I Like Weird the Most

v1 Chapter 139: 30

She seemed to be jumping in space, but every time she disappeared and appeared, her movements were frozen.

The next second, she opened her lips.

The entire frozen space was only her voice, and the sound of flame burning in He Wenzhi's body.

"Child...I want my child..." she said in the language of the Western mainland.

The bride's voice is very nice, with a slight ethereal feeling in the ethereal, a kind of feeling like stepping into a fairyland in the cloud-shrouded western fairy tale world.

However, He Wenzhi was always expressionless, just looking at the bride who was already close at hand and said indifferently.

"I want you."


The fire suddenly rose, the violent heat swept away, and the space instantly distorted. The old school building, which seemed to be frozen before, moved again.

The ceiling lamp was still creaking and shaking, and the wall was still trembling slightly.

The only difference is that the bride at this time is pressing tightly against He Wenzhi's body.

Everything before was like an illusion, but what I see now is the truth.

The milky white flame kept burning her body, and intense pain spread in her body.

The white wedding dress was smoked, and the white roses on it began to wither.

She was in pain, it was a pain that seemed to burn to the depths of her soul.

But for some reason, there was still a smile on her face.

It seems that such pain, she has long been accustomed to it.

The wedding dress was burned out, turned into pieces of ashes and flew back.

Her body became naked, and the long golden hair behind her head slid down her spine. A terrifying scar could be seen on her lower abdomen, as if someone had broken her belly abruptly. The fetus inside was taken away, and then it was directly strangled.

He Wenzhi looked at her and seemed to be able to feel something through the blue flame.

At this time, the bride was holding He Wenzhi's cheeks in both hands. She stood on her toes, her red lips slowly approaching He Wenzhi's lips.

Just when the lips of the two were about to stick together, the bride's movement was a halt.

Just listen to her suddenly say: "It's the taste of the soul... The soul will not lie... You have the taste of many different women's souls..."

He asked: "..."

What she means is that I have absorbed a lot of female ghosts, so I have the taste of a lot of women?

"Sure enough... you are also a heartbreaker... the man is bothered... damn... the woman steals the fish... also damn... the unfaithful... all damn..."

A white fire was reflected in the bride's eyes, and her voice became more and more weird.

"Then do you want to see?" He Wenzhi blinked his eyelids, and did not wait for the bride to answer, but directly reached out to embrace her cold and slender waist.

The smooth touch came, He Wenzhi lowered his head.

He gently pressed his forehead against the bride's forehead.

The transmission of thoughts is not unilateral.

Through the blue flame, He Wenzhi can see the emotions of some ghosts, but if the blue flame is close to the two sides, it can directly convey a certain message.

At this moment, the bride's past experiences intermittently appeared in He Wenzhi's mind, as well as the fear she had descended in the Western Continent, which lasted for ten years of killing.

Regardless of men and women, there is no difference between cursing and killing!

At the same time, the bride also saw some terrible things.

Her expression gradually changed, and the look in He Wenzhi's eyes also changed.

First, she took away a ghost in a car accident and let her follow her with all her heart.

Then he made an improper transaction with a female corpse in a dark alley, which not only cheated the other party's money, but eventually even killed the other party alive.

The latter is even more exaggerated. The female ghosts of an entire village were brutally murdered, and none of them survived.

Seeing those fragmented fragments, the bride took out of context, and decided in her heart that this is definitely a scum!

And it was still a very terrible pervert, even more terrifying than the man she had ever met!

"Kill you! Kill you!" The bride kept roaring with a hideous face.

The strong curse power suddenly emerged and spread out abruptly.

Li Ziru, who had completely moved away from the former site of Chunteng Middle School, suddenly turned around. This terrible pressure, this strong absolute curse power, seemed to be shaking in space.

It was so far away, and it even made his heart beat.

He stopped suddenly, clasped his hands tightly, and looked at the direction of Chunteng Middle School.

"Little friend of the question..." he murmured, hesitating whether to watch out for a sudden surprise attack by the sewing man, or whether to look back and save him.


the other side.

He Wenzhi had raised his head again, and at the same time retracted the icy blue flame.

The absolutely calm buff disappeared, and he returned to his original temperament.

The hand that she was holding the bride's waist tightened again, letting the other person get closer to her tighter, not giving her a chance to escape.

The corner of his left mouth was tilted upwards, and there was a chuckle in his mouth, as if he was laughing.

He lowered his head and looked at the bride in his arms.

"If you make a mistake, you must be punished."

"You said... what method should I use to punish you?"

"Go to hell! Man...damn it!" The bride still roared, and the curse power continued to spread.

this moment.

【Spirit +30】

【Cell Viability +30】

【Self-healing ability +30】

【Yang Huo +30】

【Qi Blood +30】

【Physique +30】

【Dynamic Vision +30】


A series of reminders sounded in his mind, He Wenzhi looked at the foreign bride who was struggling in his arms.

I just feel that the more I look, the more satisfying it is, the more I look, the better it looks~lightnovelpub.net~ It's not because her wedding dress was burned out, which led to her nakedness.

It's because even if she was stuck so closely, so that she was most directly burned by the milky white flame, there was no sign that she was going to disappear.

what does this mean?

Does this mean that this exotic, blond bride is likely not to be burned to death like this?

If this is true...

Doesn't this mean that she can be used to improve many attribute points?

And with He Wenzhi's constant stimulation, the blonde bride will growl more and more angry, which will cause the curse she exudes to be more powerful and stronger.

That's right, this bride doesn't seem to be able to deal with it with physical abilities, but from the spirit, or in other words... directly attack the heart!

I don't know if it is the reason why this blonde bride has been covered in dust for too many years, He Wenzhi always feels that she has not exerted all her strength, and there is still a lot of potential to be squeezed to the full.

This bride is probably not a ghost that can only be used once, but an evil ghost that can be used several times.

"More, more! You have a little more! Use all your magic power to infuse my body!"

He Wenzhi laughed, the more angry and struggling the bride, the happier and more excited he was.

With the increase just now, every attribute point is an increase of 30!

And except for the attribute points with some color, this is almost an increase in all attributes.

Is there anything happier than this one now?

[Chao Gui]...It's so fragrant!