I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 89: Brain in a Vat Project

Looking back at the sucker who had already started a fierce fight with Xiao Hei, Feng Qi headed towards the Star City Shelter without looking back.

He didn't know how long the sucker that had repaired some injuries could hold Xiao Hei, so he had to grasp every minute and every second that the sucker fought for him.

Spend time on the blade, don't let the sucker sacrifice in vain.

【he~tui! 】

Chess:  …

After running for about ten minutes, he came to the entrance of the underground shelter and walked in

After advancing for a certain distance along the straight downward metal passage, a huge underground square is presented in front of you.

At this time, the big screen in the center of the square was still lit, and the lights on the console flickered alternately, and it was still running.

Coming to the console, he looked at the screen in front of him.

At this time, Mo Fei's mailbox message was displayed on the screen.

Due to the large amount of content, he flipped through the last time until Mo Fei took a photo of the contact between Sucker and Wei Wei, and then left early because of Xiao Hei's arrival.

Now he decided to continue to read the mailbox messages, looking for important clues that may exist in the follow-up messages in the mailbox.

As for the meaningless trivia in the message, he chose to skip it directly.

Mo Fei left a message:

"On a whim, didn't you tell me that you have a special ability that can read other people's memories, what is it called? It seems like a nightmare, right? I don't think you have fully exploited this ability."

"I think so, every time you travel to the future dreamland, you can only leave a message through your email to learn what happened at that time and what your future self experienced. The information you can get is obviously imperfect, and you may miss a lot. important information."

"More importantly, there are many hidden dangers in this form of message. The email you use is a non-real-name darknet email address. The email address is superimposed and modified with the last four digits of your ID card every six months. It seems that apart from you and me No one can find this email address, but there is a very small probability of exposure."

"For example, if after you enter the future dreamland, you on the original timeline are controlled by your mind, then your secrets will be completely exposed, and then your mailbox will become a tool for evil forces to mislead you, and the impact will be extremely scary."

"If the Nightmare ability is as powerful as you say, then this problem can actually be solved at the source."

"Next, let me talk about a solution I came up with. This idea comes from the illusion of "Brain in a Vat". The specific principle is to remove your brain after death and place it in a nutrient solution to keep it alive, so that you can travel through In the future after 1500 years, you can use the nightmare ability to read your own memory, which is equivalent to re-experiencing what the future you have experienced, so that you will be controlled in the future, or which step has gone wrong. ."

Seeing this, Feng Qi couldn't help being stunned.

[Your brother is too wild, this is a very genius idea, keep your brain, and then you can directly read your future memory and see your own experience at a glance, this is comparable to looking at your mailbox, Gao Mingtai too much. 】

"Will it be too miserable for me to do this in the future, it's better to die than life."

[Every time you enter the future dreamland in the future, just kowtow a few times to make amends for the future you, it is not a big problem, the future you will forgive you. 】

Chess:  …

Continuing to read the contents of the mailbox, Mo Fei then began to talk about the feasibility of this method.

"As long as your nightmare ability is as powerful as you said, the plan must be feasible, but it is not easy to unfold. If the two key issues cannot be solved, the plan of the brain in a vat cannot be implemented."

"The first question is how to keep your brain alive for 1,500 years after you remove it, and you also need a sophisticated device to store your brain and protect it from external influences, such as natural disasters such as earthquakes. "

"The answer to this question, I think you can only find it in the future database. The technology at this stage must not be able to meet this point. If you can bring back the detailed information, I can help you make medicines and precision storage devices to keep your brain alive. ."

"The second question, how to bring this precision instrument into the underground shelter of Star City, so that you can find this instrument after traveling to 1500 years. It is not easy to solve this problem, you must have a trusted successor to help you complete this matter, and the permission account you mentioned can also be obtained by the successor."

"If you can solve the above two problems, it will be simple, you can travel to the future 1500 years later, go directly to the Star City Shelter, find the precision instrument that stores your brain in the iron gate you said, and then use the nightmare The ability to read memories in the brain."

"Everything that you will experience in the future will be in front of you. Even if you are controlled by an evil force in the future, you don't need to worry. You can even gain an in-depth understanding of what this evil force is through the controlled you. Because they don't defend you at all, they think you're completely under control."

"Of course, this idea is also for the sake of insurance. In fact, the probability of mailbox exposure is still extremely small. Everything is up to you to decide."


"If you get the infinite memory ability you mentioned, remember to bring me back the information on the growth of science and technology, the flesh and blood, the soaring of machines, and the development of cultivation with one mind is not necessarily the best way out, and the growth potential of science and technology is also not weak. ."

