I Like Weird the Most

v2 Chapter 244: I am back

Latest website: To solve Han Yumeng's problem, the first thing to do is to get rid of her relationship with the long-haired ghost in white.

And at the same time, a new relationship must be created between Han Yumeng and He Wenzhi, that is, the same fate.

It sounds simple enough, but it's actually quite difficult to do.

After all, human life is involved, and there can be no sloppy care.

He Wenzhi is not worried about himself, after all, the ability of the golden finger is there.

On the contrary, Han Yumeng needed special attention, so she let Huang Xiaoyan confuse her in advance.

If something goes wrong in the whole process because of her own emotions or some problems, then it will be her who will be affected in the end. .

This whole process started early in the morning, and it didn't end until the sunset and the bright moon hung high.

Fortunately, Li Ziru, as a ghost doctor, has a very deep understanding of the soul, and is careful in all aspects.

To be honest, Li Ziru was worried that Han Yumeng would be difficult to deal with at first, but in the end, Han Yumeng's problems were solved. What is the real problem?

"It's too difficult!" Li Ziru thought to himself.

With his years of in-depth research on the soul, but it has been so long, he can't even understand the soul of the question.

He only felt that he had been isolated from the outside, and he couldn't connect He Wenzhi with Han Yumeng at all.

Finally, after a few more hours, Li Ziru only felt as if centuries had passed.

At this moment, he finally drew a trace of life energy from He Wenzhi.

Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly pulled out Han Yumeng's life energy and soul breath, so that the two were connected at this moment.

It wasn't that Li Ziru was impatient, but that he was afraid that the breath that was finally drawn from He Wenzhi would disappear after a while.

That wasted so much energy, isn't everything busy in vain?


At the moment when the two were connected, Li Ziru finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was finally caught..." he said in his heart.

At this moment, Li Ziru seemed to have experienced a great battle. He was already sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

He stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and then helped the black glasses frame, while looking at He asked.

I used to think that He Wenzhi was a genius and a monster.

But when I got more in-depth contact, I found out that it was as terrifying as a monster!

Can such a huge amount of life energy really be possessed by human beings?

And that heavy soul power is simply terrifying!

The moment he touched it, Li Ziru only felt that he was incomparably small, and what he was facing was a mighty giant tree in the sky!

This tree goes straight to the sky and is rooted in the ground, as if the sky and the earth are supported by him.

Since Li Ziru was in personal contact at the time, and even used his own soul power, his feelings were very obvious.

Suddenly a question arose in his heart, is this really the energy that human beings can possess?

Just like a fairy in legend.


The doubts in Li Ziru's heart became more obvious, that is, He Wenzhi's strength and performance seemed to be sorry for this energy.

But thinking about He Wenzhi's rise and growth, an idea suddenly appeared in Li Ziru's mind.

That is, although He Wenzhi's body has such a terrifying power, he himself cannot master it or use it.

And with his continuous exercise and growth, these strengths will gradually reveal.

This may also be a protective mechanism. If such terrifying energy is suddenly revealed, even He Wenzhi will definitely not be able to support it.

In this way, it all makes sense.

After all, it's only September, and the recovery of spiritual energy is in May. In just a few months, He Wenzhi can grow to this point.

This can no longer be described as a genius, it is completely unprecedented.

And if it is because there is such a possible power hidden in his body, and now it is only stimulated step by step, then it can be completely explained.

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable Li Ziru felt.

He looked at He Wenzhi's eyes and felt incredible.

He Wenzhi had a secret on his body, and Li Ziru didn't know what the secret was, but he suddenly felt that maybe there was a **** living in He Wenzhi's body!

Just thinking about this, Li Ziru became more and more worried.

This is a secret that cannot be easily discovered.

If it weren't for helping Han Yumeng solve the problem, and Li Ziru's own deep understanding of the soul, he would never have discovered it.

"Perhaps the little friend who asked me doesn't even know it yet..." Li Ziru thought about it psychologically, feeling that he should pay more attention.

Therefore, he used his own means to place several restrictions on the soul on He Wenzhi without leaving a trace.

These prohibitions did no harm to He Wenzhi, and were placed entirely to protect his soul.

