I, Lich, Can Raise a Dragon [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 31: Morning dawn

Sang Ni really doesn’t understand where the confidence of those people in the Magic Association come from. Looking at the meaning of this design, isn’t it just a simple blasting rune installed? It’s not difficult to eliminate the rune. .

So Sang Ni asked the emperor directly: "Your...Father, I want to demonstrate to the chairman."

The emperor was a little surprised, but he did not hesitate to order the guards to bring the sample of the magical bow and crossbow left in the palace.

Sang Ni picked up the design drawing and looked at it for a few minutes, confirmed the specific location of the rune, then injected magic into the magic metal, carefully disconnected the fulcrum of the enchanted rune, separated the blasting rune, and eliminated it with magic. .

After completion, despite Weiner's ugly face, she held the two ends of the crossbow and gently broke it, and then took out the enchanted metal inside.

"Isn't this taken apart?" She put the things on the table and met Weiner's gaze: "Your Excellency, please take care of it."

Weiner's face was frozen at the level of iron blue, and it took him a long time to relax, and said in a complex tone: "His highness in alchemy is truly amazing, and the protective measures that the Magic Association has studied for many years can't last for a few minutes."

Bakkenni shook his head heartily on the side: "Yes, if there is no curse..."

After listening to Weiner’s words, the emperor felt suspicion in his heart, but when he thought about Sang Ni’s current physical condition, he felt that he thought more about it: “Chen Xi’s talent has shocked the empire many years ago, and now it should be such an achievement. Yes." He paused, glanced at Weiner meaningfully, and then said: "Klopp, I remember the magic bow" crossbow was improved by the eldest son of the Weiner family?"

Sang Ni glanced at them and found that this grandfather was really good at talking. An interruption evoked the emperor's compassion, and Weiner's family was involved.

She didn't know at this time that the emperor had long been dissatisfied with the magical family's mastery of most advanced spells, and Weiner was a sign that it happened at this time.

"You remember right, Your Majesty." Weiner's forehead was sweaty: "I will ask him to explain."

Sang Ni interrupted next to him: "Actually, you can't blame him." The corner of her mouth raised with sarcasm: "After all, he has tried his best, and for so many years, it is true that no enemy has deciphered the design of the crossbow."

Think about it, too, countries that have studied magical technology have been at peace for more than a hundred years, and magical weapons are mostly used to deal with orcs, and they can say that they don't know anything about alchemy.

The emperor gave a cold snort and didn't pursue it, but just skipped him and looked at Sang Ni: "Dawn, can you complete all the magical bows and crossbows?"

Sang Ni saluted seriously: "Give me a month, I will do my best."

"Can your body support it?" Bakkeni asked worriedly.

"No problem." Sang Ni smiled soothingly at him and said confidently: "I am the princess of the empire and the mage of the empire. In any case, let me do something useful."

This is also part of her sincerity in return to the emperor, so that she can play more usefully without being involved in the throne. After all, no matter how mistrusted each other, there is a trace of blood.

There was a trace of admiration in the emperor's eyes, and he formally ordered: "Dawn, one month later, I want to see your results."

"Yes, Father Father." She bowed her head and replied.

Subsequently, the emperor invited Weiner and Bakkenni to have lunch. During the period, Sang Ni told the queen what had happened. Unexpectedly, the queen did not look distressed, but asked her to do things well and not to get tired. Bad yourself.

"If you need any more manpower, tell your grandfather." She whispered, "Don't bother you, the president, understand?"

Sang Ni raised her eyebrows and realized that the queen was not innocent, at least she had no problem in the general direction of knowing people and making decisions.

"I know, I will ask my grandfather to help me choose a few apprentices to help." Sang Ni said, thinking that maybe I could choose a few of the collateral children of the Bakkenni family, which is a part of the credit. After all, if today Without his cooperation, things will not go so smoothly.

Soon after the meal, she took the time to tell her grandfather of her thoughts. He readily agreed, and quickly arranged for Sang Ni to serve as a great mage and two mid-level mages as deputy. The immediate heir to his in-laws.

And they seemed to be old acquaintances with Sang Ni, and they were very happy after seeing her.

Sang Ni could only smile awkwardly and politely at his former popularity: "Time is tight, so I won't explain much. I hope you will work with me to complete the modification of all the magical bows and crossbows."

"What do we need us to do?" The female of the Archmage Rank said softly, with brown hair and brown eyes like Sang Ni.

She is Hurley. Bakkenni, considered Sang Ni's cousin, is also very talented. It is only a matter of time before he is among the ranks of great masters before the age of thirty.

Sang Ni asked about their alchemy skills and found that it was fair. She put a magical bow crossbow on the table and motioned them to come around: "I will mark out all the magical fulcrums inside, if there is a problem. , Please be sure to tell me in time."

Sang Ni put his hand on the magical bow ‖ crossbow, the metal buzzed after the magic power was injected, and the lights lit up one by one, and finally connected into a complete magic circuit appeared on the surface of the crossbow.

"You...how did you do it?" Several people watched this scene almost dumbfounded.

"Why," Sang Ni looked strange: "Is there a problem with these magic fulcrums?"

Holly's eyes were dull: "His Royal Highness, can you completely separate the magical fulcrum?" Generally speaking, the wizard can only see the magical power fluctuations on the surface, and it consumes much energy.

Sang Ni was stunned for a moment before realizing the problem.

