I Like Weird the Most

v1 Chapter 110: 9 curse bride

At the exit of the Yin Road, a few carriages with ghost fires stopped there.

The rotten coachmen bowed their heads and dared not say a word.

The scene fell into extreme silence for a while.

A tall and burly man walked out, his muscles bulged up and down, as if cast in steel, giving people a very powerful sense of oppression at first glance.

He shrugged and twisted his neck again, listening only to the sound of crackling bones.

He grinned, showing sharp teeth that looked like jagged teeth, and he held a huge ghost knife in his hand.


As soon as the Guitou Knife fell to the ground, he did not use the slightest strength, just the weight of the Guitou Knife itself, split the rocky ground into a crack, and half of the blade sank deeply.

Seeing this scene, a group of coachmen trembled suddenly, and several pieces of carrion fell on the ground, and maggots were still crawling on it.

"Let's talk about it, what's going on!" The burly man slowly spoke, his sharp fangs opened and closed, and black air came out of his mouth when he spoke.

Twenty-six coachmen died inexplicably, even the carriages were gone. This kind of thing is outrageous.

When it is spread outside, where is the face of the corpse clan going?

Or, in other words, where do they put the face of the corpse man faction?

When the friendly pie knows it, aren’t they going to laugh at them?

I have been practicing in the clan for so long, and now I was sent out to perform a task for the first time. As a result, I encountered something like this.

Leaving aside the matter of face, he couldn't easily explain it even after he went back.

Hearing the brawny's question, the coachmen trembled, and even the paper horses felt fear, because they were afraid of crawling on the ground, they did not dare to lift their heads.

"I... we don't know..."

"I don't know?" The strong man's voice became cold.

Holding the ghost knife in his hand, he slashed at a coachman.

In an instant the head fell to the ground, and carrion and maggots were flying all over the sky.

The brawny man shook the ghost knife and his eyes were cold: "A bunch of trash!"

The coachmen lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

The strong man glanced at these coachmen. They were not good at doing things, and they would kill if they were killed. They just hacked one to death. Quan should have vented his anger, so he didn't care about it at all.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with these coachmen, but turned his head and walked toward the depths of the dense fog.

Now that he came here and killed so many coachmen, the last place he could go was the secret realm.

On the other side, He Wenzhi also greeted everyone, preparing to continue to the deeper part of the cave.

But before he left, he suddenly felt that this giant corpse's head might not be appropriate to be placed in the middle of the passage.

But it is impossible to bring it in, so just throw it out.

So far, the passage is straight.

So He Wenzhi picked up the head of the giant corpse, grabbed the iron chain on it, and waved it.

Just hearing the sound of hula la, the air was torn in an instant.


The sound of a heavy object passing through the air passed everyone's ears, and the head of the giant corpse flew out of the cave in an instant.

At this moment, the brawny man carrying the ghost knife just walked to the entrance of the cave, and saw a head entangled in an iron chain smashing towards him.


The sound of golden iron delivery came, and the strong man blocked him in an instant with the ghost knife, but the huge power could not be stopped in the slightest.

The brawny man only felt that his feet were unstable, and the whole person was finally knocked out by this head a few meters away.

At the same time, because both sides were competing with great strength, the head shattered and shattered into debris in mid-air.

The brawny man only felt his chest stuffy. The attack just came too suddenly. He failed to prepare in advance, which made his strength really uncontrollable. He always felt like he was about to be spit out for dinner yesterday.

He took a deep breath, suddenly opened his mouth, and shouted into the cave: "Which thief is hiding in the dark and attacking Lao Tzu! He has the ability to stand up for Lao Tzu!"

In the passage, the sound is constantly echoing.

Several people looked at each other.

Before returning to the sachet, Huang Xiaoyan tilted his head and said: "You seem to hit someone..."

He asked: "..."

Haven't people all come in? How can you hit people?

I always felt something was wrong, but he didn't take it to heart either, but led the crowd to move on.

When he came to the place where the giant corpse was guarding before, Bai Ruozi was shocked by the sight here.

"Is there a big explosion here? It broke like this?"

This is a relatively large and open place, but the surrounding rock walls are all scorched black, full of cracks, and many deep fist prints can be seen. The inside is even more black, as if burned. Like coal.

Especially on the ground, there are potholes everywhere, as if they had been bombed with gunpowder.

Seeing her reaction, Wang Daochang calmly said: "Miss Bai, you have never seen my brother's true ability. Normally, he casually makes a move outside, and it will be drizzle to open the two houses."

"Yeah!" Li En nodded: "I think Brother Mengren had completely scrapped a street..."

