I Kidnapped the Timeline

~: Please take 1 day off, chat and follow-u

I'm very busy today, so please take a break.

Then talk about the next plot line.

There is always a gap in this book, that is, what happened in the years after Feng Qi's death.

Future intelligence is difficult to detail historical details, and can only briefly describe some information.

The next timeline is a supplement to the worldview of this book, writing about the important roles that changed the historical nodes of the human race in the 1500 years that I hadn't seen before Feng Qi.

This time, I changed the way of writing to create a more complete history of the development of the human race, and did not completely describe the story from the perspective of Fengqi.

In the new timeline, the protagonist is not only Feng Qi, but also many historical figures.

The disadvantage of writing this way is that there will be fewer appearances in Fengqi, and readers may feel unaccustomed to it. It is normal to lose follow-up reading and subscription results.

The advantage is that it can fill in a lot of blank historical information and deepen the sense of substitution in the subsequent timeline.

This is a try.

Brothers, please ask for leave today, keep busy and update, and add more when the time comes.