I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 797: different new world

Chapter 798 A Different New World

Zhu Shen's answer solved Feng Qi's inner doubts.

Before leaving, he asked Zhu Shen one last question.

Why didn't he integrate the power of the rule of infinite memory into his body back then.

If he could have infinite memory back then, he would have avoided a lot of detours and would not be troubled by the memory caused by the infinite restart time.

Facing his inquiry, the figure of the Pillar God explained that after the war with the corrupted creatures ended, a large number of miracles became incomplete and many miracles were lost.

These miracles are scattered in the Broken World, that is, all over the Void World, and eventually born with the birth of the new world, they are drawn into the new world, buried deep underground or in unknown corners.

As a result, many miracles could not be integrated into his body at the beginning of creation.

And some of the miracles have been used to create Xiao Hei, and they have been integrated with other miracles, so it is impossible to extract them to become its power.

Zhu Shen's answer dispelled the last fog in Feng Qi's heart.

He has an understanding of the world and even the future situation, and then he will face the challenges from the general trend.

This is not only a challenge for the human race, but also a challenge for the creatures in the domain where the bloodline of the Pillar Gods continues.

Before parting, the figure of Zhushen made a request to Feng Qi:

"Protecting human beings is our promise to the Creator Scarlet God. I also hope that the human race can protect the continuation of our blood, that is, the domain creatures in your eyes... I understand that the development of the world requires competition, but while growing, I hope that the human race will not Kill them all, leaving our bloodlines to continue, they are our descendants, and they are also the proof of our existence."

When he said these words, Zhu Shen's eyes were full of loneliness.

Feng Qi can understand Zhushen's inner thoughts.

Perhaps the era of domain creatures has nothing to do with the pillar gods, and their future development cannot save the disappeared pillar gods.

But at the bottom of the Pillar God's heart, traces of the Pillar God's existence are branded in their blood.

Feng Qi felt the same way.

Back then, he chose to embark on this road of salvation, so why not have such an idea, and he never thought about the feedback and gratitude for him in the future.

This is a kind of inheritance and has nothing to do with interests.

In the end, Zhushen informed the path of the spatial movement trajectory on the island of Fengqi Ruins, and he can go to any space position on the island of Zhushen Ruins at any time without exploring.

The exploration is over, and Feng Qi returns to the new world.

The new world has undergone earth-shaking changes during the period of his disappearance.

Over the long years, the world coalition established by the human race has become the court of world order, guiding the world's competitive landscape.

During this period, members of the World Alliance cooperated with each other to develop technology and solve the problems encountered in the development of various ethnic groups.

For example, the problem of advancing skills encountered by the blood soul clan was solved by the research team of the **** survivor clan.

There is also the issue of resource exchange.

In the last timeline, many top-level resources were not easily provided by various races, even if such resources were not of great significance to their own race.

This is done to stifle the growth potential of other races.

But this timeline has challenges that need to be faced together, coupled with the rules of the world coalition under the auspices of Ji He, cooperation between top forces has become normal.

The main cities of the human race, the holy spirit race, the **** survivors, and other forces all have space passages connecting each other.

If you want to go to the tribes of other alliance members, you only need to go through the teleportation array.

The former neutral trading market Destiny City has also been changed into a conference center by the world coalition forces to exchange and trade information, resources, technology, and other content.

It's a time of unity like no previous timeline has ever seen.

The struggle and competition at the bottom will not affect the rapid growth of the top.

Time has also brought many potential allies to the World Alliance, many of whom have not made their mark in previous timelines.

The perfect new world gave these races a chance to rise.

Let them break free from the established cage of fate, stand out, and become a sharp blade for the coalition forces to fight against the coming of the general trend.

The return of Fengqi is a big event for the human race, and it has significantly boosted the confidence of the human race in the future.

Although the timeline of Fengqi has never been involved in the development of the human race, in the eyes of the members of the human race, he is the carrier of the belief of the human race and the foundation of the development of the human race.

Time is like a song, time is like water.

The time came to dawn fifteen thousand years.

The world that was once broken is still intact, but the crisis is already showing signs.

In the long years of confrontation, Mu Yu and Mo kept repairing the world, while the blue-skinned creatures representing the general trend kept destroying the world.

During this process, several space crack nodes appeared in the world that was constantly being destroyed and repaired, and these nodes could no longer be repaired.

Mysterious energy is seeping into the new world, and the second blue-skin crisis has finally arrived.

But for the world coalition forces, the second arrival of blue skins does not pose any threat at all.

