I, Lich, Can Raise a Dragon [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 26: Royal drama

Sang Ni had all kinds of speculations in his mind, but he maintained a humble smile on his face.

She followed the queen and maid into the palace-of course she entered from the side hall, after all, she had no formal identity now.

Is this really good? Sang Ni thought that the person who deliberately made things difficult for her was a bit funny.

Even if she didn't have the identity of a princess, she had never conquered the powerful magical fluctuations all over her body. Obviously, she was a high-level mage.

The high-ranking mages of the empire are all enshrined by the Magic Association. At present, there are only 20 people at most. Even the royal family can't wait. After all, the royal family still depends on the marriage of the magic family to maintain the good bloodline.

Stupid, short-sighted and greedy person. She thought.

The maid took her to a living room, which was obviously not a place for the emperor and queen to receive people.

"Please wait a moment." The maid said to her: "I need to tell her Royal Highness."

What does this mean? Sang Ni asked gently, "Is this the order of the Queen?"

The maid hesitated. She had a good impression of the princess who hadn't seen him for many years, so she told the truth: "It was the order of the prince." She frowned and said helplessly: "The prince felt that the princess had been missing for many years. Probably... I'm sorry, but for my offense, Her Royal Highness can't bear that kind of injury anymore."

Oh, this is using her identity as an excuse, but it's too obvious, for fear that others will not know that there is a ghost in his heart.

Sang Ni nodded politely: "Then please go and report to the Queen, saying that I have arrived, and she will decide whether to see me or not." Sang Ni specially emphasized her tone, and then showed a little naturalness. Sad: "After all...I am not sure now."

The maid’s eyes softened again, and it was clear that Sang Ni’s behavior for the Queen’s sake was exactly what she wanted: "Don't worry, I will report the truth to the Queen." She emphasized the word truth.

A smart, interesting, and loyal person, it is no wonder that the queen is valued.

Sang Ni's smile was more sincere: "Then I will trouble you."

The maid saluteed neatly and left the meeting room. After she went out, Sang Ni heard the sound of armor knocking, and the guard at the door blocked it.

Sang Ni sat down quietly, as if unaware.

She didn't want much trouble, but others obviously didn't think so, and within a few minutes, her waiting was interrupted.

There was movement outside the door, as if someone was going to come in. The guard tried to dissuade it, but failed.

Sang Ni looked at the door and saw a girl of sixteen or seventeen coming in.

She is beautiful, with soft pale golden curly hair hanging down to her waist, her light blue eyes are like the sky reflecting on the lake, her complexion is fair with a healthy blush, her rose-colored lips are lightly pursed, and she is dressed in costume jewelry, just like an exquisite beauty. Dolls.

This kind of beauty is obviously different from Sang Ni. One looks gentle and soft, as sweet as honey and sunlight, and the other is like a rose blooming under the moon in the ice and snow, with clear outlines, arrogance and sharpness.

After she walked in, she raised her hand to close the door regardless of persuasion, and then stared at Sang Ni for a long time without saying a word.

"...Hello?" After thinking about it, Sang Ni asked actively.

She didn't know this girl, but she had a familiar illusion inexplicably.

"I'm Muln, your sister, but you shouldn't remember me anymore." The girl said slowly, her eyes fixed on Sanny's face, seeming to observe her expression.

In a short sentence, Sang Ni's expression was solemn: "How do you know I don't remember?"

If she did not admit the wrong person, Sang Ni’s previous guess would be confirmed, and she may have been in this world much longer than she remembered.

"Maybe...can you tell me more?" Sang Ni felt that the girl was not so simple.

Mu Ern, the titled Princess Moonlight, is an archmage of the whole family, with excellent talents, second only to the dawn of the empire that year. Counting time, Sang Ni was only five or six years old when she disappeared.

It stands to reason that she wouldn't be close to a sister whom she hadn't seen for many years, and Mulne didn't seem like a rash person, at least she wouldn't come to her when her identity hasn't been confirmed.

Unless she knew what had happened, she had to come and tell her in advance.

Muln directly refused: "You don't need to know too much now."

can not say? Sang Ni was a little confused, but still asked: "Okay, what else do you have?"

Muln thought for a while, and suddenly showed a weird smile to her: "No, you are so good at it, anyway, we are not familiar."

Sang Ni hadn't had time to say anything more, only to see Mulen changed his face quickly, turned around and pushed open the door, angrily screamed at the guard: "Gosh! How can you let a stupid civilian stay in my living room? write?!"

Sang Ni: "..." She was dumbfounded.

The guards were extremely embarrassed: "His Royal Highness, I am very sorry, but this is the order we received..."

Muln looked back angrily at his back, and then quickly looked away, as if seeing something dirty: "When she is gone, burn me the chair she used to sit on!"

The guard tremblingly apologized, and persuaded her not to get angry, and finally vowed to do what she said, and finally sent her away.

Sang Ni: "..." This is definitely my sister, absolutely.

#On the degree of similarity of a drama fine#

Regardless of what Muirn's operation was actually going to do, the appearance of their discord had already formed anyway.

After coming back for a while, the maid came back and told her that Her Royal Highness wanted to see her.

Sang Ni didn't ask anything, stood up and followed her out.

Passing through the winding corridors and wide halls, they came to another palace.

It is the queen's palace.

The current Queen is the eldest daughter of the mages family. Although she is not outstanding in magic talent, she has the most noble and pure magic blood and inheritance. She has been cultivated as the mistress of the royal family since she was a child.

