I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 79: Thoughts through time

The blood moon hangs high, and the gloomy wind howls.

The dead bones all over the ground stretched for miles and piled up into mountains.

Looking at the dead silent future world, Feng Qi couldn't help sighing.

Everything here is the same as before, and perhaps history has undergone earth-shaking changes, but human civilization has not been able to escape the ending of being shrouded in the domain field.

At the same time as he sighed, Xiao Can slowly stood up from the ground, and then performed a split for him on the spot.


"You've been here so many times, why are you still disabled?" Looking at Xiao Cun, he said slightly speechless.

After he finished speaking, he took a step forward and kicked Xiao Can's head several meters away.

After adjusting his mentality, he smiled and said:

"Narrator, I came back to see you after I bought the oranges."

[I was awakened by a stench in my sleep. As I expected, your mother-in-law came again, and I was forced to open the business again. 】


"You continue to sleep, and I'll find you when I have something to do."

After greeting the narrator, he walked towards the east.

Every time you enter a future dream, consulting the database of the underground shelter is always the most important thing.

The living dead and death worms encountered along the way were no longer a threat to him, so the exploration went very smoothly.

This time, the terrain in the future dream changed again, and it took him more than half an hour to explore before he found the black metal stele above the Star City Shelter.

Standing in front of the stone tablet, he bit his finger and dripped stench of black blood into the blood tank.

After waiting for a while, the electronic synthesizer sounded, and the black stone tablet moved to the right, revealing the metal passage leading to the shelter.

Before entering the metal passage, he tried to pull the black metal stone tablet made of unknown material, trying to seal the entrance.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, the metal stele remained motionless.

[Don't waste your energy, maybe you can collect some dead bones and branches, and then cover the entrance of the metal passage, so that Xiao Hei can't see the entrance. 】

Hearing the narration's reminder, he couldn't help but be taken aback:

"Does it work?"

[Of course it's useless. The way Xiao Hei tracks you is like turning on auto-navigation. Don't you have any pressure in your heart? Why don't you cover the entrance, why don't you cover yourself up and see if Xiao Hei can find you. 】


Suppressing the thought of wanting to fight the narrator, he stepped into the metal passage.

The lamps above the passageway flashed one by one, illuminating the way forward.

He never understood how this abandoned underground shelter could still maintain normal operation of the power system when it was unmanaged.

But he was only curious about this, and had no idea of ​​​​seeing it out.

After all, there are more important things waiting for him to do.

This time, the underground plaza in the future dreamland is wider, and the number of iron gates around the plaza also increases. The only thing that remains unchanged is the database and console in the center of the plaza.

Coming to the console of the database, he reached out and wiped away the thick ash, then pressed the red start button.

Immediately, the screen in front of him lit up, a series of characters flashed across, and a list of options appeared in front of him a few seconds later.

【Star City History Database】

【Domain Biodatabase (Real-time Update)】

[Exploration of external conditions (monitoring, patrol drones, satellites, management rights are required)]

【Remaining materials in the shelter】

【Physical condition of shelter residents】

【Cultivation method information】

【Spell information】

Looking at the list of options, he first clicked on the search bar, and then entered his name.

After waiting a few seconds, the details emerge.

[Fengqi (human traitor)]:

Died: 26 years old

Cause of death: Star City No. 1 execution ground, public execution

Date of death: May 17, 2031.

Lifetime Achievements (Honours): Star City University S-Class Outstanding Graduate (Cancelled), A-Class Human Elite Medal (Cancelled), Outstanding Contribution Award to Human Development (Cancelled),…

Research results: Cultivation gymnastics version 2.0, "Tiger Fist", "Body Tempering Technique", "Heaven and Earth Meditation", "Soul Destroyer", founder of the concept of human species and gods, and participants in the 3.76 version of the cultivation system.

Evaluation: In the early days, Feng Qi was the best of heaven in the eyes of everyone. He possessed an unmatched talent in cultivation, and was highly expected by the world. He was even considered to be the star of the era who was most likely to create a new cultivation system. Such a dazzling genius paled in front of him.

However, after the age of 18, Feng Qi's talent has not been further developed, but has entered a period of silence from a state of continuous creation of new exercises.

That is to say, during this period of time, Feng Qi completely changed. During this period, he attracted students and personally formed a "Dawn Breaking Organization" to bring disaster to the world, and carried out a series of secret actions to hinder the development of human civilization. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and in the On May 17, 2031, the execution will be broadcast live in the first execution ground of Xingcheng, as an example to others.

User evaluation:

Black does not slip in autumn: Psychologically distorted bastards, just because they can’t research new exercises, they have the idea of ​​revenge on society. If they were not in the same era, I would definitely go to the scene to applaud the day you beheaded, and now I can only make a slap on the video of your execution. 666, really **** off.