The main purpose is to prevent other people from exploring He Wenzhi's soul, so as to discover this secret.

Li Ziru also decided not to talk about it, as if nothing had happened.

In the end, because of the arrangement of the ban, this matter also continued until the afternoon of the next day.

At this moment, Li Ziru was already exhausted, and the sweat all over his body was already dry, but as he continued to consume, his body was soaked with sweat again.

Until the end, his face paled.

He just felt that he had never been so tired.

If it is to help others solve problems, it is probably not a big deal, but it is really a bit too difficult to ask what the object is this time.

Finally, after everything was settled, He Wenzhi opened his eyes and immediately saw the haggard-looking Li Ziru.

"Senior Li, are you...?"

"It's okay, it's okay..." Li Ziru shook his head, just about to stand up, only to feel a little dizzy.

I am so hard...

Li Ziru couldn't hold back for a while, and reached out to support He Wenzhi's arm.

At this time, Chen Tiankui hurriedly brought a bowl of medicinal soup, which looked dark and steaming.

It seems that it has been prepared for a long time, and I will make up for it when it is over.

Li Ziru stretched out his hand to take it, and drank heavily.

He Wenzhi stood on the side, and could clearly smell the pungent smell of the irritant.

After the bowl of medicine was finished, Li Ziru exhaled again.

I don't know what kind of special medicine this is, but it didn't take long for Li Ziru's complexion to be much better.

Only then did he say, "Ask my friend, do you think there is something wrong with your body?"

He Wenzhi felt it carefully and shook his head: "No."

He asked again: "What's the matter? Suddenly asking this?"

"No, it's fine..." Li Ziru shook his head, feeling that it was still necessary to remind him, so he said, "You should pay more attention, if you encounter an enemy with the ability to target the soul, you can avoid it if you can. …”

Hearing this, He Wenzhi frowned, feeling that something was strange.

Just now in the process of sharing the same fate with Han Yumeng, he was concentrating and lying there quietly with his eyes closed, so he didn't know what happened in the whole process.

Because he didn't feel much at all, but Li Ziru looked like he had experienced a life-and-death battle.

Now that Li Ziru suddenly said this again, there must be something wrong.

He glanced at Chen Tiankui, but Chen Tiankui just shook his head.

"Don't look at me, I just came in just now, I don't know anything."

He Wenzhi looked at Li Ziru again and said, "Senior Li, what's wrong?"

Li Ziru thought about it, and handed the medicine bowl in his hand to Chen Tiankui, asking him to go out first and then boil another bowl of medicine.

After Chen Tiankui nodded and left, Li Ziru explained what he had just discovered.

He asked one to hear it, and his heart was shocked.

"It turns out that my own body has always contained such a huge power? Not only in the body, but also in the depths of the soul...?" He asked like this.

"So my current growth is actually inspiring those energies?" He couldn't help asking.

Li Ziru first shook his head, and then nodded again, because he was not sure.

But one thing he can be sure of is that He Wenzhi's future is absolutely limitless.

Hearing these words, He Wenzhi suddenly wondered, could that be his golden finger?

What Li Ziru saw just now is just a form of expression, or is it a means for the golden finger to confuse others?

And the increase in attribute points he gets every time he upgrades, is it real?

It's just that no matter which aspect you think about, it seems that they can be linked together, and it can be explained.

He Wenzhi thought about it in his heart, and he knew it temporarily, so he nodded and gave Li Ziru an answer.

In the end, the two skipped this topic and didn't go to talk more, but talked about Han Yumeng's problem.

Now Han Yumeng is at peace with each other, at least her life will continue. It is estimated that it will not take much time, and the catastrophe will also be transferred to He Wenzhi.

At the same time, the fate of recruiting ghosts will belong to what will be asked in the future.

There was just one more question, and Li Ziru suddenly said it.

"Asking my little friend, although this is a life to attract ghosts, but your reputation in the strange world, I am afraid that even if you have this life, you will..."

Hearing this, He Wenzhi's mouth twitched.

Yes! Now that the ghosts know how far they will run when they hear his name, what's the use of coming with the life of a ghost?

It's totally smack, right?

"Fuck!" He Wenzhi suddenly felt a shock in his heart.

