I Like Weird the Most

v1 Chapter 53: Aren't you human

     "Doctor Li, help me! He, he is the... man who eats ghosts!"

   "Oh?" Li Ziru suddenly raised his brows and the corners of his mouth curled up. He seemed a little happy, but he was more curious.

   "Are you that famous man who eats ghosts?"

   Senior Chen also laughed loudly: "Good boy! So it's you!"

   "I don't! It's not me!" He Wenzhi stared at the ghost and said, "Bah! Don't spit people! When did I eat ghosts!"

  He Wenzhi is full of question marks now, but he thinks it would be better to leave the name of this man who eats ghosts aside.

   After all, this name is not a good thing for ghosts, just look at the reaction of the male ghost just now.

   If it is passed on like this, I am afraid that it is not a ghost that will run all over. Where else can I catch the ghost?

   Especially, He Wenzhi also has a Hyakki Yexing, and the goal of the Hyakki Gathering Station has not been achieved.

   Seeing He Wenzhi's still arguing, the male ghost said, "Doctor Li, it's him! I saw it with my own eyes that night, and there would be no mistake!"

   followed closely, and he told the scene that he had seen at the beginning.

   He asked me, isn’t that when Huang Xiaoyan had a car accident at the time when a kid attacked him, and then there was no return?

   This male ghost was there at the time? Why is there no impression at all?

   He asked: "It was the kid who tried to invade my body in a vain attempt to repay the yang, and it was burned to death by my yang fire. It was not that I ate him!"

   Li Ziru smiled: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you eat it."

   Why ask: "???"

   Li Ziru said: "It was because he wanted to harm you and died at your hands. What's wrong? By the way, you really eat ghosts?"

   "I won't eat!" He Wenzhi shook his head like a rattle.

"Oh, is that true?" Li Ziru smiled, pushed his glasses, and said: "But how come I always hear recently that there is a great character in Spring Market who likes to hunt ghosts and takes ghost hunting for fun. In the middle of the night, he would appear in the gloomy streets and peep at everything.

   In the night, his eyes, looking for ghosts, gleamed like a lantern. When hunting to the excitement, they will be dressed in white light, dazzling, like the sun, people can't open their eyes.

   Is this really you? "

   He asked: "..."

   He has a toothache suddenly, which bad guy is propagating indiscriminately behind his back?

   "Senior, where did you hear about these things?"

   Li Ziru: "I heard about it when I was in Xia City in mid-June."

   Senior Chen: "I also heard about it when I was in the winter market."


   This is outrageous!

   He Wenzhi directly had thousands of drafts in his heart, and how did it spread to other cities?

   If other fame spreads a little bit louder, He Wenzhi doesn't care so much.

   But [the man who eats ghosts] this is absolutely no good, his great cause of catching ghosts has not yet been completed, the more famous this reputation, the farther away the ghosts will be.

   In this way, catching ghosts will become more and more troublesome.

  Because of dealing with ghosts for so long, he deeply understands that ghosts are also afraid, and they are also afraid of death.

   In their propaganda, it seems that as long as he asks him, he is not far from death.

   Li Ziru said again: "Captain Chen, you should have encountered a lot of troubles in the Psychological Investigation Bureau recently, right? It was this little friend who asked him to solve it, right?"

   "Yes, yes." Old Chen nodded and said gratefully: "He saved my life."

   Hearing this, He Wenzhi's eyes condensed, and he fights ghosts by himself. It seems that the one he has the most contact with is Lingtiao Bureau.

   Could it be the Lingtiao Bureau secretly propagating to me?

   Thinking of this, He Wenzhi looked down at Lao Chen and smiled.

   Old Chen trembled, and hurriedly explained: "Asking him, I have never spread your news, and I don't even know that you will eat ghosts!

   I swear, this has absolutely nothing to do with me! "

   Since he fought against the male evil corpse, Lao Chen has been lying in the hospital bed for so long, and now he can finally go out in a wheelchair. He is really afraid of asking him to punch him suddenly.

   Let's not talk about the heavy punch, I guess I have to go back to the hospital bed and lie down.