"Mechas, curvature spaceships, an army of automated production machines, etc... You cultivating dogs will never understand, machinery is the romance of a real man."

Seeing Mo Fei's final complaints, Feng Qi looked helpless.

Even at an age, Mo Fei is still like an old child, and he still firmly believes that technology is the future.

"Narrator, do you think pure technological civilization and pure cultivation civilization collide, which is stronger."

[How do I know, there are a lot of people who support the technology system and the cultivation system, but no one is convinced. After all, human beings in these two systems have not reached the top, and the future system architecture is all derived from fantasy. The Science and Technology Party will propose two-way foil, wormhole warping transmission technology, etc., and the Cultivation Party will propose to follow the law and not die. Indestructible ability. 】

[In the end, no one has ever seen what the end point of the growth system looks like. When comparing, we completely rely on imagination to decide the outcome. However, the future conjectures of the two growth systems also have something in common. Both can achieve immortality, but one is mechanical immortality and the other is physical immortality, but both are a way of immortality, as well as the ability to travel through space, and so on. 】

[If this is debated, imagination determines the upper limit. For example, scientific and technological civilization throws two-way foil on cultivation civilization, and cultivation civilization will open up the world with one move. Singularity will open up a big world for you. If anyone thinks what I said is wrong, you Why don't you come up with evidence? 】

[The reverse is also true. The technology side can also cite many technologies that restrain the cultivation system, such as causal weapons, the ability to ignore the flow of time and interfere with events in the timeline, which can kill the practitioner before it is born. 】

Chess:  …

After listening to the narrator's explanation, he understood one thing.

Before the strength of the two systems reaches the top, no one knows what the end point is, and naturally there is no way to compare.

Who is more imaginative than that.

Which of these two systems is stronger or weaker, he no longer thinks about it carefully, after all, he can't compare the results.

But at this stage, he still decided to focus on the development of the cultivation system.

The development of science and technology requires the accumulation of a lot of knowledge. Behind a seemingly simple technology, there may be a huge amount of knowledge that needs to be understood.

Before he obtained infinite memory ability, he wanted to develop technology simply because he couldn't get along with his own brain cells.

He can't remember the code of "Savior", let alone other complicated technical knowledge.

In contrast, it is much easier to memorize the knowledge of the cultivation system.

It's not that the cultivation system is not complicated, but the level of complexity is actually not lower than that of the scientific and technological system.

But the level of sophistication of the cultivation system is descending by class.

The most difficult step in the research and development of a cultivation method is always the creation stage.

During the period, the exploration and attempt of the human body required numerous failures, and even after the completion of the study of the power method, a series of safety tests were required.

The human body is composed of about 50 trillion cells, each of which is a complete individual. They are combined into a human body, and the complexity is far more complicated than any existing sophisticated scientific and technological instruments.

The growth of Cultivation is based on the exploration and development of the human body as the core.

So the stage of creation is the hardest.

After that, it becomes more and more simple, and in the hands of learners~lightnovelpub.net~ they only need to follow the designed steps to implement.

Just like a created instrument, the user only needs to press a switch to use it, but it is undeniable that the process of creating this instrument is very complicated.

What Feng Qi is doing now is to carry the operation steps of the cultivation method, and the process is not complicated.

As for the test and modification steps before the release of the exercises, they have already been completed, so there is no need for him to worry.

Copying homework is always faster than answering the questions seriously, not to mention that the difficulty of creating exercises is decreasing. What he needs is the answer. As for the problem-solving ideas before the equal sign, he does not need to understand at all.

If you want to develop technology, the situation is completely different.

The answer is not important, what is important is the way of thinking and steps to solve the problem.

The difficulty of plagiarism is completely different between the two modes.

One is the answer after the = sign, and the other is to copy everything before the = sign.

This is also the main reason why Feng Qi does not choose to develop technology for the time being.

The process of recording scientific and technological knowledge is too wasteful. Before obtaining the infinite memory power, he has no idea, otherwise he is looking for abuse.

After closing Mo Fei's mailbox to leave a message, he turned his attention to the iron gates around the underground square.

Before deciding to record the exercises, he wanted to open a few more iron doors, and while searching for Mu Qing's body, he might also be able to make new discoveries.

[Oh, is it time to open the blind box again? The last harvest was a tadpole hunter. Guess what you will harvest this time? 】

"I got a brain-shattering artifact. When I'm strong enough, I'll grab you out of your body and use this brain-shattering weapon to hit you a thousand times." He rolled his eyes involuntarily.

Narrator:  …