In this era, there are only 500,000 people who ascended the gods according to the rules of the human race, and the number of gods who ascended the gods from other races added up to more than one million.

Different timelines, the same time node, the combat power of the world coalition far exceeds the previous timeline.

The blue skin that came the second time became the target of the world coalition forces.

The Allied Forces of the World set up a blue-skin hunting group, and deployed connected communication scanning devices all over the New World. As long as the blue-skin comes, it will be dispatched to wipe out the evil forces that have infiltrated the new world.

But members of the World Alliance understand that this is only the beginning of the crisis.

Mu Jun and Mo can only delay the coming of the general trend, but they can't prevent that day from coming.

The third blue skin and the fourth blue skin, when the world is destroyed to a certain extent, and the corrosive power that penetrates into the world is strong enough, the body of the blue skin creature will also come.

At that time, the world coalition forces will face a real challenge.

The second blue-skin crisis was disintegrated in a very easy way, and it didn't even affect the development and competition at the bottom of the new world.

As far as the bottom forces are concerned, they don't even know that there was a blueskin crisis.

Because every time the blue-skinned creature came, it was wiped out by members of the World Alliance.

The third Blueskin Crisis occurred in Dawn 32879.

At this point in time, the number of rule gods of the human race has reached 20 million.

In less than 20,000 years, the number of god-climbers has increased by 40 times.

The abundant resources and perfect flesh and blood tripod technique in the new world have become a shortcut for the human race to unlock the power of blood rules.

And the path of the flesh and blood cauldron is one of the gifts left by the pillar god.

Before the fall of the Pillar Era, they sealed the regular power in the human blood, trying to protect the human fire by hiding the power of the blood.

But after the end of the Pillar God era, the remaining Pillar Gods realized that if they perish, the key to unlocking the secrets of the human body will also be lost.

They thought of leaving behind the key to unlock the secrets of mankind before they perish.

But any information will be corroded by time, and only miracles can withstand the erosion of time, so they thought of leaving the key to unlock the power of blood on miracles.

This is why bloodstone shards have complex paths etched into their surfaces.

The leader of the Pillar God, that is, the narrator who talks to him, knows that Feng Qi, who keeps restarting time, will get bloodstone fragments and discover the secret sooner or later.

Like the innate ability Nightmare, this is a generous gift left to him by the Pillar God.

If it really comes to the day of the decisive battle, the activation of the blood potential of the human race will be an important force against the general trend.

The appearance of the Flesh and Flesh Cauldron has completely exploded the potential of the human race, and today's human race is well-deserved as the most powerful race in the new world.

In the future, the gap between various races and human races will continue to widen.

The human race that broke free from the shackles of the seal has growth potential far beyond that of all races in the world, and was once the source of the power of the pillar gods.

People around her continued to ascend to the gods, and even Wei Wei successfully promoted to the gods, gaining the power of super brain rules.

But Feng Qi has never been able to ascend to the gods.

In this regard, Feng Qi is not surprised at all.

In essence, the body of his sacrifice line was created by the Pillar God, not a real human body, and the Pillar God could not simulate the unique regular path of human blood.

And his body is the real human being, and it is a superhuman being integrated with the original power of the pillar **** and the power of miracle rules.

The time came to daybreak fifty thousand years.

The fourth blueskin crisis came.

In the previous timeline, the world coalition forces fell into the fourth blue-skinned crisis.

In the face of the blue-skinned creatures that can modify the rules of the world, the world's coalition forces are extremely difficult to resist, and eventually fall into an inescapable development dilemma and fail.

But in this timeline, the situation is reversed.

Whenever a blue-skinned creature wants to modify the rules of the world, Mu Jun and Mo will stop them and reset the modified rules.

This makes the most powerful rule modification ability of blue-skinned creatures unable to play a role.

In today's era, a large number of weak and small forces have been eliminated, and the domain forces that can stand today are all members of the world coalition. The united forces seem to be able to fight against blue-skinned creatures with ease.

After the fourth blue-skin crisis, the human race has officially become the leader of the new world from the representative force of the world coalition forces.

This is the pinnacle that has never been seen before, and Feng Qi is extremely proud of the achievements of the human race today.

From struggling to survive in a small shelter under the ruins to being a world leader bathed in the sun today, the bumps and setbacks along the way have received ideal feedback.

The fifth blue-skin crisis came in 60,000 years after dawn.

The sixth Blueskin Crisis came at 70,000 years after dawn...