"Senior Li, you said that the life of the ghost will be washed away because of my problem!?"

Li Ziru: "...?"

He was also suddenly stunned, followed by thinking carefully, and said, "It's not impossible..."

Li Ziru's expression became a little weird, but he called him a good guy in his heart.

The fate of recruiting ghosts is a side effect of fate, and as a result, it was washed away abruptly.

As expected of you.

He Wenzhi was also speechless for a while, if it was really washed away, then the fate of this ghost probably does not exist.

Then we can only hope for that catastrophe.

"I hope this catastrophe can come more violently!" He Wenzhi said.

Li Ziru: "???"

He couldn't help but say, "Ask my friend, why are you like this...?"

He Wenzhi sighed and said melancholy: "It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided... Since it's destined, we can only accept it calmly..."

Upon hearing this, Li Ziru's expression was like the expression pack of [Subway, Old Man, Mobile Phone].

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, what does this have to do with the ferocity you hope the catastrophe will come?

As long as it is a normal person, it is impossible to hope that the catastrophe will be more violent, right?

Although Li Ziru knew that He Wenzhi contained terrifying power, he didn't know the form of He Wenzhi's upgrade, so he still couldn't understand He Wenzhi's operation.


A few hours passed, and it was night again, and Han Yumeng finally woke up leisurely.

At this time, He Wenzhi had already arranged for their father and daughter to meet.

The scene became quiet for a while, and everyone dispersed, leaving plenty of space for the two of them.

He was obviously the father who had always met, but now standing in front of him, Han Yumeng didn't know how to speak for a while.

Han Yun also felt that he owed her too much, so he just watched silently.

Perhaps Han Yuluo, who had been observing in secret, couldn't bear it any longer, so he flew away, grabbed the hands of the two of them, and put them together.

"Dad! Mengmeng is always calling you in her dreams!" Han Yuluo said, "She is my sister, your little daughter!"

"I know..." Han Yun's voice trembled slightly, and tightly grabbed Han Yumeng's hand: "Mengmeng, it's my father who's sorry for you, so I can't stay by your side..."

Han Yumeng couldn't help it at this time, she opened her hand and hugged Han Yun.

"I don't blame Dad. He asked me and told me that you never came back because you wanted to save me... You used to leave a lot because of this, right?" She cried and looked up at Han Yun. .

Han Yun was also in tears, remembering He Wenzhi, and couldn't help but say: "It's that stinky boy again..."

"He's not a stinky boy. He treats me very well. Many times when I have an accident, he guards me. He has protected me for a long time..."

Han Yun's heart was excited and moved, but inexplicably a little sour.

He touched Han Yumeng's little head and recalled the past.

In the end, Han Yuluo left silently, and after being with them for a while, gave the rest of the time to the two of them.

More than an hour later, Han Yumeng with red eyes suddenly ran over and said excitedly: "Why ask! Why ask! My father said he wanted to go back to his hometown, why don't you go back with us? Let's go together. Look at Grandma!"

"Okay!" He Wenzhi agreed without hesitation.

After pinching her little face, she was holding hands and dragged him outside.

He Wenzhi had a smile on his face, and he was relieved to see that Han Yumeng could still maintain this appearance.

Following closely, he drove overnight and took Han Yumeng and others to Guangming Village.

It's still the familiar path, the car can't go in, it can only park next to it.

Passing through the gloomy forest path, looking around, there are many plastic bags hanging in the woods.

It was full of rotting animal carcasses.

It's just that compared to the past, there is much less terrifying deep cold here. Although the breath of ghosts can still be felt, it is very clear that those ghosts were transformed by the dead villagers here, and they are the guardian spirits here.

Soon, black shadows floated out one by one, but when they saw who was coming, they turned back one by one, and finally disappeared.

He asked: "..."

He wanted to say hello at first, why is it all like this?

You didn't seem to have done anything to them last time, did you?


He Wenzhi brought Han Yumeng to grandma's residence. Although it was late at night, the lights were still on.

It is estimated that the guardian spirits have notified grandma just now.

Seeing that the light was still on, Han Yumeng shouted, "Grandma! Grandma! I'm back!"


The heavy wooden door was opened, and the lights were turned on in the yard, revealing the old face of grandma.

