I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 268: Nord: The great Lord will burn all with

  Chapter 268 Nord: The great Lord will use the fire of purgatory to burn everything!

Raider, Hamm and the others were stunned by the sudden change in the situation. They couldn't see the scene of the blasting artillery firing in the valley, they could only hear the continuous sound of artillery fire. I can see clearly.

These people just put something like long sticks in their hands horizontally in front of them, and pressed a small pull ring, and a burst of fire burst out with a loud noise, and then those fierce cavalrymen fell off their horses one by one. down.

   "Your Excellency Lynn, what kind of weapon is this? Is it the power of magic?" Raedel asked curiously.

   "No, it should be said that this is the power of technology!" Lynn said with a smile.

   "Technology?" Redleton paused, with a blank expression on his face.

   "That's right!" Lynn nodded, "Actually, to put it bluntly, whether it's a musket or a cannon, in the end it's just throwing stones with greater strength!"

  Ham, who was eavesdropping on the side, had a very strange expression. He felt that this mysterious adult must be joking. How could such a powerful weapon be associated with throwing stones.

  Philip and the others also had dumbfounding expressions on their faces, but they couldn't refute Lynn's words. After all, what the other party said was correct. The principle of muskets is to use the impact force generated by flames and explosions to throw stones!

   "How about it, do you see anything?" Lin En asked with a straight face.

   "The number of musketeers is still too small. If the cavalry hadn't retreated just now, they might have rushed over..." Orlando said in a deep voice.

  The effective range of the flintlock gun is only about 80 to 90 meters. For the cavalry, it is a matter of charging. If the double deterrence of the artillery and the musket did not make those people lose their courage, they would probably cause a lot of casualties.

   "The speed of fire is the biggest shortcoming of this thing. It would be great if it could load two or even three projectiles at once!" Orlando said with emotion.

  Philip shook his head. He felt that the flintlock gun was already a perfect creation. If it could fire multiple shots, wouldn't that skilled gunner be more powerful than many wizard apprentices or even a ring wizard.


   "Don't panic, those believers of the evil gods will not be rampant for long, the great Lord of the Stars is watching us from the flaws of the Kingdom of God, those who died heroically will gain eternal glory in the Kingdom of God of the Lord..."

  On the other side of the battlefield, Grand Duke Rickman shouted loudly, trying his best to maintain the order of the legion, but his voice trembled slightly, apparently his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

  At this moment, Rickman is already on the verge of riding a tiger.

Because this operation is related to the throne, when he assembled the army to go south to crusade, he reorganized the army with the mentality of holding the lion and fighting the rabbit with all his strength. Two thousand cavalry.

   This kind of power is more than enough to deal with a small miner riot, even as the main force to conquer a kingdom!

Who would have imagined that thousands of well-trained regular soldiers armed with strange weapons suddenly popped up among those ragged miners, and beat his cavalry regiment to pieces. They bombarded...

   The cavalry brigade, which fled in a hurry, finally returned to the queue successfully, but it paid the price of nearly half of the casualties.

  Most people died from the blows of muskets and artillery, but many people fell under the stampede of their teammates and the collision when they fled...

  Seeing these people's plight, Joyce's forehead broke out in cold sweat. Fortunately, the reckless Johnson saved him, otherwise he would be the one who died on the battlefield now.

   But before Joyce could rejoice, Rickman had already grabbed his collar and said viciously. "Earl Joyce, is this the miner riot you told me about?"

  So many wizards and a legion of thousands of people appeared in the earl at the same time, mixed with those rioting miners, Joyce, as the lord, could never be unaware of it!

  And thinking about it now, how could it be possible to drive Joyce, who is a lord, out of his territory with just some unorganized miners. This is clearly the help of those evil gods behind the scenes!

  Joyce didn’t mention all the information. Rickman couldn’t help wondering if the other party was a spy sent by the second prince.

   A kind of nobles present also wished to kill Joyce alive on the spot.

   Facing the Grand Duke's questioning, Joyce was also speechless. After all, he really knew nothing about the forces behind these miners.

"Now is not the time to question the crime, Rickman, first find a way to end this battle, and then slowly settle it after returning..." Archbishop Nord said in a deep voice, and the priests behind him set up a strong barrier of divine arts , blocked the incoming artillery fire.

   But they obviously can't take care of every part of the battlefield, they can only shelter a small piece in the center of the battlefield.

  The sound of gunfire is continuous, and Nord is also very anxious. Is it possible that the magic of these wizards is unlimited?

   Rickman pushed Joyce away in annoyance, and then he calmed down a little, and asked solemnly. "Bishop Nord, do you have a way to use magic to destroy those wizards hiding in the valley?"

   This is the key to breaking the game!

   As for those Musketeers with weird weapons? After the initial horror, Rickman quickly noticed a shortcoming of this weapon, that is, the range was less than 100 meters.

   Once the cavalry brigade crossed this distance, the weapons in their hands would no longer be able to break through the armor, and the musketeers would stop shooting immediately.

  The effective throwing distance of the longbow is about 130 meters. They can take advantage of the long-range throwing of bows and arrows to fight back with bows and arrows where the opponent cannot hit.

Then, the heavy armored infantry with shields advanced slowly, fixed in front to attract the attention of these people, and the remaining thousand cavalry attacked from both wings, driving away the miners and letting them squeeze the musketeers inside , interfere with their actions...

The battle-tested Rickman is undoubtedly keen. After calming down, he quickly thought of a way to deal with it, but the most important problem is to stop these round bullets constantly flying from the valley, otherwise their long-term Archers simply can't stand still.

  Nolde was thinking about what kind of magic could span a distance of hundreds of meters, but still retain enough power.

   "We can beg the great Lord to send down the last judgment, and use the eternal fire of purgatory to burn everything, but...we need some time to get the mercy of the Lord!" Nord said slowly.

  (end of this chapter)