Difficulty walking: A scourge remembered by history, as a human being, I don’t want to fight for the rise of mankind. Instead, I had the idea of ​​destroying the world during the period of depression. I don’t know what Feng Qi thought at that time, but he 's behavior is worthy of the word "chopped".

In my opinion: After looking through the historical materials, I suspected that Feng Qi had been taken away. He used to be dazzling and dedicated to the rise of mankind. During this period, he developed many exercises that will affect future generations, and participated in early cultivation. With the updated design of the system, it stands to reason that people like him are destined to become historical greats.

As a result, he suddenly changed his personality, lost his former talent, and secretly recruited students to form "Dawn", whose purpose was to destroy the world. I really doubt that Feng Qi was taken away by creatures from special fields.

Like a broken bamboo: If it wasn't for Feng Qi, Mu Qing would not have betrayed mankind. The seeds of calamity had already been planted on the day Feng Qi died. I have seen an explanation from a historical up-master, and he was very sure that Mu Qing betrayed mankind. It is related to Fengqi, and a lot of evidence is given. If you are interested, you can go and see it. The explanation is very detailed.

Seeing the future people's evaluation of him, Feng Qi couldn't help but be silent.

He didn't understand, he already knew that there were werewolves among the students, why did he in the future set foot on the old road again and be defined as a human traitor again by the world.

Didn't find the werewolf among the students?

With doubts, he clicked on the attached execution video on the profile page.

The execution site was still the first execution ground in Star City, and the beheadings were still carried out by members of the Star City Military Department.

To save time, he dragged the progress bar to fast-forward to watch.

The execution process this time was similar to the last time. At the moment when he was about to be beheaded, Mu Qing led the members of the Dawn Domain Chapter to come and wanted to take him away.

During this period, Mu Qing even had a conflict with the personnel of the Star City military headquarters, and a large-scale battle almost broke out, but fortunately, he was stopped in time by the future him.

At the end of the screen, Mu Qing trembled as she hugged his body and left the monitoring screen step by step.

Seeing this, Feng Qi was silent for a long time, and finally closed the execution video.

Clicking on the search bar, he began to look up what the netizens said in the comments, the historical up master's interpretation video of Mu Qing.

Netizens said that Mu Qing's betrayal of mankind had something to do with him, but he disagreed.

Maybe he is very important in Mu Qing's heart, but he and Mu Qing have the same dream, and Mu Qing also clearly understands what his obsession before his death is, how can he betray the previous agreement and aim the butcher's knife at human beings.

Therefore, he was very curious about the historical up-lord in the mouth of netizens, and where did the evidence come from that Mu Qing's betrayal of mankind had something to do with him.

While searching, he finally found what netizens said about Mu Qing's interpretation video in the database.

(The following content is better to use with bgm: Thoughts through time and space!)

[A demon king who was nailed to the pillar of historical shame actually has a gentle side that you don't understand. 】

Data editor: Xiaoyu love history


Taking copper as a mirror, you can correct your clothes, taking history as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall, and people as a mirror, you can understand the gains and losses.

Welcome to my history topic.

Today, let's interpret the most brutal demon king in history: Mu Qing.

Presumably speaking of Mu Qing, everyone will definitely think of the words that adults said when scaring children.

Everyone's inherent impression of Mu Qing is generally cruel, ruthless, bloodthirsty, etc., all adjectives used for villains.

But in fact, if you look at history, you will find that the great devil also has an unknown side. Next, let me interpret the other side of the great devil "Mu Qing" for everyone.

There are many historical interpretations of the reasons why Mu Qing betrayed mankind.

Some people say that Mu Qing is cruel by nature, and the idea of ​​destroying mankind has long been buried after the death of her relatives.

Some people say that Mu Qing hated human beings from the bottom of her heart because of the rune transformation plan, which is why she had the idea of ​​destroying the world.

There are many others, but here I will say one that I think fits the best.

I think the main reason for Mu Qing's betrayal of human beings is that her best friend from Star City Academy closed chess.

Don't spray first, listen to me in detail.

In fact, after Mu Qing was secretly executed, military personnel found a diary when sorting out her information.

This diary was confidential at the time, but 300 years later, it was turned into an ordinary document, which allowed me to steal another side of Mu Qing.

It was also because of this diary that I understood the importance of Feng Qi to Mu Qing.

I have extracted a few important snippets from it for you.

Diary snippet:

If I hadn't seen the light, I could have endured the darkness.

Cool breeze at the end of the day, it has been 3214 days since you left.

During these more than 3,000 days and nights, I would always see you kneeling in front of the guillotine in my dreams with a desperate look on your face, and you woke up with tears in your eyes.

More than once I regret not saving you on the execution ground, even if you hate me for it.