She opened her arms and hugged Han Yumeng in her arms.

"Good grandson, good grandson! I want to kill grandma!" Grandma touched Han Yumeng's face, brushed the hair away from her forehead, and kissed her on the cheek again.

Her cloudy eyes have been looking at Han Yumeng, and her eyes are full of love.

Just suddenly, grandma's pupils shuddered, and they were full of disbelief.

"No, no more...?!" Grandma said in surprise, her hands pinched and pinched, touched and touched on Han Yumeng's body.

"No... Really no...!" Grandma was suddenly so excited that she burst into tears of joy.

"It's changed! It's changed! Mengmeng! My grandson! Your destiny has changed! You are no longer a ghost! And your numerology... you are not a premature death... Your numerology... ...You are going to live a hundred years! Hahahaha!"

Grandma closed her mouth happily for a while, hugged Han Yumeng tightly, laughed and cried.

This time, Han Yumeng didn't cry, but said, "Grandma! Grandma! Look at what you are asking!"

Grandma wiped away her tears. She was so excited just now that she ignored He Wenzhi.

Grandma said apologetically, "Ask, it was really... uh!??"

Grandma is shocked again!

She couldn't see He Wenzhi's numerology at all, but there was a strong sense of familiarity in him.

This ominous feeling, this heavy feeling of depression, isn't this the haze that has been in Han Yumeng's body for almost 20 years, and has been haunting their family's heart?

This seems to be a curse, and grandma will never forget it in her whole life.


"Yes." He asked that without concealing it, who would let the other party see it?

It's all like this, and it's pointless to hide it.

"Oh, why are you doing this!" Grandma couldn't help sighing, "I said I would entrust Mengmeng to you, but I didn't want you to take your own life to save her from disaster!

You gave her your life... You also transferred this curse-like thing to yourself...

You...you are..."

"Damn! Grandma, don't worry, I'll be fine! I still wish that the catastrophe would come soon, that it would be resolved sooner, and that I would feel at ease sooner rather than later!"

Hearing this, grandma was also moved, but she didn't know what to say.

It wasn't until the end that she said, "After Mengmeng, I'll leave it to you..."

"Ham, didn't you give it to me a long time ago!" He Wenzhi was still laughing, and he didn't care about the fate and catastrophe at all.

But the more this is the case, the more guilt Grandma feels in her heart, and the more she feels that He Wenzhi is worthy of trust and entrustment!

At this moment, grandma treats He Wenzhi as her family from the bottom of her heart.

blah blah blah.

At this moment, there were footsteps coming from behind.

Turning his head, it turned out that Han Yun, who had been behind, was pushed up by Han Yuluo.

Grandma also looked up, and when she saw Han Yun's appearance, her body trembled suddenly.

But following closely, she restrained her expression, pretending to be very normal, and at the same time let Han Yuluo and Han Yumeng go into the room first.

He Wenzhi glanced left and right, and felt that he might as well go in.

The next second, only grandma and Han Yun were in the yard.

"Mom, mom..." Looking at the stern-faced mother, even though she was so old, Han Yun still felt a lot of pressure.

"Want to come back?" Grandma said angrily: "I've been fooling around outside for so long, and the people who did it are not ghosts or ghosts, and now I finally know that I'm back, right?

I don't know how to say it in advance when I come back, it's the middle of the night!

Are you hungry? Now I'm going to the field to pick some vegetables for you~lightnovelpub.net~ and eat a bowl of noodles.

I don't have anything good for you to eat. Can you still eat the food I made when you look like a ghost? "

Grandma seemed to be blaming Han Yun, but her tone became softer and softer, and finally she was full of concern.

Han Yun couldn't help but feel a sour nose, and said, "Eat! I can eat it! The food my mother made, I grew up eating and growing up, and I have to eat it for the rest of my life!"

"It's just your poor mouth!" Grandma couldn't help laughing and said, "Then you go to the field with me to pick vegetables, at night, I can't see clearly!"

"Hey! Good! Mom, slow down!" Han Yun hurriedly walked over and supported his grandma.

He took a deep breath and whispered, "Mom, I'm back, I'm never leaving again..."

"Well, don't leave, just stay in the village and stay with me."
