I Made the Myth Template

Chapter 212: Think Tank Enicorn

Lost City.

The Lost City at this time was very different from when Adam fell into a deep sleep.

At dusk, red light is everywhere.

Beyond the island, layers of black sea waves lapped the shore, splattering with white foam.

On the periphery of the Lost City, there are a total of three circular city walls.

Within each city wall, there are many defensive, military and industrialized buildings of various functions.

The dark towers are inserted into the sky, and the shell made of metal and crystal has sharp edges and corners, and the energy paths flicker in the shadows, as if breathing.

over a month.

Sirens and other evil creatures have launched no less than ten attacks.

However, with the addition of the Attas monks such as McNee, and the recovery of some defensive buildings, more than ten attacks were successfully repelled by the monks.

Not only that.

During this period of time, McNee and the others also sneaked into the surrounding dark islands many times while taking advantage of the neutral position of repelling the Kraken.

A large number of weapons and resources were seized.

Of course, to say that this period of time, the most precious harvest.

That's the think tank, Enicorn.

In the Athas Psionic Legion in the Golden Age, those fighting monks with steel bodies are mainly divided into two types according to the direction of strengthening.

Among them, the largest number.

It is the combat monks like company commander McNee, technical priest Kenny, martial arts instructor Ales and recruit Kahn.

Different combat monks also have their own areas of expertise.

Some are good at psionic assassination, some are good at suppressing firepower, and some are good at close combat... These Athas monks can change the victory of a local war only by their own power.

On the other hand, a small number of psionicists are called think tanks.

Think Tanks, like Brother Artas, are powerful psionicists, but the difference between the two is.

Brother Arthas excels in frontal combat.

And think tanks are better at remote manipulation.

In a big war, they play the role of commanders, and their powerful psychic abilities can process thousands of pieces of information at the same time with the addition of special breeding equipment.

This also means.

In the golden age and the battle of aliens.

The order of transmission of combat orders is not from the commander-in-chief to the grass-roots captain to the soldiers.

Rather, the commander passes it directly to the soldier.


Think tanks can not only convey orders. With the blessing of psionic power and supercomputers, think tanks can analyze the battlefield situation faster and more accurately than any human commander.

If it is said that ordinary Athas monks can change the situation of a local battlefield.

Well, the addition of a think tank.

Often a battle involving hundreds of thousands of troops can be reversed.

Unfortunately, if you want to become a think tank, the requirements for psionic energy are too harsh. Moreover, the operation to convert a psionicist into a think tank has always had a low success rate due to technical reasons.

So, even in the golden age.

The number of think tanks is only a dozen.

McNee and others were able to find a think tank locked in a frozen warehouse in an abandoned command post.

Simply lucky.

"The battle is about to begin, Your Highness Enikoen, are you ready?"

The innermost wall.

The fourth company commander, McNee, in a tall dark blue breeding suit with a laurel crown and a majestic face like a lion stepped up the stairs. The heavy breeding suit collided with the city wall, causing a slight vibration.

The hole in the center of the third city wall has been repaired.

Think Tank Eni Kone is now in an inconspicuous command room on the city wall.

Feeling the violent psionic fluctuations like thunder in McNee, the closed door of the command room opened with a rumbling sound.

However, in the room of more than ten square meters, there is no light.

But the slightly small command room was not dim, and the psionic brilliance like water waves swayed and fell on McNee's sharp-edged iron surface.

The source of the brilliance is a girl full of mechanical texture.

Think Tank Eni Kone.

It's different from the main battle costumes like McNee.

Eni Kone is wearing a silver dress and a light blue helmet, and the whole body exudes silver-gray spots like star dust.

Regardless of height or size, Eni Kone is no different from a girl of sixteen or seventeen.

It's just a few tiny traces of metal transformation on the arms and neck.

Let this think tank exude an inhuman beauty.

Enicone's eyes were covered by the metal helmet, only revealing a high nose bridge and a perfectly curved chin.

She nodded slightly towards McNee.

In an instant, an invisible connection appeared between them.

Through this psychic link, all aspects of information that happened in the battlefield can be transmitted to McNee in time.

Not only that.

