I Like Weird the Most

v2 Chapter 248: Got you

The latest website: When Ah Qian asked how many people were wearing mink clothes and hats, He Wenzhi already had a guess.

Ah Qian should have met these people, and judging from his words, when he saw them, they should have only been six people.

But now there is one more person, who is completely out of tune with them, and seems so out of place.

Ah Qian said that it was his grandfather.

Before, he kept saying that grandpa would come back, but now he said that grandpa was taken away by them, and he also said that he would be taken away.

It's just that grandpa was taken away, so he shouldn't come back, right?

So who is the one who is shooting the window now?

He Wenzhi thought to himself, and reached out to open the curtain.

dong dong dong!

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door. .

The glass windows were still shaking, but only for a while.

There seemed to be no movement outside the window, but there was a constant knock on the door.

The knock on the door was very gentle, stopping after every three knocks.

It was obvious that the force used was not large, as if he was afraid of disturbing something, he just tapped with a small amount of strength.

After three taps, it will stop for a few seconds, and if there is still no response, it will continue to tap.

Moreover, the knock on the door didn't come from outside He Wenzhi's door, but from outside the door downstairs.

"Did the thing outside the window just run downstairs and knock on the door?"

He Wenzhi thought so in his heart, and suddenly heard a creak.

It was the door that was opened, then closed again, and the sound of latching.

He Wenzhi opened the curtain and glanced at it. It was pitch black outside, and the dim light of the street lamp not far away was shining there, and the shadows of the trees beside him swayed.

The rain was still falling, crackling against the window.

It's quiet outside, and there doesn't seem to be anything strange about it. Except for the gloomy atmosphere, it's not much different from a normal night country environment.

I just opened the door just now, but I didn't hear any movement inside, so who opened the door?

Is that Asian?

Speaking of which, Ah Qian went downstairs and didn't hear anything else. Could it be that he was always guarding downstairs?

Just then, there was another movement outside the door.

It's footsteps.

The footsteps sounded very light, and the weight of the walking person should not be very heavy, belonging to a relatively light type.

Thinking about it carefully, Ah Qian, as a teenager, looks relatively thin, and should be very light under visual inspection.

It was just Ah Qian's footsteps. He Wenzhi had heard them before. Although the footsteps were very light now, they were not his.

The sound of footsteps, from the first floor to the second floor, first went to the kitchen, and wandered inside for a while, as if looking for something to eat.

Immediately following, footsteps came to the door of He Wenzhi's room.

The room where he is now is directly opposite the kitchen.

However, the sound of footsteps did not stop, and went directly to the third floor.

I don't know what was going on there, so I went downstairs again.


The sound of the door opening is not the door.

Then on the first floor, the only door left is the utility room and Grandpa Ah Qian's room.

"Could it be that his grandfather really came back?"

When the sound arrived here, everything came to an end, and the surroundings fell into a dead silence in an instant. Except for the sound of rain falling and beating outside the window, there was no sound.

Time passed slowly, He Wenzhi waited patiently for a few minutes, but there was still no movement.

I will wait like this, everything is to not startle the snakes, so as to see what is going on in this village, what ghosts and ghosts are there.


But at this moment, a rubbing sound suddenly sounded, like the sound of heavy wood sliding past each other, and then lightly colliding a few times because of insufficient strength.

It sounded like the lid of the coffin was moving.

He Wenzhi had heard this sound before. After Ah Qian hurried downstairs, the sound of the coffin lid seemed to be lifted in the hall.

And now, the coffin lid seems to be moving again.

He Wenzhi didn't think about it anymore, just opened the door and walked out.

He didn't know if there was anything ghostly outside, but there must have been something inside the house.


Just as I walked to the door, I could hear the sound of dripping water coming from the direction of the stairs.

The whole house was so dark that it was almost impossible to reach out.

Ah Qian said he couldn't turn on the light because his grandfather didn't like it.

He Wenzhi reached out and touched the wall, but couldn't find the switch, and then simply gave up turning on the light.