In every blue-skin crisis, the united nations of the world act as parts of the war machine and unite to overcome every problem encountered in development.

The most obvious change in the world pattern is that many once powerful forces have begun to turn to support.

They no longer pursue the improvement of combat power, and have become the driving force for the improvement of other forces' combat power.

Among them are the Holy Spirit Race.

With a long peak history, the Holy Spirit Tribe has become the world's technology research and development center from the initial creation of gods, and is committed to solving the problems encountered in the development of all races.

Such a mentality change of the Holy Spirit Race is related to the growing strength of the Human Race.

When the Holy Spirit Race realizes that the strong rise of the Human Race is unstoppable, if one day the world coalition forces successfully resist the general invasion, the Human Race will become the unshakable king of the world, and the Holy Spirit Race realizes that it is meaningless to continue to develop combat power.

Relying on the rise of the human race is the way for the Holy Spirit race to survive.

The most important thing is that even if those forces that have been on good terms with the human race can no longer keep up with the growth of the human race, they are treated well and are protected by the human race.

This is enough to prove the loyalty of the human race to its allies.

Affected by many factors, and Ji He personally went to the Holy Spirit Tribe to negotiate, he hoped that the Holy Spirit Tribe would give up the building of racial combat power and set an example.

In the end, the Holy Spirit Clan agreed to Ji He's request, officially gave up the construction of combat power, and became the technology research and development center of the New World.

The change of the Holy Spirit Clan has also led many forces to follow suit.

The new world under the general crisis is completely integrated into one big family, and different races have a clear division of labor.

During this period, the collapse of the new world continued.

Mu Jun and Mo could no longer be distracted from taking care of the situation in the new world, they were busy running around the world, repairing the damaged framework of the new world.

In the foreseeable future, there will be a battle between the world coalition forces and the ultimate blue skin.

For this day, the new world is like a never-ending engine, constantly creating energy to support the combat power of all races in the world.

One hundred thousand years after dawn, the expected day has come.

When the barriers of the new world were completely pierced, the blue sky turned into pure pitch black.

Endless darkness enveloped the sky, and the thick, pitch-black tentacles passing through the sky could be vaguely seen, accompanied by the ultimate blue skin.

Completely different from the blue-skinned creatures that came several times before, the ultimate blue-skinned creature that came this time dragged a dark blue tail and had a flesh and blood body. The mercy of life.

They are like the gods of death sent by hell, trying to harvest life in the new world.

This battle has been fought for fifty years.

The world was torn apart and turned into floating islands. A large number of members of the World Alliance were destroyed in the war.

In order to fight against the blue-skinned creatures, the world coalition forces tried their best, but the strength of the ultimate blue skin made the world coalition forces feel desperate.

The ultimate blue skin does not need to be equipped with anti-rule power, and can resist the suppression of the rules with a strong flesh and blood body. In the entire new world, only Mu Qing has the ability to fight against multiple ultimate blue skins alone.

Inheriting part of the power projection of the Scarlet God, she is still the most well-deserved single power in the New World, and even has a force value that surpassed that of the Pillar God in the last era.

But with Mu Qing's strength alone, she couldn't turn the tide.

The destruction of the world is inevitable.

Faced with a doomed outcome, Fengqi convened the World Alliance Conference in the name of the **** of human belief.

At this meeting, Fengqi told the members of the World Alliance about the ancient history of the Pillar God era, and the truth that their blood origin is the Pillar God.

At the end of the meeting, Feng Qi stated his purpose.

He wants to preserve the memory of the representatives of all ethnic groups in the world coalition forces, as well as the core decision makers.

The members of the World Alliance who learned the truth were all unbelievable. They never imagined that the mysterious pillar gods were their ancestors.

As the leader of the world's coalition forces, the human race, whose development potential has no comparable development potential, was once extremely weak, even too weak to enter their battlefields, and was once bullied by the forces in the lower domain.

It is the **** of faith of the human race, Fengqi, who has brought the human race to the current height by constantly restarting time.

The origin of the pillar gods, the scarlet gods, the source of corruption, the creation plan, the continuation of life, the inheritance of the guardian fire... The truth is too shocking, and it has been difficult for members of the world coalition to digest it for a long time.

At the end of the meeting, Feng Qi stood up.

He looked up at the sky shrouded in darkness, and saw countless blue halos descending.

After a long silence, he looked down at the representatives of various ethnic groups at the meeting and said with a smile:

"Everyone sitting here, see you in the next timeline, our war is not over yet."

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(end of this chapter)