If necessary, all the defense facilities in the entire city can be mobilized by the think tank Enikoen.

in this way.

In the hands of think tanks, war is like a work of art.

Flawless, without the slightest blemish.

"I can feel, Lord, that I'm about to wake up..." Eni Kone's ethereal voice echoed in McNee's consciousness.

The company commander subconsciously looked in the direction of the Sunset Hall at dusk.

Through the skylight above the command room, McNee saw the top of the spire, emitting unstable psionic energy waves, the surrounding low-slung and rolling clouds were instantly dissociated by this energy, and a brilliant arc flashed. fleeting.

That huge spiritual energy is like a blazing sun.

Just standing at a distance and seeing it, there is a feeling of being burned.


McNea seemed to have found the backbone.

Subconsciously relieved.

"If Lord Adam wakes up, this war will be more assured." McNee replied.

As the company commander of the 4th Company.

Among all the Athas monks who have survived to this day.

McNee is the oldest besides Adam.

He knew very well how terrifying the talent and strength displayed by the Rooter known as the Ancestor of Myriad Machines during the battle at the end of the Golden Age.

Even in sleep for hundreds of years.

Some of McNee's memories have gradually been forgotten, but something is still an instinctive existence, inscribed in his psionic energy.

"Lord, please shelter us."

Enicone clasped her fists in front of her chest and prayed softly.

With the last ray of sunshine gradually dissipated.

The originally calm sea gradually began to boil, and one after another, dark and ferocious figures showed their heads from the icy water.

The bony skeletons rubbed against each other, the steel-covered tails and scales collided with each other, and sparks appeared.

appear in seawater.

Impressively, a monster that looks like a steel dragon skeleton.

"It's a thorn dragon. I didn't expect these things to appear again."

as a think tank.

Compared with the other Arthas monks, Enikoen's memory is much better preserved.

Only with the help of the peripheral cameras of the Lost City, part of the blurry picture transmitted.

Enicorn had already recognized the origin of these monsters.

Thorn Dragon.

Not the Kraken tribe.

It is a creature that hatches from the nest.

This kind of individual between steel and living things, simply born for war, is extremely fast, has strong explosive power, and has a good long-range attack ability.

Among the Hive Fleet, it belongs to the more elite main station arms.

Even the well-equipped monk Attas has to be careful when he encounters these guys.

"Watch out for the mouths and tails of these guys, they have breath weapons in them."

The psionic energy on Enicorn shook violently like a storm.

One after another information related to the thorn dragon.

It was clearly introduced into the consciousness of each Athas monk, "The weakness of the thorn dragon lies in the spine, destroying the spine can make them paralyzed. In addition, even if the heads of these monsters are exploded, it is difficult to It works very well.”


At the same time that Enicorn gave the order.

The first batch of thorn dragons to appear can no longer suppress Nai's desire to kill.

The central tower, which is wrapped in layers of city walls, is like a mouse facing the cake to them.

Full of fatal attraction.

The insect nest created these insects and invested them in the perception world at any cost.

commands to them.

It is to swallow the last remaining industrial civilization crystallization from the golden age and turn it into a part of the worm nest.

One after another blazing fire, across the dark sky.

The huge mushroom cloud of flames upstream suddenly exploded outside the wall and landed in the middle of the swarm, sending dozens of thorn dragons flying.

But swarms are terrifying creatures.

The threat to humans is even higher than that of demons.

They devour everything in inexhaustible quantities, without fear, without thinking, but governed by the desire to devour.

During the initial contact with the swarm fleet.

Humanity has failed miserably.

For every swarm unit destroyed, more than a dozen worms will be born elsewhere.

It is a flesh and blood creature, an existence that is absolutely invincible.

To some extent.

The birth of the Athas Mechanical Psionic Legion, to a large extent, also came into being due to the enormous pressure brought by the swarm.


Until these superhuman mechanical warriors joined the front line of war.

Human beings were barely able to regain their disadvantage from the hands of the insect swarm.

Of course, in the vast universe, there are too many powerful hunters. Although the old batch of psionicists made great sacrifices, the final outcome still remained unchanged.

That said.

