field for cultivating the mysterious fire grass under the feet is a rare high-level spiritual field in the city of Xiaoxiao. The conversion efficiency is dozens of times higher than that of the low-level spiritual field, but it still cannot meet the nutrient supply under the accelerated catalysis of the black fire grass.

This problem can't be solved for the time being, and the human race doesn't have any special-grade spiritual fields at this stage.

Few forces in Destiny City are willing to sell such strategic-level resource lands that have a huge impact on race development.

Now he understands why the catalysis of the Black Fire Grass was set in 2000.

The longer the age of the black fire grass, the higher the price, and the value of breaking through ten thousand years will be increased by leaps and bounds.

But looking at this problem from the perspective of income, the catalysis of the black fire grass will cause the process of time acceleration to slow down due to the insufficient energy supply of the spirit field, and the subsequent year upgrade will consume more energy and time.

So the year 2000 is obviously the best profit time calculated by the Scarlet Research Institute.

At the end of the test, Feng Qi handed the time control to Tong Tengfei who was standing aside, and then reached out to pull out a black fire grass from the spiritual field.

Looking at the developed root system of the Black Fire Grass to the top, Feng Qi nodded in satisfaction.

"Boss, is it delicious?"

At this time, Xiaoyou, who was floating aside, asked curiously.

"Try it." Feng Qi handed the Xuanhuo grass in his hand to Xiaoyou.

This 12 million blood spar ~lightnovelpub.net~ If it was normal, he wouldn't let Xiaoyou eat it so wastefully.

Direct consumption of Lingzhi can only exert the lowest effect of Lingzhi.

Only by blending and mixing medicinal liquids extracted from different spiritual plants by the pharmacist can the medicinal effect of the spiritual plants be stimulated to the maximum.

But now it is clear that 10 plants of Xuanhuocao can be produced in 50 minutes, and Feng Qi is in a happy mood, so it doesn't matter to waste one plant.

Xiaoyou, who took the black fire grass, had a curious expression, and bit off the flame fruit on the top of the black fire grass with yearning and exploration for unknown tastes.

After chewing for a few times, Xiaoyou swallowed with a "Gudu", and then his face turned red as if on fire:

"Boss... your body is on fire, it's so hot!"

Looking at Xiaoyou who was holding the mysterious fire grass and started to dance wildly, Feng Qi laughed out loud.

I saw Xiaoyou's body surface glowing with fluorescence, and the energy core in her body was running, and she began to absorb the medicinal effect of Xuanhuocao.

The flushed cheeks gradually recovered, and it took a long time for Xiaoyou to come back to his senses, but his expression was a little dazed, he looked down at the Xuanhuo grass in his hand, and then at Fengqi, his expression was dizzy, his pink cheeks It seems that I haven't fully recovered yet:

"The medicine is so powerful."

"how do you feel?"

"It's not delicious. The energy of the eggshell of the Elf King is also very strong, but the body can easily absorb and digest it. After eating it, I feel warm and comfortable. I feel uncomfortable after eating this."

Saying that, Xiaoyou lowered her head and sniffed the Xuanhuo grass, and took another big bite out of the shameful mentality of wasting food.

After chewing and swallowing, his cheeks became red again, and two red liquids flowed out from his nostrils, then he looked at Feng Qi with a confused expression:

"Boss, would you like a bite too?"

Feng Qi: ...