When Bai Ruozi heard these words, the eyes behind the mask opened, and then he stared at He Wenzhi in disbelief.

Is this really still a human? Is this a monster?

He Wenzhi's expression was stern, revealing an unhappy expression.

Upon seeing Li En, Wang Daochang was silent and did not dare to speak.

Although all praised his words, He Wenzhi now most annoying is that others praise him.

Because the more you boast, the greater your reputation will be, and when the time comes, the ghost will get farther and farther away from him.

This is really annoying!

He glared at the two men fiercely, then said to Bai Ruozi: "Don't listen to his nonsense, it's all fake! I've always been friendly, and my shots are very elegant. How could I do that kind of thing? ."

"Then here..." Bai Ruozi pointed to the broken scene in front of him.

"Hurt, here! This is all done by the giant corpse just now, it has nothing to do with me!"

He Wenzhi laughed, and then pointed to the fork in front of him.

There are two openings, which should lead to two different places.

The cave on the left, the giant corpse has been guarding there just now, it is estimated that there is something in it, or what it is waiting for.

Otherwise, there is no need to keep guarding like this at all.

As for the one on the right, the giant corpse didn't seem to care much before.

Therefore, He Wenzhi had inferred in his heart whether the people who came in before went to the right first, and then the giant corpse came here.

After all, the giant corpse also looks down on those awakened, so it doesn't care if they have entered.

So he simply stayed on the left, waiting for the things on the left to come first, and then went to the right.

Because he had such thoughts in his mind, He asked him to be very curious. If there was something on the left, what would it be?

Things that are useful to demons, and there is also the information that you have learned before. Is it possible that the things in the cave on the left are really ghost weapons?

Thinking like this in his heart, He Wenzhi greeted everyone, saying that he would go to the cave on the left first, and also said what he thought.

When several people heard it, they didn't have any opinions.

However, Bai Ruozi still said, "Ask my brother, although you are powerful, if there are real objects in it, and they are based on the graves of the masses.

No matter what kind of power it is, it will not be very easy to deal with. If it is relied on by the ghost, judging by the terrifying degree of the grave of the thousand people, I am afraid that its strength will not be lower than the ninth rank of [Evil]! "

"[Evil] Tier 9?" He Wenzhi's eyes lit up, and he reached out and touched Bai Ruozi's head, "I hope your guess is the most correct!"

After speaking, He Wenzhi walked straight into the cave on the left.

Bai Ruozi was taken aback. Why did I keep being touched by him, a tall sister of 1.73 meters tall?

It's as if I am a loli.

This thought flashed through my mind, and at the same time it followed closely.

"Ask elder brother, that's the ninth rank of [Evil]! Go slower, don't be impulsive, we have to observe the situation first! Even if it is not a ghost, if it is a curse of the same level, you may not be able to bear it no matter how powerful it is!"

"And we've all killed so many corpsemen who sent so many coachmen, when they will send someone over, we still have to find a way to deal with it! You can't have an accident right now!"

Bai Ruozi persuaded her, but He Wenzhi just patted her hand and touched her head again to relieve her.

"It's just a mere ghost or a curse, haha." He Wenzhi smiled faintly.

Bai Ruozi stayed.

Where did he get his confidence?

Even if the giant corpse is killed, the giant corpse will reach the sky at the level of the fifth and sixth ranks, which is far from comparable to that of the ninth rank!

Although they are still in the same big realm, there are so many gaps between the small realms. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the difference between cloud and mud.

In addition, the ghost is a spirit body, and physical attacks are ineffective, so no matter how strong it is, it is useless.

And if it's a curse, it's something even more weird. If you can't find a way to crack it, the curse will stay with you for a lifetime, until the cursed target dies.

Bai Ruozi is like an encyclopedia, spreading this knowledge to He Wenzhi.

He Wenzhi smiled in his heart.

Although this girl with **** is not very strong, she does have a lot of knowledge in her mind.

It seems that you can keep her by her side first, and then slowly get some knowledge about demons and ghosts from her.

He Wenzhi thought in his heart, and his pace suddenly accelerated.

Bai Ruozi shouted from behind, but He Wenzhi didn't slow down at all.

She looked back at Wang Daochang and Li En, and shouted, "Hurry up! Ask your brother to run in first!"

When the two heard this, they rushed up too.

Wang Daochang said: "Everyone should be careful, we don't have the strength of asking brothers. I always feel that there is a problem in this, so I should be more vigilant!"

Li En nodded too, he always felt a bit chilly behind him.

Since entering the cave on the left, he felt something staring at him.