After all, if there is really something, that thing is afraid of light, then turning on the light will scare the other party away.

If that's the case, then get in the dark.

Anyway, with his current strength, he still has some night vision capabilities.

In this dark and silent environment, He Wenzhi's eyes flickered with dim light.

He walked forward lightly, first going up to the third floor to see the situation.

The sound of footsteps just now seemed to have stayed on the third floor for a while.

Just after coming to the third floor, there are unrenovated rooms on the left and right sides, and even the doors have not been installed.


The window of the room was only covered with plastic skin, thinking hula hula in the wind and rain.

The sound of dripping water just now seemed to come from here.

He Wenzhi checked both rooms, and it was almost the same situation.

Those plastic skins are directly nailed to the windows, because the glass windows have not been installed, so they can only temporarily block the wind and rain.

The sound of dripping water was still ringing intermittently, and He Wenzhi left the third floor.

Standing in the corridor on the second floor, he went to the kitchen to take another look.

The dining table was cleaned up, the things in the cupboard were neatly arranged, and there was a two-tier refrigerator next to it.

He Wenzhi hesitated and decided to open the refrigerator.

At the moment when the refrigerator was opened, there were some soft noises, and the faint light in the refrigerator shone out, illuminating a corner of the kitchen.

At the same time, the light also reflected on He Wenzhi's face, which looked a little gloomy.

I thought there would be something in the refrigerator, but it looked pretty clean inside, just a few steamed buns and some leftovers that hadn't been eaten yet.

Gently closing the refrigerator, the whole kitchen fell into darkness once again.

However, at the moment when the light was about to completely dissipate, He Wenzhi seemed to catch a glimpse of a dark shadow from the corner of his eyes, and flashed quickly from the door of the kitchen towards a mouth.

He Wenzhi's eyes froze for a moment, and he stepped out of the kitchen in a single step.


The sound of dripping water sounded again, and this time it was extraordinarily clear.

Looking carefully, there was actually a wet clothes hanging above the laundry pool on the first floor.

There was some stagnant water in the laundry pool, and water droplets kept falling on the wet clothes, dripping into the stagnant water in the laundry pool.

Just seeing this scorpion, He Wenzhi suddenly thought of the seven strange people he had seen before.

Isn't that what those people are wearing?

Moreover, there is also a bamboo hat on the edge of the washing pool.

So, is one of those seven people coming in?

Looking at the shadow that I vaguely saw just now, it seems to be the size of the seven people walking behind.

He Wenzhi quickly went downstairs, came to the edge of the laundry pool, stretched out a hand, and made a simple test with yang fire.

There is nothing unusual about this mino coat and bamboo hat.

After checking here, He Wenzhi came to the hall.

This coffin, which was placed there obliquely, was very intriguing from the very beginning.

If there are no dead people at home, why put a coffin in the center of the hall?

Moreover, if it is a big house, why is it that only Ah Qian lives alone?

Speaking of which, it is actually a custom to place coffins like this in the hall of the house.

This kind of custom has been seen in the previous life when it was still on the earth.

That was his hometown. When the elder in the neighbor's house died when he was a child, the body would not be buried immediately, but would be left at home for a while.

As for how to put it, it is naturally placed obliquely like this.

In the very center of the hall, the coffin was tilted, facing the gate.

The corpses were neatly placed inside, also facing the gate.

At that time in the previous life, He Wenzhi was still young, and he didn't understand this very well at all.

One day after school, he passed by the door of his neighbor's house, and when he saw that the door was opened with a gap of 40 to 50 centimeters, he took a curious look inside.

In the end, what he saw was the corpse of the neighbor's grandfather, who was lying in the coffin with his eyes closed, facing him slantingly.

At that time, because the hall was relatively dark, the overall feeling was not very good. At first glance, it was as if the neighbor's grandfather was standing there with his eyes open.

As a neighbor, He Wenzhi knew that his grandfather had passed away.

It's just that he didn't understand these customs, and when he saw this scene, he was immediately stunned.

