I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 783: Sharing the Prosperity - Unsolvable Prob

Daybreak 15001.

The war between the world coalition forces and the blue-skinned creatures is not over yet.

The various ethnic groups under the pressure of blue skin ushered in unprecedented unity, which also brought about a blowout development of technology.

All ethnic groups have come up with the technology of pressing the bottom of the box to share.

Even the Holy Spirit Race officially announced to the outside world that they believe in access to the Holy Spirit database.

For all races in the world, this is a greater surprise than obtaining several miracles.

Although all races are still somewhat worried about whether there is a hidden game behind the generosity of the Holy Spirit Clan, after all, the limit of the Holy Spirit Database is always in the hands of the Holy Spirit Clan, and there may be unknown hidden dangers in connecting the consciousness with the Holy Spirit Consciousness Database.

However, under the threat and pressure of Lanpi, all ethnic groups still chose to connect to the Holy Spirit consciousness bank.

Human race is no exception.

This is not the first time Fengqi has connected to the Holy Spirit Consciousness Database.

On the previous timeline, he worked for Heixuan with his old fans, during which time he connected with the Holy Spirit Consciousness Database through half of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Database authority in Heixuan's hand.

Knowing the story of the spiritual war back then was also read through the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library.

The opening of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library has completely solved the problem that the technological development of various races is difficult to improve.

The development of many races showed explosive progress.

Although the various races do not have the knowledge accumulation of the Holy Spirit Race, and their development speed is still far behind that of the Holy Spirit Race, the older generation can directly instill their knowledge into the new generation through the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library.

As a result, the growth potential of the new generation has rapidly increased.

We have really stood on the shoulders of our predecessors to expand the future.

In order to assist the various races to speed up their development, the Holy Spirit Race has also opened up different knowledge areas in the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library for each race.

Each race has an independent knowledge storage download area.

At the same time, the consciousness of members of various races can also go to the knowledge area of ​​other races to download.

However, the life structure, and even the knowledge system and cultivation system of different races are different, so it is difficult to learn from or plagiarize.

All need to be optimized for localization in order to be proficient.

This is like the space technology and psionics that the human race learned from the psionic race back then.

Only after localized optimization and improvement can it be truly adapted to the use of the human race, become a part of the cultivation system of the race, and expand a system with a different future direction.

The choice of the Holy Spirit family is like the initial stage of the Internet before the catastrophe.

It has opened a door for all ethnic groups in the world to quickly acquire knowledge, so that members of each ethnic group can quickly master any knowledge of their own clan.

But in comparison, the advantage of the Holy Spirit Race is still huge.

Although they share the Holy Spirit Consciousness Pool, the Holy Spirit Race is undoubtedly the most suitable race for the Holy Spirit Consciousness Pool.

Back then, Spirit Warfare chose to transform the Psionic Race into energy because it took into account the problem of adapting to the Holy Spirit's consciousness library. History has proved that this decision was not wrong.

It is also under the foresight of the spiritual warfare that the Holy Spirit race has created a glorious history of the rise of the race.

The issue of Marvel adaptations with Terrans also exists.

There is a miracle with great growth potential in the hands of the human race, and it is the miracle growth that was taken from the Caijia tribe.

But the degree of adaptation between this miracle and the human race is obviously not comparable to that of the Caijia race, and it can even be said to be a big difference.

If the human race wants to achieve a perfect adaptation to the miracle growth, it is not impossible to completely refer to the holy spirit race to transform the race, and through a long period of exploration, transform the human race into a model similar to that of the empress giving birth to offspring.

But this choice was not what Fengqi wanted.

The greatest advantage of the human race lies in the power of the sealed bloodline. Choosing to reform is undoubtedly putting the cart before the horse.

This is also the reason why miracle growth cannot become the strongest miracle of the human race like the miracle bracelet.

It's not that the development potential brought by the growth of miracles to the human race is not strong enough, but that the degree of adaptation between this miracle and the human race is not high enough.

The development of the times is still going on, and the sharing of technology and knowledge has made all races in the world

The changes are changing with each passing day.

But rapid development has also brought new problems.

In addition to knowledge, the development of technology and cultivation system also needs to consume a lot of resources.

During this period, the consumption of resources by various races has been significantly accelerated, and each race has a shortage of resources.

In today's era, internal friction is over. The way to obtain resources has also changed.

There was only one most efficient way to obtain resources, and that was to plunder other forces, obtain inventory resources of other forces, and resource lands that could continuously produce resources.

Even refining members of other forces into resources.

But now the civil war is over.

The way to obtain resource income, except for the resources produced by the resource land, can no longer be created through plundering.