   Senior Chen said: "I don't know if the Lingtiao Bureau has not passed you on. But I have heard about your deeds from ghosts.

   This time when I came back to Spring City, some ghosts I met on the road were talking about this. "

   Li Ziru also said: "Ask my little friend, you may not know that now your reputation among ghosts and monsters is very loud, and it has reached the point where we can stop children from crying."

   He asked: "..."

   What kind of sin was done!

  Think about it carefully. In fact, at the place where Huang Xiaoyan had a car accident, the scene where the little ghost was evaporated was indeed seen by many ghosts.

   At that time, Huang Xiaoyan also told He Wenzhi that there are good ghosts and bad ghosts in ghosts, and not all ghosts will harm people.

   So He asked that he didn't take them anyway at the time, but silently figured out how to trick them back home, and then possessed one by one to increase their attribute points.

   As a result, those ghosts were afraid to come again because they had witnessed all that.

   Now that I think about it carefully, it's probably those ghosts who passed things on.

   After all, after that, the place where Huang Xiaoyan had been involved in the car accident became a forbidden place, and ordinary ghosts did not dare to approach.

   In addition, he did hunt down a lot of ghosts in the Spring City during this period of time. It may have been seen by the passing ghosts, but they were not found, so he left quickly and then spread the news.

  He Wenzhi's mood now is like a dead dog, and his heart is directly cold.

   "So, you don't believe what I said at all, do you?"

   "I really don't eat ghosts!"

   Everyone shook their heads.

   Old Chen has heard Vice Team Wei describe He Wenzhi's state when he killed the faceless woman. In that case, if you say you want to eat her, no one would be surprised.

   While listening to the legend of He Wenzhi during this period of time, Senior Chen and Li Ziru, their ears almost heard the cocoon, and they wanted to see the true face a long time ago.

   Looking at it now, it is indeed very good. The appearance is dignified, the instrument is magnificent, and there are a lot of achievements in his hands, which are all real achievements.

   Complete victory without defeat!

   Li Ziru was curious, and asked: "You like ghost hunting so much?"

   He asked: "It doesn't count, it's just that I like to have more close body and soul communication with ghosts, so I go to find ghosts."

   He Wenzhi thinks this explanation is not wrong. After all, he and the ghost are either possessed or sucked into the lungs, isn't it a close distance or even a negative distance!

   Li Ziru heard: "For example, eating ghosts?"

   "..." He asked: "Senior, can you not mention this?"

   He really doesn't want to let more people know about this, otherwise, what should I do if the Spring Market is really okay in the future?

   Isn’t that going to other cities to hunt ghosts?

   But now Xia Shi has also begun to spread, he went to Xia Shi, it is estimated that some ghosts will also run there.

   Winter City is also spreading, and it is probably the same when I go to Winter City.

   As for the autumn market...

  The ghosts of the autumn city are now running towards the spring city.

   He Wenzhi felt that a lot of ghosts in the Spring City may have left. Now those who dare to come out, most of them should come from the Autumn City. I don't know about the [Man Who Eats Ghosts].

   "Hey, I just hope that this matter will not be spread again, and then there will be some ghosts over the autumn city, so that we can always fight ghosts and be happy." He Wenzhi thought in his heart.

   "Hahaha, good good!" Li Ziru smiled happily, and at the same time let the scared and trembling male ghost leave first.

   He Wenzhi glared at him and told him to clarify for himself when he went back.

   "I don't eat ghosts. I like ghosts very much. You can come and play with me if you have nothing to do." He Wenzhi said.

   The male ghost wanted to shake his head very much, but he didn't dare, so he nodded frequently to make sure that he would bring it with him, and then hurriedly picked up the medicine packet on the ground and left.

   Li Ziru looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile.

   He said: "The little friend is quite interesting. I don't know how you are so easy-going, how to make ghosts so scared, I am really curious now!"

   He asked, and raised his brows: "If the predecessor is curious, you can give me a few [filthy] ghosts of level 5 or above, and I will show you live performances."

   "Do you want to show ghosts?"