There was an inexplicable chill under his feet that rushed straight to his forehead, his scalp was numb, and goose bumps were crawling all over his body.

At that time, He Wenzhi remembered that he was almost frightened, so he ran home without looking back, and then told the adults about it.

It was also at that time that he realized that this was a custom and that he was waiting for the first seven.

It's just that this way of placing corpses is indeed too scary.

Fortunately, it was still daytime. If this happened at night, wouldn't it really scare people to death?

It was also because of this that He Wenzhi discovered that a coffin was placed in the hall of Ah Qian's house like this.

It's just that Ah Qian insisted that his grandfather was not dead, so there was no one else in Ah Qian's family, so who was lying in this coffin?

dong dong!

Just when He Wenzhi was thinking about the coffin, he didn't know that there was another voice coming from the coffin.

It seemed that something was inside and accidentally bumped into the sound.

Hearing such a movement, He Wenzhi didn't hesitate any more, he quickly came to the hall, and reached out to push open the coffin lid.

Just when He Wenzhi pushed open a small slit, a faint light came out of the coffin.

At the same time, there was a rancid smell.

It seems to be the smell of some rotten meat.

"No!" He Wenzhi frowned, "This is the smell of a corpse!"

At this moment, the coffin lid was completely pushed open, but when he saw the scene inside, He Wenzhi was a little surprised.

The one lying in the coffin turned out to be Ah Qian!

Moreover, he turned on a flashlight in the coffin, holding a piece of meat full of the smell of rotting corpse and chewing.

This seems to be the meat of some animal!

Seeing this scene, He Wenzhi suddenly remembered that when Ah Qian brought him food, there was a lot of meat in that plate.

At that time, He Wenzhi didn't move, it just felt weird, but he couldn't tell for a while.

Because the meat in the dish has been processed and a lot of ingredients have been added, the rest of the abnormal smell has been masked.

It is also because of this that although it was strange at the time, it was impossible to immediately say where it was.

At the same time, when the lid of the coffin was opened, in addition to the smell of rotting corpse, He Wenzhi also smelled another breath.

The faint fragrance, like the seductive fragrance of a woman.

This is the fragrance of cosmetics, but for some reason, He Wenzhi suddenly felt that it would be more appropriate to describe it with the fragrance of rouge gouache?

It's just that in this coffin, why is there the aroma of a woman's body?

It was clearly A Qian who was eating carrion lying inside.

And at this moment, Ah Qian's gnawing of meat also stopped.

He stared at He Wenzhi with a pair of eyes, his eyes were full of bloodshots, and these bloodshots were still spreading, and they were about to cover his entire face.

At this time, his body suddenly trembled, as if struggling.

His expression also became more and more weird, sometimes terrifying, sometimes struggling to survive, and sometimes pitiful.

He Wenzhi also looked down at him. From the very beginning, he had already sensed that there was a bit of evil in Ah Qian. Now, it seems that he is indeed a villain.

Without too much hesitation, He Wenzhi stretched out his hand to slap off the rotten flesh on Ah Qian's hand, and at the same time used the yang fire to dispel the evil spirit on his body.

But the moment He Wenzhi reached out, Ah Qian suddenly resisted.

In any case, he didn't want to let He Wenzhi take away his rotten flesh.

He opened his mouth wide and kept stuffing it into his mouth, without even chewing it, he swallowed indiscriminately.

While eating, he said wholeheartedly: "No...you can't take it...I can't come out...I will die... Come out...I will be taken away..."

Seeing this scene, He Wenzhi frowned.

But at this time.

A cold wind suddenly blew, and a soft and gloomy female voice appeared in He Wenzhi's left ear indifferently, as if speaking against his ear.

"Finally... I found you!"

Hearing this voice, He Wenzhi was also agitated.

【Mental Power +1】

I haven't been frightened for a long time and my mental strength has increased.


For a while, as if it was a conditioned reflex, He Wenzhi's body suddenly stirred up a heat wave, and a punch swept directly towards the outstretched hand.

The power of this punch, combined with the force of twisting and spinning, even a cow would be beaten to death.