But the hatred for the swarm is also engraved in the inheritance of Atas mechanical warriors.

After seeing the figure of the swarm on the big screen in the control room.

McNea felt the psionic energy all over his body, and he felt restless and seemed to be boiling. Every metal element on the steel plant is urging him to join the battlefield and smash the incoming enemy.

"protect yourself."

McNee instructed Enicone.

Enikoen is very young and full of energy in her psychic energy. She was born in the last years of the Golden Age. In McNee's eyes, Enikoen is no different from his younger generation.

"I understand, you have to protect yourself too."

Enicorn is always concerned about every detail on the battlefield, and his psychic power is running at a high speed, processing and classifying tens of thousands of information.

at the same time.

Not forgetting to use psionic communication, he replied to Captain McNee with a soft voice.


McNee nodded and turned away.

Leaving the think tank Eni Kone with a tall figure.

The door of the think tank closed with a rumbling sound. At this moment, it was raining heavily on the island, and the rain was beating on the steel, making a rustling sound.

Enicorn sensed the battlefield in front of him, and the vast, dark sea beyond.

For some reason, a faint feeling of irritability rose in her heart, making it difficult for her to completely calm down.


In the sunset hall at dusk.

Adam, who was looking at the log, paused slightly and looked out of the dark and gloomy window.

The thorn dragon invaded, and there was a lot of noise.

Even in the center of the heavily protected island, with the perception improvement brought about by Adam's abundant psychic energy at the moment, he can detect the strangeness on the battlefield.


Adam withdraws his attention from the outside battlefield.

The addition of the think tank has made the combat effectiveness of these Athas cultivators soar.

Although the thorn dragon is powerful.

But Adam is very confident in the strength of these veterans.

It is not in a hurry to join the battlefield, but plans to spend a few minutes to adjust its equipment.

A standard Athas friar.

The source of strength is mainly divided into two parts, the main part is one's own spiritual energy.

The secondary part is the breeding equipment and various weapons.

At lower psionic levels, weapons and colonies play a greater role. However, with the growth of psionic energy, various supernatural powers awaken and recover, and the focus of the Attas monk's combat power will also shift to the increase and strengthening of psionic energy.

After entering the second psionic level.

Adam has a lot of spiritual energy, but the level of spiritual energy is still a bit low.

Coupled with the feature that Void Psionics can equip multiple clones at the same time, Adam's reliance on equipment is also much higher than that of ordinary Attas cultivators.

Fortunately, in the past month or so.

McNee and others found some well-preserved equipment in the outer islands.

Among them are many rare quality breeding items.

Otherwise, if he were to draw ~lightnovelpub.net~ Su Heng's remaining 1,000 real points from the Void Myriad Treasures, he would not necessarily be able to draw the equipment he needed.

After some selection.

Adam combines one fine quality and two rare quality stencils.

The high-quality template, named [Shadow Juggernaut], is an upper-level enhancement type of [Juggernaut] clone.

Because the equipment that can be selected at present is limited, the other two breeding equipment, all choose the special type of defense type [Dervish] breeding equipment.


Adam also didn't choose anything too fancy.

It's just a fine quality bolter, called Death Knell, with two design modes, which can fire bursts at ranged enemies, or shrapnel at close range enemies.

Or one hit kill.

Or, use the torrent of steel to crush the opponent into pieces.

The other weapon is an ordinary rune power sword. Power swords are of average quality, but excellent quality and durable.

Under the active blessing of Adam's Void Spiritual Energy, ordinary power swords can still explode with impressive power.

At this moment.

Adam in the fusion state of the three templates has exceeded five meters in height.

In the sunset hall at dusk.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows slowly opened in front of the steel giant.

The dark rainstorm, under the abundant spiritual energy, went upstream, and arcs of light spewed out from the gaps in the breeding equipment, condensing behind Adam, like a translucent energy cloak, hunting and flying in the wind.

"After three hundred years, the battlefield is still the same."

Adam sighed.

Seeing the swarm of insects surging in front of him, it was as if the memory of the past reappeared in front of him.

He shook his head, throwing away the painful memories of the past.

Then jumped up and joined the **** battlefield.