   This Li Ziru looks polite and gentle, isn't it a black belly?

   Li Ziru smiled: "My little friend likes hunting ghosts so much. Tonight is also a coincidence. I did encounter something on the way back. If my little friend is interested, you might as well come and have a look."

   He asked me, and my heart moved, are you ready to introduce me to the business?

   If there is a real ghost fight, and the strength is not weak, then this trip is not in vain.

   Talking, Li Ziru led a few people to the back hall, and saw two corpses lying inside, covered with white cloth.

   Li Ziru lifted the white cloth, revealing its appearance.

   The deceased was a man and a woman, with intact bodies, but there were many bite marks, which seemed to have been bitten by something.

   face, neck, chest, arms, thighs, everywhere.

   The wound is not big, the small one is as big as the fingernail of an adult man’s thumb, and the big one is up to **** wide.

   Looking at the two corpses, Li Ziru said, "My friend, what do you think?"

   He Wenzhi thought for a while, and said, "Senior, before I talk about this, I have a few questions to ask."

"You ask."

   "That ghost just now, he came to buy medicine, and you also told him to pay more attention to him. Is he sick?"

   Li Ziru smiled: "People can get sick, why can't ghosts?"

   "Then he calls you a doctor..."

   "Not bad." Li Ziru nodded, and said, "Li is not talented, he is a ghost doctor in the world."

  Ghost doctor? This is the first time He Wenzhi has heard of the profession, and he didn't understand it before.

   Li Ziru smiled and said, "Little friends, there are things that a living person can do, and so can ghosts.

   is like a tattoo, divided into yang pattern and yin pattern.

  Yang lines are tattoos for living people, while Yin lines are tattoos for dead people and ghosts.

   I am a ghost doctor, and naturally I also specialize in treating ghost diseases. If this is the case, why is it strange that ghosts come to see me?

   And ghosts have their own lives.

   This old street we are now is a ghost street, and there is no living person living here. "

   He asked: "Aren't you human?"

   Li Ziru: "..."

   Just now, Li Ziru was holding on to eating ghosts, but now he finds a chance to go back, He Wenzhi feels much more comfortable.

   followed closely, and he asked again: "Are the two seniors also in charge of the game?"

   "No, we are the Town Demon Division." Senior Chen replied.

   "The Demon Division?"

   "Yes." Li Ziru nodded: "Zhen Hundred Ghosts, Slayer Demons, Master of Destiny, this is the Secretary of Devil!"


   "Now that ghosts and monsters are recovering rampantly, can you see that there are gods and Buddhas coming to the world?"

   He Wenzhi shook his head.

   "In this case, we can only fight the ghosts~lightnovelpub.net~ What we should do is what we should do this day."

  He Wenzhi frowned, always feeling that there was something else in this sentence.

   It's just that he kept looking at Li Ziru, waiting for his later article, but he didn't say anything.

   After a long while, he said, "Do you know the difference between the Lingzhi Bureau and the Town Demon Division?"

   Without waiting for the answer to any question, he continued: "The main responsibility of the Lingzhi Bureau is to protect and guard the safety of people everywhere, so that everyone can live with peace of mind.

   However, the supernatural events that occur in ordinary cities are not too difficult to deal with, and the real difficulty lies in other places.

   What the Swordsman has to do is to kill those in time to avoid harming others. "

   "So, the main combat power against ghosts is the Sword Demon Division?"

   Li Ziru nodded: "You can also say the same, just perform their duties."

   He Wenzhi nodded, what he remembered for a while now, it seemed that there was only one last question left.

   "Senior, the meteor shower that came, not only brought spiritual revival, increased ghosts, and human awakening, what else did it bring? Why are the ghosts of the autumn city running to the spring city?"

   Lao Chen mentioned this matter last time, but he was reluctant to say it at that time.

   Came here this time, Lao Chen treated Li Ziru and Senior Chen respectfully and cautiously, but the two seniors were more accommodating to him because they had heard too many rumors about He Wenzhi.

   Since it is such an attitude, He Wenzhi thinks that maybe he can get the answer from them.


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