A crisp voice sounded, and a cold touch came.

With this punch, He Wenzhi could clearly perceive that he had hit a soft, boneless, petite person.

Turning his head to look, he saw a small girl who looked innocent and cute, and was estimated to be less than 1.5 meters tall.

She covered her left chest with one hand, and said angrily, "The little handsome guy is so bad, you're beating up there!"

He Wenzhi's eyes narrowed, he didn't care what the other party said at all, and the force under his feet was another burst.

Although this girl looks petite and cute, and at the same time has a figure that is not inferior to Han Yuluo, but she has easily caught He Wenzhi's punch just now.

It was also because of this that He Wenzhi no longer had any reservations, the milky white flame rose up in an instant, and the thunder light jumped out at this moment.

An electric arc appeared in his hand and flashed straight towards the petite girl.

Hearing a screeching sound, the girl dodged to hide, but in the end she was hit by lightning.

There was no injury, but the clothes on the left arm connected to the shoulder burst instantly, and the whole arm was exposed to the air like this.

At the same time, at the moment when the other party avoided the lightning, He Wenzhi kicked her in the chest with a kick.


The girl flew upside down and smashed through the door of Ah Qian's house.

Her strength is not weak, and if she fights indoors, the damage will definitely not be small.

Now only a door has been broken, but at least the battlefield has also been transferred to the outside world.

It's just that when He Wenzhi, who was bubbling with steam all over his body and exuding white light, also walked out, his footsteps stopped for a moment.

He stared straight at the girl in front of him. Although she had long hair and a body that was not inferior to Han Yuluo, her appearance was so similar to Han Yumeng.

Han Yumeng has shoulder-length short hair and a very weak figure. These two points are completely different from this girl, but they look the same, and the smell on their bodies...

I was in the hall just now, and it was pitch black inside. Even with night vision ability, the outline of the facial features was only an outline.

Now there are street lights outside, and with the white light on He Wenzhi's body, he can see it clearly.

Although the girl gave a savage kick, she was fine, but the clothes on her chest also burst into pieces, revealing the pink breast wrapping.

She covered her chest with one hand and stood under a tree, looking very shy.

"I've been looking for you for a long time... I just met, are you going to treat me like this? Do you have to hit my chest every time?"


A thunder suddenly resounded in the sky, and the white thunder light once again illuminated the surroundings.

In that instant, He Wenzhi could see clearly.

This young girl had this circle of purple scars on her neck, like a long, ferocious centipede wrapped around her neck.

Moreover, there are also such traces at the junction of her exposed arm and torso.

He Wenzhi understood what these scars were. He had seen them more than once before, and they were all stitches.

Because...that's all sewn on!

This is a sewing girl!

But she has the exact same face as Han Yumeng, and she is about the same height.

"Who are you?" He Wenzhi said, but an idea appeared in his mind.

"Who are you asking me? I've been looking for you, but have you forgotten me?" The girl had a sad look on her face, but she suddenly laughed: "But when I see you, I also It's surprising, it's really unexpected, I didn't expect you to..."

Before the girl could speak, there was another thunder in the sky.

Under this rainy night, those people who were wearing mink clothes and bamboo hats and standing neatly in a row appeared again.

They were so straight and stiff on the side of the road, but there were only six of them.

At this time ~lightnovelpub.net~ A voice came from the hall of Ah Qian's house.

"Good grandson...good grandson...grandpa came to find you...good grandson...it's time for you to replace grandpa..."

He Wenzhi turned his head to look, only to see a scrawny, like a skinny monkey-like black shadow, even pulling his limbs on the edge of the coffin, facing Ah Qian inside, and said in a sinister voice. talking.

Ah Qian was trembling all over, unable to say a word, and there was only lingering fear on her face.

He reached out to grab the lid of the coffin so that it could be closed again.

But at this moment, no matter how he stretched out his hand, he could never catch it.

"tmd! Get out of here!"

Seeing this scene, He Wenzhi suddenly cursed angrily, and charged forward with Thunder and Fire.
