I, Lich, Can Raise a Dragon [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 18: The sub-temple suffers

Sang Ni is still a few long-distance teleportation stations that have returned to Xiguang Fortress. Dragon has returned to the bedroom to rest, and the living room is quiet and dark.

Sang Ni made no sound and sat down quietly on a sofa.

In fact, she met quite a few people in the Dark Vatican in the past ten years, and many of them have supported each other, but now they are completely hostile. Sehir is her most optimistic one, and she is also the one who disappoints her the most.

Intellectually, she feels that she is completely right, but emotionally...

She all suspected that she was too extreme.

Isn't it a prohibited experiment? Isn't it a **** contract? Isn’t it illegal abuse? Isn't it just killing people?

Why can't she accept it?

Sang Ni thought about it seriously, and felt that she really couldn't accept it. It can be said that she is really worthy of the socialist legal education in the past ten years.

She stood by the window and looked at the sky gradually lightening outside.

Glow Fortress was the first city in the Shia Empire to see dawn. And no matter how many corners of the world the sun cannot reach, the sun will always rise.

"Forget it, don't she help me, can I still have nothing to do?" She muttered in a low voice, suddenly feeling very hypocritical.

Sang Ni saw the pedestrians gradually appearing outside the window and decided to go out and buy some food for Dragon.

Fortunately, she took a lot of gold coins from Redman's bunker at the time. Raising a dragon is a bottomless pit.

Thanks to the **** of creation, as long as the dragon does not consume a lot in the human form, the food intake is only one-sixth of the prototype, otherwise she will soon go through the next step of the family and lose her fortune.

Sang Ni was not in a hurry. She strolled down the market slowly. She couldn't taste any good food. She felt that a shop stopped for a while, and when she finished the street, she could no longer carry all the bags in her hand.

But she didn't want to put fresh food in her messy storage ring, so she simply carried all the way back to the station.

Long was awake and was waiting for her in the living room.

Sang Ni put a bunch of food on the coffee table: "I just bought it, eat it while it's hot."

"All for me?" Long was flattered.

When Sang Ni suddenly rushed over yesterday, his whole dragon froze, thinking about it for most of the night without figuring out what she meant.

Seeing her like this now... he felt that they seemed to be the same with a little thought.

"Well, I have eaten outside." Sang Ni lied without changing his face.

"Trouble you." Long thanked him, the tips of his ears were a little reddish, in order to conceal his strangeness, he immersed himself in a table of food and began to wind up.

Fortunately, dragons are not picky eaters. Sang Ni secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When he finished eating, Sarros, who had gone out and spent the night, also came back, and Erivier came out of the room when he heard the movement.

Sang Ni was here, and didn't hide anything: "I went to see Sehir last night and talked about it completely."

"Not surprisingly." Sarros said calmly: "Should we consider the second plan now?"

"Thank you for your trust in me." Sang Ni said badly.

Elviere continued: "Sehir originally had a disagreement with your idea, so that's good, don't worry about her obedience to us."

"Do you have any suggestions now?" Sang Ni glanced at them, and finally fixed his gaze on the dragon.

Long looked at her blankly: "I am not familiar with the Dark Church."

Even if the elf priest told him something, he still lost his memory after all.

Sang Ni also felt that she was a little embarrassed by the other party: "It's not a suggestion." She said: "I just want to listen to your thoughts."

Very good, she directly omitted the word "men", and almost showed her selfishness.

"I think." Long said uncertainly: "Since we are strong enough, there will always be someone who will betray the whereabouts of the main hall in order to save their lives."

"You're right." Sang Ni sighed, "But the problem is that the people in the sub-temple don't know the location of the main hall. The main hall can only contact the sub-temple. We must at least threaten a sub-temple bishop to let him tell The main hall asks for help, there are too many variables inside, which is why I want to find an undercover agent."

"I think you might think the problem is too complicated." Long was a little stunned by her: "Do you think that a necromancer who is not particularly valued will really worry about the survival of the Dark Vatican when his life is hard to save? "

Sang Ni was taken aback by him.

It seems like this.

The Necromancer was originally a group of extra-legal madmen, and the Dark Vatican was just a name. Who didn't cling to his own interests to act?

When it comes to life, where are so many desperate existences.

"You are right." Sang Ni looked at him seriously: "Then we will take a gamble."

"Do you believe me so?" Long didn't expect her to listen.

"It's not that I don't listen to any opinions at all." Sang Ni said helplessly.

Let her also see how sad and ridiculous the darkness of the Holy See is.


Outside the Dawn Fortress, walking a few miles to the northwest is a large polar mountain range. The extreme cold storm and year-round snow make this a place of death. It is also a hiding place for the third main hall of the Dark Vatican and its multiple subsidiary halls. , Even the strong orc race did not dare to enter rashly.

However, several "guests" were ushered in today.

The dragon spread its wings and flew towards the depths of the mountain without fear of the cold of the high altitude.

He flies steadily and quickly, and has an extremely accurate grasp of the airflow. The black scales converge, and his streamlined body is the perfect combination of strength and beauty.

The Lord of Sky and Flame is worthy of being the most favored creation of the God of Creation. Fighting on the back of a flying dragon is the perfect fantasy of countless brave men.

However, Sang Ni didn't feel any honor at all at this time.

How should I put it, the dragon is not a vehicle in the first place...the dragon scales are flat and sharp, and the row of sharp and rough bone spurs on the back can't be used as a handrail.

Standing on the dragon's back, the wind speed at high altitude may blow them down at any time.

Both Saros and Elevier are okay, one with good balance and the other with racial advantage, both standing steadily.

Sang Ni...Sang Ni lay on all fours on the back of the dragon's neck.

Repeatedly, she was afraid of heights and fainted, and she was a legal lich.

The law system is so crispy, even if it is dead, it is still a dead crispy.

But fortunately, at least Sang Ni needn't worry too much about his image.

They are not here to save the world, but to kill and set fire.

"Ahead to the southeast! Five hundred meters!" Sarros roared in the squally wind: "Sannyis! Prepare to destroy the hidden circle below!"

Sang Ni reluctantly released a hand and summoned his staff from the void.

"Are you there?" she screamed, she forgot to use the mental link.

"That's it." The dragon's voice was much heavier than the human form. He hovered in the air and fluttered, giving Sang Ni enough time to cast spells.

Sang Ni reluctantly slowed down, stood up on the staff, and pushed his mental power downwards, while probing the location of the branch hall, while analyzing the magical fluctuations of the hidden magic circle below.

Soon, she found a few magic power nodes, injected her own magic power into them, and destroyed the entire loop of the magic circle.

In about a minute, the circle collapsed, and a bunker with a dark vatican symbol was exposed in the wind and snow.

"Let's start." Sang Ni said.

An ominous fire light began to emerge from the dragon's chest cavity, and the dragon flame quickly formed and spewed out from the mouth, and the flames like magma poured down, in the white ice and snow, like the sky fire from the gods.

The author has something to say:

Just add a little more, please smile~