I know that the memory about you is destined to be unquenchable in this life. You are a ray of light that penetrates my heart, letting me know that the light is so beautiful.

Your presence affected me, but your death also left an unhealable wound in my heart.

I saw the truth and proved in my heart that you were right, although I never doubted you.

It takes a long night to see the dawn, let's call it dawn.

Suddenly I remembered a sentence you once said. You said that dying heroically for a great dream is the stupidest act, and being willing to live humbly for a dream is the choice of a wise person... I have taken this step, then I am not The dumbest kind of person, haha.

I have seen my failure, and my ending will be the same as yours, but I believe that the pace of revolutionaries will not stop, and there will be new us in the future.

Pay tribute to the future, and pay tribute to you who worked tirelessly for the ideal world.

Seeing things and thinking of people, but when the thoughts converge into a sea, it becomes a kind of torture.

In my spare time, I composed a new song, which I named "Thinking Through Time and Space".

Today, I put the harmonica in your grave, and I will never touch it again. Next, I will meet the challenges of the whole world and continue to fight for your dreams and mine.

This is an era of popular farewells. People keep leaving, but I am not good at saying goodbyes. I just keep you all in my heart, especially you.

I have never understood why people place their hopes on those illusory gods. Even if they do not exist, they cannot change the reality. Later, I realized that when there is despair and helplessness, the spark that breaks into the darkness can warm the whole world. The world...and you are what I once believed in.

I have lost everything, and nothing can hurt me anymore. Now I am stronger than ever. Even if the world fears me like a devil, my heart is still firm, and I will not give up until I reach my goal.

It hurts a lot, but it will heal quickly after eating. I suddenly remembered the days when we used to eat in the school restaurant. I remember you said that after graduation, I would have no money to buy food and support myself.

Although I didn't express my thoughts when I heard it, I tossed and turned in bed at night and couldn't fall asleep. I was worried all night.

The next morning, I mustered up the courage to make a decision. If I was going to starve to death, I would come to you to eat.

You can lose face, but you can't stop eating.

I will usher in the last battle. Before leaving, I decided to eat enough. I haven't eaten enough for a long time. Hehe, I may die.

If you don't die, you will fight again tomorrow after you have eaten enough. I hope you have made a lot of money under Jiuquan, so that I can come to you for a meal. You also know that I have a great appetite, hehe.

After reading these excerpts from the diary, everyone must have understood the importance of Feng Qi to Mu Qing.

The revolution in Mu Qing's mouth is the destruction of the world, in order to continue to implement the unfinished goal of Fengqi, so he chose to be the enemy of the world without hesitation.

When I read the diary, I couldn't help thinking, if Feng Qi's goal at that time was to save the world, then Mu Qing would definitely implement his beliefs and work tirelessly to save the world.

With Mu Qing's ability, it will definitely have a huge impact on the future, which is really regrettable.

Finally, let me tell you a little news about Mu Qing.

It is said that after Feng Qi died, Mu Qing buried him somewhere in the Star City. Every year, she would spare a day to sneak into the Star City to visit him.

Then he sat in front of his tombstone and played the song "Thinking Through Time and Space" written to Feng Qi, and presented a flower.

I think Mu Qing, who has taken off her brutal cloak at this time, is the real her.

Next, let's talk about Mu Qing's feelings for Feng Qi.

After looking through the history, I think their relationship is very complicated. It belongs to less than a lover, but above a friend. It is a very pure relationship.

What kind of Mu Qing looks like in Feng Qi's eyes, there is no way to verify it.

But Mu Qing's feelings for Feng Qi are more like an attachment, but not a love between lovers.

Feng Qi is like Mu Qing's safe haven, no matter the storm outside, lightning and thunder, as long as Feng Qi is by her side, she can feel at ease.

It can be described with a passage from Mu Qing's diary:

I have never understood why people place their hopes on those illusory gods. Even if they do not exist, they cannot change the reality. Later, I realized that when there is despair and helplessness, the spark that breaks into the darkness can warm the whole world. The world...and you are what I once believed in.

When it comes to this, everyone is unbelievable.

In fact, when I read the diary, I also sighed.

It is unimaginable that the great devil who led the rebel army to slaughter several cities and massacred a large number of innocent residents has a childlike side in front of Feng Qi.

Perhaps the root of everything was that during Mu Qing's most painful years, Feng Qi broke into her life, bringing her warmth and making her feel that Feng Qi was the light she longed for.

In the future, for the dream of destroying the world in the heart of the deceased, she bears the curse of the world, and even before her death, she still thinks about continuing the dream of closing chess.

Through some special channels, I have seen a few photos taken from a long-range perspective during the encirclement and suppression of Mu Qing.

In the photo, her body is covered with scars, and even walking is difficult, but before she died, she still insisted on fighting and never took a step back until she died.

At the same time hateful, but also feel that she is very sad.