In the war with the blue skins, all races in the world only consume resources, without any resource gains.

During this period, the generosity of the Holy Spirit Race has inspired the views of all races in the world on the sharing of technology and resources.

After the Holy Spirit race, the human race has made public the use of miracle growth. It is first opened to the top fighters of all races who join the world coalition, so that they have the ability to bear injuries and become stronger.

The follow-up God's Survivors provided a channel for creating pseudo-miracle soldiers.

Although the Remnants of the Gods do not provide the resources to create pseudo-miracle soldiers, as long as they bring the resources, they can use the function of the artifact black hole for free.

Then there is the miraculous realization of the Order Clan, the miraculous reorganization of the Immortal Disaster Clan, the rebirth of the Nightmare Clan's consciousness, and so on.

An unprecedented prosperous age was born under the pressure brought by the blue leather.

Unity, technology sharing, resource complementarity...

···Lin Ran's dream world was born in today's era in an unexpected way.

During this period, the World Alliance is a war machine in the eyes of all ethnic groups, and each ethnic group is a logistics unit.

Thanks to the efforts of all races in the world, the comprehensive combat power of the world coalition has increased rapidly, and fresh blood has been replenished in a short period of time, and a large number of new ascendents have been born during this period.

The rapidly developing world coalition forces also briefly regained their advantage in war.

According to this trend, it is only a matter of time before a prosperous age comparable to the era of the pillar gods comes.

But the growth of blue-skinned creatures did not stop.

The world's coalition forces are limited by the limited output of resources, coupled with the explosive growth of the technology of various races, it is difficult to keep up with the growth rate of the blue skin race.

At this time, the top powerhouses have a choice.

Kill the backward forces in the world coalition, distribute the resources of these ethnic groups to potential forces, optimize resources in this way, and open a continuous upward development channel.

This is undoubtedly an excellent choice.

But it is extremely difficult to take this step.

The formation of the world coalition is because all races have the same enemies, and the sharing of technology is to improve together and expand the combat advantage of the coalition against blue-skinned creatures.

But targeting members of the coalition forces would tear the status quo apart.

Confidence has completely turned to suspicion.

They will guess whether their ethnic group will become the next stepping stone in the optimization of the combat power of the world coalition forces.

When trust collapses, the world's coalition forces will also exist in name only.

All ethnic groups have returned to the position of considering their own interests, and they don't care about the survival of other races at all.

If this trend continues, all races in the world will live as much as possible, and winning longer than other races is a victory.

This is undoubtedly a kind of abandonment.

So even if there are many forces who have such an idea, no one has mentioned it, and they dare not mention it.

At the same time, the forces that put forward ideas will inevitably become the target of siege.

However, we still have to find a way to break through the bottleneck of development. If we wait to die, it is also a kind of passive surrender.

The racial forces that can survive to this day are all elites who were killed in the war of tens of thousands of clans fighting for hegemony in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Never giving up is a character shared by members of every clan.

How to solve this problem, the representatives of the various races of the World Alliance decided to discuss in Destiny City

to discuss.

On the day of the meeting, Feng Qi used his consciousness to control a psychic machine clone to take Xiaoyou there, while the main body stayed in Xiaoyou City to practice.

There is no other reason, and now he is a wanted criminal in the eyes of the Destiny Law Enforcement Corps.

The venue for the meeting is the second floor of the Hall of Destiny.

The once extremely prosperous trading market has come to an end, and now it has been changed into a place for the exchange of the world coalition forces.

Usually, representatives of various ethnic groups will hold meetings here to discuss how to fight against blue-skinned creatures, or share intelligence information here.

The meeting was chaired by the Great Elder of the Holy Spirit Clan.

The theme of the meeting was how to speed up the development of various ethnic groups and solve the problem of resource shortage.

The direction of this discussion is to hope that those backward forces will voluntarily give up the research and development of technology, provide the resources consumed by the improvement of combat power and research and development to the top powers, and only keep the resources needed for survival.

This is the best option besides eliminating backward forces.

But this problem has not been solved for a long time. No one wants to put down the gun in their hands and become a captive force.

In the eyes of many forces, this is no different from being wiped out by the blue skin, and it is a choice to be eliminated.

Even in the eyes of many forces, this choice is not as good as being eliminated by the blue skin.

One is to perish together with the world in battle, and the other is to choose to become a captive force, and the ethnic group will completely ruin the future.

Even if the world coalition finally wins, this victory does not belong to them.

At that time, they will still face the end of being eliminated.

For the backward forces, throwing down their guns is equivalent to choosing to be eliminated.