Everyone has spiritual power. Mage’s spiritual power is generally high. High-level mages can generally analyze the fulcrum of magic power. Sang Ni’s original spiritual power is not low. When she dies, her will to survive will explode, and her spiritual power will follow. It has gone up a lot.

To put it another way, using the mental power of ordinary people as a medium, if you can see a rabbit, the mage can see the internal organs of the rabbit, and Sang Ni can see capillaries and cells...

She calmly explained: "Of course not. It took me three days to restore the loop based on the magical fluctuations, and then I followed the loop to mark the fulcrum."

This is so, and several people admire them. After regaining their sense of surprise, they looked at her with admiration.

Sang Ni looked away: "How about your mental power use? Can you eliminate the rune according to the magic fulcrum I marked?"

Hurley thought for a while, and replied with shame: "It can be, but I can only complete five sets of crossbows at a time." Then it takes a lot of time to rest and recover.

Overdraft mental power.

She is like this, let alone two mid-level mages. At this speed, how long will it take more than a thousand crossbows? She is here to help, not to hold back.

Sang Ni was not very surprised. She pondered for a while, and under the uneasy gaze of a few people, she separated a hundred crossbows and put them in the space storage container and gave them to them: "Ten days, you will go back to your laboratory. Disassemble the enchanting metal in these bows and crossbows completely, okay?"

Holly knows that the total number of crossbows is at least one thousand, and they do less than 10%. How is Sang Ni going to complete the rest?

With a flash of inspiration, she vaguely guessed what Sang Ni really needs their "help".

Sure enough, Sang Ni continued: "By the way, how many frames did I give you just now?"

Holly smiled slightly and replied kindly: "I didn't see it clearly, it's about six hundred, it's already very hard for Her Royal Highness to complete the rest."

"Of course." Sang Ni looked worried: "If it weren't for your help, I still don't know how to plead guilty to my father."

The other two listened to their conversation in confusion, until Hurley took them out of the palace and got on the carriage back home. They couldn't help but ask: "Sister Hurley, what does the princess mean?" They clearly said. Seeing that Her Royal Highness only took out one hundred, why did Sister Holly say six hundred? The strangest thing is that the princess actually admitted it!

Hurley didn’t explain, she just told them not to spread the news: “Your Royal Highness has her own arrangements.” She still felt strange that her grandfather asked her to be her deputy. Now that she wants to come, her grandfather knew that the princess just needs to find a few people to share the credit. .

When she was young, she was not envious of this amazing princess cousin. It was not until the princess suddenly disappeared that she gradually understood that being too outstanding is not a good thing.

"It's all changed." She gave a wry smile.

After Sang Ni on the other side sent the person away, he sealed the door.

This is the basement of her dormitory. It was built at her request more than ten years ago. The walls and floors are made of special materials to ensure the stability of the spell. The most important thing is that the access control here only recognizes her, and there is no permission, even the emperor. Can not enter.

This is her extra-legal land.

"Originally, I was going to practice forbidden spells for myself, but I didn't expect to jump directly to undead spells." She muttered to herself, releasing a dozen skeletons.

The spiritual realm covered the skeletons, and their empty eye sockets lit up the same soul fire as Sang Ni, and they looked very gloomy and weird in the basement where the wall lamp was not bright.

However, the next moment, a dozen skeletons suddenly twisted their loose bones alive and kicking, some stretched their waists, and even one accidentally threw their hip bones out, and then ran away, clutching their tail vertebrae. Pick it up and set it up.

Skeleton has no subjective consciousness. Without deliberate control, all actions are the reflection of her subconscious.

Sang Ni: ...So, it is impossible for all my skeletons to be mentally retarded.

She was very grateful that this scene was not seen by others.

After all, the setting of the evil lich was already precarious and couldn't collapse again.

Entering instructions through the spiritual link, Sang Ni divided the skeletons into several groups, and let them start to dismantle each with a crossbow.

Because the instructions are relatively rigid, the skeleton's movements are awkward than her, but the base number is larger, and the overall speed is much faster. Moreover, Sang Ni doesn't need to do it himself at all, just keeps the mental domain stable.

When encountering details that the skeleton can't understand, she can also switch her field of vision directly, borrowing its hand to make fine adjustments.

"In the future, I have time to inlay some formations on the bones to ensure the accuracy of the spell and store the magic." Sang Ni adjusted the movement of the skeleton and the input of magic while silently thinking: "In this case, multiple highs will be released at the same time in the future. Rank spells are not impossible either."

Calculate, one of Sang Ni’s skeletons is about 10% of her strength. She has a total of more than 380 skeletons, that is, close to thirty-eight high-level mages cast spells at the same time...

Not to mention the conquest of the empire, the destruction of the world is just around the corner.

"I still have such a hang." Sang Ni smiled self-deprecatingly, but dispelled the idea.

If she did that, she would really be a public enemy of the world.

One month later, one thousand two hundred magical bows crossbows were refitted. After the Alchemy group test of the Magic Association, all the bows met the standards. Although the service life was shorter than the original, some of the structures could be reused.

A month and a half later, the Imperial Mages Legion was equipped with new crossbows. Almost on the same day, the advance ranger of the orc tribe launched a raid, which was wiped out by the newly installed Mages.

The news quickly spread back to the capital. Both civilians and nobles learned that the person who completed the transformation of the bow and crossbow in time was the Royal Princess, who had been missing for more than ten years. For a while, there were divergent opinions and disputes until the tenth of the Shia Empire. The fifth emperor Olivier called on the court, confirming everyone's speculation.

Dawn came again.

They say so.

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