Her palace is not very gorgeous, but everything is exquisite and elegant. Even a vase is an alchemy that can keep the flowers from withering. The pillars are inlaid with a protective array outlined by mithril.

The combination of worldliness and magic. Sang Ni just glanced quickly, and commented noncommittal in his heart.

In the end, they stopped in a room with two functions, a library and a living room.

"His Royal Highness, she is here." The maid bowed and saluted.

A figure was wearing a gorgeous formal dress, standing with his back to them in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. He hesitated slightly before turning around to look over.

Then, the two of them were stunned at the same time.

Time seems to be extra tolerant of her innocent beauty. Even though the queen is over forty and had two children, she still looks as innocent and beautiful as the morning, especially her brown eyes, pure and gentle, like Lin Young deer between.

When she and Sang Ni face to face, the extremely similar appearance is like the most suitable mirror image, no one can deny their beauty in the same line.

All speculations are more suspicious than what can be confirmed by this meeting. Sang Ni sighed in his heart. There is no denying that the queen is indeed the biological mother of this body.

"Good day... Your Royal Highness the Queen." She said softly. At this moment, all her prepared statements and performances were gone.

"You, can't you call my mother queen?" The queen looked at her, with a slight loss in her crystal clear eyes.

Sang Ni felt a little uncomfortable. The appearance of the two people was too similar. She herself had never had such a simple and harmless look.

Faced with such a queen, Sang Ni felt that she had a headache: "Sorry, mother queen, it's me who is wrong."

Only then did the queen smile, and walked briskly to hold her hands: "Sang Ni...my dawn, you are finally back."

"...Yes." Sang Ni replied helplessly.

She is not good at dealing with people who are too simple, but this person is also a queen, someone she has to contact.

The queen took her to sit down, staring at her face for a long time, and then suddenly wept again: "You have suffered a lot outside these years, my poor daughter..."

Sang Ni: "..." Sang Ni would rather have another fight with the Dark Vatican than watching the mother she just met crying like a little girl.

Maintaining a complicated mood, Sang Ni tried to comfort the queen gently and softly: "I'm fine... I'm fine... You don't have to worry about me."

"Don't cry, I'm really fine..."

Although she even cried, she was a beautiful pear with rain instead of torrential rain.

The maids and maids around the queen were not surprised, thinking that the queen would always be such a person.

Excluding the possibility of her high acting skills, Sang Ni can understand why she disappeared in the palace back then. There is such a simple queen... I really don't know if it is a good thing.

Just when Sang Ni was so speechless that she was crying, someone came.

It's Molln.

After she walked in, she gave Sang Ni a arrogant look before saluting the queen: "Mother, you shouldn't be so close to a civilian."

The queen was stunned for two seconds to realize who Muirn was talking about, and explained with some embarrassment: "Moore, she is your emperor sister, I remember when you were a kid..."

Muln’s favorite person as a child was Sanny Is.

"She left us first, why bother to come back now?" Mulne said indifferently: "She is willing to fall and lose the face of the royal family. What qualifications do she have to be my emperor sister?"

The queen looked at Sang Ni with a bewildered face, and then at Mu Ern, not knowing what to say for a while.

As a mother, she naturally hopes that her children will get along with each other. She vaguely perceives any misunderstanding between them, but she doesn't know how to explain it.

However, as soon as Muln's voice fell, another person came in.

"Good day, mother and queen." The young man wearing the Shia imperial imperial suit, as if he had just returned from a regular meeting, looks handsome under the decent clothing, but is not very attractive.

After seeing Sang Ni, he gave her a friendly smile: "I heard the news, I still dare not believe that you are really willing to come back."

What makes her willing to come back?

Sang Ni understood the hidden meaning of his words almost instantly.

Did she leave the palace voluntarily? It is impossible, then he deliberately misled.

She smiled back: "Yeah... I didn't expect you to still want me to come back."

The queen looked at them anxiously. Although she was innocent, she had a small animal-like intuition: "Are you guys..."

Before she finished speaking, someone came in again.

The middle-aged man has a strong temperament, with a natural sense of presence of a superior. As soon as he stepped into the room, several people stood up and saluted: "Good day, your majesty (father)."

The current Shia Emperor Olivier first walked to the queen's side and kissed her on the cheek before looking at the young people.

"Murn, show respect to your sister," he said harshly.

Muln curled his lips and nodded reluctantly: "I see, Father."

Then he looked at his crown prince, Prince Ravenley: "Your sister has just returned, so you should take care of her a little bit more for many things."

Ravenli looked at Sang Ni gently: "Of course, I am her brother after all."

In the end, the emperor's eyes fell on Sang Ni, with three points of guilt and a bit of inexplicable emotion: "In any case, you are willing to come back, Sang Ni Si, you will always be the light of my dawn. "

Sang Ni lowered her head, with a smile on her face: "Yes... Your Majesty."

Before today's dinner begins, the members of the royal family are finally here.

The author has something to say:

Congratulations to Sang Ni for joining the Royal Academy of Fine Arts.

It's not that a family doesn't enter a house.

Sang Ni, a actor who can't play crying has no future.

Sang Ni: Oh, the excessive force value delayed my acting talent.

Soul torture: Can you look forward to collecting today's Code Characters?

This week’s mission is completed, and it’s still going to happen before Thursday~