Even if all races give guarantees, even the human race, the gods, the holy race and other forces give promises, expressing their willingness to shelter forever and choose to take the initiative to unload development and sign a rule contract.

But no force stood up and chose to agree to this clause.

In the words of Patriarch Youhua at the meeting:

"How long are you talking about eternal shelter? This promise is actually no different from nothing... If the coalition forces of the future world win the war against the blue-skinned creatures, then you will also become transcendent beings who can modify the rules, the contract The power of the scroll can no longer restrain any of your decisions. We backward forces may not be able to keep up with your development speed, but you must understand that with the gun (training system) in hand, at least we will decide how to go in the future. But if we put down our guns, we will lose our right to choose our future.

"Like the floating fish in the abyss, they can only swim behind the sea beasts and devour the leftovers of the sea beasts, but on the day of food shortage, the floating fish will become the food of the sea beasts... this is not us the future you want.

"If this is the result you want, then I can only tell you that we will choose to usher in destruction in battle.

These words were so loud that the representatives of all ethnic groups were silent.

As Patriarch Youhua said, each ethnic group can be regarded as a living individual with flesh and blood in the new world. Every life has the freedom to choose its future direction. No one lives for others.

The forces that can continue to this day all have a bright history of civilization and pride in their bones.

I don't want to be reduced to a foil.

Even if the top forces such as the human race give guarantees, such guarantees have no temptation.

The optimal solution in the eyes of the top forces is not the best choice in the eyes of the backward forces. Compared with losing the right to choose, they are more inclined to usher in destruction.

Negotiations continued for several months without finding a solution to the problem.

The development of the world has come to a deadlock.

The building of combat power of various ethnic groups is still going on, but there is no sufficient supply of resources for the upgrade of technology and combat power.

If it was in the earlier years, this problem is easy to solve.

At that time, the human world and the domain world were rapidly merging, and the aura of heaven and earth continued to increase, during which a large number of resources were born.

With the disappearance of the domain field, the barrier that blocked the contact between the domain forces was broken, which created a historical scene where millions of domain forces leaped over the dragon's gate.

Comparing the world at that time to a cake, the new world at that time was full of unknowns, and both exploration and plunder could bring resource benefits.

And this cake is further expanded with the fusion of the world.

But in today's era, the cake has been finalized, and the new world map is completely clear in the eyes of all races, and there are no new areas for exploration and development.

Every area of ​​the cake has its owner, and any power that wants to eat more cake will inevitably touch the interests of other powers.

The problem of resources has become an unsolvable problem, and it has also become a dilemma that curbs the development of top powers.

During the period, the human race also discussed the original topic with the holy spirit race.

Do you want to unite with other top forces to eat up the lagging forces, and then continue to develop.

The final conclusion is that under the pressure of the blue-skinned creatures, even a top force like them cannot withstand the consumption of war, and the civil war will only lead to the complete defeat of the war.

In the so-called backward forces, there are also those who have ascended to the gods, and they have mastered many miracles.

They are called backward forces because there is a big gap between their development and the top powers.

It does not mean that these forces are weak people who can be bullied at will in the eyes of the top powerful people.

Because there are no weak people in this era.

If the top powers unite, the backward forces will inevitably choose to unite and fight.

The consumption caused by the civil war will put all the tribes in a situation of irreparable doom, and completely lose the capital to compete with the blue-skinned creatures.

After the meeting, the situation was not resolved.

Feng Qi, who participated in the whole meeting, also realized that it was time for him to make a choice.

Even if all races are unwilling to admit the future direction of this world, the trajectory of fate that has ushered in a failure has gradually become clear.

Fighting for the continuation of the race, sacrificing for the rise of the race... There have been such tragic and infectious heroes in the development history of all races in the world, inspiring members of all races to keep moving forward.

However, the awareness of the members of various ethnic groups has not yet risen to the level of sacrificing themselves for the continuation of the various ethnic groups in the world. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

As the strength of blue-skinned creatures continues to improve, all races in the world that cannot keep up with the pace of growth will eventually usher in a blue baptism.

This also made Feng Qi formally make up his mind.

To be on the safe side, give up witnessing a longer future and let the body come in advance.

He doesn't know the future of other races, but in his eyes, the human race still has a future that can be re-chosen.

When the ontology integrates and absorbs all the miracles collected in this timeline, the human race will usher in a new era of rise in the next timeline.

In a new beginning, the human race will no longer consider the unsolvable problem of resource allocation.

Whoever doesn't give it, grab it and it's over.

The story of each sacrifice line is restarted, and all ethnic groups use their fists to reason.

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