Fengqi He De He Neng, need you so desperately to implement his dream.

When the manuscript was written here, I suddenly thought of a sentence:

A scholar dies for a confidant.

This may be the reason why Mu Qing is willing to repeat the same mistakes and continue to make mistakes even though she knows she has made a mistake.

Just because that wrong path was the path Feng Qi had traveled, and it was also the "light" in her eyes.

Next, for the detailed interpretation of Mu Qing, the devil, you are welcome to come to my live broadcast room, and we will continue to chat in the live broadcast room.

Netizens leave a message:

A lemon essence: Feng Qi, am I **** you, I feel more and more that this **** is not worthy of being a human being. After reading the explanation of the up master, I suddenly feel distressed for Mu Qing. Obviously, as long as you choose the right path, you can have a bright and beautiful future. But because of the influence of Feng Qi, he embarked on a road of no return, and eventually became a great devil who was spurned by the world.

I am immortal: The explanation of the up master really subverted my cognition. I really haven't understood this history in detail, so I always feel that Mu Qing is evil in the bones and a sinner by nature, but after reading your explanation, I Only then did I realize that Mu Qing's actions had a root cause. In the end, it was Mu Qing who had been harmed by Feng Qi, eh.

I yearn for victory: I read the diary, and after reading it, I suddenly felt that Mu Qing was not as evil as the historical descriptions, and also had a soft side in her heart, but she chose to give Feng Qi this shit, but she turned the evil side. shown to the world.

As Lord Up said, if it wasn't for Feng Qi, she could have been named the current and historical God of War, and she would be honored and recorded in the annals of history, becoming a great person who was praised.

After reading the diary at the time, I wished I could dig up Feng Qi's grave. How could this scumbag affect the world after death?

Loud beep: In addition to Mu Qing and Jianzong Lu Yue, he was willing to be the **** of Fengqi. As the only direct descendant of the Lu family's swordsmanship, he really embarrassed his ancestors.

For the rise of mankind, the old ancestor chose to destroy the world with Feng Qi. I really don't understand where Feng Qi's magic power made so many people follow him.

I wanted to scold them for being brainless, but I suddenly thought that they are the best new generation in the world.

Spicy Potato Chips: The explanation of the master is too subjective, but after I checked the evidence you provided, I found that it was indeed true. I suddenly felt a little sympathy for Mu Qing, but if she was wrong, she was wrong. We She can't forgive this sinful Demon King for her predecessors, and she doesn't deserve our forgiveness.

Time Mouse: If my era can create a time machine, I will definitely drive the time machine to the era of Feng Qi, and then chop off his dog's head, so that the future will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

After reading the information, Feng Qi couldn't calm down for a long time.

After he left, it turned out that it was not only him in the future who suffered, but also Mu Qing, who had the same dream as him.

What is the revolution in her mouth, the world does not know, can he still not know.

It must not destroy the world, but save the world.

At this moment, he can be sure of one thing. Mu Qing is not controlled by any force. She is always free, but she chooses the most evil way to fight for justice in the eyes of the world.

After reading these contents, he felt extremely painful.

The future shrouded in darkness is like a gangrene spurting him forward, but every effort is rewarded with failure and pain.

Exhausted 108,000 dreams, but in the end nothing.

It seems that no matter how hard you try, the ideal ending is far away, and all you get is pain.

[There is always a gust of wind that fills your 108,000 dreams. Although the world treats you with the greatest malice, you still remain kind. I think there is only one true heroic idea in the world, that is, after seeing the truth of the world, Still love it. 】

[Remember, you did not choose to undertake the mission, but the mission chose you. 】

When Feng Qi heard these words, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

Although only 17 years old, a very immature age in many people's eyes.

But he has lived alone and learned to take care of himself since he was a child, but he always feels that he is strong and far more mature than his peers.

But at the moment he still felt lonely and sad.

The heart is empty, as if abandoned by the world, at this moment I just want to curl up alone at the end of the world and cry silently.

[The life of a hero is destined to face three growths. The first time is when you discover that the future of this world is not what you expected, and the second time is when you discover that even if you try hard, you will still be powerless. Sometimes, the third time is when you will fight hard even if you know there is nothing you can do about it. Come on, little hero. 】

"Narrator, you are so hypocritical, you get goosebumps." Feng Qi said with red eyes.

[Tsk tsk tsk, look at our little hero who is about to cry, this inner endurance has to be exercised. 】

"I didn't cry, it's just a small setback. There are more difficult challenges waiting for me in the future. How could I cry because of this? I will never compromise, never fall, and fight to the end." Feng Qi retorted in a hoarse voice.

[See through, but don't say anything, we are still good friends, let's give you a smile. 】


【okay! 】

(Ask for a monthly pass~I want to take off~)

Purple Pen Literature