Bai Ruozi did not feel strange just now because he had been following He Wenzhi's side all the time.

Now He Wenzhi has gone far, and coupled with the reminder of Wang Daochang, she suddenly realized that it was wrong.

This cold breath, and the deep feelings of resentment and hatred that have always lingered in the passage.

This feeling... is it really a curse?

She was very anxious and told Dao Wang and Li En not to go in first. If it was really a curse, they might also be recruited.

But she herself rushed forward, shouting as she ran, hoping to convey the news to He Wenzhi as soon as possible.

However, when she finally reached the end of the passage, she found He Wenzhizheng looking at her with straight eyes.

Behind He Wenzhi, a glamorous woman in a red wedding gown showed a weird smile.

Her eyes first glanced at Bai Ruozi lightly, and then she looked at He Wenzhi with love.

Her hands kept touching He Wenzhi's body, feeling the strong breath from above, her expression became intoxicated in an instant.

"What a perfect man!" The glamorous wedding lady showed a flushing color, and her voice was a little trembling because of excessive excitement.

Bai Ruozi was stunned.

How come, how come...!

It turned out to be a curse!

This married woman gave her a very familiar feeling, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"What a terrifying ghost pressure... and that strong aura of resentment..." Bai Ruozi thought to himself, the whole person was frozen there and could not move.

"What to do, ask my brother, it seems that he has been under control. If the curse breaks out... what am I going to do now..." The only thing she can move is her eyeballs.

She looked at He Wenzhi, and then at the married woman, thinking constantly in her heart.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound, and she saw the eight bracelets on the wrists of the wedding gown.

That terrible message suddenly popped up in her mind!

[Nine Curse Ghost Bride! 】

Rumor has it that as long as her curse can erupt smoothly nine times, she will be promoted and reach the next terrible state!

Now she is wearing eight bracelets on her wrist, which means that her curse has successfully erupted eight times!

As long as it breaks out again this time, this terrible curse will be able to advance successfully.

At that time, I am afraid that this curse will kill all the awakened in the secret realm, right?

What is even more frightening is that the entire villagers of Meiping Village may not be spared!

Bai Ruozi is very anxious now, she wants to wake up He Wenzhi, and then go to notify the awakened people together, and then everyone flees here, and then inform the corpse friendly faction, let them deal with it.

But now she can't even move, and can't even speak, so she can talk about how to wake up and ask about it.

At this moment, she was anxious, and tears flowed out because of her rush.

"I just hope the two of them don't come in!" Bai Ruozi thought to himself.

At this moment, the married woman saw Bai Ruozi's tears and suddenly said, "He is your man?"

She looked at Bai Ruozi with contempt in her eyes, as if provocatively: "Ha ha, but... he will be my man soon~"

At the same time, her hands gently slid across He Wenzhi's chest and kept sliding downward.

Her face pressed tightly against He Wenzhi's chest, and she took another deep breath.

Then he glanced at Bai Ruozi again, "Such a good man...Are you worthy?"

At this time, her hand had slipped to He Wenzhi's waist, as if she had touched something at the same time.

That is the sachet that Huang Xiaoyan is in.

A strong ghost aura spread out in an instant, and a sense of oppression swept through the dark space.

However, in the next second, the ghost spirit disappeared instantly, as if being suppressed by something.

"It turns out that there is still a ghost here... It's just that this female ghost is not so good, so why can she stay with this man?"

Because of the touch, the married woman felt Huang Xiaoyan's breath, and Huang Xiaoyan also thought of it at that time, but was immediately suppressed by the ghost of the married woman.

Just when she reached out to take the sachet out and throw it aside.


One hand grabbed her wrist.

"So... you think you are worthy?"

The wedding dress woman was shocked suddenly, the light and fluttering ghost wanted to escape, but He Wenzhi grabbed the wrist.

"This is a curse? It can still condense the spirit body?" He Wenzhi was curious.

The married woman was shocked: "You, why can you get rid of my control?!"

"Control? Am I under your control?"

"Wh, what! How can this be possible! I'm..."

"But your uncle! I just want you to curse me~lightnovelpub.net~ but you touched me for a long time and just didn't do it! You are a curse! It's not good, you can **** me!"

He Wenzhi is really speechless.

What kind of nasty curse is this? In addition to being provocative and talking, what else would you do?

Touching for a long time and not doing business is really annoying for people to wait.

Nine Cursed Ghost Bride: "???"

Her eyes blinked and blinked, always feeling that something was wrong.

This man in front of me seems to be very eager to be cursed by me and sucked by me?

Is he serious?